Local Government TV

Thursday, October 20, 2016

My Absentee Ballot

As a matter of full disclosure, I am providing a copy of my absentee ballot.  If Hillary wins by one vote, you can blame me. I also voted for Pat Toomey (US Senate) Matt Cartwright (Congress), Eugene DePasquale (Auditor General), Joe Torsella (Treasurer), Joe Rafferty (Attorney General). For my State House District, I gave Ann-Marie Panellaa write-in. I voted to extend the mandatory retirement age for judges and to ease Home Rule Charter requirements for advertising. And yes, I did miss a question.

Please don't send any comments concerning the Presidential race.  

I completely disagree with Toomey on most issues, but he gets my vote because he's his own man while Katie McGinty is a partisan hack who is there to do what Papa Ed Rendell tells her. If Sestak were the nominee, I would have voted for him.

Controller Steve Barron and I have a bet on this race. If Toomey wins, he will have to prance around the courthouse in his kilt for a day, and I will bury him on this blog. But if McGinty wins, I have to wear a kilt.I have contacted a tentmaker, and he has sent away for lots of canvas.

The Cartwright-Connolly race is a no-brainer for me. Connolly is a likable guy with some pretty incredible views. He believes in shutting government down, etc. I prefer grow-ups.

In the AG race, a prefer Republican Rafferty,  the guy who actually knows what a courtroom looks like, as opposed to someone who has never tried a case, and who will use the office as a springboard to run for something else.

For Auditor General, I like Eugene DePasquale, who has been effective and tough.

For Treasurer, Ambassador Joe Torsella, who refused to let Rendell browbeat him into dropping his support of Bernie Sanders.

For state house, I am writing in Ann-Marie Panella Incumbent Joe Emrick is completely nontransparent, and Mattei is an occasional voter with financial problems who was not even registered as a Democrat when I last checked.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. No Trump-Clinton remarks will be accepted. I've had enough. There are other races. Talk about them, if you can.

  3. I understand some of your picks but I just don't know how you can vote for any of the demonic-rats.

  4. Yo Bernie, I respect your wish about the Presidential race. You have done some good pieces on how "fixing" an election for President is not something easily accomplished due to the local control of elections.
    However, based on the comments of a candidate last night claiming that they may not respect the outcome of the election, I hope you could address that before the election.
    My concern is neither Democrat or Republican. Anything short of the phenomenal occurrence in the 2000 election, should not deter the loser of the election from conceding. To cast doubts on the peaceful transfer of power is detrimental to the very fabric of our republic. I am amazed I heard the statement and still have trouble comprehending it.
    Whatever political persuasion one is if we are told by a major party candidate to lose faith in the election process we are on a very dangerous path.

  5. Does the advertisement question relieve the administrator of the personnel merit system of establishing an internal hiring/promotion list?

  6. why are you voting absentee, you seem to be present?

  7. He is a poll worker, and has been for several elections. So while you complain Bernie actually works to ensure a fair election is run in NORCO

  8. You are eligible for an Absentee Ballot if you are a registered voter who is unable to go to the polls due to illness, physical disability, or because you will be absent from your municipality. You will be at the Poll and should not be allowed an absentee ballot.

  9. At least you didn't vote for useless Brown, McGinty the puppet, or sleeping Emrick. Your not that nuts!

  10. It's really awesome that you're posting this, Bernie. Thank you for the full disclosure!

  11. Bernie, cleanup in isle @5:13. Some people just can not follow the rules.

  12. "Does the advertisement question relieve the administrator of the personnel merit system of establishing an internal hiring/promotion list?"

    No, it is awkwardly phrased. basically, it relieves the county of a Charter requirement that it advertise these positions in a newspaper. The idea is to make better use of the Internet. It is poorly written, and there is no explanation.

  13. "why are you voting absentee, you seem to be present?"

    I am an elections worker and will be out of my district the entire day.

  14. You really think Toomey is "his own man"?

  15. Yes, I do. he bucked the NRA and refuses to hop aboard the Trump train. Katie McGinty, in contrast, was propped up by the party machine precisely bc she can be controlled.

  16. Toomey is a tool of the Club for Growth and a puppet for Wall Street. he is a disgrace.

  17. In the booth on election day, is it possible to leave the presidential choice blank and fill out the rest of the races? Or does this trigger an error?

  18. Yes, You can choose not to vote for any of the presidential choices and vote in the down ballot races. That triggers no error. You can choose to vote in no race at all, and leave them all blank. That is your right.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.