Local Government TV

Monday, June 13, 2016

Easton Gay Activist Earl Ball - "We Will Continue to Dance"

Earl Ball and Timothy Hare
Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, 29, killed 50 people and wounded another 53 at a gay nightclub in Orlando early Saturday in what is being called the worst mass shooting slaughter in the last 34 years. In a call to 911 shortly before the rampage, the gunman swore allegiance to the Islamic State. But if his intention was to strike fear into the hearts of the gay community, the would be terrorist failed.  "We will continue to dance," said Easton activist Earl Ball during a vigil attended by close to 70 people last night at Easton's Centre Square, as darkness began to fall.  "We're going to continue to dance and live our lives freely."

Ball and his husband, Timothy Hare, were supposed to visit New York City yesterday to celebrate Hare's birthday. They decided instead to organize a Centre Square remembrance.
We are shocked by this morning's mass murder at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Now we are all Orlandoians in our hearts. 
Let us join hands in the circle, sharing our heartfelt pulse of love to those that lost their lives and those grieving the loss of their loved ones.

Without speeches or microphones, we'll stand together in compassionate silence. Siimply put, there are no words.
Ball and Hare said they called for this vigil because they needed the community support, and they got it. Nobody minded being photographed together.  

"It's our 9-11," said Hare.

One gay young man, accompanied by his father, was until recently a resident of the Orlando area. He was a visitor at Pulse, the popular gay nightclub where the attack occurred.

He is still waiting to hear from some of his friends in the Orlando community. 

Mateen used an AR-15, which does look very much like the M-16 used by the US military, and has become the mass shooter's weapon of choice, according to The Washington Post. Ball and Hare used love, and bestowed kisses and hugs on their friends. Hare and Ball were gratified by the warm response from the Easton Community.

Across the street, watching the vigil from a safe distance with their arms crossed, were five Easton police officers. Their numbers grew to seven at one point.

I waved and said Hi, but there was no reaction. They were either unable to hear, in a bad mood, or were afraid that homosexuality might be contagious.

The City of Orlando is listing the victims by name, but only after family is notified.

+Charles J. Chaput, Archbishop of Philadelphia, calls the crime "horrific. ... As Christians, our duty is to pray for those whose lives were ended by the inexcusable cruelty of others and to ask God to pour his comforting grace upon all those who are in mourning."

(Updated: Originally published 6/12 at 2:50 pm, prior to the event.)


  1. Interviewed twice by the feds. The Boston bomber was also interviewed twice. For clinton, obama, and sanders , as well as any other politician to use this platform as a way to discuss , gun control is classless and disgusting. The same goes for the other side as well. As the President of the USA, once again , demonstrated he doesn't get it, or chooses not to get on purpose, is not going to protect the country and her people. Uses the time to run his mouth about gun control, Not one mention of Islamic radicalized terror. If you cant say it, you cant defeat it.
    This is a war. This is not a criminal justice issue. This is Political Islam creeping daily. This is the Islamonazis reigning holy hell on a free country, with more to come. It doesn't matter if he was called by the king of ISIS himself to commit this act. The lone wolf argument is disgusting as well. When you have more than one lone wolves, it is called a pack. Anyone can connect the dots and see the common theme. It is political Islam. These pigs do not carry membership cards to proclaim their membership . Fort Hood, Boston Bombers, this pig and others all have been on the feds radar , yet nothing was done, bc of the so called investigation rules, politically correctness or complete system failure. That alone is disturbing. He was under investigation by the FBI for his comments and connections to a suicide bomber and he gets a gun? WTF. The dirt bag in San Bernardino had another person get the gun for him. Rules do not apply to bad guys. They could careless about gun control laws. In fact they cheer on more gun control laws every time this happens.
    Don't forget, this is the same admin/govt that literally lied, to the press and the public to sell a bad Iranian deal. This admin called the Ft Hood terrorist attack, "work place violence". This is the same admin , that continues to bring in unvetted people from the middle east despite being warned by his own defense agencies that ISIS and other terrorists will exploit the system to gain entry..
    The question is why ? We can all speculate, but I think many of us know why and that must change or we will continue to see more unnecessary blood shed.

    God Bless the victims, their families and our first responders.

