Local Government TV

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Movin' Like Bernie Sanders?

It's the weekend and we're ...


  1. Unbelievable. 74 y.o. curmudgeon trying to act cool. This year's presidential election is a farce.

  2. The Bern has become the Pied Piper of America's youth, who do not want to pay for college, health care, or anything else. Let's fill up America's colleges with freeloading students, hire more radical professors at outrageous salaries to teach their fawning masses nothing that will contribute to society. Take money from hard-working, ambitious, creative millionaires and give it to a generation of underachieving, radical pot-smokers. Makes perfect sense.

  3. Let them eat lead paint.

  4. I was hoping to see you in this video, O'Hare.

    Thanks for posting. Bernie is a breath of fresh air in this election cycle.

  5. I have not decided who I support. I just like videos that mention my name. I will say that the next President of the United States should be someone whom world leaders can respect, and who does what he says. Obama is such a disappointment.

  6. 10% of college grads think Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court! They vote!

  7. Given Obama's radical and rigid left wing ideology, he never had any chance of being anything but a giant disappointment given all the hype.

  8. People need to do a little more research into this communist sympathizer.

    On the other hand, at least this guy, doesn't hide his affection for socialism and communism like other democrats.In fact this guy was and is so proud of proclaiming his affection for commuunism , he had the "Red" USSR , hammer and sickle flag hanging in his office when he was a mayor. I cant make it up. Comrade Bernie is obsessed with Dicktators(sp)

    This the same guy who wrote an essay that describes, in deviant disgusting detail, women who fantasize about being gang-raped. He also writes about men who get thrills by imagining episodes in which they physically force females into degrading sex acts Cant make it up....Bernie Sanders’ rape-fantasy essay reveals left-wing hypocrisy. I included one link, but found thousands more with the exact same story , including his beloved Vermont newpapers web sites and the democratic socialist web sites. I just used this link because it was the first few that came up after a search.


    Nothing cool about a guy who respects tyrants like Castro, Che, Daniel Ortega.
    Bernie Sanders visited Cuba in 1980, meeting with the mayor of Havana. Later in 1985, he traveled to Nicaragua where he again spoke AGAINST the Reagan administration’s efforts to stop the advance of communism. He also honeymoon in the USSR. How nice.

    A new video showed Sanders praising the mass murdering Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro, claiming that he is in fact loved by the Cuban people. As far as I know and as far as my Cuban friends families witnessed, there is nothing "cool" about what happened in the Castro regime. Watching their highly educated family members geting lined up in the courtyard , against the wall, and being executed, is not cool.
    BTW my Cuban friend is also a highly respected medical doc who just burried his 96 year old mother, who lived through the castro regime before she escaped with her children to the USA after many in her family were executed. Is that cool? What am I missing here? It is nothing but disturbing.


    Maybe I am old fashioned and out of touch,but if that is the case, then so be it.

    John F Kennedy would be rolling in his grave knowing Sanders and Hillary are the candidates for his democrat party. A 74 year old socialist with an affection for communism and a do nothing career political hack, who is under a criminal investiagtion by the FBI. Job well done democrats.

  9. Thankfully people like @2:37 remain anonymous and therefore their words are just FICTION.

    You are "old fashioned". You never evolved, that is what you should really tell people. Cuba and Castro? That's what you are telling us about Sanders? Communism? Comparing that to Socialism? Wake up, please!

    Democratic Socialism. Please learn what that means. Democratic socialism is a political ideology advocating a democratic political system alongside a socialist economic system, involving a combination of political democracy with social ownership of the means of production.

    Sanders is not the Democrat that Hillary is. Democracy and the Democratic Party were destroyed by people like Hillary and the oligarchy. If and when Bernie becomes president, the Democratic Party needs to clean $$$ house.

  10. anon 2:37, thank you for you version of fantasy history. Do you even know what socialism and communism is? Keep the channel on Fox and the tinfoil on your windows. Don't forget to visit all those right wing websites. The end is near, the aliens are coming and they are communist Muslims.

    Oh my!!

  11. CCCP. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Debbie Wasserman Shultz, the head of the democratic something or other, was asked to explain the difference between a socialist and a democrat. She was dumbfounded by the question .Never did come up with an answer, priceless!

  12. Given the context, worth repeating.

    "Until people, regular people, put on their thinking caps and realize this nothing will change. They are blinded by Political Parties(thinking that matters), they are blinded by Capitalistic propaganda and religious propaganda that makes them happy to be fleeced and used.

    The Bernie Madoffs of the world still exist. Most of the US banking and Wall Street conspiracy is still a great Ponzi scheme supported by the political establishment(which includes both Political Parties. Don't forget the media, all the media, every last one! They all profit off the status quo. People's lives are acceptable casualties

    We are all chumps and being played. That is why the only viable solution to the corrupt corporate/political partnership in this country is the election of Bernie Sanders. We need a political and economic revolution. Send a real message that you get it, and they will take notice.

    Anything else is just brain dead bullshit. Wake up Americans."

    Very insigthful

  13. Annon 4:59, is Ted Cruz a Canadian anchor baby?

  14. Ust seletedan anonymous attack aimed at the only reader who bothered to ID himself.

  15. I'm being followed by a moonshadow. Moonshadow, moonshadow.

  16. Bernie speaks truth to power. That scares the shit out of the power elites.

    Revolution of the people baby!

  17. I like Bernie Sanders and agree with him that cervical cancer is a result of too few orgasms. I also appreciate the racial profile of his rallies. They're whiter than a King Family Christmas Special featuring the Osmonds.

