Local Government TV

Friday, May 15, 2015

West Easton Borough Council Candidate Arraigned on Fraud Charges

West Easton Borough Council candidate Tricia Mezzacappa was arraigned yesterday afternoon on charges of defrauding secured creditors, as a result of her decision to hide her car after it was levied upon by the Sheriff's Office in December. That levy was made in connection with a $71,600 judgment I have against her for defamation. Mezzacappa has stated she would rather go to jail than turn over the car. She just might get her wish.

After a preliminary hearing in March, Magisterial District Judge Richard Yetter ruled there was sufficient evidence to hold the matter for court. Deputy Sheriff SGT Michael Orchulli testified that Mezzacappa approached him as he was making the levy. She asked him to release the car to her, and agreed she would meet the Deputy at the courthouse to pick up the paperwork. He did so, but Mezzacappa broke her word and never appeared. She instead hid the car, and failed to produce it at a Sheriff's Sale.

Her trial is currently scheduled for July 6.

In addition to this criminal prosecution, Mezzacappa's mother has been sued in federal court for her participation in fraudulent conveyances of Mezzacappa's real estate and assistance in hiding her car. Mezzacappa is also an Additional Defendant, along with Jim Gregory, in litigation against a radio station that incredibly permitted  and participated with the two of them when they conducted a series of defamatory broadcasts in 2013 that only ended with Gregory's arrest.

Naturally, Mezzacappa has filed two frivolous countersuits against yours truly. But in one of them, she actually admits she's a liar. She posts an apology, if you can call it that, made while my original suit was pending. I was unable to publicly discuss this admission before, but since she attached it as an Exhibit to one of her lawsuits and makes it an issue, I'll tell you what she says:

"I am a human being and reacted to Mr. O'Hare without thinking clearly. Perhaps I overstepped my bounds. I apologize to him for the comments I made. ... I went too far. ... Therefore, he has my most heartfelt apology."

She essentially admits the defamation, but has since claimed that was a lie.

She has still failed to turn over the car or sign over the deed to her home.


  1. What a stunningly poor choice for West Easton council. Kind of like selecting from the Republican clown car with square wheels broken down on the side of the road.

    This woman is a disgrace as a resident of West Easton and Northampton County. No respect for her fellow citizens, no respect for the law.

  2. Are we finally coming to the end of the troubles for this poor, young woman. God Bless her and may he give her the strength to carry on.

  3. Anon 12:31,

    If by the end--you really mean a concrete cell with hots and a cot.....

    and if by poor--you really mean flat broke because the court took everything she has to satisfy her judgement...

    and if by young---you really mean still not a senior citizen….

    and if by woman...you simply mean no evidence of having male DNA....

    Well then yes...You might be onto something.

    Otherwise, it looks like her troubles are only just beginning.

  4. That was supposed to say 3 hots and a cot..But ya'll get the drift.

  5. Nice hit job right before the primary golem, how
    Much is the short bus driving web master paying you to churn out these hatchet pieces?

    Just because you and matteeo deesgrace can't get laid doesn't mean TM should be bullied incessantly, you two could scratch each other's backs and make the world a better less hateful place

  6. Tricia Mezzacappa, the conditions of your bail require no contact, direct or indirect.. Surrender the car.

  7. Golem, please surrender to your higher power and find serenity to accept the things you cannot change (rav4), the courage to change the things you can (obesity) and the wisdom to know the difference

    Easy does it, don't sweat the small stuff (tic tac) and lay off the NyQuil .

  8. Harvey the PookahMay 15, 2015 at 1:44 AM

    Word on the street is TM will be appearing on BGW's show to set the record straight on all of these rubbish litigations against her the fact she hasn't gone Rockne Newell on her tormentors is a testament to her soundness of mind.

  9. Just finished a gallon of vegan cocoa, used up the last of my bankers club and butt chugged some Kahlua, feeling pretty good gonna watch green acres and fall asleep, sorry about the car lover boy it's just too precious for me to part with

  10. This is so sad. The poison posse and the "gross" commenters ganging up on this poor young woman. I guess you all feel superior and powerful, beating down this woman. Aren't you all so superior and noble.

    Enough is enough, try to act like human beings and let this poor young woman alone.

  11. She is not above the law, so glad she's getting what she deserves, so tired of reading her own comments. She cost the borough enough money. good for you Bernie

  12. Her man slab Gregory not available, she can still pick up on man slab Kassis, he loves to pose and thinks all women will be drawn to him!