  2. God bless and care for the innocent victims and their loved ones.

  3. Hillary similarly spoke to gun control instead of recognizing the Islamic terrorism war we are in or should be in. This is another act of war by ISIS/ISIL & our lack of recognition that it's followers are enemies of this country that should be destroyed or jailed.

  4. Bernie,
    God bless the innocent victims and families, these people are one in the same wether they explote isis as there hatred or the childrens healthcare hedge fund for there gluttonous beliefs of self indulgence?!($ How can America be saved as tolerance of the very ACTS are acceptable and redd as a daily accurance in Americas streets that have been turned into the very urban decay by design?!($
    Just wondering when the toilet brigade will start there rant??
    RE:publican redd
    Pray daily for the lost souls that wondor aimlessly!!

  5. The vast majority of mass shootings have not been perpetrated by Islamic extremists... just search history of mass shootings in our country.

    This particular event along with others is absolutely a gun control & mental health issue, an issue of how to better recognize individuals who shouldn't have access to weapons (not just firearms) that are capable of this kind of mass killing.

    Those with borderline personality disorders, the violent or mentally ill should not have free access to weapons that the second amendment allows. As a law-abiding, sane gun owner... more effort must go into preventing these kind of events!

  6. Right away Hillary blames it all on the availability of "military weapons" in our society. Predictable political response from the left when we should be more concerned about the warped viewpoints of Islamic terrorism. If a gun was not available to this lunatic, he would strapped a homemade bomb to himself and blew the whole building up, killing everyone. He was intent in carrying out a suicidal act, regardless of the method. His motivation was clearly tied to radical Islam. Hatred of homosexuals and America.

  7. How did this nut job get an AR-15? Something is seriously wrong with this country allowing this to happen. Ban assault weapons...NOW!

  8. As I've explained, an AR-15 is NOT an assault rifle bc it is not automatic.

  9. Yes, but it can easily be converted to an automatic. Just Google how to do it.

  10. When that happens, you can call it an assault rifle. Until then, it is simply incorrect to call and AR-15 an assault rifle.

  11. It is not an assault rifle, but is generally considered an assault weapon, and was included in the 1994 assault weapons ban.

  12. True. It was included in the ban bc it has some features found in assault weapons. But the most important feature, the automatic capacity found in military weapons is missing. It is not technically an assault rifle.

    Frankly, it is not the weapon that bothers me, but the person using it. From news accounts, we know he was twice investigated by the FBI, abused his wife and was considered unstable. persons who are unstable should not be allowed to have guns anywhere except within their own homes.

    All too often, law enforcement fails to recognize the red flags, which seems to be the case here. I can relate as I have been on the receiving end of comments by a person who liked to write how nice it would be to put a hollow point bullet through my skull.

    1. Bernie,
      These assholes wanting gun bans are the same assholes selling them to other countries?!($ As for assault rifles what do you call a Thompson that shoots a 45cal pistol cartrige, I personally call it a jack hammer because it will sure as hell hammer the hell out of jack or whatever or whoever it is pointed at and unloaded?!($ My thoughts are every household in America should at the least have one if not several available to protect your farm animals from being eating by wolves?!($

      Shit when we were kids it was a right of passage at 12 to have a 22 rifle like the rifle man?!($

  13. Interesting that they are always religious conservatives, isn't it. What is wrong with these right wing religious types?

  14. Bernie , The average Pa. resident hunter ,fisherperson - I say that because the some ladies i know could have fixed this shooter on the spot.These terrorist types even hit a downtown Israeli 'soft target'last week. Apparently 300 people IN CLOSE QUARTERS and no one with a gun permit to stop this character on premises. An AR-15 in not a battle rifle as you clearly stated. The danger here was that, this terrorist was able to move around freely with impunity for too many minutes. This was a function of time, not skill. They choose 'soft targets ' because they can get away with it. They are cowards.

  15. For ANY politician to use this tragic event as an opportunity to promote a gun control agenda is despicable. This is a time of universal sorrow and compassion. A moment for reflection and respect for loss of precious life.

    Fred Windish

  16. Unfortunately, the Trumpettes despise the gay community and don't consider their lives to be 'precious'. There will be no solidarity for their deaths, the conservatives are secretly celebrating this event. They hate Muslims and the LGBT community equally.

    This is the PERFECT time to call for sensible gun laws and to remind the American public that the NRA has stymied every attempt by law enforcement to keep firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill, who seem to migrate toward their organization in droves.

