Local Government TV

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Where is Mary Ellen Koval?

Yesterday I told you that a highly placed Allentown City official is expected to plead guilty to criminal behavior in the ongoing federal investigation, possibly as early as this week. In that regard, I should note that Mary Ellen Koval, who was just re-elected as Controller and was scheduled to be sworn in yesterday, was strangely absent from the surreal ceremony in which Fed Ed read a canned speech to which no one listened.

In the wake of a federal investigation that has already snared two former Allentown officials and an entrepreneur who admitted to bribing Fed Ed, Pawlowski insisted that "Allentown's future is extremely bright."

His isn't.

Pawlowsi failed to address any of the allegations concerning the federal investigation.


  1. The Mayor is still the Mayor. No amount of hate will change that. No number of legal cellphone swill change that. All you people can do is continue to hate someone who has had achievements in life. What sad and pathetic lives you must live.

    The Mayor has not been charged with any crimes.

  2. 3:10 looks like you are up every night waiting to be the first to respond with your head in the sand rhetoric. I guess you'll be the first to be writing letters to prison as well. What a sad life you live.

  3. If Ms Koval is the city official to plead guilty that will be very sad. She's been at city hall many years.

  4. Concerned AllentonianJanuary 5, 2016 at 6:57 AM

    Perhaps she wasn't feeling well. Something might have happened in her personal life that kept her away from the meeting.

    I suppose we'll find out soon enough

  5. Anonymous Concerned Allentonian said...
    Perhaps she wasn't feeling well. Something might have happened in her personal life that kept her away from the meeting.

    Hope you're right.

  6. best news of the night - Guidry is ousted from a leadership role

  7. "The Mayor is still the Mayor. No amount of hate will change that. No number of legal cellphone swill change that. All you people can do is continue to hate someone who has had achievements in life. What sad and pathetic lives you must live.

    The Mayor has not been charged with any crimes."

    Burner phones.

  8. Given that Koval's job description includes this statement . . .

    "the City Controller audits the bank accounts of City related authorities, boards and commissions as well as acting as the repository for all City contracts, leases and other agreements."

    she certainly has knowledge and some direct conduct within the neighborhood of FBI interest. I don't believe Koval was mentioned in the original subpoena lists, but would likely be mentioned by several of those who were, including some who want to shift blame over to another person to help themself.

    I'm just pleased the investigation is still ongoing. If a dozen more names are brought up for charges, so be it.

    Fred Windish

  9. Maybe she was too embarrassed to show up. If she wasn't she should have been. Does anyone down there have any shame? That goes for all of the incumbents on council as well. Those willing to acquiesce to corruption are guilty of the same. That I am afraid is the best case scenario for Ellen Koval.

    Scott Armstrong

  10. Scott wrote:
    Anonymous said...
    Maybe she was too embarrassed to show up. If she wasn't she should have been. Does anyone down there have any shame? That goes for all of the incumbents on council as well. Those willing to acquiesce to corruption are guilty of the same. That I am afraid is the best case scenario for Ellen Koval.

    Scott Armstrong

    Well Scott look at Schlossberg!

  11. Maybe she was at Bethlehem City Hall with Pawlowski and Guridy watching their chosen Bethlehem City Council candidate, Olga Negron, get sworn in. Lots of whispers when they walked in to support her!

  12. Unless she resigned, I don't think she's the "official". Of everyone who's been implicated in the mess, the common denominator is that they all left their positions before pleading guilty.

    My bet is it's someone who's recently resigned or retired from the City.

  13. Assuming that the goal is to move up the City Hall food chain to tighten the noose on Pawlowski, I think the next likely candidate for pleading guilty comes down to three choices: Sarah Hailstone, Fran Dougherty, and Mary Ellen Koval.

    Dougherty is a likely choice just because it sounds like he's coming into a sizable settlement from Philadelphia and he's probably looking for a way to not have to spend that money on legal fees in the Allentown case.

    Koval is also a likely choice, not only because she is the Controller, but also because of how she got there. She originally worked in the City's purchasing department, and a Morning Call article from early in Pawlowski's tenure detailed how she would funnel the business cards of city vendors to the Mayor's political campaign. When running for controller, she was almost exclusively funded by Pawlowski, a clear conflict of interest in the race for an office that is supposed to oversee the Mayor's Office.

    Not sure about Hailstone or where she is, but as Economic Development Director, she was almost certainly involved in steering government grants, loans and other favorable treatment to Friends of Ed.

  14. Bernie, there are two counsil members that are fairly new that are aware of facts as too mayor McCheeses's political pay to play ACTivities upon the begining of his appointment¿!($ You have the campaign donations posted 2006 and 2007, than there are those in the solicitors office as well as some that moved from the original circus location east and are now opperating this criminal enterprise were it first arrived via reNUE the Bethlehem Steel property¿!($
    The traveling circus of the triboro area is just that raping and pilliging all ASSet real and entities in the souls of the populus and are large and incharge¿!($ This is ofcourse government enties detached by the fictisious LLC and non profit for profit guise¿!($
    patent pending

  15. Well, now we know why she did not show up for her swearing in yesterday. She has resigned.

  16. @ 8:58 I guess since Ed is no longer wanted in Allentown he is going to start to show up in Bethlehem. Sad.

  17. http://www.mcall.com/news/local/mc-allentown-controller-mary-ellen-koval-resigns-20160105-story.html

  18. Concerned AllentonianJanuary 5, 2016 at 10:41 AM

    Ms Koval had something come up in her family life.

    Now we know why she missed the meeting. She is resigning and probably is going to be indicted as part of the City Hall corruption probe. I'm sure her time will be taken up with legal issues. Probably also singing like a canary to the FBI investigators about possible acts of corruption by higher-ups in the Allentown City Government.

    Oh well, just another manic Monday in Allentown

  19. Mary Ellen Koval is expected to resign today, sources say, six months after the FBI searched her office and others during a City Hall raid spurred by an investigation into a possible pay-to-play scheme.

