Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Armstrong and the Blame Game

In his first reaction to the slaughter in Orlando, conservative Scott Armstrong expressed his sympathy for the victims. But since then there have been those who demand gun control or who are intent upon blaming Islamic radicals. My own view is that we need to pay closer attention to mentally unstable people.

Below is Scott's latest essay, in which he contends that democrats have some sort of devious plot to unite the gay and Muslim community against everyone else. I completely disagree with Scott, which necessarily assumes that Islam or gun control advocates are chumps. But I'll run his essay because i believe in a diversity of views and i have no lock on the truth. .

What we are witnessing in the Democratic/Media/Gay Right’s response to the Orlando Terror attack is them pointing the finger of blame at “the majority” for the horrific actions of an Islamic extremist. This is just the latest example of the Democratic Party's long running strategy of gaining and holding electoral power by uniting minority populations against the majority.

This approach is reminiscent of the tactics deployed by European powers in their efforts to colonize the middle east and Africa. They empowered and united the minority populations against the majority population. Once in power the minority populations had no choice but to do the bidding of their colonial masters for if they ever lost power they would be destroyed by the vengeful majority.

Look at Syria today, it is a relic of that system. Assad is the leader of the controlling minority populations, Shiite, Alawis, Druzes, Christians..., against the majority Sunni population. There is no way to surrender without a bloodbath of reprisal. That's why they will fight to the death.

In America the Democratic Party has successfully employed this same strategy. They have united many minority populations on the fact that they are minorities. That is all they have in common, but the Democrats use victimization to unite them against the majority who they portray as "oppressors". This is exactly where America is today and why one minority, “Gays”, will never blame another minority, “Muslims” for anything, even this horrific shooting. Instead everything must be the fault of the majority. Hence the Democrats' answer to a radical Muslim shooting people because they are Gay is gun control. And who is blocking “sensible” gun control? Why it’s the usual suspects, the majority; 2nd amendment supporters/NRA members /The Republican Party/Rural America/ the suburbs.

While this strategy has proven its worth throughout history, it always results in a country divided against itself; the population sorted along base categories such as tribal affiliations, or religion. In our case it is race, gender, religion, sexual preference...How quickly the media and the rest of us have forgotten the term "post-racial". In fact it is now a bad word because certain parties find racial distinctions too valuable to put aside. Now 50 people are dead and another 50 are wounded simply because they were Gay. The Democrats and their collaborators are seeing to it that the blame will not rest just on the shooter but their political opposition as well. It is sad to see Gay leaders acting as mere apparatchiks to such a cynical and self serving political ploy.


  1. The LGBT community cannot be comparmentalized with any political party. They are not sheep that follow the braying of self-serving demagogues like Al Sharpton. They make independent decisions based on a complex series of causes and effects. Hillary and her minions will try to use this tragedy to stigmitize the opposition party. That is insulting the intelligence of free-thinking LGBT voters everywhere. The perpetrator of this heinous act was suicidal. If he had not had access to firearms, he would have walked in there with a bomb and blown the place up with no survivors.

  2. The fatal flaw in Armstrong's argument is that it assumes the LGBT community and other so-called minorities are stupid.

  3. Sounds like Mr. Armstrong is wearing one too many tinfoil hats. I always think its fascinating how many people assume the members of the opposing party somehow all get together, decide on an insidious secret agenda, and then coordinate their actions to put their agenda in place at everyone else's expense. That's just not how anything works.

    I'm a Democrat, and there are plenty of Democrats to both the left and right of me with whom I disagree. And I have Republican friends with whom I share some ground, who I know are not trying to destroy the world. They want the world to be a better place for everyone just like I do, they just see a different path to that goal. I will never understand why people like Scott Armstrong seem more obsessed with blaming a whole political party for shootings like this than trying to find ways to prevent future shootings.

  4. What we need is more Muslim Control. Not more gun control.

  5. So that's what a few decades of breathing paint fumes does to the human brain.

  6. @5:33 it's been reported that Omar Mateen was a registered Democrat.

  7. Never actually met Scott Armstrong, but find him a valuable member of the community. It is obvious, Scott is well-read and analytical. You don't have to agree with him on every issue, but should admire his tenacity under attack, and commend him for having stepped-up to serve in a difficult, unpaid elective office.