  18. "Democratic Socialism. Please learn what that means. Democratic socialism is a political ideology advocating a democratic political system alongside a socialist economic system, involving a combination of political democracy with social ownership of the means of production." sounds like a fancy explanation of communism , when we have a social ownership of production, that is not freedom or liberty. They voted in the soviet union and cuba of course, but if you wanted to work and enjoy freedom you better vote for the right people.

  19. Unevolved idiots talking about fear of communism. Wake up! It's 2016.

    Democratic Socialism is not Communism. You have got to say something better than that.

  20. In theory, Democratic Socialism sounds wonderful. In practice, it's a bit more tricky. It only works when you have no military concerns and rely upon others to defend you. Even then, you lose your liberty from time to time until somebody wins it back for you.

  21. Social ownership of the means of production, what do you call that?

  22. It seems that all that has evolved is the labels of an old philosophy.

  23. Not on topic, but wondering if you will report on the recent Superior Court opinion in Comm. vs Oxford, in which the opinion read like a harsh reprimand for Tony Rybak.

  24. "In theory", MANY forms of government sound wonderful. Communism is considered to be a "bad" form of socialism? Communism and socialism are not exactly the same.

    "Social ownership of the means of production, what do you call that?" >>> "The two major forms of social ownership are society-wide public ownership and cooperative ownership. The distinction between these two forms lies in the distribution of the surplus product. With society-wide public ownership, the surplus is distributed to all members of the public through a social dividend; with co-operative ownership the economic surplus of an enterprise is controlled by all the worker-members of that specific enterprise."

    Share the "profits" with the public. Right now the politicians share the profits with the contractors and developers through inflated contracts. WE ARE BEING ROBBED! The FBI is investigating men and women like Pawlowski, Strathearn, Koval and Wiles because they are making deals with contractors, developers, lawyers and consultants.

    Where does it say that Democratic Socialism does not include defending your county? Until all human beings are Democratic Socialists, we will have to be prepared to defend ourselves from attackers.

    Any form of government that we adopt will require some defense. Who will decide how much $$$ we spend on this defense?

  25. Speaking of Rybak, any word on what day Jim Gregory will be released this month?

  26. He should be released very soon. I have no word on exactly when. The crime victims office promised to notify his victims within several weeks of the date of his release, but has not done so. They have no idea when he is getting out.

  27. Rich Fegley wrote:
    Unevolved idiots talking about fear of communism. Wake up! It's 2016.

    Democratic Socialism is not Communism. You have got to say something better than that.


    Unevolved? There was another group of socialists who dehumanized those that disagreed with them - they were called: NATIONAL Socialists! How convenient a thing it is to simply dismiss someone's point by calling them "less than human" - you do not have to argue your perspective at all! What a nice trick!

    There is no such thing as a leftist view point that does not flatter the exclaimer and you have seen it here - "unevolved." Get it? Rich Fegley sees the truth because HE is evolved and if you disagree with him, you are UNevolved. Genius.

    "Wake up! It's 2016." Yes and you are so enlightened by promoting an old failed religion such as leftism. Leftism, no matter what the form, always fails. Socialism (National, International, Democratic, etc.) can never produce prosperity - it can only destroy prosperity. AT BEST it can only become a parasite to prosperity (for a time). If you do not believe me, take a look for yourself or name a country and I will tell you how is has failed or is failing by adopting leftist ideology.

    The USA no longer has a free market, enter the well meaning figurehead, but buffoon that is Bernie Sanders and the children that support him. This happens every 8 years - the left has to trick children into voting for their causes because eventually most people grow out of such nonsense and abandon the religion of envy and self flattery that is leftism.

    Democratic Socialism IS Socialism.
    Ever growing state - check.
    Increasingly growing taxes - check.
    Unnavigable and expanding regulations and laws to oppress the citizenry and small businesses - check.
    Shrinking individual liberties - check.
    Media propagandizing with their wet dream, utopian narratives of leftist causes - check.
    Consolidation of states rights and commonwealths under a master class of leadership - check.
    The means of production and the profits thereof meagerly dispersed and managed by the state. - check.

    Rich Fegley, how is democratic socialism NOT socialism?
    MOST countries on the planet are under some crap form of socialism and yet their people flock to ours - how come?
    Help me to become as evolved as you are!

  28. Get your facts right. Democratic Socialism is a combination of Community Cooperative, and worker cooperative as a means of production. It is the most free of all other forms of economy. No county in the world has adoped Community and or Worker Cooperative values as a whole or in any meaningful way (except for Mondragon Corp in the Basque region of Spain with 60000 Worker Owners. Democratic Solcialism = Community Cooperative. Nothing more. It is a different form of economy that gives ownership to the community and or worker directly by renting Captial instead of Captial renting the worker. The worker and/or communtiy are paid for their labor as they are owners with Democratic voting and direct ownership as members. One worker One Vote. Ronald Reagan was for DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM he commisioned Project Economic Justice which promoted worker ownership in 1987! Watch the video of the Demoratic Socialist Ronald Reagan talking about the future of the United States and western world as being owned by the workers. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=06vP84SqnS4 He even gives an example of a central american business that defeated communism and chased them away protecting their Democratic Socialist business. Ronald Reagan beleived that ownership beats communism and socialist governments. Democratic Socialism is owned by the people with democratic voting rights. One worker one vote in a worker cooperative. One citizen one vote in a community cooperative. “I can’t help but believe that in the future we will see in the United States and throughout the western world an increasing trend toward the next logical step, employee ownership. It is a path that befits a free people.” -President Ronald Reagan


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