Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Simmons Crushes Coyle

If you've read any of the comment threads on this blog concerning Bill Coyle's state house challenge to Justin Simmons, you'd know that Simmons was going to win. Still, Simmons' 78-22 smackdown had to be a surprise, even to him.

On Facebook, Simmons was pretty gracious to Coyle. Justin is waiting to see if a Democratic write-in like Joanne Jackson has prevailed.


  1. Very happy for Justin! Glad the negative campaign that Coyle ran and started is over! Onto the General.... smooth sailing Justin! This is proof that your constituents DO want you back because you are doing a great job! Way to go!

  2. I have to admit that was an even bigger smack down than I was expecting. I was thinking 60-40 maybe 65-35. I think that him not having his financials posted on time was the final nail in the coffin. Coyle criticized Simmons' donations but didn't post his? That was either deliberately hiding his donors or pure incompetence. The people running his campaign should be ashamed at that. Anyone who was on the fence jumped back to Simmons when they found out about that I am sure.

  3. Bernie
    Maybe Simmons crushed Coyle here, but the so-called Allentown daily uses a very odd word for praise: "claims" Even today, with a huge voter separation, giving Simmons a single compliment appears beyond its ability.

  4. Anonymous said...
    "I have to admit that was an even bigger smack down than I was expecting. I was thinking 60-40 maybe 65-35. I think that him not having his financials posted on time."

    Suspect this writer means Coyle. Has Coyle even now posted his financials?

  5. Gary W. Gorman writes:

    Congratulations to Simmons on his win. I really thought he was going to win, but I didn't think it was going to be by that wide of a margin. Wow!

    As I was entering the polls, there were people for both sides trying to get Democratic write-in votes for Simmons and Jackson. I couldn't write in Simmons, simply because he is not a Democrat...same reason why I did vote for Simmons in the last election over Beyer who changed his voter registration simply to run as a Democrat.

  6. "Has Coyle even now posted his financials?"

    They are not online the day after the election.

  7. Congratulations to Justin Simmons! The voters want you back in office. They spoke loud and clearly with this primary. And they will do so, again in the general election by voting Justin back into office.

  8. I think the election results indicate that Justin Simmons needed a stronger, more qualified challenger.

    Hopefully, Joanne Jackson prevailed in her write-in effort, and then we will have a real race with a qualified and competent challenger.

    Coyle was neither.

  9. Joyce -

    This message is meant with all due respect. It's time to let it go. Justin is extremely popular in the district. It's a republican district. The only way to take him out was in the primary. That flopped.

    It's not about the candidate. People really like Justin. You may not agree with him but he represents a majority of the district well which is what he's supposed to do.

    The Simmons detractors have tried everything from moving Deely into the district, running Karen Beyer's son, and now Coyle.

    It's over. It's his seat until he runs for higher office.

  10. I understand Coyle filed the missing campaign finance report on Friday. However, it was a paper version and not electronic as he promised Bernie last week.

  11. anon 1:08, you mean when he said he would limit his own terms, he really meant I am here for life? Sounds like Chicago type politics to me.

  12. I see the financials were suspiciously filed the day after the election. Looking over the financials I don't see much suspicious, so why file late. However, what is missing is the cost of the yard signs and the media buy. Hmmmm! What is up with that? He didn't really raise much, did he?

  13. You can thank Joanne Jackson for the Coyle defeat. She went to a Tea Party Republican debate and told Justin Simmons she was "enraged" that people were talking about writing Coyle in on the Democratic ballot and that she was going to mount a write in too. Simmons then immediately used the info Joanne Jackson gave him to attack Coyle as a "liberal" that the Dems were planning to write in on the Dem ballot. If she had just done it and didn't tell Simmons it may have worked. But, she alerted him to the possibility of a write in and he then made sure that he started a write in for himself on the Dem ballot. If she had controlled her rage she might have seen that if Coyle did get the Dem nod and decided not to run as a Dem the Democratic party could have picked her, or someone with a brain, to take his place and then they would have another chance at defeating Simmons. Joanne Jackson is the head of the gang that can't shoot straight. If she is the Dem write in candidate Simmons will kill her in November.

  14. @4:22 Actually, the person you can thank for Coyle's demise is Robert Kerr of Campaign Pilots for steering Coyle in a wrong direction. He also steered Cindy Miller in a wrong direction, too. But, what does he care...he got paid!

  15. 4:22 sounds an awful lot like revisionist history and trying to excuse or explain away what will be a permanent scar for Simmons. That he attacked his opponent for allegedly waging a write in, but then made no secret about doing it himself like he had done before. This will come back to bite him some day. It wasn't yesterday, but it will happen.

  16. Anon 9:11 .. How do those sour grapes taste?
    Simmons destroys Coyle in an epic landslide and your talking about permanent scars for writing in on the dem side ! Every politician does this to block out the competition . Suck it up 9:11 , Simmons won by over 5200 votes !!
    I don't think anyone was concerned about a democratic write in other than Joanne Jackson .

  17. An Attorney General should be investigating Kerr. Coyle spent $15,594 for Campaign Crash Pilots. Kerr's business. Also on his finance reports there is a charge of $3,264.53 for palm cards. This is what you hand out at the polls. Anyone that voted knows Coyle had no one at the polls or was handing anything out.
    The charge is to Konetex. Search the internet and you will find lots of things that come up but none are printers. Use the address and still nothing. Where did the money go? Do I think Bill or Andrew did something wrong? No. I think Bob lead him along and screwed him over. Oops sorry you lost. However, you still have my next bill you need to pay. Do you get a refund for him mailing to Hanover Township in Northampton County? (By the way not in your district Upper Hanover is) What did that mistake cost you? What Campaign Pilots package did you buy? The crash and burn package? Bill you need to file a complaint. Bob Kerr screwed you, wasted yours and your friends money and overcharged you.

  18. Responding to anonymous-I believe that you do not understand a political candidate or official who speaks the truth and does not try to manipulate to win. I was subjected to sign tampering and fake face book accounts along with Bill Coyle--caught Dustin Haines tampering with my signs on April 24, 2016 at the corner of Estates Drive and Lanark Road at 8:40 pm returning from a party. My headlights shone on him while he walked across Lanark Road to his red four door sedan--maybe a Ford Focus and I followed him to the stoplight on Main Street in Coopersburg. At that point, I was able to get his license plate and take a photo on my camera phone--whether I win in November or not--I will have given voters an option. I think that anyone that writes behind anonymous speaks for itself--unworthy of opinion. I move forward to November with the moniker--vote for integrity.....

  19. Joanne, I happen to know the person in the black vehicle that saw you and accused you of tampering with Cruz signs at Robin and Blue Church Rd. Aren't you one to be calling the "kettle black" ?

  20. hi anonymous--what she really saw was a woman gathering her home made signs and tripping over cruz's signs-throwing it down, getting her own, and then replacing cruz's sign--my husband saw the whole thing--she was screaming the f word the whole time-laying on her horn, parked illegally in the road and the worst i could call her was you are an egghead--if i had wanted to ruin the dent signs or cruz signs-i had ample opportunity on other days--this was done when i caught dustin raines placing signs and sandwiching mine in--followed him to main st. and decided to remove all of my signs that had been tampered with for five days. so, your source is incorrect--and she was hysterical.


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