  20. Concerned AllentonianJanuary 5, 2016 at 10:44 AM

    @10:38 AM

    Moving to a new city can be a good move for someone looking for a fresh start in life.

  21. It was great to see Ed in Bethlehem.
    Everyone felt a lot better about the fact we live in Bethlehem.

  22. Now you understand what you are getting wilt Olga.
    Good luck.

  23. O'Hare, Congradulations on Your reporting on Ms.Koval.I being the fool count 3 City officials. Does this become corrupt organizations offenses ?

  24. She is the high ranking city official to whom I was referring, and the first Allentown elected official. i recall her and her campaign consultant both telling me she had nothing to do with this.

  25. I wonder how much Ms Koval skims off the Parking Authority ?

  26. Stupid GOP -they could have beaten her with a little effort. She had been another FED Ed rubber stamp, took the campaign cash, and no one cared. No audits, did not discharge her duties for 4 years and got re-elected. Stupid GOP

    What about the council members who rubber-stamped all the contracts and land deals, wonder if they are on the wire...some of their family members got city jobs...some campaign cash...

  27. "Unless she resigned, I don't think she's the 'official'."

    She has resigned, and is in fact the official to whom i referred.

  28. "Maybe she was at Bethlehem City Hall with Pawlowski and Guridy watching their chosen Bethlehem City Council candidate, Olga Negron, get sworn in. Lots of whispers when they walked in to support her!"

    Her connection to Fed Ed is the real reason why I never supported her. Also, I am hearing bad things about her since her election. She has turned out to be demanding and domineering with City staffers, something of a bully.

  29. "She's been at city hall many years." Is this good or bad? Julio Guridy has been at City Hall many years too!

  30. 12:05,

    "Stupid GOP"? Stupid Allentown voters is more like it. They were the ones who again automatically rejected every Republican candidate and opted to follow the usual procedure of straight "D" party voting, even for candidates whose offices were raided by the FBI.

    Shame on them. No wonder the rest of the valley thinks as do of us.

    Scott Armstrong

  31. She and her husband Peter live in a very nice home on Meadowbrook Circle in SW Allentown. I wonder how this will affect her lifestyle.

  32. Nice work here, Bernie. Wo's next?

  33. Well Scott, you can say that about an independent candidate, too.

  34. Well Scott, you can say that about an independent candidate, too.

  35. @12:41 PM says: They were the ones who again automatically rejected every Republican candidate and opted to follow the usual procedure of straight "D" party voting, even for candidates whose offices were raided by the FBI.

    Because they don't understand how to read or speak English, they only know that if the name has a "D" next to it, they will give them money. If they vote for an "R" they take the money away.

    Life in Allentown 4.0

  36. The Mayor is still the Mayor. No amount of hate will change that. No number of legal cellphone swill change that. All you people can do is continue to hate someone who has had achievements in life. What sad and pathetic lives you must live.

    The Mayor has not been charged with any crimes.

    Are you formally involved with his campaign for Senator, and now left with nothing to do but make asinine comments at 3AM? Now, what is "pathetic" here?

    You appear to confuse "hate" with the result of excellent investigative reporting. Get some more sleep, because you're talking serious trash.

  37. Concerned AllentonianJanuary 5, 2016 at 1:02 PM

    @12:05 and @12:41 PM

    "D" = Dinero

  38. @12:41. Your comment is why I do not want a Republican Mayor, but an independent who is bright enough and worldly enough to understand what it takes to run a city not for their own benefit. Surprisingly, over the years, it has been hard to identify those people.

    I did not win, but I knew who I was running against, and just how bad he was as an official.

    I am out of politics now, but challenge the valley to get rid of its racism and classism, its old boy network (both sides); run a city/region that is ethical, just, and intelligent enough to know good public policy.

    Am I pointing fingers? Yes, not at the general population, but the regime, both corporate and political, that is in control.

    I can't wait to see how this unfolds. It will be ugly, I am sure. Question is, will the next leadership at all levels take a different perspective? I am not hopeful given the talent I have seen.

  39. Michael Donovan is absolutely right. Allentown is an urban growth regime ruled by crony capitalists from both parties whose real allegiance is to the Almighty Dollar, not the ideology of the left or the right. Fed Ed has been perfectly willing to step on the poor to get what he wants. Pat Browne has helped create an uneven playing field, which is completely contrary to the tenets of his party. It is much more than mere partisanship.

  40. Both parties? Aside from drunk driver Browne (a despised RINO), please list the other Republicans in government responsible for Allentown's crookedness. Developers take what politicians provide them. I've never seen as many Democrats falling over themselves and their burner phones to throw hundreds of millions at rich developers.

  41. You don't get the concept of an urban growth regime. It is not just the people in office, but is businesses and devlopers whose God is the Almnighty Dollar and who have effectively become the rulers in Allentown. Those include J.B. Reilly, Joe Topper, Bennett, Butz, Abe Atiyeh (who incidentally is an R), and numerous other members of the Grand Old Party. The4se Republicans have co-opted the government.

  42. This picture is quite flattering, compared with the one on the Morning Call site. Looks like she's aged 15 years. Kind of like when you post pictures of Whacky. If you see her in person, you want your memory erased and need your eyeballs replaced.

  43. For better or worse, businesses from delis to development companies "worship" the almighty dollar. It's called being in business. Government can't be co-opted unless elected officials permit it. It's why the harshest criminal penalties are reserved for those in positions of power who violated public trust. With the exception of cruddy Browne, who is unlikely to be charged with anything, every single one is a Democrat. Every. Single. One. Money can't talk unless it's thrown around via burner phone by those who control the funds.

  44. Mr. O'Hare

    Mr. Browne, in particular, is the most despised type of politician. You see, he's neither a Democrat or Republican, although he is registers as such.

    He's a crook out for himself. His wife is even more of a crook than he is.

  45. Where is Mary Koval? Living in the same town as Fleck?

  46. Our nation is coming apart. We have a major local problem we believe is being properly addressed, and the behavior in Washington disqualifies it as a 'guiding light.' Problems everywhere.