  13. My vote goes to Trish. She stood up to evil, stands her ground, and makes no apologies to the tyranical losers who have taken West Easton on a 50 year free fall. This borough still cant figure out if minutes are public records, and needs to pay an attorney to research it, every month of every year.

    Word is she will stand locked and loaded at the polls on Tuesday....voter turnout expected to be 100% for this show.

  14. Team Delwhacco/Mezzacappa have been giving private target lessons to Kassis during the dusk hours at a local range. The .50 caliber M107 has enough recoil to knock even golem square on his ass, but Kassis the pro-2a candidate can handle this man toy, hitting a bottle cap at 1000 yards.

    This poorly written, typo laden, libel infested, mimeographed manifesto of hate should come in handy when court is in session, coming soon.

  15. play dirty get dirty... enjoy the view from the cell tricia.

  16. TM stood up to the destructive status quo in West Easton and made enemies because of it. As a result, she has been exploited, lied about, and slandered throughout the entire town. This is the well known MO that WE leaders consistently employee on their critics.

    Morganelli has enabled a corrupt town to continue victimizing its citizens by failing to prosecute a LTCF application thief who let 4 sheriffs take the fall for her crimes. If anyone belongs in a cell, its the mop-headed Mayor's daughter who has profanity laced tantrums at every meeting.

  17. So when you get the house will you move from Nazareth and run for West Easton Council and fix things PLEASE. LOL

  18. Mezzacappa loves to threaten people who tell the truth about her. She has sued me 6 times. I still tell the truth about her. Yesterday was her arraignment and this candidate for public office is scheduled for trial in July. That is newsworthy, even for a borough office.

  19. Are we finally coming to the end of the troubles for this poor, young woman. God Bless her and may he give her the strength to carry on.

    She made all of her own troubles - God has nothing to do with this, and besides there is no evidence she believes in God. If she didn't flap her gums and write falsehoods about someone else, she never would have a judgment against her in the first place.

    Then she compounded her troubles on multiple occasions, by failing to respect the court and the law.

    She isn't poor - she owns a house and a car free and clear. Well, she DID. You need to educate yourself - being ignorant is not a desirable quality.

  20. "Just because you and matteeo deesgrace can't get laid doesn't mean TM should be bullied incessantly, you two could scratch each other's backs and make the world a better less hateful place"

    This is straight from Mezzacappa. She's had a painful nut for Dees for a few years now - and since he stands a good chance of winning a seat on council while she remains old female out, it's no wonder her jealousy is clearly visible.

    Obtaining justice is not "bullying", but she would never understand this concept.

    This woman is always thinking below the belt and making immature comments about sex and weight and other superficial subjects. I'm glad I'm not miserable with the mind of a 12 year old. It's a great day - the rest of us can enjoy it.

  21. "My vote goes to Trish. She stood up to evil,"

    Go ahead and waste your vote. She has forced her town to unnecessarily waste 10's of thousands of $ on legal fees on frivolous legal matters. She is the one who is evil - chasing good employees at the town building to neighboring towns, leaving WE with the Gross cartel. Then she has the nerve to complain about the Gross cartel. Look in the mirror - or better yet on YouTube, where your public tirade is archived.

    Now she has earned a criminal charge. People like Mezzacappa and Gregory, who prefer to be in prison rather than free - there is something wrong in the belfry. Trust me.

  22. According to my statcounter, this site was visited this morning by Somerset County, NJ. That's where Mezzacappa's sister Merrill is employed as an Assistant Prosecutor. I always wondered how much she really knows about what her sister is doing. I would hope this sister puts an end to this nonsense.

  23. nice to know that after being categorically rejected by this woman years ago, you have now stalked and sued her time and again, her entire family and a radio station.

    Al Davis was a terrific victim. Al Davis spent 50 years in the courts playing a victim. Al Davis eventually became one.

    No wife, , no family, no friends and no law license. Gee, I wonder why...get help

  24. must be nice to have a deep pocketed loser friend like Angle who continues to fund and fund all of these petty and meritless lawsuits, while legal aid is rendered for free to your soon to be disbarred whitehall, police brutality wanna be attorney.

    Ron has never learned his lesson and continues to throw good money out the window, purely for histrionic bullshit, center stage melodrama, and SLAPP silencers in the form of docket numbers.

    Please report on how lucky Angle was in the recent lawsuit he was named as a defendant, again.