    A proper background check would have kept those firearms out of this religious conservative terrorists hands.

    1. Religious conservative terrorist? This aligns with the notion that any law would prevent this. The actor in the slaughter purchased the weapons after going through background checks. He didn't have a criminal record and worked for a private security company. He was the perfectly groomed sleeper.

      Those in leadership positions calling for more gun laws are asleep at the wheel.

  17. 6:06 - You can't fight lone wolves - and if the FBI missed it, don't blame the President. Talk about lack of class. What the President can TALK about is controlling access to AR15's like the one this terrorist used to kill all of those people.

  18. 6:27 - How in the hell do you claim this administration doesn't acknowledge ISIL? Take a look at what is going on in Iraq from an objective source.

  19. 11:01 - Yes, he was on a terrorist watch list but the flimsy background check system the NRA insists on (they don't want any) failed. And it just didn't fail buying a .22, it failed with a high velocity killing machine, the AR15.

  20. 11:19 - The nature of the firing mechanism is NOT what makes it an assault weapon. Its the velocity, the capacity of the available magazines and the weight/portability of the gun while moving rapidly. The AR15 is most definitely and assault rifle and its lack of an automatic mechanism didn't prevent over 100 casualties.

  21. As usual the distractions to inanimate objects, there are many ways to kill large numbers of people, and guns are not really the most efficient, the source of the problem is two cultures that insist on forcing their beliefs on each other, we who want to force our beliefs on the rest of the world and those who are rejecting our society. We got along reasonably well with the muslim world for centuries when we focused on mutual trade etc, But when we decided we need to push our culture , through Hollywood, lbgt issues on them that they resisted and revolted. actually their were many Christian and Jewish communities in Iran, Syria, Iraq for centuries and they co-existed. sadly they have now been connected to our pagan culture and are being systematically persecuted. They had more in common in the beliefs. We have a president who goes around the world evangelizing the gay movement. only 14 countries out of 200 allow gay marriage and endorse the gay lifestyle. I am sure I will be labeled with all the usual adjectives. but are we really ready to fight WW3 over these issues.

  22. "This is our 9/11."

    I am going to assume that Mr. Hare misspoke here. As an American, I'm hoping that 9/11 meant something to him too.

    Regardless of the status of the victims, we are all Americans and any attack against one is an attack against all.

  23. Meanwhile, a presidential candidate gloats and says I told you so..... smh...

    -Alfonso Todd

  24. If this punk in Orlando had said something about Obama he would be in jail,the rest of us,free speech. He can't be arrested until he commits a crime.

  25. My prayers for the departed, wounded, and their families. I also pray that people will realize that one man killed 50 and wounded 50+ meeting zero resistance. Zero resistance. Wirh basic force multiplication ten people can subdue one man with a rifle. We must learn from this tragic event that submitting to terror is not the answer. We are going to have to get our hands dirty at every level. It starts at the point blank level.

    No one wants to think of violence. Yet it takes violence to stop violence. This animal chose a soft target knowing he would have minimal resistance. His violence was ended with violence from the police and rightly so.

    On 9/11 three planes slammed into buildings and took 3000 lives. On the fourth plane the passengers became violent towards the terrorists and while the plane still crashed widespread loss was averted.

    If passing gun laws worked to stop these tragic events then the numerous laws already in existence would have prevented this latest carnage. Laws only work for the law abiding. We need to focus our remedies on the bad breath distance and cultivate our population to confront evil with violence. Soft and gentle will continue to offer innocents up to slaughter.

    I am saddened that a man was so filled with hate that he sought to martyr himself. This isn't a gun problem and thinking so is a perceived reality grounded in delusion.

  26. Love how the many want to discuss banning guns, limiting ammo and other issues, but nobody is talking about banning Sharia law. Sharia law / radicalized islam was the common denominator in this horrible case as well as every single other attack on US and foreign soil, including the battlefield. in fact his own father claimed this was the driving force in the attack.
    An AR and many other guns are displayed and some sit on my mantle , and never harmed one single person. in fact not one gun ever fired by itself.
    go figure. Blaming the gun is like blaming the fork for getting fat.