    Agreed, what's bringing us down knows no party. Dishonesty, shelfishness, and greed have become too common. It's not just a Democrat/Republican issue. For this reason, I continue to promote voting to remove incumbents. We won't get them all, but those who remain WILL get a much-needed message.

    Fred Windish

  47. Alan Jennings for mayor---because he cares!

    No---really, he does.

  48. How much longer can this city take this garbage. City council is still waiting for the investigation to be completed? Really now?

    This approach in Allentown, with city council and their beloved Fed Ed, reminds me of the:Hillary Hustle:

    1) Deny any wrongdoing. 2) Delay. 3) Ignore evidence of wrongdoing 4) Delay some more. 5) Promise to look into overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing. 6) Delay even longer. 7) Obfuscate. 8) Delay even more. 9) Redefine words. 10) Delay. 11) Claim the wrongdoing already addressed. 12) Delay. 13) Misdirect. 14) Delay... 15) Blame Right-wing conspiracy. 16) Delay. 17) Blame sexism. 18) Delay. 19) Claim it happened so long ago she can't remember. 18) Delay. 19) Make straw-man argument. 20) Delay.....

  49. Allentown is an urban growth regime ruled by crony capitalists from both parties whose real allegiance is to the Almighty Dollar, not the ideology of the left or the right. Fed Ed has been perfectly willing to step on the poor to get what he wants." OK- DUHHH. Our economic system is capitalism where yes, people invest money to make money. So what? Go live in Cuba if you don't like our system. Allentown development has created JOBS for the poor and made our community 100% more livable, not just for the rich, but the poor. Keep beating your drum of discontent, BO. You never created ONE JOB for the poor, but you are the wise prophet. You have never improved ANY community yet you tear down those who do. You just love to take pot shots at those who actually work hard to build something. Yet you build NOTHING. You are a gnat in the eye of progress. No better, no worse.

  50. "Burner phones."

    Meaningless phrase by empty heads.

  51. Koval's Controller campaign both times was funded primarily by Ed and the friends of Ed. Now she is roadkill. Hmm, what other local officeholders owe their positions to Ed's campaign bus? What price did they sell their political souls for? How many heads will end up in the FBI duffel bag before Ed capitulates?

    Joe Pesci could play Ed in the movie sequel: Eight heads in a Duffel Bag II

    While I am at it here's some odds on who is next; Fran D 3 to 1, Mota 5 to 1
    Guridy 15 to 1. O'Connell 25 to 1 unknown other 30 to 1. I put unknown other in there because I understand that there are likely some folks in Code enforcement who may have accepted kickbacks to help speed along some activities.

  52. Bernie, I love how the teabaggers on your site excuse the behavior of Republican businessmen and Republican state officials who voted for all this crony capitalism pay to play stuff. So if the object of "Capitalism" is to pay off politicians to make more money at th expense of society and the law, what does that say about Capitalism. Bernie Sanders sounds better all the time.

    Who is more guilty, the guy who pulls the trigger or the guy who buys the gun, loads it and gives it to you and shows you how to pull the trigger. Then shares the booty with you. How would that work out in court?

    Silly Foxian logic, You silly teabaggers you.

  53. Cynthia Mota & Julio Guridy owe their City Council positions to Ed. They will be the next to go. Mota is supposedly out of town. But when she returns she should be on the hot seat for having her vote bought.

  54. http://www.mcall.com/news/local/mc-allentown-controller-mary-ellen-koval-resigns-20160105-story.html

    For once, the Morning-Know-It-All features a news article, instead of just another of it's 500 fluff pieces on the NIZ.

  55. You don't get the concept of an urban growth regime. It is not just the people in office, but is businesses and devlopers whose God is the Almnighty Dollar and who have effectively become the rulers in Allentown. Those include J.B. Reilly, Joe Topper, Bennett, Butz, Abe Atiyeh (who incidentally is an R), and numerous other members of the Grand Old Party. The4se Republicans have co-opted the government.

    2:39 PM

    you are a whack job if you believe the GOP has anything to do with the issues in Allentown. the city govt , state govt and unions really support the GOP BOH?

    this is like blaming the fork for being fat or the bottle of booze for being an alcoholic or a gun for killing someone.

    people have to make choices and choices have consequences. so your beloved democrat party can be bought off by the big bad GOP ??

    that is one of the worst explanations I have ever heard. I am so sure your union buds want to blame GOP cash for the work provided by the big bad GOP.

    I have no love for any of the individuals you named. in fact I despise them as much as I despise political corruption from either party.

    If you are a democrat politician , you now have a new excuse thanks to BOH..we were co-opted by the GOP... sad

  56. I have been writing about the urban growth regime and crony capitalism for years. There are just as many Republican as Democrat participants. That's just the way it is. You want to turn this into a partisan political issue and that is simply flawed thinking by a person so caught up in ideology that you can't see beyond your nose. Nowhere is this more apparent than in Allrntown.

  57. @ 3:13 PM

    Oh Jamie, tell me more...

  58. There is a major body of thought that several different names, describing with data the idea of how govt and business coopt each other to maintain urban power. Urban regime is one. Growth machine is another. Read a bit and discover the challenges of urban policy

  59. Once again, Donovan is absolutely correct. There are numerous academic papers on this topic. In the Lehigh Valley, there is an unelected group of aristocrats calling the shots in Allentown and elsewhere. They control Alllentown, LVEDC, RenewLV, CACLV and the LVPC. Pat Browne serves them. So does Fed Ed, Alan Jennings and Don Cinningham. In Jennings or Joyce Marin's case, it is bc this is how they can get things done. But make no mistake. The 1% rule in Allentown. They will soon rule the entire LV unless serious reforms are initiated, including real campaign finance reform, term limits and open primaries.

  60. They already ru7le the Valley, Bernie through corrupt Democrats or so-called terapartiers, they are all one and the same.