    As is now ABUNDANTLY clear, a proper functioning citizenry in a free society requires a diverse system of checks and balances. Scott plays an important role by staying informed and responding to the word around him.

    What happened in Orlando must not be seen through some Democrat/Republican partisan prism. The savage who did that didn't check voter registration cards before firing.

    We are ALL under attack by the menace of RADICAL ISLAM!

    Unfortunately, it WILL be decisions made by political party operatives who determine the degree of success we have in controlling this threat to our chosen way of life. Too many now serving in Washington are self-serving hacks whose real goal is to be re-elected. They won't protect us.

    Research using a wide variety of sources. Build your OWN knowledge base. Our regular news media has been corrupted. There is much going on beneath the surface, here and abroad. Some of it, not comforting.

    Most importantly, speak out!

    Fred Windish

  8. We all know the analogy of the coiled spring, or the spring wound too tight. Well, guess what? America is in the final windings of a spring being coiled beyond its breaking point. It tightens every single time the media or the politicians speak lies to truth. Every time the truth is ignored in any single incident like Orlando or Chattanooga or San Bernadino or Foot Hood, that spring gets wound one turn tighter.

    Americans have been traditionally a very tolerant people, so the spring has taken much more tightening over the last several decades than one would have thought possible. But just as one can’t decree or intone against gravity (or the sea level) because one finds elements of it offensive, so with any reality or truth, one can only assault it for so long. And then comes the unwinding.

    And the unwinding won’t be measured or phased in. It will sudden, and it will be ugly. If I was an American Muslim I would be very concerned about that tightening coiled spring, and all of the help that the American Left has given in its compression. I would run as fast as I possibly could from the Democratic Party. Because trust me, Progressives won’t be anywhere that you can find them when that spring goes.

  9. Radical Islam is the culprit here. It is about time that our government officials acknowledge and recognize this and fight this WAR against the United States of America with all the assets at our availability. But our illustrious President, and his progeny Hillary Clinton, completely miss this fact.

  10. One has to wonder if the uproar and commotion over this mass killing would be so much if Mateen had not shot up a homosexual bar? It's reported he was also surveying a Walt Disney World facility.

    It appears that if a Muslim Terrorist shoots up a church or something not homosexual-related, it's an outrage; however shoot up a homosexual club and all hell breaks loose.

  11. This wasn't a terrorist attack but simply a reaction to a video that went viral painting Muslims in a bad light because they kill gays.

    Obama & Hillary are a pair in denial that have been ineffective in improving the plight of blacks & other minority citizens while advocating for open borders & trade deals that have taken their jobs.

  12. Obama and the democratic party has been the biggest cause of division in this country, while others share some blame, they have intentionally used race, sexual preference and crisis to push their socialist cause. The beauty of the constitution was the 10th amendment, where states could define the path chosen by their citizens in anything not granted to the Federal Government, The democrats and courts have pushed tirelessly to rule the country with the culture of Washington, New York, Chicago, and California. This dictatorship has mostly been enforced by a biased court that has ignored and in most cases does not believe in the Constitution at all. They removed the safety valve of social differences and economic experimentation. They are in effect attempting to have a result that will look something like Detroit. Some suggest it is intentional, because they find America not in the ideal they believe in, others believe they are just ignorant of Human behavior and history. It seems we are reaching the point were we will find out how all this comes out. I do believe we are entering an era that no one will be happy with.

  13. Politicizing this incident is just running away from the problems we face in this country. The issues here are a weak minded individual was seduced and morally corrupted by RADICAL ISLAM and took advantage of our weak GUN CONTROL laws in tandem with under funded government agencies to slaughter 49 human beings and wound countless others.

    Blaming Obama, the NRA, the FBI, the Clintons or FOX News is moronic, self serving bullshit that doesn't solve the problems, but simply entrenches people who dig up excuses and reasons to cast the blame of failure elsewhere. Right Wing, Left Wing, Centrist - We ALL failed for letting this happen.

    Scott from Lower Nazareth

  14. Scott @9:37

    What gun control law do you believe would have stopped this massacre ?