  27. It sounds like the Easton vigil kept the focus where it belonged, but the Allentown "vigil" went off the rails.

    If I were a member of the “LGBT Community”, I’d be livid at my so-called leaders for allowing this attack to be politicized. Already, sleazy politicians and those so-called LGBT leaders are trying to make this into a gun-control issue or trivialize it as merely some sort of hate crime on their particular group.

    Make no mistake, this was another attack on our country by an enemy determined to kill Americans on American soil, and the reason will change with each attack. Saturday night it was an attack on a gay nightclub. In the past, it’s been attacks on military bases, office buildings, or running races.

    If it hadn’t have been a gay nightclub, our enemies would have found a different target with an equally twisted reason to kill innocent victims. Until we realize that fact and respond accordingly, Americans will continue to be picked off incident by incident.

    I suppose it was more important for certain LGBT leaders in this area to provide cover for their political allies, rather than to use this incident as an opportunity to bring us together.

  28. 8:29 am through 8:34 am -

    Thank you for displaying your appalling lack of knowledge about both guns and the enemy we face.

    The difference between a military assault weapon and an AR-15 has been clearly explained here, but apparently the facts don't matter to you.

    As to the enemy we face, would you feel better if the attacker had used explosive devices like we've seen in other attacks? There were early reports that the terrorist in Orlando was wearing a suicide vest. Not sure if that's true or not, but explosives improvised from everyday items can cause casualties well beyond the current count in Florida.

    Even if we banned all guns tomorrow, do you really think that doing so would stop those intent on doing this country harm? If so, maybe we should just pass a law against killing people.

  29. As long as the focus is on the inanimate object used to take innocent lives, the real problem of Islamic religious zealotry remains unaddressed. I'll bet their are 1,000 AR-15s within a couple of miles of the dance club. None of those was used to murder these innocent souls; only the one possessed by an animal with a hatred of things western, especially open homosexuality. Islamists hate the infidel West and really hate homosexuals. We're pointing fingers at each other and not at the religious bigotry that spawned the hateful killer. May the victims rest in peace and their loved one be comforted.

  30. "Interesting that they are always religious conservatives, isn't it. What is wrong with these right wing religious types?"

    Actually, this guy was not known for his religiosity, but was known for having a few screws loose. I do not consider this matter an exhibit in the gun control debate, although persons on both sides will make their case for stricter control or for arming everyone with seven bazookas. I also do not consider this Islamic terror, as certain people with their own agendas try to claim. I do consider this terror by a deranged and mentally unbalanced person. That, and not religion, has been the common theme in these mass shootings. Yet our society does a poor job of identifying and isolating these people though they are obvious to many of us. Police don't like to investigate crazies, but these are the people most likely to have melt downs.

  31. "As long as the focus is on the inanimate object used to take innocent lives, the real problem of Islamic religious zealotry remains unaddressed."

    I disagree with those blaming AR-15s and with those calling it Islamic zealotry, as you have done. It is actually mental illness. People who suffer from these disease are by and far gentle souls, but there are some who are very dangerous, and we need to do a far better job of identifying and isolating them. The FBI knew about this guy in 2013 and claims to have "thoroughly investigated" him. Amazingly, he was investigated again in 2014. Along the way, didn't it dawn on these rocket scientists that the guy had more than a few screws loose. You cannot follow every person who has unpleasant ideas, but you can make sure that violent people with mental issues are isolated until their issues are resolved.

  32. I deleted several comments referring to a person who deserves no recognition, as well as a comment that leaves a huge gap at the end. No matter how worthwhile a comment might be, I will delete it if you leave a huge gap. It is unfair to other readers.

  33. " Yet it takes violence to stop violence. "

    The most dangerous people in the world are anonymous purveyors of violence like yourself.

  34. "For ANY politician to use this tragic event as an opportunity to promote a gun control agenda is despicable. This is a time of universal sorrow and compassion. A moment for reflection and respect for loss of precious life."

    It's also a lousy time for someone to be saying, "I called it," as Trump did. It's also a lousy time to blame it all on Islam.

  35. If passing gun laws worked to stop these tragic events then the numerous laws already in existence would have prevented this latest carnage.

    Wrong. Australia imposed strict gun control after the mass shooting atrocity there and the mass shootings ended. AND people can STILL have guns! Amazing!

  36. If I were the Easton police, I think I would have had more weighty concerns than waving to a local reporter/photographer, no matter how excellent said reporter's work may be. Those men and women in uniform, first responders, are on the line, both to detect/thwart similar violence, and to protect their own hides.

