Local Government TV

Monday, February 08, 2016

The Prisoner of Love Should Be Released Any Day

Jim Gregory, the Policeman of Love, has been a police officer, Bethlehem City Council President, Mayoral candidate, union activist, casino gambler, 911 dispatcher, Human Services caseworker, and short-lived shock jock. He is also doing doing hard time since his 8/28/13 arrest for numerous violations of a Protection from Abuse Act Order (PFA) sought and obtained by his ex-girlfriend. But he should be released from Pittsburgh SCI very soon, free to resume his political career and his work as a Kingmaker.

Hopefully, he will stay away from his ex.

Before his 8/28/13 arrest, Gregory had previously been convicted twice for criminal contempt of the PFA. Those convictions stem from repeated attempts to contact his ex via phone text messages, blogs and Facebook. Gregory contended that someone else, possibly his nephew or Tricia Mezzacappa, was responsible. At that time, his pal Tricia Mezzacappa launched a venomous attack against Judge Zito on her blog, accusing him of being too old for the bench, among other things.

After his second conviction, Gregory was sentenced to six months in jail, pending the results of a sealed psychological evaluation. He was released after three weeks, thanks to an impassioned pleas by noted criminal defense lawyer Gary Asteak. Gregory later said that Asteak had instructed him to break off all contact with Mezzacappa,

But Gregory ignored his attorney's sage instructions. He instead bought airtime for his own radio show, and included fellow defamer Tricia Mezzacappa as a co-host for four of his seven broadcasts.

It became LibelFest.

The show alternated between between love songs and vicious attacks at his ex, his ex' mother and any person who had testified or spoken out against him, including yours truly. When not on the air, he'd pepper this blog with numerous comments, sometimes signed with an "8."

Eventually, he began speaking to his ex on the air, offering her a job, imploring her to come back to him. "Lina, not only are you cute, you're adorable. You have a great body, great heart, great soul. You'd be a great salesperson for us, and you also have office skills.... I gave you everything I had except my heart."

One of the contempt citations was based on this direct or indirect contact. Other citations were for about 20 unwanted telephone calls from him, as well as three love notes he smuggled to his ex while he was in jail. One of them, who never met or knew his ex, actually called her after he was released.

During his trial, Gregory attempted to place some of the blame on Harvey, a 6' tall invisible pookah. Judge Leonard Zito imposed a 15-30 month sentence for five separate contempt citations. His conviction was affirmed by the Superior Court.

In the meantime, Gregory continued to contact his ex. She moved.

During his trial, Gregory told Judge Zito that the calls placed to his ex were accidental. But while in state prison, he has managed to delude himself that I figured out a way to make it appear as though his cell phone was placing calls to his ex. He wants me arrested.

In an Epistle from the Can, James I, Gregory warns,

"[D]espite your minions [sic] attempts to keep me here forever, the Lord will raise his hand and strike down the pitiful souls behind my incarceration, and I will return home. Then you, and the others behind this, will see what Righteous Anger can do. Even my friends and family with their myriad sins of omission which helped incarcerate an innocent soul will discover Righteous Anger. The New Testament time has passed. Read Revelation - It's all about Christ and his Righteous Anger and it's coming."

In James II, the Apostle Jim writes, "I'm done playing. Everyone that allowed O'Hare to place me here - better do some quick thinking - God expecting and willing - their time is soon out. Then it's my turn. Cannot wait. Sit and watch. Pack your bags, O'Hare. Or start running."

In James III, Gregory threatens both Northampton County Council and Executive John Brown to hire Tricia Mezzacappa as a supervisory nurse at Gracedale or face the consequences. "[S]he is absolutely qualified for the Gracedale job and should have been hired. Let Brown know that! Or not - then enjoy your one term."

Do I have reason to be concerned? In a word, No. I do not take seriously the idle threats of women beaters. I put them in the same category as those who attack me anonymously.