  61. Hillary Clinton cares about the poor.

  62. These good fellas on HStreet need a 7 Point defense plan. Yeah...in it to win it.

  63. I'm surprised nobody blamed it on Bush 43 yet

  64. Bernie,

    When you empower the government to control the economy you create cronyism on the federal level, state level and here in Allentown!
    The founders understood the evil of government control and attempted to create a constitution that "limited" its power. That was a first in the history of the modern western world, the world we know,(let's talk Magna Carta later).
    The Democrats are the party that see the government as the institution/agent of progress/change, conversely Republicans(except most of those in office) value the idea and share the concerns of the constitution's proscription against big government.
    Corporations and men/women of business may be registered in any party they choose but will use/buy any politician, regardless of party that will give them what they need. This takes full circle back to the Constitution that was written preclude such transactions by limiting the power of all government. We have ignored this sound advice to our our peril and the results are what they are on all levels of government.
    So those who want to make Allentown a bi-partisan scandal can do so but when when looks at the larger picture it is the Democrats who want to set the table for even more by empowering all government to control more and more.

    Scott Armstrong

  65. Wake up and smell the coffee.
    Jennings and Marin are not a wit better than the rest.... and even more hypocritical.

  66. Bernie -

    if her term expired monday and she did not take oath monday night, and resigned today, did she assume office legally?

    Question of succession -does it default to runner-up in recent election or to council to select another demo?

    Is the swearing in only a formality?

  67. Scott A - the GOP in Allentown is dead, have to do more than send a mailer the week before the election. Cant blame the voters when GOP is not presenting the issues.

    what is the GOPs strategy to take the Mayor's Office in next election, Tony Phillips? Ha Ha Ha.

    GOP has written off Allentown - Brown and Dent have done very little to support city candidates, soon the demo majority in Allentown will be too much for the county GOP'ers to overcome and Demos will dominate Lehigh County....

  68. "Once again, Donovan is absolutely correct. There are numerous academic papers on this topic. In the Lehigh Valley, there is an unelected group of aristocrats calling the shots in Allentown and elsewhere. "

    Bernie - the Dutchmen have controlled Lehigh County for 100 years, lots of old money (Schnelling, Miller, Bausch, Jandl et al)

    no way around it....the rich get richer cause they have the old money to finance campaigns/PACS

  69. 7:21, swearing in is more than a formality. She never assumed office and now there is a vacancy.

  70. I wonder what the feds found in all of the computers and files from Atown city hall.

  71. rumor has it, bare foot karner allowed bald eddie in boobies office to learn more about shredding and burner phones

  72. I heard she hired Eric Dowdle to represent her. LMFAO...She's doomed

  73. Sorry Scott, I disagree. A pox on both houses. Commerce clause was inserted to specifically protect against the economic hell produced by the Articles of Confederation. Matters of public policy are challenging and can be overrun by mob movements. All the while, corporations (run most often by Republicans - check out the party affiliations of many business leaders have an interest in having influence no matter which party is in office.

    To me the problem did begin years ago with the superpowerful in the valley. It continues in so many ways. The is not government size.

    The issue electing people who are bright, understanding, able to negotiate, and hold to their principles. Is that possible? I have met many in my career. What do I see hear among the powerful? A disaster caught up in self-interest, racism, and classism.

  74. LVPC is too busy partying in sky boxes at the Phantoms to be all corrupt. When I heard that from one of their members I was floored. Thought all the tone deaf idiots were at the airport.

    I bet they love the NIZ.

    I want one of these positions where I can do whatever I want.

  75. Yawn.

    All I need to know is that Hillary cares about the poor.

  76. Love how BOH and many others blame the GOP . Love how the GOP hacks blame the one party rule and the uninformed voters. The real issue is as old as the beginning of this country and was mentioned in a prior post. The govt needs to stay out of the business of picking winners and losers.

    Like I have been writing for years as well, both parties suck. Both parties can not be trusted with the tax payers cash. Both parties can not be trusted in making good decisions. Both parties are on the take and could care less about real democracy. They only care about protecting the party and there you have the problem.

    And this is part of the winning post !!!
    "When you empower the government to control the economy you create cronyism on the federal level, state level and here in Allentown!
    The founders understood the evil of government control and attempted to create a constitution that "limited" its power. That was a first in the history of the modern western world, the world we know,(let's talk Magna Carta later).""

  77. Allentown government is a joke---top to bottom.

  78. All politicians are equally corrupt, but some Democrats are more equal than others.

  79. Mike,

    If spreading the blame around assuages your sense of guilt as a believer in big government then by all means indulge it. In the meantime; we can agree that both political parties are guilty of the same crime of using the levers of government to enrich their own coffers. This all serves to prove the value of the sound advice of the founders, let me quote Thomas Payne, " government is at best a necessary evil".
    Wall Street/Robert Rubin is hook line and sinker big "D". But if necessary they would switch to big "R" if that would pad there pockets faster and big "R" would oblige. Wall Street has done very well these past 7 years while the rest of us have suffered. So spare me the "Republicans/Big Business" line. Save that for the naive students, these days they seem to believe whatever they are told. Too bad.
    As to your class and race arguments they will remain on the back burner as long as those with the assets necessary to buy what they need from your beloved big government are running the show. That is exactly where America is right now and it is your party running the show. Sit back and enjoy it, you very likely voted for it.

    Scott Armstrong

  80. Bernie, if Council picks the new Controller, is this their moment of truth? Is there anyone in Allentown better suited for the job than THE IRON LADY?

  81. Armstrong tells it like it is.


  83. "Mr. O'Hare

    Mr. Browne, in particular, is the most despised type of politician. You see, he's neither a Democrat or Republican, although he is registers as such.

    He's a crook out for himself. His wife is even more of a crook than he is."

    I don;r consider brown a crook for doing what citizens have et him do for years. As for his wife, she is ill and your remark is extremely insensitive.

  84. The usual small minds are at work here, cowardly small minds, Democrat small minds, I know them all too well. Cowards all of them. Predictable as it is pathetic.


    Scott Armstrong

  85. Scott, I just got done deleting a lot of hate, both from the left and the right. Believe me when I tell you it comes from both sides. Democrats do not have a lock on wingnuts, as Donald Trump by himself illustrates.