  37. Really? My guess is that cramming five of them together, in one spot, was a poor way to thwart or detect violence or to protect themselves. One of the first things you learn in the military is not to be too close to each other. Also, it is extremely rude not to acknowledge someone waving at you, and the body language (arms crossed) was sending an unfriendly message. The more I reflect on it, the less impressed I am with how Easton police behaved.

  38. You didn't wave to us, Bernie. You walked to the edge of the Circle and literally snuck a few pics. You did not wave. Nice try. We stayed across the street to monitor the event. There were four of us and, at one point, five, and a supervisor stopped but never got out of his car. I have usually been on your side but, now your lies are about me.

  39. I want these Muslims out of my country.

    They are a direct threat to the safety of my family, and are nothing but problems. I understand that not all Muslims are terrorists, but nearly all terrorists are Muslims.

    Send them back to the Middle East where they belong.

  40. Then there is no difference between you and the Muslims you condemn. They think that way, too. Congratulations.

  41. "You didn't wave to us, Bernie. You walked to the edge of the Circle and literally snuck a few pics. You did not wave. Nice try. We stayed across the street to monitor the event. There were four of us and, at one point, five, and a supervisor stopped but never got out of his car. I have usually been on your side but, now your lies are about me."

    That's what I said. There were five of you at one point. Four uniformed, one non-uniformed. At one point, your numbers did grow to seven. It is true the others did not get out of their car.

    I don't care whose side you are usually on. I care about telling the truth, and the way you handled yourselves is part of the story.

    I did not sneak pictures. I took pictures because that is my right. You stood there with your arms crossed.

    I did wave. I also said hello. You folks ignored it. It is possible you did not see me wave or hear me say Hi. And I pointed that out in my story. It is also possible you were afraid that homosexuality is contagious. But I thought your behavior was odd and pointed it out. And yes, I do usually side with cops. And unlike you, I identify myself. You call me a liar and can't even say who you are. Fuck you.

  42. If an AR15 is not an "assault rifle" and isn't meant for mass casualties, then why did the Orlando terrorist, the San Bernardino terrorist use them? Why did the killer in Sandy Hook use one to slaughter innocent kindergarteners? Stop making fucking excuses.

    1. Because, they are easily reloadable and magazines are plentiful ducktape two together and that makes 60 fill your back pockets with the same and that makes a packable 180 and the projectiles are very accurate, yet statistics say more are killed by 22's!
      This whole nation is in dire need of some psychotropic medication?

  43. @1:53 If AR-15s were "banned", guess what? These mass killings would still have occurred.

  44. If the feds and state would enforce the laws on the books, that might be a good start.
    20 people were stabbed to death in china by the same guy. any call to ban knives?
    16 were killed when someone, purposely drove their car into a crowd of people. Any call to ban cars? Over 3000 were killed via air planes in one day. Any call to ban planes. . no call to ban planes, knives and other things that kill people. There are over 7,000 drowning deaths nationally each year.

    The National Safety Council reports: Drowning accidents are the leading cause of death and injury of children under 5 years of age.
    Drowning is the second leading cause of injury-related death among children under the age of 15. (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
    More than 80% of the drowning's occur in residential pools or spas.
    Each year 5000 children under the age of 14 are hospitalized for near drowning events. Of these, as many as of 20% suffer severe and permanent disabilities. Any call to ban pools. I haven't heard of any.

    this guy scammed the system . in fact the panty bomber, the shoe bomber , the fort hood pig , the Boston bombers and this dirt bag were ALL on the feds radar and they were able to commit their crimes and buy weapons after the feds interviewed them , and in some cases interviewed them two and three times. some of these animals were also on the radar of their homelands. Russia warned the US govt many tomes about the Boston bombers, yet, the committed the crime.
    this is quite concerning. every single one of these murdered /terrorists , were all "on the feds" radar" , yet they were able to commit crime after crime.
    The USA stats are rising in regards to honor killings . Over 100 women have been murdered bc of the sharia tradition of honor killings. Any complaints? I don't hear any?

    It might be time Ban Sharia law and Islamonazis bc that is the common thread in every single one of these murders. And even more important, it might be time for the feds and the states to stop playing nice with these animals who have one goal , and that is to kill Americans.

