Local Government TV

Monday, June 13, 2016

Werner Tells Democratic Faithful He's Running for NorCo Exec

Yesterday, Northampton County Democrats held their annual family picnic at Hugh Moore Park in Easton. During this shindig, Northampton County Council member Bob Werner announced his intention to run in the next Executive race.

Incumbent John Brown is currently running for state Auditor General. If he wins that seat, and that just might happen, Republican Council members will appoint an interim Executive.

State Senator Lisa Boscola is also being begged to run. Before she went into politics, she had six years of experience as a Deputy Court Administrator. If she decides to run, this race is over for everyone. She will win, and will probably ensure that a Democratic Council is elected.


  1. Lamont McClure is the man for exec! Rest are dreaming. Werner needs a flashlight to find council chambers. Boscola is a has been wann a be. End of discussion.

  2. I'd agree that McClure is the best choice should Boscola decide against running. Brown is a servant of NIZ twins JB Reilly and Joe Topper, who have poached Bethlehem businesses. Brown's DCED proudly bragged that it produced 22 jobs, and Werner thanked them. McClure would have taken them apart.

  3. Well, I am supporting Lamont McClure for county executive

  4. As Lin-Manuel Miranda sings in Hamilton, "Just you wait...just you wait".

  5. Werner has been a dedicated councilman, but comes across as a wonkish Mr. Magoo. Forget Boscola. She would have to take a huge cut and give up her expense account gravy train. McClure would not have the patience for the job. Plus he barely won his own district twice. He has the charisma of a snake. Which is the charisma of a lawyer. The Norco dems will have to do better.

  6. Boscola is not running. She thought about it, but the powers that be (her donors) said not a good idea.

    I heard Barron was running. He has cleaned himself up nicely, and has survived county wide against tough competition. Seems like the logical choice.

  7. Barron is the best choice. Young, bright and personable. He would be a refreshing change after the rule of Darth Brownstain.

    1. We can do MUCH better than Barron. Oh good Lord the thought makes me want to watch Peter Pan in an endless loop for three days.

  8. County Executive is a great way for Lisa to conclude her career or Congress if redistricting allows. However, she is far from retirement age. The obvious choice is the person who should have beaten Brown: John Callahan. He will be ready day 1. He is diligent, energetic and will have a team in place to end this not-ready-for-prime-time side show known as the least prepared Executive in the nearly 40 year history of both counties' home rule charter. Go John! And before you haters start: don't!

  9. Don't count out Ron Heckman. Can you imagine a race with Werner, Heckman, Callahan, and McClure all running for Executive. That's where the behind the scenes people come into play. The real power Brokers. The Morganelli supporters and friends, the Seyfried supporters and friends, the Stoffa supporters and friends, etc. etc. Those guys have more friends than all of the Democratic Party put together.

    1. Among this group I would support Rpn Heckman. He has the experience, temperment and knowledge of county government to do an exvellent job.

  10. "The real power Brokers. The Morganelli supporters and friends, the Seyfried supporters and friends, the Stoffa supporters and friends, etc. etc"

    This is laughable. Word on the street is there is dysfunction in the Morganelli circles.

  11. Executive Werner will bestow huge raises on unionized employees and bestow a huge tax increase on county taxpayers. It's really that simple. If you are a unionized employee or a taxpayer who wants to pay a lot more, Werner is your man.

  12. All this speculation is premature since Unity Pac has yet to announce who they will be throwing their support behind.

  13. why would jc quit his well paying cushy job to become the exec - makes no sense

  14. Callahan would be the best choice and would likely win. Plenty of people have learned a lesson about not voting or have buyers remorse about Brown. The problem is he has two kids in college and another on the way and has started a very promising future in development. Not sure he could take the pay cut.

  15. Callahan would be excellent if he wants it. In order of strength, I rate it like this: 1) Boscola, 2) Callahan, 3) McClure, 4) Barron, 5) Werner.

  16. Agreed. Boscola is the strongest candidate. Have to put Callahan as the strong second given he beat Reibman and McClure like a rented Mule in the primary last time.

  17. Alas, BO proves a blind squirrel can find a nut. Indeed electability is 1)Boscola 2)Callahan 3)Heckman if he can raise the money 4)also-rans

  18. Barron, Barron, Barron!! No other choice. I am betting my kilt on it.

  19. Callahan would be most effective. He has the experience running the largest city in the county and would hit the ground running. We suffered enough with the blow hard Brown. No experience and a real disaster from day one. Not sure he is interested at this point.

  20. Lisa hasn't worked a full day in her life. When she worked for Northampton County she was often seen going home early like at 3 or 3:30pm. She wasn`t even smart enough to use the basement exit. What has she done for her constituency? She would be the last person I`d vote for in any political position.

  21. 11:58PM Said "going home early like at 3 or 3:30pm. " Maybe she came in early those days?? Nice to know your watching everybody. Get a life !

  22. Lisa or John are only sure bets. Neither one is interested now. Everyone elsech is in the same ballpsrk. The others have little at large name recognition.

  23. Interesting discussion. Spoke to a few people about this. Neither Lisa or John are interested at this point as has been noted. There is doubt that neither McClure nor Werner can win in a general, since neither have ever run county wide. McClure didn't even run for his District seat since polls had him losing that seat.
    Sources say Barron would be a good choice. However, someone is planning to run, in fact a couple people who are proven vote getters are said to be going regardless, next year.

    Deep in the Rabbit Hole!


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