Gregory's home has been sold, so I have no idea where he'll be staying when he gets out.


  1. Maybe he'll rent a room on Ridge Street with the other renter. That Mezzacappa has done a tremendous amount of damage with her mouth to herself and Gregory and Lord knows who else. Tragic.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Don't be an idiot and post any details about his ex. What is wrong with you?

  4. I doubt the guy will try and establish contact with any of his victims or others. If he does something that stupid, he could end up right back jail. Is the guy that stupid?

  5. Yes, although he thinks he's very clever.

  6. Still one of the creepiest pictures out there.

  7. Sadly, you continue to beat down a person who is not here to defend himself...its your MO, and you reap what you sow. Almost 3 years of life interruption in a cage, side by side with the worst of the worst in society, is the most outrageous punishment, ever dealt out in the history of the entire state, for innocuous and indirect contempt of a PFA.

    If I remember correctly, the guy had a clean record, even absent parking tickets. But since you derrive so much enjoyment at the unjust suffering of good people, his Righteous Anger might just rear its ugly head, and my guess is, you should be worried. After All, your mancrush Morganelli may have a tough time with the long list of suspects.... at least in the thousands!

    Your kiss of death hatred and character assassination for sport works in reverse, as you have seen time and time again. If you were sane, you'd pack your bags and head west in your stolen RAV4.....oh wait, I heard that is now kept in evidence at the courthouse...there's always a bike.

  8. 6:00,
    too fat for a bike

  9. 7:47AM might be onto something Bernie. You haven't seen me in a while, and it's possible that I've finally beaten you - on the bathroom scale. I need you to help me peddle my ass (well, really my waist) off. We need to hit the trails this spring!

  10. Celtic Warrior---glad to see you agree that there was a Unity PAC. It was NEVER registered and Gregory stole that money!!! He should be charged with fraud the moment he sets foot out of SCI.

  11. the worst of the worst in society

    Yes, wife beaters certainly are so he was in the right place.

  12. Did Gregory turn gay in prison like Ben Carson says happens all the time? I guess after you've been violently raped in prison, you learn to enjoy it. I don't think he was raped enough for beating and intimidating women. What a piece of shit.

  13. I'm sort of new to this blog.....so I have a couple of questions. Was he really the President of city council at one time? Did/does he truly stalk his ex to that extent? If so, what kind of very serious mental issues does this man have? And quite frankly they don't seem to have been addressed in prison. Bernie, please be careful and just keep an extra eye out when he is released. He really does sound like he needs a lot of help. I feel incredibly bad for his victim. Stalking is wrong on so many levels.

  14. As a personal friend of Gregory, I can tell you the following facts, that have been disintegrated on this blog by a jealous spiteful low life who has an entire life history of total failure:

    1. Jim is not a wife beater
    2. Jim is not a woman beater
    3. Jim lost interest in his ex-girlfriend after she sopped off his income and savings for two years while living rent free in his home, and gambling/smoking/flirting 24/7 with no job
    4. Jim's violent and mentally ill ex-girlfriend was filled with rage and revenge, and fell off her rocker when Jim found another love interest at Sand's Casino
    5. Jim's violent and mentally ill ex-girlfriend was observed by others physically abusing Jim in her frequent rage filled jealousy tantrums, that included punching, kicking, slapping and biting
    6. Sadly, Jim's plan to run against Bob Donchez in the Bethlehem Mayor election meant that he had to be removed from the race, one way or another

    The hate filled poison posse who made sure that lies were accepted as facts have much growing up to do, as Karma always wins in the end. Always, always

  15. 10:38 So the judges are all wrong; there was no radio show where Gregory tormented his ex and her family. Gregory never had a PFA from his mother & sister and this is all just a sinister plot because he is just a nice and sweet guy who is just misunderstood......crack kills.

