Local Government TV

Friday, May 15, 2015

Who Are Your Election Picks?

Since January, I have done my best to provide some information that might help you decide how to vote on Tuesday. Now it's your turn to make pitches for your favorite candidates or against their opponents. Want to promote Vic Scomillio, Olga Negron, Bob Birk or Amanda Kurecian? From judge to constable, have at it. On Monday, I'll give you my picks.


  1. Mezz for west easton read it and weep you yeasty cunts

  2. I'd like Bob Birk to win he's a man of the people not afraid to get
    Dirty and gives really long mustache rides

    Trashy Messycrappa

  3. For ASD the election will be Mark Smith, Elizabeth Martinez, Charlie Thiel, and Marc Telesha. For City Council it will be Jeff Glazier, Joe Davis, and Roger MacLean.

  4. Callahan clan candidates sweep Bethlehem.

  5. Bullet voting for Armstrong in ASD race and routing against the "Bought and Paid For" slate. Undecided in Republican Lehigh County Commissioners race , except that I'm getting wary of the team approach so I'm leaning towards a bullet vote for Browning.

  6. Kocsis for sure. I feel as if all the other candidates were born with silver spoons in their mouths and had everything handed to them...especially during this campaign. Jeff works hard and is exactly what this city needs. A working man for the working people.

  7. Colon in Bethlehem. Intelligent and time for a change on council.

  8. Gregory will win in a landslide in the race for trustee, cell block H, SCI, Pittsburgh.

  9. Re election of Fulmer in Palmer Township for constable. Murray for Judge in the county.

  10. Judges
    Common Pleas - Murray
    Bethlehem Twp - Blake/Brocious
    Hellertown - Kurecian
    Bethlehem - meh...

  11. Predictions:

    Murray over Abe on Dem side, in close one.
    Scomillio over Murray on R side in a race that is closer than it should be.

    Reynolds, Recchutti, Martell for Bethlehem City Council 4 year. Colon should have ran for 2 year seat.

    McKernan wins 2 year seat in close one over Kocsis. 30 vote difference. Olga ran bad campaign stands no chance, Colon would have won this.

    Bender over Manwaring on both sides of ticket.

    Tidd over Kurecian and Repnyeck on both sides.

  12. McClure wins mini judge Both sides
    Callahan clan wins Bethlehem (although rechutti should be voted out)
    Bonilla will lose school board in Bethlehem

  13. Anthony DeFranco in UMBT.


  15. Colon should be given a chance. He has showed up to every city council meeting for over two years.

  16. Birk over Marttee!

  17. Pat Broscius for mini judge in Bethlehem Township. Best candidate
    on ballot for both sides and only one I'd vote for and feel good about for all the right reasons.

  18. Go Pat Go!
    Hope you win because you deserve it.

  19. Browning, Osborne, Nothstein and Holt win in Lehigh County

    Mazziotti should beat Nothstein but wont, Nothstein is a stooge and didnt really vote missing years at a time, what kind of elected official doesnt vote prior to running for office.

  20. Anonymous said...


    11:32 AM

    but what about the other 3 winners?

  21. Could anyone vote for the Insane Clown Possee of Birk, Zawarski and Weiss? Township Juggalo's

  22. I'm voting a straight line ticket to outsmart the teepartee.

    Loyal Democrat

  23. Mickey Thompson a Beats Cusik by 145 votes

  24. Kocsis and Richuttti for council, Murray for Judge

  25. a corpulent scumbagMay 15, 2015 at 5:16 PM

    Supremes: on D side Lazarus, Foradora & Dougherty, R side Olson Stevens, Warren (though nothing would surprise me)
    NorCo Judge: Anyone who gets this one right on both sides should help me pick stocks for retirement
    B'hem: Martell, Rechutti, Colon, Kocsis
    Minijudge B'hem, Broscious (an embarrassment of riches as to quality of candidates in that one), Bender (both sides each)
    Easton Council Melan, Warner Marricinni

  26. Lehigh County Commissioner Race Voting BROWNING and ONLY BROWNING Voting for NO ONE ELSE. The Gang of 4 DO NOT Have 1 BRAIN if YOU ADD THEM ALL TOGETHER. JUST GOT Their Mailer WHAT A JOKE. They Say Greater Transparency that WAS BROWNING'S IDEA HE WAS the Commission That GOT Lehigh County the WEB Camera's to Televise the Lehigh County Commissioner Meeting. POSTING ALL REPORTS ... ALSO BROWNING'S IDEA. SO EVERYTHING in the Gang of 4's Mailers is BROWNING'S IDEA'S NOT THEIRS. And BROWNING DID NOT Vote to Increase TAXES He JUST Did NOT Vote to Send the Budget Back to the L/C Executive Which Would Have COST US MORE MONEY to Fight the Budget Through the L/C Judges and the Court System.

  27. anon 5:16. You're either paid by Dean Browning or married to him. If I recall DB threw the first stone, as well as some outrageous accusations, in the mail war. And has spent 4X the money as any other single candidate. He has embarrassed himself in trying to buy this election.