  25. Ron Angle has had no say and is not subsidizing the litigation against you. He is, however, interested because you have attacked him and even named him as a Defendant in one of your numerous stalking petitions. And the criminal prosecution against you is brought by he District Attorney's Office, who believes you have criminally abused the system. And you have. If it were up to me, you would be in jail right now for false swearing.

    This is all about you and your criminal behavior.

    You admitted that your defamatory remarks were a lie.

    ""I am a human being and reacted to Mr. O'Hare without thinking clearly. Perhaps I overstepped my bounds. I apologize to him for the comments I made. ... I went too far. ... Therefore, he has my most heartfelt apology."

  26. enjoy your cellies.... you can dazzle them with tales of b.s. they will give you the same compassion you show for others- none.

  27. seemingly, you now fantasize and converse with phantoms in your delusional and twisted mind, being the documented fraud you are, and assuming all critical comments are from TM, another failed relationship you managed to mangle, just one of thousands of others.

    haven't been able to keep this woman off your blog for a single day in many years now, and think no one knows who the twisted and demented fuck-up really is? I have a bridge to sell....any takers?

  28. offer bernie a good-faith cash settlement before it's too late....

  29. ""I am a human being and reacted to Mr. O'Hare without thinking clearly. Perhaps I overstepped my bounds. I apologize to him for the comments I made. ... I went too far. ... Therefore, he has my most heartfelt apology."

  30. so George Usry sued, and won a judgement against O'Hare for forgery and fraudulently settling his case in favor of the opposing party...judgement is "under seal" and O'Hare runs around that judgement by fraudulently hiding his own assets, ie...cant put a car under your own name, but instead under your brothers' name to make sure you remain 100% judgment proof. How long has your bother been allowing you to drive his cars? Who is the fraud? Care to comment why you cant have a car in your own name?

  31. Lies, lies and more lies. There was no judgment by George Usry and nothing was placed under seal. There was no attempt to hide assets, either.

    "I am a human being and reacted to Mr. O'Hare without thinking clearly. Perhaps I overstepped my bounds. I apologize to him for the comments I made. ... I went too far. ... Therefore, he has my most heartfelt apology."

  32. "haven't been able to keep this woman off your blog for a single day in many years now, and think no one knows who the twisted and demented fuck-up really is? I have a bridge to sell....any takers?"

    You don't appear to have a sufficient number of brain cells to function normally.

    This catastrophe has not been mentioned here in several weeks, and the reason this is news is that she is running for public office and this is a criminal proceeding. Wake up, before a car runs you over because you are using your limited faculties for chewing gum and can't handle the overload.

    Hopefully you are never libeled and forced to resort to the law to defend himself and dragged through the mud like this woman has done to Bernie. You've got your head on backwards again - watch were you step.

  33. can you comment on why you do not have a car in your name? no judgment?

    Then why drive a car in your brothers' name?

    Patiently waiting to hear why......

  34. For the sake of argument, let's pretend that TM actually wins on Tuesday. Can the Borough take her to court and get her removed because of these criminal charges? I'd think that would disqualify her in any court of law.

  35. @1:06 I believe TM will "win" in the primary and pass through to the general in November, because she is the only Republican on the ticket and there are 4 seats. There are 2-year and 4-year seats, and I don't know if that changes anything.

    So there is nothing to "remove" - she won't be a council member after Tuesday.

  36. And God willing, not after the general election either...

  37. 12:55, aka Mezzacappa, the car I drive is titled in my name. When I drove my brother's car, the title was transferred to me once I had enough money to pay for it, though he took far less than it was worth. So as comes to surprise to no one, you are full of shit. It's what we've come to expect from an admitted liar who made a "heartfelt" apology.

  38. "can you comment on why you do not have a car in your name? no judgment?"

    Can you comment on why you are posting here? You were directed to have no direct indirect contact with Bernie, and you are doing the second and trying to do the first.

    And furthermore, what on God's green earth does this have to do with your run for Borough Council, which is the topic of this blog.

  39. If TM is elected, the court can remove her from office if it concludes that defrauding a secured creditor is an "infamous crime." Since the crime involves dishonesty, it might be considered an infamous crime, but I have not reasearched the matter and doubt there will ever be a need.

  40. Bernie - you are playing this woman's game. Don't. We have no interest in what she has to say about anything. Let her play her "what private information of Bernie's can I hallucinate about" on her own time and websites, while she's drowning in whatever alcoholic beverage she keeps bedside.

    It may come in handy though in one of the various lawsuits she is in - a record of her comments here against court order.