  86. every one is disgusted with Allentown and Bethlehem politicians, but these same people, if not in jail, will be elected again and again.

    what we have now in regards to a form of govt is called :Ineptocracy
    (in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

  87. 9:04 PM- well said. the same talking points coming from the exact same people who some how , forget all of this criminal; behavior and vote party line and some will vote for these criminals as well.. ..blah blah blah

    Decades of being in control and look what shape the country is in , the state is in and the local communities are in ..just wait until the unfunded pension liability bomb hits . This sate is in deep trouble just like every single state in the country. the state govts can not pay the bills. they can not tax and spend their way out of this mess.

  88. WFMZ is reporting that the Fleck tapes have Koval plotting with mayor at his direction. Play the Dragnet theme!

  89. Bernie, thanks. Wish people could respect disagreement and just enjoy the thrill of informed debate.Scott Armstrong

  90. hey Bernie, love how you keep hammering trump, and yes some is well deserved. yet your amazing leaders named obama and hillary seem to get a pass. don't let your party affiliation get in the way.
    we have a career politician, who has accomplished nothing, in comparison to trump, yet she is given a free pass?
    this is the same person who now tells the country that all sexual assault victims should be believed. yet she and guys like lanny davis and paul begala, Carville, Podesta, Betsey Wright and many more, conspired to slander and defame these women who were assaulted by bill clinton, knowing full well their sexual assault stories were legit and eventually proven to be true.
    don't tell everyone here how impartial you are when you find any way possible to take a shot a cruz, trump , paul , or any other candidate, but your golden girl /criminal liar gets a free pass from you. you are better than that Bernie.

  91. I am no admirer of Clinton or Obama, and want to remind you that the topic here is Mary Ellen Koval. We got sidetracked, and I'm partly at fault, but I'd prefer to stick to the matter at hand. There will be ample time to discuss the Presidential race.

  92. Michael Donovan and Bernie O'Hare have got it right and I have been preaching it for over a decade. It's the "powers that be" who have been running the show for years. I saw it when I moved here over 10 years ago when we were going thru the "new Renaissance of 9th Street Plaza", when I created City wide events independent from our government, when I ran for City Council 3 years ago, and when I created my business purposely "away" from the NIZ. Basically going against the grain every step of the way.

    I believe the "powers that be" are telling the mayor to "sit down and shut-up" and act as if everything is ok and business as usual.The mayor is telling City Council members (who are beholden to him) to "sit down and shut-up" and take the heat and keep to the plan because if you deviate, we can make this easy or hard for you. The mayor knows he is going to prison, and is fine with this but has to stay long enough so they can groom someone that can take his place who won't cause too many waves when it comes to the NIZ with JB Riley and Jaindl. Now, the reason he is going to prison is because he either got greedy and tried to devise a plan o get a bigger pice of the slice (it's hard to see millionaires become billionaires and see millions being received without wanting to obtain a taste) or he is just the sacrificial lamb for a political plan that went awry. Either way, it's a sad situation. And there are no winners...

    A City in chaos, misguided leadership, and lost public trust... The trifecta...

    - Alfonso Todd

  93. The LVPC's "power" rests in the fact that they are the NGO that controls the purse for transportation funding for the ENTIRE region. Huge amounts of money at play. Semi discretionary in nature. It makes Becky Bradley one of the most powerful people in the valley. Now I'm not saying that's good or bad.. I'm just saying it is.

    The LVEDC? Definitely does have ALOT of influence right or wrong. (I have an opinion on this but will keep to myself)

    CACLV? Influential sure.. but they do a heck of alot of good.

    Missing from your group is the partnership. I hear they are a rudderless ship nowadays. If/when they focus again they definitely can make things happen. Again, not qualifying good or bad.

    Renew LV? More activism than power and influence wielding.

  94. They are not missing from my ship. They ARE the ship. I have identified the Lehigh Valley Partnership as the unelected aristocracy that runs all these groups, as well as the greater LV Chamber of Commerce.

  95. The low income people may, with some support,
    actually find their own voice when St. Jennings finally leaves the stage he so adores.
    What a phoney writ large.
    "Allentowns own Jesus Christ" as Emma regularly said.

  96. ReNew LV showed its true colors, it's lack of integrity, and it's lack of courage doing the debate around the water and sewer sale in Allentown.
    Their performance was both cowardly and pathetic.
    To referred to them as activists is a cruel joke.
    Activists walk the walk.
    ReNew is a bogus brown bag society.

  97. LVEDC is another one of the game players. They must as they serve no real purpose other then to employ old political hacks and do the bidding of the elite puppet masters. Note how the Chamber and the LVEDC have many mutual connections including marriage. Oh it is a wonderful world when your soul is owned by wealthy elite.

  98. Koval term expires when, Monday? if she did not take oath monday, was she a private citizen when she resigned from an office she never held onTuesday?

    should the seat default to the GOP runner-up.

  99. All that Donovan el at depict is best captured in HBO True Detective Season 2, Vinci = Allentown!

    Only diff there is no FBI, problems self-corrected, and the band played on...

  100. Bernie
    What happens to someone is the backdrop of this story. How did a longtime resident and I suspect once decent person fall so far? A local author should study this woman and write a book.

  101. The sale of the city's water warrants ongoing investigation. How could any city council ever approve such a project?

  102. Bernie
    Why is the airport allowed to enter into a "secret" agreement with Amazon per front page news?

  103. ""Burner phones."

    Meaningless phrase by empty heads."

    The phrase is only meaningful to drug dealers, terrorists, and crooked politicians who are headed to federal prison.

  104. Scott Armstrong,

    I am a liberal who understands economics and community issues better than most.

    My mind is not small. There are problems on both sides, serious problems, caused by small minds.

    Problem is that the larger minds scare people as threatening.

    There are no simple solutions. No one group is to blame.

    Perhaps the situation is caused by the small minds that are in power and office. Small minds=selfish minds.

  105. "Renew LV are activists---"
    This just kills me!

