Local Government TV

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Bethlehem Tp Takes Aim At Library, Public Comment

Breslin struggles at helm in Bethlehem Tp
At a brief meeting of Bethlehem Township's Board of Commissioners on January 18, there was virtually no explanation of three pages of agenda items. The public had no ability to check on them in advance because the Township failed to post its back-up documents online.

Manager Melissa Shafer will attend a two day "executive development conference," but there is no indication anywhere what it will cost. The same is true for Chief Dan Pancoast and Capt. Greg Gottschall, who will be at Penn State on St. Paddy's Day for a three day labor conference. Commissioners rubber-stamped $118,000 worth of purchase orders with just one question, and approved a series of "blanket" purchase orders for this year with no questions at all.

Commissioners did table what appeared to be a $9,205 insurance police for cyber security. There was no explanation of who would be providing this insurance or whether the Township bothered to shop around.

Throughout the meeting, President Pat Breslin mangled the English language. "Conservation" became "Conversation." He didn't even try to read the word "indemnification." It comes as no surprise, therefore, that Commissioner are about to embark on something called a "library referendum."

Noting that Bethlehem Township pays $405,000 to participate in the Bethlehem Area Public Library, Michael Hudak said it's time to reconsider. According to him, the public "has been very vocal, to say the least."

Malissa Davis echoed Hudak's concerns, noting that Bethlehem Township pays 20% of the cost of the library, but only gets 14% of the use.

Hudak decided, apparently in advance of the meeting, that the subject should be tabled because "there really isn't enough information to have an intelligent conversation [not conservation] at this time."

Malissa Davis is also proposing a public comment policy.

Last year, when former Commissioner Marty Zawarski proposed a public comment policy, Davis called the very notion "disrespectful to the citizens," adding that public comment has never been an issue. But now that she's on the other side of the dais, it appears that it is. She wants to bar public comment on agenda items until the item comes up and is explained. At least that's what I think. She also said she'd support a time limit on speakers if a meeting is crowded. Since the back up documents were not attached to the agenda online I have no idea what this public comment policy states, or if there even is one. But Solicitor Jim Broughal ruled that whatever it is, it's legal. Considering that the Sunshine Act has virtually no teeth, he's probably right.

Everyone has left, but Pat Breslin is still there, trying to pronounce the word "adjourn."


  1. It's going to be a long year.

  2. And to think Patty is a motivational speaker. His speaking skills suck, he can't even read, he mispronounces words. Really!, this is grade school stuff. A deer in headlights still.
    Now just rubber stamping bills. They had to raise taxes a gazzillion percent recently. Ok all township employees suck up to the pig and latch onto a nipple. It's feeding time. When they are not vacationing for twelve weeks out of a year they are going to seminars in exotic places. Our taxes at work.

  3. Is there a criminal attempt to hide the paperwork from the taxpayers?

  4. No surprise to see that work is not getting done, how can it get done when select employees make their own work schedules?? This is only what you see Bernie, it's much worse but a smile makes people overlook these issues.

  5. Lee Snover always allows full public comment with very few limits

  6. 1208 and 1221 am,
    The landroover drivin wallymart mentality of the circus is spreadin like wildfire in the triboro¿!($ This is those perpatrators that prop up the dummies in political positions of power and there is just not one of the great and powerful OO behind the curtian¿!($ OZ's slight of the hand and the soul sale sectorsubdiVISIONal tools are made up of a consortium of public and private sector colluded together as one yet seprated as many different entities yet one in the same wearing the rustbelt catch phrase over there ears for no public input or even consideration to facts ommitted and put to print as federal data faked by those chose to sway to a made up agenda¿!($
    Thanx Bernie for breaking up the stories of the now infection of the political pot of fermented blue juice originating epicentral to allentowns downtown and now the infectious illbehaviors propogated by a few infects the triboro politinotoes with one agenda¿!($
    redd for Republican
    patent pending

  7. Sell the community recreation center to a for profit entity before abandoning the library!

  8. No leadership in the township at all. Hudak anointed Breslin as President, who was a no show for what ---25-35% of meetings . Breslin , a Tea Party hack's idea of government is no government, and he wants to do the minimal amount possible. You already see he is way over his head. Then you have Hudak and Nolan fighting over everything and anything, the problem is Hudak fight with anyone who has an opinion opposite his which isn't hard considering. Hudak and Nolan cancel each other out. So your left with two new women who don't know jack, it seems. What does this equal---- zippo, nothing , nada, zilch, zero. What a mess. Perfect for Hudak who wants Bethlehem township to be like it was is the 60s.