  41. Bernie - is this question about your car related to discovery from a lawsuit - which would reflect the identity of the person asking the question?

    I note you are NOT running for public office, so who owns your car, who holds the title - it is of no relevance. Besides, it sounds like your (current) car is titled and owned by you.

  42. "If TM is elected,..." The chances of this are minuscule, based on the fact she had a slim chance in the first place, and then she failed to pay her debts - leading to current lawsuits and a criminal defense.

  43. Matteo Deeznuts and Bernie boy want to drag Mezz down because she's a hot blonde R who packs heat and takees no guff. Even when she doesnt show up to WE council meetings they find a way to talk about her, #obsessed

  44. 3:03, then i'm sure she be the toughest con on the cellblock then.(minus "the heat" of course).

  45. She's hot, alright. I love the long face. Last time I saw her she was hustling bacon in a pen in the center of Nazareth (hometown of Jesus, himself) at music festival. I asked her to sing Softly and Far Away. She said neigh.

  46. Deesgrace step up and accept TM's offer of a sit down debate at Dub's on 5th the voters want to see you get verbally castrated regarding policy matters.

  47. I don't think the voters want a sick person like TM<they are to mart to put her on council she cost the borough enough money!!!

  48. The Republican Action Team stands behind Tricia Mezzacappa and her long held goal of serving her community as a council member. The people of West Easton should be very angry and malcontents like Matthew Dees and Bernie O'Hare who have done everything in their power to tarnish her reputation effectively removing her from the political process.

    Dees' ultra left leaning blog is an indicator he subscribes to the NWO mentality and seeks video tape council meetings in order to silence those who wish to speak at courtesy of the floor.

  49. I promise to bring in my paperwork!You can keep your own Dr. and I love you for your mind.---Well even it she 'Goes to jail that does not relieve her of levy. It goes around again . with interest.

  50. Nobody cares more about West Easton than Tricia, I've known her for 10 years and her passion for the community is unwavering.

  51. Bernie,

    has a tic-tac in his pants!!!


  52. You confuse passion with unhealthy obsession.

  53. it must really hurt to have been the only "guy" in school who never had to go to a store with Dad to buy a jock-strap.

  54. I like my women with buck teeth, a horse face, and on the senior side with wrinkled skin. If she is unemployable, at least she can collect Social Security "early" and pull her own weight. This candidate has it all.

    She couldn't win any debate, because all the legal troubles that she created herself will drown her. She can't say they aren't relevant, because they are. Her candidacy is a joke. She can't point to costing the town $20,000 in her quest to find something nefarious out - because she never found out anything of use.

    If the going gets rough, her opposition can pull the "criminal charge" card, and she's really screwed. "But I have this transcript from 1986 here, people, listen this story about a local blogger. And I have free vegan coca packets for all of you - which you will find under each of your beers!

  55. It makes me laugh to see TM post about herself to make people think she has people think ( poor girl) when everyone knows what a whack job. she will never make it in Nov, hopefully she will be locked up!!!

  56. Nobody cares more about West Easton than Tricia, I've known her for 10 years and her passion for the community is unwavering.

    It isn't a constructive passion, it is a fatal obsession. Look at the vitriol she has directed towards multiple town employees, the Mayor, two solicitors, and multiple council members. She has proven she can't work WITH people, and resorts to threats of violence and harassment when she doesn't get her way.

    She'll relish your vote - because yours, hers and DandeeMan's will make a total of three. Like she said when she asked Corbett to intervene in a lawsuit (way too funny), "hey, what's there to lose?"

  57. Dan DePaul is a great councilman who has repeatedly stood up to the tyranny of Kelly Gross however he is in his 70's and needs somebody to lean on for strength on the dais. The best person for that job is Mezzacappa, together they will take West Easton out of the doldrums and into a new era of prosperity that will create a buzz greater than what Panto has generated in the center city area.

    The poison posse and it's leader O'Hare bullied Tricia into privatizing her blog, now all concerned citizens of West Easton are left with is that abortion of a site by Dees which contains more liberal hogwash about the NSA than anything relating to our fair city.

    If you don't vote for TM and live in West Easton chances are you Gross boot licker.

  58. Mezzacappa, if you think people don't know you are posting so many of these insane rants, you're even crazier than I already know.

