Local Government TV

Thursday, October 20, 2016

No Financial Irregularities in Tidd's Courtroom

Though David Tidd has resigned as a  Magisterial District Judge, the state Judicial Conduct Board still wants to string him up, based mostly on the testimony of an ex-secretary whose own conduct has never received the attention it deserves. This is like digging someone up after he's dead and killing him again.

While that witchhunt continues, people began to whisper that there must be financial irregularities in the office. What other reason could there be for slamming a judge who simply took a nap in his robe or who once threw a nonworking pen?

Well, there are no irregularities. Controller Steve Barron told Northampton County Council yesterday that he has audited the office, and nothing is amiss.


  1. The State Judicial Conduct Board simply wants to make sure this conceded idiot never serves in this capacity again. If he wasn't guilty, why would he resign from an easy $89,000 a year post? The minor judiciary has seen jerks like this before; and they are all attorneys! If they are good attorneys, they don't need that job.

  2. No one ever questioned the ability of his "staff" to do their work. Office finances are the ability of his staff to do their job. Tidd's problem is the manner in which he did his job. Making clients out of individuals who came in front of him as a judge is most improper. He turned cases that were in front of him for disposition and hired himself out to those clients as their attorney. This is what bothers the State Judicial Conduct Board. He became a legal/political whore and sold himself for a few measly dollars. Tsk Tsk Tsk and for shame. Also his conduct to and before his staff is could also be considered very unbecoming for a Judge.

  3. the sec'ty who set out to slay Tidd is well known as a troublemaker. She was always nasty to the public when she worked for ralph Litzenberger,and when he stepped down she was moved out of the office for that reason. She went to Tidd's office and began causing trouble there. The conduct Board is looking to collect heads and is drunk on power after taking out a Supreme court justice for naughty emails. Since when is it unethical for a judge to sleep using his robe as a pillow, especially when that judge is sick? The fact that a judge used profanity is unethical? By that standard, every judge should be taken of the bench. The way I look at it, this is a witch hunt. Tidd did make a mistake in representing some people who were before him as a judge. He had guidance, and misinterpreted it.Also, he should not be settling traffic cases unless the police are there to agree. He was willing to resign and that should end the matter. This is not justice, but something else.

  4. Yep and it's no surprise one of the officer's in the complaint making accusations agsinst Tidd is her son who was a cop for Hellertown!

    There is TON going on behind the scenes here that you have no idea about and the misconduct isn't Tidd...it goes to court admin, the office staff and constables at Tidd's making judicial decisions wihtout Tidd's authorization or knowing it was going on. Constable's being paid for a service by the secretaries who were buddies with such...etc..

  5. "This is like digging someone up after he's dead and killing him again."

    Only if he'd lost his license, which he did not. He's free to practice law again and that's a travesty. He is incompetent and should be disbarred. This goes beyond his propensity for taking naps in his robes. He's failed to uphold a code of conduct necessary for our jurist...he's despicable person.

  6. I don't really think anonymous people are in a very good position to judge who is and is not despicable. Whether Tidd should be disbarred is a question for the Disciplinary Board, not some the Judicial Conduct Board.

  7. I know, I know...you think everyone who dares to express an opinion should identify themself. Unfortunately, my employer's interpretation of a certain code of conduct doesn't allow me to do so. That doesn't make my opinions any less valid, as you'd like to believe.

  8. I was at his office on several occasions for prelim hearings. He was nasty to his staff on each occasion and held up the hearing while we all sat in the courtroom and listened to him talk to a mechanic on the phone about replacing a mirror on his vehicle. Each encounter I had with him before he was an MDJ, he was always nasty to everyone.

  9. He's so nasty yet he was elected and then re-elected easily by his constituents. When you talk to some of them they speak pretty highly of David Tidd as being fair and understanding. So Anon 9:44 is either a DA or another attorney? huh? Lol

  10. 6:52, Yeah, it does. When you personally attack someone but can'y say who you are, you're in no position to judge someone else's integrity.

  11. 9:44, That's probably bc you are the employee who started the witch hunt. You were we;; known as a jerk when you worked for Ralp, and managed to con a bunch of head hunters into listening to you, I know better.

  12. 6:52 here...I'm not an elected official and you haven't written a blog about me. If/when you do then I would expect anonymous comments regarding my character and integrity. Fortunately, I believe that most would be positive because that's how I live my life. No so for Mr. Tidd.

  13. You've just demonstrated your lack of character and your cowardice, so I would have nothing positive to say about you. But I have always noticed a sense of pretended moral superiority by those who engage in witch hunts.

  14. Mmmm...k, that's fine. Still doesn't change my opinion of Tidd and if you want to call an anonymous comment expressing my dislike for the man a witch hunt then go for it. I'm not the conduct board, just a lowly public servant who had the unfortunate experience of crossing his path before he was a MDJ.

  15. There's no doubt in my mind that you are lowly. There also is no doubt in my mind that you are one of the witch hunters or you would not be here 1 1/2 days after this story published.

  16. There's no doubt in my mind that you are wrong, sir.


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