Local Government TV

Monday, June 13, 2016

Nazareth Mayor, An Accused Thief, Belittles Black Man For Stealing Food

Above is an interesting video purporting to show some black dude caught attempting to steal frozen meat from a grocery store. Though the store "manager" looks like he's about 90, a big and strong young man stops dead in his tracks and begins emptying frozen meat out of his baggy pants. The place where this occurred and actors involved are never identified. Personally, I think the whole thing is a set up designed to make black people look like lazy and worthless pieces of shit with saggy pants. So naturally, Nazareth Mayor Carl Strye

Nazareth Mayor Carl Strye, who himself faces charges of skimming at least $8,000 from the Vigilance Hose and admitted his theft to a Grand Jury, should be the last person to wag his finger at another thief. Yet on Facebook, he has decided to feature this unidentified shoplifter at an unidentified store.

The black dude explained he was stealing food so he could feed his family. Strye was stealing from the Vig so he could buy another RV.

Strye also points to the decision to hire two more full-time officers. "We still have some work to do, but good things take time," he states.

When a fox is running the henhouse, is that a good thing?

Strye has tainted the police department with his own corruption, and things will remain that way until he resigns.


  1. Holy crap! How could his pants stay up? There must have been 30 pounds of meat in there. And please, no stereotypical inferences...

  2. You mean don't point out that this was probably staged to make black people look bad? Or that the Matyor of Nazareth has stuffed $8,000 (not $40) into his baggy pants?

  3. Strye should go! Fire him! Or force resignation.

  4. Pot meet kettle...

    -Alfonso Todd

  5. Try this on for size. Rumor has it the 2 new officers hiring is going to be delayed for some reason. Maybe it's just time Nazareth quits wasting money and get Colonial or Upper to do the job. Pay Koch his pension now and tell the other one he can get his half pension when he is old enough. I mean really Nazareth has wasted enough money. There is no constructive way to have a police dept given the councils involvement and no leadership for years because of it.

    1. 7:55, The two remaining officers aren't the problem! It's the Council! You can't bring in Colonial or Upper Nazareth without permission from the existing fulltime officers. It's called ACT 111 of 1967. The only way council can bring in Colonial or Upper Nazareth Twp. Without permission from the remaining full-time officers is to merge NOT contract services. There is a difference. Here's the BIG problem.....once council can't control the police department anymore! The other real issue is....Colonial and Upper Nazareth don't want to have anything to do with Nazareth borough because of their council and their continued criminal activity!

  6. Yea, didn't the Boro look into getting colonial coverage, but Lower Nazareth veto'd it?


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