  28. Abe Kassis for judge. I know a lot of attorneys (not necessarily a good thing) and I value their opinion because they work with the judicial candidates on a daily basis. The vast majority have told me that Mr. Kassis is a great prosecutor, compassionate yet tough and very fair. That's the kind of judge I want elected. I hear Scomiilio is a nice guy but not too bright. I hear Sam Murray is rude, unethical and shady. I also heard Murray sued the county. Not someone I want on the bench.

  29. 10:56. Right on

  30. @ 7:31 PM YOU DO NOT Have to be Paid by OR Married to BROWNING to KNOW THE FACTS. The GANG of 4's GOONS Started It First with the Letter to the Editor OP ED in the Morning Call WRITTEN by Lisa Scheller TRASHING BROWNING then Mike Schware was on WAEB Gunther Show on 4/9 TRASHING BROWNING THE WHOLE SHOW. Then on a Monday Vic Mazziotti goes on WAEB Gunther Show to TRASH BROWNING then there were ALL THE ROBO CALLS one from a Gail, and then Vic Mazziotti Robo Call Trashing and Calling BROWNING a LIAR and then ONCE AGAIN Going on WAEB Gunther Show TRASHING BROWNING AGAIN. THE GANG of 4 GOONS Started It and BROWNING GOT SICK of the TRASHING and Started the Mailers and Robo Calls to DEFEND HIMSELF. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT ON WHO STARTED IT. KEEP PUSHING A PERSON AND LIE ABOUT THEM AND SEE WHAT YOU GET. Wait Till NOV. and the General Election and Going Up Against the DEMS for the L/C Commissioners Race !!!!!

  31. Anon 10:20 (Cheryl Browning) DB took a calculated risk when his vote cost the taxpayers of Lehigh County a 16% increase. He lost. He has lost the faith of the public trust. He has bad mouthed fellow republicans and past friends along the way. He has spent as much on himself as the other 4 candidates combined. You can buy votes but you can't buy trust. Which is exactly why DB doesn't make it out of the primary.

  32. Sam Murray is the most honest person I know. Good candidate and tells the truth unlike dishonest Abe!

  33. I will not be voting for Zawarski but will be voting for Bob Birk for Beth. Twsp. Commissioner At Large. I rec'd a mailer over the weekend from Zawarski where he stated lie after lie. How can he stand for "responsible growth and sound fiscal management" when his voting record does not support these statements in the least?! He voted for building on Green Pond. He also states he "supports working toward a rainy day fund" for the township. Don't be fooled! He voted to remove $1.7 Million from the $3 Million General Fund in order to balance the budget, and he also voted for employee pay raises. Where are pay raises for the tax payers who fund the township?! Zawarski also states he supports building restrooms at the North 40 fields but he neglects to state their cost of $350,000, or that they can be rented for a mere $3,000/year.I never heard of Paul Weiss, but Bob Birk came to my door and I am impressed that he is for the people with no hidden agenda to line his own pockets like incumbent commissioners. Vote for people who stand for transparency, long-time residents who stand for quality of life and fiscal responsibility; regular township residents like Wayne Buller in Ward 1, Fran Blatz in Ward 3, and Bob Birk for At-Large. Time to get rid of the Commissioners who do not represent regular tax paying residents. I will be voting for change!

  34. All those mention are tea party members who want to cut government and services. Cut police, cut fire department, cut road crew, eliminate recreation. Another person like Pat Breslin will cripple Bethlehem Township. He doesn't even show up to meetings half the time now. He wants to cut government spending, how about resigning, that will save our two 20% in commissioner fees. He hardly ever comes to meeting so why does it matter. Tea party members need to form their own party because they are no where near what republicans stand for.

  35. Anon. 3:33 PM ... Oh LET ME GET THIS RIGHT IT IS OK if Vic Mazziotti OR Mike Schware GO ON WAEB Gunther CALLING BROWNING a LIAR OR Lisa Scheller Writes a Nasty Negative OP ED in the Morning Call Trashing FELLOW Republican Browning and Getting the Ball Rolling on the Nasty and Negative Campaigning BUT IT IS NOT OK for Browning to FIGHT BACK OR Get Nasty and Negative and DEFEND HIMSELF Against and
    with Republicans !!!!!!!!

  36. @3:33 Hilliard, get a life!

  37. LC - Osborne, Holt, Nothstein and Browning win the primary. Osborne survives Brownings relentless barrage of negative shock ads.

    In the general it will be Dan Hartzell, Osborne, Nothstein and Holt coming out on top.

    Browning will come out of the primary with no chance in the general. I think this because he positioned (portrayed?) himself so far off the deep end on the right during a nasty primary. He will be easily painted as an ideologue.

    Dan Hartzel can and should differentiate himself from the other D's. He is conservative Democrat. The kind moderate republican burbs will swing for. Esp with all that name rec.

  38. Anon 11:56 (CB) so, Dean Browning is an innocent bystander? What a joke. He has spent so much money in the last three elections that it's insane. Why spend so much $ for a $7500/yr position? Something reeks of shenanigans and foul play. Did he step down from the airport d authority yet? Nope. Even when an independent law firm recommended that he should. Why not? That's right. DB knows everything. He's too power hungry to listen to counsel's advice. The same thing happened when DB decided a 16% tax increase was good for the people of lehigh county. Dean's arrogance will be his downfall again.

  39. http://lehighvalleyramblings.blogspot.com/2007/05/in-bethlehem-patricia-romig-passaro.html


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