  106. Should LVPC and Renew LV start up creative initiatives to dramatically alter the election of public officials in Allentown as a way to revitalize Allentown? I'm talking about dramatic outside the box initiatives to change the City Charter to avoid the election of incompetent and/or corrupt one party political hacks. Maybe eliminate the position of Mayor and the hiring of a non-political professional City Manager and a unique system to create City Council elections without formal party affiliation? The idea being to bring honest, open competent government to Allentown to spur economic development and build on the growing excitement of the NIZ.

    Typical Idea 1: Instead of using inflated EIT rates penalize residents for living in Allentown, eliminate the EIT and provide an incentive to live in Allentown. Typical Idea 2: Instead of raising property taxes, lower property taxes and offset the lost revenue by initiating a modest per unit rental impact fee to provide incentives to purchase homes in Allentown. Typical Idea 3: Disband traditional public education in Allentown and write each family a check to use at charter schools, parochial schools, private schools or public suburban schools. Maybe the 4-5 suburban districts in central Lehigh County can be compelled to accept a reasonable number of students living in Allentown. Typical Idea 4: Provide leadership on regional land use plans so suburban townships can direct unwanted commercial, industrial and high density residential uses to Allentown where they should be located.

    These are the kinds of ideas LVPC and Renew LV should be identifying and the first step needs to be to find ways to replace the Democratic Party Political Machine in City Hall with first rate professional administrators (like the many suburban townships have) and a broader, more diverse group of non-party affiliated elected officials.

  107. What Renew should do is quietly go away.

  108. "Koval term expires when, Monday? if she did not take oath monday, was she a private citizen when she resigned from an office she never held onTuesday?

    should the seat default to the GOP runner-up."

    Her term expired at the end of the year. Though she was elected to the second term, she never took the oath of office and hence never served as Controller. This in effect creates a vacancy in the office. The HRC has no provision requiring that the position be offered to the next highest vote getter. Perhaps it should, but it does not. The HRC requires that the position be offered to a person of the same party as the person who just resigned. Since Koval was never sworn in, I see the argument that no one held the office and thus it could be offered to a person from either party. It was vacant from the onset. I would encourage people from either party to apply. As a practical matter, i doubt that the Democratic City Council will give the spot to an R.

  109. Mike,

    Your post seems rather defensive. Why so? I would add that as a teacher you understand that merely writing statements does not make them so.

    Scott Armstrong

  110. Scott A: wouldn't you say that an economy purely in private sector hands is just as susceptible to crony capitalism as one in which the government plays a role?

  111. Scott, your response, confirms my statements. You brought up small minds. Iknow the differece. Currently no one in the city impresses me. To wrap yourself in the republican ideology as if that was the solution is small minded, especially given the repuplicans who looked the other way and enjoyed the spoils.

  112. Michael, I agree. What Scott seems to forget in his," holier than thou" comments, is who can say his "informed sources" are any better than yours. he is the prototypical "intellectual" Republican of today. they all read the same books by the same authors and listen to the same programing and claim because it Different Than mainstream historians and real news it must be the truth.

    Before casting stones as to whom drinks the Kool-Aid thy may want to check their own cups.

    Sterling Decker

  113. Currently, I am in the hospital facing a turn in my Leukemia, and the need to be transferred to Philadelphia. Nothing will make me happier to have this B-Rated movie end, and the FBI finish its work.

    Nothing will also make me happier than galvanizing open-minded, selfless, and ethical people to take a close look at what I have seen for the 12 years since moving here.

    I tried to bring a larger scope to the thinking of public policy, but often got laughed at.

    "Go back to New England" was the cry.

    Well Allentown and Lehigh Valley will have to face the consequences of what happened. Is there strength and willpower to change the direction of politics? Is there strength and willpower to admit to the region's classism and racism? Is there strength and willpower to set a course for modern community and economic policy -- not stuff left over from the 50s.

    Hess'is not coming back. The demographic is not going to change. The good old days will not return.

    It takes real strength and statesmanship to right the ship and enter the modern age.

  114. There are some people who are widely demonizing many officials and developers, without any evidence against them, just because they serve or work in Allentown. (I'm not talking about the obvious targets of the investigation).

    Please keep in mind that some of those people who are being demonized may have been cooperating with the investigation from the very beginning.

  115. In Philadelphia, a major corruption and bribery scandal of a city councilman (Jimmy Tayoun) was broken open because a developer (Willard Rouse) immediately ran to the FBI and agreed to wear a wire after Tayoun demanded a bribe. It would have been much easier for that developer to have just quietly paid the bribe.

  116. "I would encourage people from either party to apply. As a practical matter, i doubt that the Democratic City Council will give the spot to an R."

    Given this loophole, maybe City Council should be encouraged to do the right thing for once, skip party politics, and appoint Steven Ramos to Controller. Steven gained 40% of the vote, an amazing showing for a Republican in Allentown. Having a competent, independent Controller with a real passion for the position would be good for all of us Allentown residents.

  117. Scott A, stop digging that hole, the dirt you are flinging is landing anywhere but on top of you. There are too many damn ideologues in both major political parties at all levels. The hilarity of the Allentown situation is that party identifications were put aside, and forces worked together for one goal. GREED. Pawlowski had some very powerful enablers pushing this thru. They were more than willing to line campaign coffers of all that mattered. It happened because the Powers that be wanted it. Present State Senator PAT Browne needs to reassess his complicity in this Welfare for the Well-off and explain why he has some of the same campaign donors as Pawlowski. This was not a Dem or Rep conspiracy, this was a team effort of the Valley's biggest players. It is far past time to admit that.

  118. Thoughts and prayers Mike, hope a quick recovery.

    While you and I differ politically, I agree with you that when I see any party wrap itself in righteousness, that's when I know the bull is hitting the fan. Both parties are infected, and one only needs to look to NY to see more than enough evidence.

    We need to stop this insanity, evict the nomenklatura (elected, unelected aristocracy (jeez Bernie I love that phrase) and the croneys), and focus on doing what's right. That's where we can have legitimate discussion and debate.

