Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Man Who Couldn't Lose ... Lost

In his quest for the 17th Congressional District, Glen Geissinger has painted himself as a winner who would defeat Matt Cartwright where others have failed. He certainly would do better than Matt Connolly, who is 0-3 in runs for elective office. Well, Geissinger the winner is now Geissinger the loser.  Matt Connolly has beat him convincingly, and is now on his way to getting his ass kicked up and down the northern tier by Matt Cartwright.

Maybe Geissinger will now start doing the job he was elected to do.


  1. Amen Bernie! Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, LOL!!!

  2. Hopefully we see a repeat of his performance next year in the county. Go Go Glen is a no show and non entity on Northampton County Council. Time for him to be go go gone by voters in 2017.

  3. Without Gerrymandering, Cartwright would be working in receiving at Amazon.

  4. I heard he outspent him 8 to 1 and still he lost

  5. Cartwright couldn't hack it at Amazon. They're pretty tough. He's too lazy and doesn't show up half the time.

  6. The Republicans never did think that they could actually win this seat. The idea is to fill all the offices so the republicans have a reason to come to the polls in November. It's all about the General Election and winning the presidency. They know Connally can't win and they don't care. They want the presidency and this is the way to build voter turnout.

  7. Doesn't Cartwright live in upstate NY or somewhere quite far away from the LV?

  8. Cartwright lives in Scranton and before he was a member of Congress, was a noted attorney.

  9. " Anonymous said...

    Without Gerrymandering, Cartwright would be working in receiving at Amazon.

    6:37 AM"

    Newsflash Anon 6:37, this was the GOP who gerrymandered that district (in 2011) to hold every blue stronghold they could. So they could ensure Marino and Barletta would be the Teflon Dons of their districts.

    They foolishly thought that all Democrats thrown (against their will) into this district would accept "Blue Dog Democrat" (aka: George W. Bush & Republican lap dog) Tim Holden as the "incumbent". Even though most of these new members of the district never voted for him.

    "Surprise, surprise, surprise" as, Gomer Pyle would say. Along came a newcomer, and highly successful attorney in Matt Cartwright--who planned on running in 2012 regardless of what district Moosic would be in. He really wanted to face Barletta. But, Barletta is a coward who wants to be unopposed by voters, so he can suckle on the government mammaries whilst claiming to be big anti-government.

    Which is what failed race car driver and fictitious Gran-Am winner, Connolly would do if elected--and if pigs fly--and zombies invade the U.S. House district.

  10. I'm very disappointed in Geissinger's performance, or lack thereof, as a council member. I almost wish he won so we would be rid of him. A lowlite was when he and the chairwoman announced they were headed off to an out of state event the night of a scheduled meeting.

  11. "Doesn't Cartwright live in upstate NY or somewhere quite far away from the LV?"

    You need to expand your world and mind. How could he live in upstate NY?

  12. Of course Cartwright doesn't live in NY. It just seems that way because he lives so far from the LV. He's as foreign to the LV as Dent is to Hershey. Both would get trounced without Gerrymandered districts.

  13. I like how Cartwright told the grieving Benghazi families to fuck themselves. Who gives a shit if some rightwingers died and their families are mourning. Suck it up and get over it. VOTE CARTWRIGHT.

  14. Baba Booey!!!
    Baba Booey!!!
    Howard Stern rules!!!

  15. "Maybe Geissinger will now start doing the job he was elected to do."

    So Geissinger should get back to the (part-time) job he was elected to do, but no similar admonition for Morganelli to get back to the (full-time) job HE was elected to do?

    Not meant to be a knock on Morganelli, since I like him, but I think there should be some consistency here. And I do think the part-time/full-time thing makes a difference.

  16. While we're on the subject Bernie how did John Brown do maybe it should be that all the unions in Northampton County put the vote out for him just to get rid of them

  17. 12:05, Pa has no resign-to-run law, but that's not the point. Geissinger failed to do even his part-time job. He missed several meetings or phoned in instead of being hands on. Morganelli, a full-time DA, never skipped a beat in his campaign. He still put in his usual 50-hour weeks. That's just the way it is.

  18. Bernie, I think Geissinger(due to his excessive political ambition and obvious blaze approach to county council),Seth Vaughn(due to his vague understanding of anything), and Matt Benol(for obvious reasons) are the biggest disappointments on county council. Hopefully the voters will see fir to replace them next year.

    What say you? What is your take on this?

  19. I comletely agree. I had hoe for Geissinger, but he proved me wrong. Vaughn is simply lazy.


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