  9. Some predictions for BT in 2016:
    1.) The lack of communication within BT will come to greater light this year. 2.) Mr. Breslin will expand upon his ineptness. (Where has his brain been for the last 2 years? Must be eating paint chips at the yellow house.) 3.) Mr. Hudak will have a nervous breakdown. 4.) The rookie Commissioners will still look puzzled after 8 months.

  10. Nobody talks to one other in BT. On the inside, everyone seems to be afraid to share knowledge, Do they fear elimination if more than one person knows the answer to a question. Maybe another $8K Myner Center study would show them what already seems obvious.

  11. Maybe that was the plan. Hey Melissa, give staff another $10,000 raise, no one is looking.

  12. Easton seems to be the only sane community in the valley.

  13. 8:35 am
    You clearly did not live in bethlehem township in the sixties. It was a great place to live and it still can be if all the cry babies would just stop. you make it sound like it was a bad time or something. hudak and nolan have both been commissioners for over ten years. as for last night i didn't see any fighting between them rather they were both accommadating of each other. not agreeing with someone is not a bad thing. thats how issues come to light and the best possible outcome derived. pretty unfair assessment of the new commissioners. only their first real meeting. give them time and i'm sure you'll have something more to bitch about. in reading your post it sounds to me that your just a bitter person with an axe to grind,Zawarski maybe. in any case it's obvious you were not even at the meeting, your just need to whine which cancels you out.

  14. "Is there a criminal attempt to hide the paperwork from the taxpayers?"

    Hardly. The back up documents were postedon the bulletin board,. but I never checked bc they are supposed to be ion the web page. When i got home and they were not there, and this is the second time, I exploded. It is impossible to state what happen without them. This is not the transparency promised.

  15. "as for last night i didn't see any fighting between them rather they were both accommadating of each other."

    Michael Hudak, you should sign your comments instead of posting here anonymously. This writing style is exactly the way you speak. As for being on your best behavior, you have been but that will last until one of the Comm'rs disagrees with you. You don't even believe in public comment and called it a privilege, so you would want it regulated. Malissa Davis, who had claimed that no policy was necessary, is now enacting one. You must also be thrilled about getting out of the library. Who needs to spend money for books? Why should people read when they can watch TV? And the vast majority of the public supports dumping literacy when it appears that your own board president can't read? What's sad is that this is supposed to be a Democratic board and you will now plunge the township into a disdain for learning and knowledge. No wonder this country is going down the tubes.

  16. Interesting. If I'm understanding right, that's how we do it. Public comment (which we have two, beginning + end of mtg) is for non-agenda items. So, if you have q about agenda item it comes up later during that item. Which makes more sense.

    I don't see that as onerous. Often times FAQ's are answered during an overview. Yes, we want a free flow of ideas. But we also do want efficiency. Right? Or am I missing something. We always want to make the process better.

    One criticism could be making folks wait through a long meeting to get to agenda point they have question on. But a good President will move up an item if he/she knows lots of people attending for one issue. We have done that many times.

    I also try to take a look at folks present before each meeting starts and I see someone un-familiar I introduce myself and ask if they are attending for any specific reason. This way we can make sure questions are answered and help guide through process. Unfortunately, let's face it. All muni meetings have such a small amount of 'regulars' it's pretty easy to pick out unfamiliar faces to help them out personally.

  17. "When they are not vacationing for twelve weeks out of a year they are going to seminars in exotic places. Our taxes at work."

    Can you cite some examples? I'd love to know if Township employees get 12 weeks vacation! Can you cite seminar examples in exotic locations? You surely don't mean Harrisburg or Scranton? To me an exotic location would be Brazil, Italy or Jamaica?

  18. @ 12:17

    The ignorant person making those comments will have NO response to you based on FACTS. It is clearly a jealous person just looking to bitch and complain about something, as most bloggers on this site are!!