  15. Most people in any given community are stupid,
    why should we think the LGBT community is any different?

  16. This isn't radical islam, it's religious conservative 'values', which include hatred and intolerance toward gays, and it is not isolated to muslims. The two creeps who tied Matthew Shepard to a fence and left him to die weren't muslims, and the only difference between them and this guy is that the guy in Orlando had hisself a nice high powered, high capacity killing machine to make things a little easier and less 'personal'.

    People are falsely claiming this was the worst mass shooting in US history, but that's not true, it was the massacre at Wounded Knee, which was carried out by christians taught to believe the natives were subhumans and heathens who didn't deserve to live.

    You people need to clean out your own closets first.

  17. @10:08 It's been reported that Omar Mateen was both gay and a Democrat.

  18. And as a devout, religious conservative individual, those gay feelings he had most likely tortured him to the point of hating gays and doing what he did.

    If you are trying to imply that by being a democrat that automatically makes him a liberal, you're an idiot. There are no gay hating liberals, racism and bigotry are conservative ideologies.

    Not all conservatives are racists and haters, but all racists and haters are consistently conservative.


  19. Even the most cursory examination of this blog reveals there are racists and haters in ALL ideologies.

  20. Jamie @ 9:47

    No law would have stopped it. There are plenty of laws that could be put in place to have made it more difficult for an individual to perpetrate such an event of that scale. Yes, some of those laws would make it difficult and/or expensive for freedom loving, law abiding citizens to own and collect guns which is a trade off that punishes 99.9% because of .1%, but if that trade off saves any # of lives it would be worth it. I recognize it is a complex and emotional argument for many people, but to stick our heads in the sand and say that our gun laws aren't an issue in this day and age is ignoring too much reality.


  21. @10:38 "No law would have stopped it"

    So your point is useless.

  22. Bravo Scott for being courageous enough to speak your mind in a world of political correctness. As a minority member of society, my family, ancestors & I definitely have experienced racism and oppression by our society and the empty promises of our government. It's through this spectrum of hardship that I learned to take personal responsibility for my actions, to question the government's agenda and to never blindly, trust our political leaders. I always have followed the old adage that actions speak louder than words. Just read the history books! Draw your own conclusions on the gun confiscation and the awful massacre on Lakota Pine Ridge Indian reservation in 1890. The conclusion is obvious, never give up your constitutional rights, particularly the second amendment.

  23. @11:14 Way to read the first sentence! You're getting good at reading and immediately responding! I think everyone who reads the comments here will score this as a "Win" for you. You've added value here. Hold your head high and walk proudly the rest of the day!

  24. Nobody died in Orlando, Sandy Hook, Boston etc. These events are hoaxes~drills played out as live on the masses. Do your own research before believing everything you see on the news. They will not stop until they have your guns. Austerity is coming to the sheep who cant think for themselves. Welcome to the nwo

  25. Wow, some of you are really nutz. No wonder you don't sign your names.

  26. Scott

    Thank you for sharing your views. Even though I don't support them I'm glad you answered my question.

    And to the rest of you. I read this blog less and less because it seems that all it has become is a place for arguing. I know Mr. O'Hare is very tolerant and puts up with it, but acting childish is not advancing your viewpoint one bit. Please try to be civil and polite, it goes a long way, even when hiding behind "Anonymous".

  27. Good, the plan is working.

  28. The echo chamber is loud on this topic.

  29. 10:38 you must be white, raised Christian and now are filled with guilt and false outrage. Yes, compare the Orlando massacre to one that occurred 150 years ago. And an isolated, bullying hate crime that killed one person v. 49. Just to put we Christians in our place. The only religion committing universal atrocities in the world in the MODERN AGE has been radical Islam. By the thousands in the Middle East, Africa, Indonesia, U.S. and elsewhere. Get your head out of the sand.There is no moral equivalency for these mass killings since Nazi Germany and Cambodia.

  30. I hate Lebanese people!!! Go back to Lebanon!

  31. Lebanese people are among the finest on earth, right after the Irish. You are taunting them bc you hate a certain Lebanese priest and have said some ugly things about him.

  32. Lebanon, what is wrong with Lebanon? At least it is better than Tamaqua.

  33. @2:14

    What are you reading? I have no clue what you're saying - where did I compare the Orlando event to anything else or attempt to justify it? How/where did I mention anything about any religion outside of Radical Islam being a contributing factor in my original comment? You seem to be the one filled with outrage...



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