    The Banker

  119. Over the past ten years both parties leaders have actually had a "gentleman's" agreement. The Republicans have given up the cities, in return for the townships and counties. They purposely do not promote or encourage candidates in the cities. That keeps Democratic voters at home. Meanwhile, Democrats are just outgunned in township and county elections, since many Democrats only vote for President and sometimes governor.

    It is an unholy alliance with payoffs to any and all. How do you think all those shitty developments and warehouses have sprung up all over the suburbs.


  120. Chris, kindly point out the dirt I have been flinging. Scott Armstrong

  121. "This was not a Dem or Rep conspiracy, this was a team effort of the Valley's biggest players. It is far past time to admit that."

    Perhaps we should simply not believe our lying eyes. Please list the Republicans who've been charged in this affair. Thanks for playing, Chris. I eagerly await you defense of Kathleen Kane.

  122. "Please keep in mind that some of those people who are being demonized may have been cooperating with the investigation from the very beginning."

    Absoilutely correct. Many have been unfairly vilified as well.

  123. Yes, please name one Republican who has been charged in the City of Allentown's corruption scandal.

    Thank you in advance for your honesty as it is greatly appreciated.

  124. Ramzi Haddad is a Republican and he has been charged.

  125. In reference to an earlier comment - RenewLV does nothing but take credit for the work of other people and organizations. Not so secretly controlled by Alan Jennings & other do nothing armchair liberals. They're completely idealistic and have no understanding of what the Lehigh Valley needs or how to accomplish it. They are so ill-informed that they don't even realize that some of the policies they promote will actually trigger more sprawl. It's just pathetic.

  126. " Michael Donovan said...

    Scott, your response, confirms my statements. You brought up small minds. Iknow the differece. Currently no one in the city impresses me. To wrap yourself in the republican ideology as if that was the solution is small minded, especially given the repuplicans who looked the other way and enjoyed the spoils."


    I don't wrap myself in the Republican ideology I simply believe as did the founders that less government is best for the people. You don't agree. Well informed and intelligent people can and do disagree on any issue. That is normal.
    Perhaps because Bernie deleted some posts you misunderstood my post that decried "small minds". That was in response to anonymous personal attacks directed at me merely because I dared to express conservative opinions on this blog. Democrats are not small minded, nor are Republicans, those of either party that anonymously use insult instead of reason are not just "small minded" but cowards as well.
    Your time on council is appreciated by many people in the city as is your run for the office of mayor. Too bad you lost, but in life the bad guys often win. God bless you for your service to the city, you owed it nothing yet bothered to care. My hat is off to you.
    One request, can you do something about that Christmas light display on your street?

    Scott Armstrong

  127. Bernie,

    The truth is all the modern urban corruption stories can be tied to just one party, that would be the Democratic Party. I am hard pressed to think of an urban area controlled by Republicans that has run afoul of the law. On the other hand the list of Democratically controlled urban areas that have made headlines and produced indictments for political corruption is as long as it is sad.

    Scott Armstrong

  128. Name one Republican who holds elected office who has been charged in the City of Allentown's corruption scandal.

    Don't wimp out and delete like last time, just answer the question honestly, please.

  129. Scott A - Pat B Mr GOP is all over the urban corruption in allentown as Mr NIZ...give us a break....palow and others were used by the lehigh county dutchmen GOP'ers who are making the big bucks from NIZ!

  130. How much has Mrs Pat B made in retainers/consulting fees from NIZZERS

  131. Pat Browne is part of the problem in Harrisburg. The corruption he is involved in is sadly all legal. This corruption is facilitated by consistently low voter turnouts and by self legislated benefits that make politics a very well heeled profession.

    Scott Armstrong

  132. 7:32, your first assertion was that this is all Democrats. I effectively rebutted that, which lead to an interesting discussion in which, thankfully, you were not involved. You then demanded that i name one Republican charged in this debacle, so I did. Finally, knowing that there are no Republucan elected officials in Allentown, you demand I name one who has been charged so you can make the illogical inference that Rs are all pure. I refuse to play your game and will delete your troll remarks as you continue. Let the grown ups talk and go write about hockey.

  133. Bernie,

    I was a Republican elected official until early December and there are currently 3 school members of the ASD Board. No one bothers to corrupt them.

    Scott Armstrong

  134. LVPC was chaired by a King Spry lawyer.

    All you need to know.

    Almost all the directors of these organizations are Dems and proud of it.

  135. Snelling, the spiritual grandfather of the whole lot, was dirty as all get out.

  136. Scott, You were a school board member, not a member of City government. Also, school board members cross file and should strive to be nonpartisan. Finally, the person who posted these questions and who made other totally OT attacks that I had to delete, is a troll well known to me. Please don't feed the troll any more than I already have. He will be deleted when he comments again.

  137. 7:35, As I haver already indicated once, Ms. Browne is no longer in that game and is battling a serious illness. leave her alone. Next time i delete.

  138. no one bothers to corrupt ASD board members cause they influence ZERO - no $$$$, no contracts, nothing for the taking...and the city public schools are a mess.....congrats to Scott and his fellow GOPers on school board...the state should take take over ASD

  139. And the sad thing is that pay to play is stil alive in Allentown

    Council tonight awarded a $1.8M contract and had no clue who owned contract or if they were donors, no homework on pay to play- Iron Lady gone and legislation not enforced

    And a Charlie Theil company contract was extended, who gave $10000 to hizzoner, and $15000 back to Theil company

  140. 8:30,

    FYI, the ASD board reviews and approves every school district contract. Hence there is no cronyism. If only city council council had the same responsibility and if they did, took the duty as seriously as the ASD board we would not be having an FBI investigation of city hall.

    Scott Armstrong

  141. Scott, the dirt you are flinging is your constant disparaging comments that pigeonhole all registered Democrats as stupid level pullers and walking around asking for hand outs. I try to be respectful towards you but all you do is fling the far right crap that annoys me as much as the far left crap. We have to live and work together, and looking down your nose at those you supposedly held governance over is why they kicked your ass out. They gave you a chance, and you pissed on them, that's why you lost. Get over it.