  19. The monthly bill's are a disgrace and frivolous to say the least in many line items.
    Why can't they spend like it's their own personal checking account? You want specifics, judge for yourself:

    http://www.bethlehemtownship.org/commagenda.pdf - UniFirst is raping the township on cleaning mats & uniforms. The salaries that township staffers are earning surely should have them cleaning their own clothes, not taxpayers! $137.50 for uniform allowance, are you kidding me??? Again, the salaries that staffers are pulling down are enough for them to wash and dry their own clothes as we do out here in the private sector...

    $1400 for 4th qtr computer updates? Who is "Robert Bysher" related to in the township? Updates are automatic for most businesses so who is monitoring his work? Does he simply pick a price and bill the township and it gets paid? I need a drink is it after 12...

  20. @3:15,
    I think Bob Bysher is the owner of New Arrival Studios, the creator of the Township's web site. The folks who create and update web sites make a lot money for little work.

  21. @3:15,
    Not sure if you know how much uniforms cost. A pair of trousers and a button down shirt comes to about $100. How often to the officers receive this allowance?

  22. Not sure it would be fair to blame the webmaster, how do you know he was provided with the documents? I bet if you dig deeper it comes down to Staff!

  23. "Throughout the meeting, President Pat Breslin mangled the English language. "Conservation" became "Conversation." He didn't even try to read the word "indemnification." "

    A BOH classic. Pat should refund the tax money wasted attempting to edjumakate him, and should issue an apology (perhaps in crayon) to the English teachers who toiled in vain. He clearly should have spent more time at the liberry.

  24. Bernie, I actually agree with new commissioner Malissa Davis's suggestion. Having the question/answer period immediately following the agenda item is helpful. Courtesy of the Floor does not serve the public if you have to ask questions about an agenda item before it is presented. For example, during Traditions of America 2nd presentation, former President Zawarski stated that TOA was not there for a formal presentation and if anyone had any questions, they should ask during courtesy of the floor. TOA DID make a major presentation and citizens were barred from asking any questions after the TOA presentation because Q&A was during courtesy of the floor. There should have been an opportunity for citizens to refute the information TOA presented. The commissioners voted to waive side walks & curbs at that meeting, not defer as per the planning commissions recommendation.

    More interaction would be possible with discussion of the public happening right after the agenda item. This format works very well during Planning Commission meetings. Lee Snover does a great job of letting everyone speak who has a comment or concern.

  25. Bernie----you are so right, people do write like they talk that includes Hudak, Zawarski , Lee Snover, Jerry Batcha, Paul Weiss, and Howard Kutzler. There is no disguising with any of them. Never read a post that sounds like Nolan though. As for Pat he doesn't write on this blog and maybe that's because he is still learning how to read and pronounce words. I hate those three syllable words!!!!!!

  26. 3 Day's at Penn State on St Pat's Day is a drunken party issue , The Ratskiller is my favorite personally .

  27. Community center is a moldy money pit which belongs in private ownership, not taxpayer subsidized.

  28. 8:43. Moldy money pit--- that's just the start of problems. That would be wishful thinking.

  29. Bernie,
    Hudaks neighbor again. I just write was he tells me in our conversations and he's ok with that. He finds it amusing that you always think I'm him. Yes I do tell him what I read here. Sometimes he listens sometimes he throws his hand up and stops me. Sounds like it's hard for you to accept he won't read your or anyone elses blog since you always claim its him. And when did you become a linguist ? writing style ? If you dont believe me why don't you just ask mike himself. I've known the man for over 5 years now. He is a professional and I'm sure would converse with you no matter what he thinks of you. He told me he sees you at most of the meetings yet you never ask him for a direct quote. Why is that?

  30. Uh huh. Drop the charade already. Mike, I only rarely speak to Comm'rs after meetings, and then, only to chit chat with one or two. Phil Barnard's daughter is a basketball player, and I loved to follow what she's doing. If I have trouble understanding something, I may have a question. I'm not there to be their pal. I'm there to tell everyone what is going on. I am not going to pretend to be a nice guy in the hope that you'll impart a precious comment. Too many public officials hold access over the head of reporters as a way of compelling favorable coverage. I prefer to tell the truth. I get enough direct quotes from you during the meeting.

  31. Bernie,
    due to my health I can not attend all the meetings but I was at the one your referring to.I talked with mike right after the meeting about the documents. He told me a staff worker forgot to post them, an honest mistake aand that that person was told about it. I have no reason to not believe him. I ask where you were and he told me you usually disapear right after the meeting. Stick around next time and try talking to the guy.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.