Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Mattei Claims Write-In Victory in Emrick Race

Dave Mattei, a Nazareth businessman and retired New Jersey State Trooper who waged a last-minute write-in campaign against incumbent State Rep. Joe Emrick, is claiming victory. He believes he earned enough votes to be the Democratic nominee. Official word will have to wait until the votes are canvassed.  


  1. How would he know? Obviously there were a significant number of write-ins, but he was not the only person seeking write-ins on the Democratic side.

  2. I doubt very much that Democrats would write in Emrick, if that is what you are suggesting. He is nastyand arrogantto his own Republicans, to say nothing of Democrats.

  3. Emrick supporters were out in force attempting to get Dem's to write his name in. There were those who were duped into doing so but most people brushed off that offensive idea. It's a dirty trick and indicative of what Emrick is..a reclusive, do as your told, tool of the R party.

  4. GG stumbled on this one. Who was his campaign manager?

  5. Looks like nearly 600 votes for Mattei and less than 300 Dem's were duped into writing Emrick in as a Democrat. No such Dem support will be forthcoming for Joe in November.

  6. Emrick is the worst- arrogant, lazy, and totally useless. You would think this piece of garbage would appreciate the fact that our reps. are the 2nd highest paid in the country!

  7. So instead the Dems were duped into voting for Mattei also Republican formerly with no party affiliation and a terrible voter.

  8. Emrick may be in for a surprise. This guy is no slouch.

  9. I am a republican and intend to vote for Mattei. Joe Emrick is a slug, kind of like a slough on tree. He has done NOTHING in Harrisburg, IS NOT available and when he is acts like your bothering him and could care less about people's problems. Ask anyone first hand. This guy is a political douchebag. An arrogant jerk that should be an elected official as he isn't to serve the people but he thinks he is there to serve himself and the community is a bother to him. Send this lazy former school teacher to the employment line to get a real job and bring back a Rich Grucela who cared about the regular folks- This lazy douche has got to go-

  10. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on "Do Nothing Joe"

  11. Anon 9:15 I couldn't agree more- Joe Emrick is an arrogant, lazy pig at the trough. I'm surprised the Dems couldn't find someone- anyone, with a decent work ethic to run against this piece of crap. And please, not another "1 vote" Joe Capozzolo !! That being said, I'll be, and will encourage others to vote for Mattei !!!!

  12. It's up to Nazareth now. Bangor people think this one time football hero is the be all and end all. Drinking contaminated quarry water will do that to the denizens. Vote the bum out..please!

  13. Emrick is done hopefully. He's as bad if not worse than Mario Scavello.


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