Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Lady MacBeth Falls to Dumbo

Cindy Miller, who I dubbed lady MacBeth this election cycle because of a mean-spirited campaign that included a campaign announcement before incumbent Julie Harhart announced her retirement, as well as an unpopular nomination challenge to Marc Grammes, has been defeated in a race she should have won. She has lost to perhaps one of the ill-informed candidates I have ever seen. Zach Mako. You can call him Dumbo. This makes it far more likely that Democrat Phillips Armstrong will be elected.


  1. She deserved to lose. She was talking about the Fall campaign before she ever won vote one for this race.

    Too bad, goodbye.

  2. Quite interesting how Mako says he is not an establishment guy yet is backed up and down by the establishment and a career politician. In reviewing the candidates forum video, his lack of understanding of simple issues shows he is not ready for the state house. He is now owned by the establishment.

  3. Sweet justice. I said earlier the wrong candidate won but the right candidate lost.

  4. If Rep. Harhart had not given more than 30 years of her life to the community, Lady MacBeth might have had a chance but Miller's disgusting treatment of a much-loved
    lady lost her votes.

  5. 1 – 4 of 4
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    She deserved to lose. She was talking about the Fall campaign before she ever won vote one for this race.

    Too bad, goodbye.

    3:14 AM

  6. Mako can learn as he represents his district, but Miller's conduct now speaks volumes. One can only imagine how she would have behaved, once she secured this seat and its attractive daily benefits.

  7. "Sweet justice. I said earlier the wrong candidate won but the right candidate lost."

    I like the way you put it, sir.

  8. Well this sure did clear the field for Armstrong ! But on the other hand he's really NOT running against Mako he'll be running against Harhart! Just like CM.

  9. This was entirely the fault of Robert Kerr and Campaign Pilot. The same in the Simmons race.

    Robert gave really bad advice to Cindy telling her to announce before Julie made her retirement announcement. Totally unprofessional. Then the clearing of the field of the other candidates was thug like.

    In the Simmons race, Kerr went after Simmons who got 80% of the Republican vote as corrupt even though everyone knows that's entirely not true. People are so mad at the campaign Kerr ran for Coyle that Coyle now has to repair his reputation in the community it's that bad. No other consultant would help Coyle because they knew it was a suicide mission against such a popular incumbent.

    Robert needs to look in the mirror. Thug- like Chicago politics may work on the Democrat side but not on the Republican side.

    1. Not sure what pipe you are hitting, but to suggest that Coyle is the one that needs to repair his reputation in the community when Simmons and Red Maverick issued 6 negative attack mailers is funny. I'm a lifelong Republican and won't vote democrat, but I certainly will not vote for Simmons after what I saw. My wife was more extreme, ABS...Anyone But Simmons moving forward. Minus 2 on the R side and plus 1 on the D side, a 3 vote swing. Shame, but deserved.

    2. Anon 12:54 .. Coyle and Kerr had developed negative hit websites against Simmons long before the negative mailers were sent out . If Coyle had raised more money he would have sent negative mailers just as well . Enough of your bitterness 12:54 . Bill Coyle isn't and never will be in Justin Simmons league and the results of Tuesday's primary validates what I'm saying.
      The party will come together and get behind Justin regardless if you choose not to .

  10. Democrats for Don RitterApril 27, 2016 at 1:51 PM

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  11. Julie Harhart was sooo mad at Cindy Miller that she worked against her to elect Zack Mako. It took a lot of guts for Mr. Mako to put himself out there like he did. I thank him for that and his service to our country. The GOP has thrown a temper tantrum and now they can mold Mr. Mako into what they want him to be. Mr. Mako was used by the PaGOP. Another Justin Simmons who went to Harrisburg with real ideals and ended up another entrenched, arrogant, polished politician. Julie Harhart was like a little child. It wasn't about who may be the better and more qualified candidate to represent the people of the district, she got made because she didn't get her way. The state GOP, and the GOP in general,is broken. That is why I have left the party. It is more about issues and the people and not party affiliation.

  12. "Thug- like Chicago politics may work on the Democrat side but not on the Republican side."

    Yes, the virginally pure Republican way of doing things. I want some of your medical maryjane!lol

  13. Mako is certainly Dumbo. What special kind of asshole joins the military and fights in wars these days? Hat's off to Bernie for having the courage to call war veterans stupid. It's about time these gung ho killers are called what they truly are. Vote Democrat and make America great again. Nice work, Bernie.

  14. Last time I checked, serving in the military does not suddenly create intelligence where none exists. Mako is quite clearly ill-equipped for the roile of a state legislator, and I question whether he has the intellectual capacity to fly a helicopter. I would not get in one he is piloting.

    Your argument is the argument of a sophist. You rtake my observations about Mako's shortcomings, and go on to claim illogically that I condemned everyone in the military.

  15. Is there any chance that Cindy lost this race on her own, based upon her policies as a current elected official in Lehigh? Seems like she lost some traction up there. I thought this one was in the bag for her.

  16. C, imagine you're a Lehigh Tp Supervisor and then hear her taking credit for things others have done. I doubt that helped her.

  17. 4:38, you'll have to try harder, but it sounds like you're right there with Dumbo.

  18. 4 years of school then a 9 month tour that ended in Sept 2014 and then received a bachelor's degree in Dec 2015. I am troubled that someone would even attempt to slant his inexperience for State House as an argument against those who serve. So many others gave so much more. This is not an entitlement position.

  19. Mako never missed an opportunity to toot his own military tin horn and even bragged he will soon be in some mission where he gets to boss a bunch of European officers around. I am well aware that the best soldiers are this who spend little time talking about it.

  20. Something about the well published military service, and lack of much else, of this young Guardsman that seems like a departure from days past.

    Reminds me of a time a few years back when we were cleaning the basement of my 91 year old uncle. I always considered my uncle an unassuming yet accomplished man, accomplished in the sense that he and my Aunt raise some remarkable children on his 4th grade education and a butchers salary. When his first child graduated from high school, he earned his GED. Later, and by no means a young man, he went on to college and into a career from which he is now retired.

    Now, I knew my uncle served in World war II, like my father, and many others of that era but that's pretty much all I ever knew until that day in the basement.

    Upon opening a dusty armoire I seen a well worn flight jacket, I asked him, "What's this" he looked and said, "That's my flight Jacket" I had to push to get more out of him, "Flight Jacket?" I probed, and he replied as he pulled the jacket from it's hanger, "I was a navigator on a bomber crew in the war". I, being a bit of a history buff and having seen a documentary on the subject not long before, I knew what that meant and became like one whom has just met a rockstar. He was reluctant to talk about it but could see my enthusiasm and was gracious enough to tell me of one experience about the bomb door being damaged and him and another getting, as he put it, "that dam door shut." You did your 25 missions? I asked, "Yes, We had to" and that was that.

    These men were called up to serve and they did, and when they came home they put their uniforms in a box, or in the case of my uncle and old armoire and that was it. They seem to relish being a civilian again and getting back to work and family, never touting their service.

    Now a days it seems different, as if we have become a nation of credulous boot lickers. And it seems many would like to cash in on this patriotic credulity and parlay even to most benign military service into a civilian ride for life. Equating military service to that of a self serving politician. Not exactly stolen valor as borrowed valor from the legacy laid down by those quiet unassuming heroes of the past.

  21. No Bernie, probably not. If she is wise, which she is, she will analyze this experience and grow from it.


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