Local Government TV

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

A Tale of Two State Reps

Social Media Consultant (and state rep) Mike Schlossberg not only wants you to buy his book, but wants you to "like" him, too. He has been sending announcements from Facebook, warning us that he's running for re-election and, of course, that he wants your money.  He also thinks you have no problem with the state house's  complete failure to come up with a budget, and actually defends being stubborn.

His book is entitled "Tweets and Consequences." His ghost voting record in the state House is "Deceit and Consequences."

He thinks you're stupid enough to vote for him.

In stark contrast to Schlossberg, State Rep. Daniel McNeill, D-Lehigh, has recently reintroduced a bill that would suspend pay for members of the General Assembly and administration officials if a budget is not passed on a timely basis.

The state’s fiscal year ended on June 30 and passing the state budget is necessary to extend state spending authority into the new fiscal year that starts July 1. The budget is still not completed more than five months later.

“Responsible negotiation and the passing of a budget is something the citizens of the commonwealth count on us for,” McNeill said. “As legislators and members of the executive branch it is our basic fiduciary duty and a core function of state government to carry out this obligation. In order to move the budget process forward to timely completion, my bill would incentivize all involved by removing any pay or per diem after the deadline until a budget is passed.”

McNeill first introduced his bill on June 17, 2015, but he was only able to get two co-sponsors, so he pulled it. He said that since the budget has dragged into a new year and forced school districts and human services agencies to borrow money just stop stay open, he is hopeful more members will be willing to sign on to the bill to prevent a similar impasse in the future.

McNeill said the pay suspension would impact senators and representatives, the governor, lieutenant governor and the governor’s cabinet officers, but would not include staff. Pay and per-diems would be reimbursed upon the passing of a budget.

“Games and posturing force the citizens of Pennsylvania to view us as ineffective and as not taking our responsibilities seriously,” McNeill added. “We should start the process early in the year, engage in actual negotiations and compromise to get the budget done on time.”

I am trying to determine the HB number so i can determine whether anyone is willing to co-sponsor this legislation with Dan.


  1. Per diem's need to be stopped in addition to sch'loss'berg being booted from office!

  2. Darth Voter must go.

  3. He and allentowns counsil king circus snakeoil salesman that speaketh with forked toungue could collaborate on a nue book¿!($ They could put both there faces on a snakes body as the books cover and call it The ReNue Raping and Pillaging of the Poor and Destitude¿!($ While Acting under local electronic tecnology circus law twist of theft of services class 101 taught on the fifth floor of cityhall¿!($ This underacheiving class offered to those in collusion also has a small section on beating the RICO act with the homeroom rule law charter paperwork snow flurry very similar to the snow job spew from the lips of the souless bobbleheads¿!($

    patent pending

  4. bernie, i'm surprised and shocked at this post. in the real world, on the floor at the state house, even mcneill wouldn't vote for this. it's simply a feel good proposal from a straight dem voter, who votes the unions over the tax payers. btw, dan's office is now sending birthday cards to his constituents, he heard that they help assure re-election. between your few reps. in northampton county, they're approaching 100 years of combined service.

    disclaimer: i'm a candidate for state representative who will vote for pension reform and pledge term limits.

  5. MM, Given your disdain for constituent service or sending birthday cards, you won't be a candidate for long. Every state rep does that sort of thing. While you might think it goofy, it means a lot to many people. What means more is when a state rep helps someone with an unemployment application or even a PennDot matter. I now know why you never sent me a birthday card.

    As far as Dan is concerned, I discussed this very matter with him several months ago, and he is quite serious about it. He pulled his bill bc he was unable to get anyone to go along, but i am heartened that he is renewing that effort and commend him. You seem to just be looking for an excuse to bash him, and amazingly, because of this party. That's hardly what I'd expect from someone who considers himself an independent voice, or who is running to represent everyone.

  6. McNeil is a savior and martyr, huh? OK, has he forgone his public pension, social security and other benefits? It is sweet he wants others without the extra incomes he has to give up their primary source of income.

    Of course he could voluntarily give up his state money to charity all the while he is pursuing this, has he?
    In other words he is well known as the most illiterate state rep, proving MM's point, and now he is hypocritical as well. He was appointed by labor bossed to this position. Now he is putting forth a kiss your sister proposal but as of yet has not shown ay real commitment to self-sacrifice?

    Ok, yeah he is a great guy.