  16. His convictions and time in state prison say otherwise, "personal friend." Jim is a convicted woman beater who remains obsessed with his ex to this day. With "personal" friends like you, I have no doubt he'll be back in jail in no time, and maybe you'll join him there. I consider you far more dangerous than he,

  17. " Was he really the President of city council at one time? Did/does he truly stalk his ex to that extent?"

    Yes and yes.

  18. "You haven't seen me in a while, and it's possible that I've finally beaten you - on the bathroom scale. I need you to help me peddle my ass (well, really my waist) off. We need to hit the trails this spring!"

    You have Always BEEN SKINNY. I have started walking again, and in 6 weeks, will be ready for the bike. The problems is where you and I live does not make for easy hook ups on a bike, but I am going to break down and get a bike rack.

  19. There's room at the warming shelter in Fountain Park. Will remind him of life in the slammer.

  20. Jim is not a convicted woman beater, disbarred asshole. You have zero comprehension of the law. His PFA was civil, and the courts hand those out like toilet water. Unfortunately having blackmail on judges and the DA, has resulted in a grave injustice where you are concerned, as several (hundreds) of men and women could (and should) have PFAs against you.

    There were NO assault/ battery charges filed against Jim at any time. None. Thats because there were NO assaults. You will reap what you sow. Alcohol kills too.

  21. He is an adjudicated woman beater. There are two separate PFAs bu two different women, and he has violated one of the PFAs a grand totla of seven times, thanks to enablers like you.

  22. Judges who find credible a "transcript" of a radio show, penned by a disbarred alkie in his 10 by 10, with empty vodka bottles rolling on the floor, and allows it to be marked as evidence, should be tossed from the bench.

    As should those who upheld his sentance.

    One wise lawyer, who shall not be mentioned , made an interesting observation once.....never mind, he refuses to practice law in this county.

  23. Mezzacappa, I'm sure Judge Zito and the Pa Superior Court will step off the bench immediately. In the meantime, you need to pay your judgment.

  24. @11:12

    Who hands out toilet water?

  25. She is nuts. She tried to get a PFA against me twice and failed twice. No toilet water for her!

  26. Maybe Jimmy can grab one of those free breakfasts at the church and then trudge to the under-equipped and poorly sited *warming station* off MLK Jr Drive. That would be exactly what he deserves.

  27. I'd take 20 unwanted phone calls and 3 letters anyday, over at least 500 viscious blog screeds, and avid stalking in all places public for a period of 5 years.

    Seems Trish is the victim of insider courthouse politics, malicious prosecution, and never got her very well deserved PFA against a pestulant lunatic who acts like a 10 year old child, who does not understand that no means no.

    Maybe Trish should re-apply. A fat man scorned is indeed a very nasty person.

  28. Mezzacappa, Pay your judgment or see the court sign an order giving me title to thje house you fraudulently placed in your mother's name. Pay your judgment or watch us grab the trust fund at PNC.

  29. Does the State provide Gregory with a bus ticket to get home for SCI Pittsburgh, or does he have to hitchhike?

  30. Oh, yeah, Mezzacappa is BACK and in natural form. Please go away - nobody cares about your claims of being wronged - you've tried it over and over, and you're just plain wrong. You were found guilty, appealed, lied that you deserved pauper status, and lost your appeal. You lost everything. You're a loser. Get over it.

    Your one "victory" in your mind is that the velvet gavel is gone. Big deal - now you get to go to council meetings and be happy she isn't there. If that is the limit of your life, so be it. You don't even own your house there anymore. Personally, that sounds like the short end of the stick.

    Bernie isn't doing anything to you, except asking that you pay your bill. Have a great time claiming that you deserve a PFA. Go ahead and do that, and you just may earn a charge of harassment. You really aren't in a position to mess around and test the system - you've earned a record that isn't pretty. Say "hi" to Jimbo.