    And I can point right here, where I live in Upper Macungie, where I did battle with Corrupt Republicans who awarded all contracts without bid to companies owned by family members and all work to campaign donors. Two Supervisors were forced to resign because of a State ethics investigation I instigated. Don't you dare say Democrats are the root of all corruption. HUMANS are the root of all corruption, party affiliation DOES NOT MATTER! You give people power and it will corrupt them no matter what party they are.

  142. Chris,

    In Allentown if the shoe fits, wear it. You seem to be the one digging a hole now. You seem angry, and feel the need to vent.
    Trust me, no one is happier than me to be off the ASD board. And realize nothing I could have done would have gotten me re-elected. I chose to be myself and speak my mind in office. I only got on the board because the D's in A-Town didn't know enough on my first run not to vote for me because I wasn't really a Democrat. And you want me to respect them.
    Wow the battle scars you have suffered fighting the good fight in Upper Macungie must be brutal. How do you bear the strain? Those mean Republicans must have called you some nasty names. John Dowland's "Flow My Tears" come to mind.
    So you can name to Upper Macungie supervisors were forced to resign, I can think of many, many more D's from much larger municipalities that did jail time. But you are correct, both parties are to blame, two upper Macungie supervisors against
    this quick sample

    Democratic Mayors convicted

    Mayor Patrick Cannon - Charlotte, NC. Arrested less than a month ago for influence peddling and bribery.

    Mayor Ray Nagin - New Orleans, LA. Convicted in January on corruption charges.

    Mayor Tony Mack - Trenton, NJ. Convicted in February for accepting bribes for government contracts.

    Mayor Bob Filner - San Diego, CA. Convicted of sexual harassment and other ethics-related incidents.

    Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick - Detroit, MI. Convicted of extortion, bribery and conspiracy charges.

    Mayor Larry Langford - Birmingham, AL. Convicted of accepting bribes.
    State Legislators convicted

    CA State Senator Leland Yee. Malkin writes, ‘Yee made a decades-long career out of sanctimoniously demonizing gun owners and railing against the Second Amendment. He was arrested this week on corruption charges after an FBI sting found probable cause to believe Yee had conducted wire fraud and engaged in a conspiracy to deal firearms without a license and illegally import firearms.’

    PA State Senator LeAnna Washington. The report cites, ‘This week, a judge ruled that the Keystone State could proceed with a trial against Washington…She is charged with felony theft of services and felony conflict of interest. More than a half-dozen former employees blew the whistle.’

    RI House Speaker Gordon Fox. The researchers write, ‘The powerful Democrat announced last weekend that he is stepping down from office after FBI raids on his home and work offices. Fox is the target of several criminal investigations by the US attorney’s office, the FBI, the IRS, and state police.’

    CA State Senator Ronald Calderon. The account reveals Calderon was, ‘hit with a 24-count federal indictment for bribery and corruption. His brother also was charged with multiple counts of money laundering and influence peddling.’

    CA State Senator Roderick Wright. AIM reveals, ‘The entrenched Los Angeles-area politician is now fighting his January conviction on felony perjury, false declaration of candidacy, and fraudulent-voting charges.’

    NY State Rep Bill Scarborough. The report says, ‘The FBI and state authorities raided his home and offices as part of a probe into his travel-voucher practices.’

    IL State Rep Keith Farnham. The writers reveal, ‘After sponsoring two bills to increase penalties for child-porn possession, Farnham was the subject of state and federal raids last week on his home - for possession of child porn.

    Let's ad Bill Clinton convicted of perjury for good measure. The mayor of Reading, the Democrat head of Reading's city council.

    Hey there is plenty more out there. Just open your eyes Chris.

    Scott Armstrong

  143. Oh! and Kathleen Kane. Everyone's favorite Attorney General. Scott Armstrong

  144. Scott, your response, confirms my statements. You brought up small minds. Iknow the differece. Currently no one in the city impresses me. To wrap yourself in the republican ideology as if that was the solution is small minded, especially given the repuplicans who looked the other way and enjoyed the spoils.

    1. Mr Donvan
      I am just wondering how the indictments read as to gang ties and implications to this pos administration that you also have chose to turn a blind eye to too?
      This must be a implication as to your integrity, honor and just all around morally unadressed issues that are lacking here in the City Without Moral Limits on its LOWS?

  145. What has Charlie dent and pat Browne done for Allentown GOP candidates?

    What is the GOP strategy to win the mayor's office?

    Palowski was one step away from choosing GOP candidates to run against his demo tickets so the voters would think there was some semblance of an election in Allentown!

  146. Mike,

    Doubling down on nothing still makes zero. Scott Armstrong

  147. I am going to reply to Scott, "One eye closed" Armstrong. I am not going to waste my time putting up a list of equally egregious Republican's convicted of crimes. We would be here for years. State Rep John Perzel (REPUBLICAN)ring a bell? As long as you insist on blaming one party for all problems while ignoring the sins of your own, you are a hypocrite. You are not happy about losing, if you were, you wouldn't keep trying to convince us all of that by repeating how happy you are. I actually feel pity for you. Go get some therapy. No wonder the Teacher's Union threw a victory party election night. The stone wall of ignorance that they couldn't talk to collapsed under the weight of its own arrogance.

  148. Chris, this is one area the Republicans have bested the Democrats. they have many more websites dedicated to keeping these kind of statistics that their sheeple can use in any argument. The teaparteirs have helped them in compiling their; I am good you, are bad arguments.

    The Democrats need to form a fanatical group dedicated to all this information on Republicans to use to make your pointless pit of view arguments.


  149. Scott, organizer of lights is the first house to the left

  150. Anonymous coward, I always love when an anon attacks the integrity of a person who identifies himself. Although you've already demonstrated what you're like, to the rest of the world, Michael Donovan is currently hospitalized and battling pneumonia.

  151. Don't Forget Allentown's or for that matter Lehigh Counties own Director of Cost and Fines Kathy Sievert dipping in the pot. She Pled Guilty and got 4 years probation. She then had to be called back in to court two years latter to pay her fines in a contempt. If everyone who was wronged by Lehigh County and Allentown sued them, "they would be beyond broke."


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.