  7. Bernie, yes, the portion of whitehall in the 183rd will be receiving no birthday cards from me. however, my office will continue providing the same level of assistance with state documents, be it an application or license. for birthday cards, they will have to rely on family members.

    yes, i am an independent voice, but also a pragmatic realist. I would like to see state representatives move important stalled legislation forward, not grandstand with proposals which would never past. in reality, they only agreed to vote on pension reform if it didn't affect them, and then voted no anyway.

    although i'm willing to offer my time and energy to sincerely try to institute some reform in harrisburg, there are no existing role models whom i hope to emulate.

  8. MM as long as you are not a teabagger I will support you. We have enough of those nuts in politics today.

  9. Put some meat in this bill. Suspend pay and forfeit per diem. Otherwise it just deferred payment without penalty. One does not even have to stay overnight, just present on consecutive days. $159 per day is tax free. Most have shared apartments. Give them $1100 per month lodging stipend and eliminate food. Every worker eats. This does not even include transportation stipend. The average Joe working in Phila or NJ cannot even deduct their mileage from their taxes. There is no 50 mile rule for these folks.

  10. Concerned AllentonianJanuary 6, 2016 at 4:16 AM

    Instead of "Tweets and Consequences", a better name would be "To Tell The Truth"

  11. Bernie
    Schlossberg shows no shame whatsoever. So what if I ghost voted. Everyone does it.
    If voters in his district support his dishonesty they get what they deserve.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Per diem's need to be stopped in addition to sch'loss'berg being booted from office!

    12:18 AM

    Per diems at least should require mandatory receipts. What business allows employees to spend as they wish.

  13. MM, Given your disdain for constituent service or sending birthday cards, you won't be a candidate for long.


  14. 626. State contracts require receipts and only reimburse for actuals. If there is no overnight stay, there is no per diem. I think these guys would abuse actuals and exceed reasonable amounts.

  15. Schlossberg is a perfect example of the shrinking of the Democratic party. There's no room for moderates; only brazen, far left douchebags. It's why Democrats have lost over 900 state legislative seats and 70 Congressional seats in the last seven years.

  16. Far left????

  17. Multi-Vote Mike needs a little jail time.

  18. Mike is not a far-left guy, though he is a straight party-line guy. If anything, he's not progressive enough (hence his relationships with Ed Pawlowski etc).

  19. "Far left."

  20. ""Far left????

    ""Far left."

    970+ lost legislative seats ... bawhawhawhaha!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure it's because Dems have moved too far right.

  21. Guy is a complete turd. What happened to Jennifer Mann and how did he replace her?

  22. Mike is so far left he leans over to the next House seat and votes for a guy who's out of town - and then blames his crime on tea party extremists.

  23. Jenn Mann, sadly, morphed into a complete turd
    and taught this little piece of New Jersey shit everything he knows.

    Mann made her $$$$$$$

    If there is any justice they will both do time.

  24. "What happened to Jennifer Mann and how did he replace her"

    Schlossberg is pretty much her protege, so that should give you an idea about her, if my other posts about her have not awakened you.

  25. Ms. Payday Loan, with Alan Jennings blessing.

  26. Nincompoop! What does Mann do now? She dated a Pressman, no? That's a bit scrupulous considering Atowns past, no? Poor guy.....

  27. Pressman was her beard.
    Wake up and smell the coffee.

  28. Who do these idiots think they're fooling?!?! Schlossturd is such a colossal clown. Does he actually think people look upon him as a leader\catalyst of change?!?! Jenn Mann was just so damn arrogant. Was Pressman compensated for being her "Beard?" I hope for goodness sake he didn't have to partake in typical bf-gf behavior......no amount of meds and counseling could remedy such "abuse.""

  29. A ha! I see that you too, Mr. O'Hare, also enjoy the creature that is Mike Schlossberg. The picture you posted accompanying the article is magnificent! If im correct that was taken from a youtube clip outside the JCC? This may sound pathetic, but when times are tough and im feeling a bit down, I will youtube "mike schlossberg." It instantly brings a smile to my face and a chuckle to my belly. His facial queues and speaking delivery are all too hilarious. I believe pompous best describes it overall.

    So, if you are reading this, and feeling a bit down, hit up youtube and Schlossberg will turn that frown upside down!

  30. Come on Bernie! McNeil is in Pawlowski's camp as well and called Fleck a friend on top of his use as a campaign manager. This is a joke and he's probably worse than Schlossberg if that's even possible. The guy was appointed to his position by the Democratic Party with Pawlowski as the puppet master for crying out loud.


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