  45. @6:05 Clearly, you watch a lot of movies and television, and have not spent any time in the military. Yes, high-capacity magazines for the AR-15/M-16 exist that hold actually up to 50 cartridges, however, any magazine with a capacity over 10 are highly unreliable (the spring fails), and are not recommended. Taping them together will give you 20 cartridges to shoot at maximum.

    Now the AR-15 is exactly the same as all other semi-automatic rifles. You pull the trigger one time for each cartridge you fire. The faster you pull the trigger, the faster you fire the weapon. You're probbly afraid of how mean and intimidating the rifle looks, however, it's exactly like any other sport carbine rifle.

  46. Save a dance for Panto and Murray (all about Murray).

  47. Bernie; When the Israeli government had random shooters within there jurisdiction years ago, they countered that with a mass of soldiers and police. Well that didn't change muCh except it was getting expensive. So they trained civilians and encouraged them to carry firearms during their daily routine and some would be murderers were taken out by seemingly 'ordinary citizens'. WOMAN shopping at the 'mall' did it,the ladies shot the guy with a rifle..SO consider this as a guide. Well this IS why there were then more suicide bombers because the hiding of rifles and automatics were not working out for the terrorists types as result.-- 1973 gay club in French Quarter USA ,32 people vanish after the smell of 'lighter fluid' at the front door. Well ladies and gentlemen they did not 'prohibit fluid sales' of this product that was the 'vehicle of disaster'. These poor souls did not deserve this .Properly trained and competent responsible firearms handles are THE discernible deterrent for all sorts of potentially lethal issues. The NRA constituents are America's first go-to training organization, the NRA is not the enemy. What happens next, could it be an assault on say ; National Bar Asso . meeting or the American Farm workers union -who knows .

  48. anon 4;13 do people stop pools from being built.--Anon 1;53 AR-15 and it's derivatives are 'tools' and are relatively less a threat, way less power than your grandfather's shotgun .They were put in 'service during the draft ,the army was full of lesser trained draftees then with M-16 s . Today, evan in the hands of law enforcement,the AR-15 is widely in service, but few-less than 5 percent having them issued to them know how to properly deploy it or shoot it , they are not the firearm that some others would choose if confronted with a defendable issue . I wouldn't choose it for either close quarter or long range . Look at the bullet holes in the breach on wall at club where the police fired at MATEEN, you will clearly see over 30 minutes of angle, holes in the wall both sides, all shot at close range, under 40 yrds.

  49. @1:53 If AR-15s were "banned", guess what? These mass killings would still have occurred.

    Of course. But 1) maybe not with an AR15 or 2) maybe not. In any event, there will be less and less of them over time. There is no rational reason to own one.

  50. @6:05 Clearly, you watch a lot of movies and television, and have not spent any time in the military. Yes, high-capacity magazines for the AR-15/M-16 exist that hold actually up to 50 cartridges, however, any magazine with a capacity over 10 are highly unreliable (the spring fails), and are not recommended. Taping them together will give you 20 cartridges to shoot at maximum.

    Now the AR-15 is exactly the same as all other semi-automatic rifles. You pull the trigger one time for each cartridge you fire. The faster you pull the trigger, the faster you fire the weapon. You're probbly afraid of how mean and intimidating the rifle looks, however, it's exactly like any other sport carbine rifle.

    I've shot AR15's. They are most definitely not like other rifles. Also, did the shooter at Sandy Hook, Aurora, San Bernardino, Orlando, Chatanooga, Santa Monica, etc use 10 round magazines? No. Don't be foolish. There are people here to call out your bullshit.

  51. AND NOW has the FBI told the wife; WAIT till you find out. It.s not the AR-15 s fault.was it a AR-15 at all .We have just witnessed the second largest Jehad in US history,and the Dems are talk n gun control. Stupid gets as stupid is.

  52. 8;01 anon 30 round magazines and they usually never fail. The media almost alway get firearms and aircraft mis labeled. Come to range as my guest and see for yourself what your talking about . Most people squawking in the media have never had a rifle in their shoulder and don;t know a turd from a tootsie roll.

  53. IT makes no difference if a reporter has shot an AR15 or a SigSauer rifle. The issue goes way beyond semantics. It's whether or not civilians should have access to light, sometimes collapsible, high velocity killing rifles. I say no, there is no reason at all. Get a semi-auto handgun.


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