  31. Joseph v Scranton times is coming like a freight train....watch out! Damages? $2 million reduced to Zero...

  32. Mezzacreepa should have her man tested for STDs when he gets out.

  33. Does anyone know if the SCI Scuzzbag or the Mezzacrappa dirtball are allowed to open carry weapons?

  34. Maybe the two of them can hit all the homeless shelters in Allentown. Or they could get a tent to share under the Tilghman street bridge.

  35. I think Jim will be fine. His pension has been going into his account for 3 years and that should be enough of a small stash to get him a room with a cot just long enough for him to go to the sands and blow every penny he has on some bracelet for a 19yo cocktail waitress that he thinks in his delusional mind wants his 63 year old ugliness.

    Who wants to start a pool on how long it takes until he is back in jail? Trish?

  36. Who wants to start a pool on how long it takes John Morganelli to enlist private security for O'Hare, and allow O'Hare to use his office (again) to continue his juvenile monkey show and personal blog wars to shut down and silence anyone who hurts Bernie's feelings?

    My bet ? 1,000.00 and three seconds after Jim boards a bus headed for Bethlehem.

    John's problem is that he is a politician first, and a prosecutor last.

  37. I thought the guy found God and is now a preacher? If so why would he be angry at anyone. Maybe he will just want to save souls.

  38. Mezzacappa, pay your judgment. As for "private" security from Morganelli, he is the DA. He does not enlist "private" security for anyone. Besides, as I've indicated, I need no security. Women beaters like Gregory are cowards. You're more scary than he. But you are a coward, too, as evidenced by your refusal to sign your name to your hate. I'll be deleting you from this point.

  39. I'll let that one stand because it says more about you than I ever could.

  40. Is this the so-called Mediterranean manslab, the human tripod, the Mensa mangod???

    I have heard so much about this guy. From what I gather he is a legend in his own mind. He will probably come out of prison looking like Riccardo Montaban from the movie, "Star Trek, the Wrath of Khan". Someone said he is been pumping iron like crazy. Another guy said he is a power top, whatever that means.

    All I know is any moron that continuously attacks a judge and violates multiple court orders is a real marooooon.

    This guy must be a grade A, jackass.
    Who in their right mind defies a judges order to stay away form an ex-girlfriend. Is the guy 15?


  41. "Prisoner of Love"

    Good one Bernie. He can add that to his numerous titles.

  42. The image of Gregory and Mezzacrappa sharing a bench and some grub at a soup kitchen, and musing over how they "defeated them all" and have been treated horribly by their enemies and the court system is... delicious. They can compare how much each has lost through their strong-headed stupidity - and then laugh insanely as they walk through snow to property they don't own to rest their weary bodies.

  43. "I guess your just shit out of luck"

    You never did get around to taking 5th grade grammar again, did you? You really should disguise yourself better if you're (get it - "you're"?) going to talk trash here Trish.

  44. Gregory and Mezzacappa are nuts. The guy tried to hit on a Sands coattail waitress at the Sands and she had to call the state police.

    The guy is crazy. Bernie can he go to a casino or carry a gun? I hope not.

  45. How long until Mezzaloonie pays up? How long does this go on? I'd like to see O'Hare reap his bounty.

  46. No firearms allowed in casino -Except PA State Police and Bethlehem Cops sent there by dispatch. I would not try it ,the security is on you as soon as you enter. They know what to look for ,casino employees in security are not dummies,they are sharp characters.

  47. "Vengeance is a dish best served cold" - Noonien Singh Khan

  48. That must be part of the New Testament. Go beat up a woman.

  49. Bernie my sources tell me Jim has asked his release to be postponed until March 15 as a symbolic gesture towards the conspirators who collectively attempted to assassinate Gregory through the bogus PFA incarceration. How do you feel about the possibility of Gregory taking up residence at 813 Ridge and being in the position(s) you so desperately sought with the grand dame of the 9-12 project?

  50. Mark your calender March 15 is judgement day for all the Sauducees and Pharisees, looks like our dear leader has made the final arrangements and will be on a bus to his old stomping grounds within 10 days....


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