  59. Nobody cares more about West Easton than Tricia, I've known her for 10 years and her passion for the community is unwavering.
    That's why she told Wilson Borough not to provide police protection to her own town? The same unwavering passion that has her supporting murderer Rockne Newell, as the victim?
    If all of her multiple personalities could vote, she might actually have a chance of being elected.

  60. @12:19 First off, Tricia, it isn't good to see you back here after a pleasant absence, with your insane off topic rants. No doubt Bernie will use some of what you are posting in court.

    Face reality - the vast majority of West Easton will not vote for you - the reasons are too numerous to itemize.

    You make fun of Matt Dees' website, which shows how fucked in the head you are - he has one. You do not. Nobody made you hide yours - you didn't allow public comment, so there was no need to hide it. You were afraid people would see what you stand for. Dees has the balls, like Bernie, to put himself out there. And he is intelligent, and engaged in the finances and development of the town. You are engaged with Tricia Mezzacappa.

    Please, go back to Tewksbury or whatever dark damp hole you slithered out of.

  61. Does Mezzacappa's campaign solely consist of posting on O'Hare's blog?

    That's pathetic.

  62. we will see how fast DePaul is not re-elected when his term is up he is not well liked just like his pal TM, there both are a joke to the borough, stop posting your own comments like people don't it's you TM

  63. Dan DePaul is like Jim Gregory in a lot of ways; a successful good looking home owner who has been elected to public office. A man who treats his body like a temple and has been able to gain Mezzacappas respect and attention.

    Both Dees and the ghoulish author of this blog view Gregory and DePaul as alpha males and seek to diminish them using hateful blog posts, sadly they are confronted each day by the sad reality that they are alone and probably will be for the remainder of their pathetic existence. Gregory and DePaul share their lives with multiple women because of the blessings god has bestowed upon them.

  64. 12:40 must be some kind of idiot, Depaul got the most votes in the last election!

  65. Does Gross spend all her time on this blog? If so, her spelling is atrocious.

  66. 1:23 for your information I have talked to Dees and he counts DePaul as a very good friend.

  67. Does Gross spend all her time on this blog? If so, her spelling is atrocious.

    The horrid spelling is the signature of Mezzacappa. She can't even spell her own name correctly as she (oddly) speaks in the third person - for example: "Mezzacappas respect". If Gracedale had her write anything as part of the application, it is no surprise they passed.

  68. Dandee is wise enough to not let TM hitch her horse face to his wagon in public - when she is referred to in council meetings, Dandee just sits there like a statue until the subject changes.

    It is rumored TM has done the horizontal rumba with Dandee - no wonder she is obsessed with talking about flaccid men. For someone who has aggrandized herself into a sex object, at 50 years old you would think she could do better. But she isn't so she can't. Dandee did turn her into the police - so he's capable of doing the right thing. He's no fool.

  69. all 3 are the biggest losers, they are a big joke

  70. 7:19 two weeks ago I saw Dandee with his NJ girlfriend in her NJ car at The PNC Bank in Palmer Twp. Let's see if you have the guts to say it to him in front of her.

  71. @8:07 Sorry, I'm not into the drama of where Ralphie, Richie, Joanie, Potsie and the Fonz go in the hot rod. Unless mop-head is dating TM's mom in the RAV4 with Jersey plates on it - that would be quite newsworthy. I understand the mother has one successful daughter.

  72. 8:07 sorry she was a hot blonde in a red Chrysler.

  73. Bernie, how could you let this gorgeous creature slip through your hands. She is so sexy with that gun on her hip. You missed the boat buddy. She is hot.What the hell did you ever see in her pig?

  74. @9:37 Keep smoking the whacky weed - it's Saturday night. Put a gallon of vegan cocoa on the stove, and cry yourself to sleep over pictures from 30 years ago when you had the same chances as all the others. It's over.

  75. Leave this poor young woman alone. She has been victimized enough.

  76. Tricia Mezzacappa is a good human being, Bernie can't handle the truth and has been waging a campaign of online character assasaination for sport over the last 3+ years with the assistance of miscreants like Dees, Angle, Gross, Nodoline, and the many members of the poison posse.

    Tricia is a good person and karma is real the day is fast approaching when her new blog is unleashed. No quarter will be given individuals hiding behind Golems anon feature will be unmasked rendering them exposed to libel claims far in excess of the paltry award that tweedle dee and tweedle dumb and frothing at the mouth over.

    Enjoy the show you maggots it's going to be a fucking bloodbath ( metaphorically)

  77. Only in PA could something like this ever happen? Bernie would be in witness protection now if this happened in NY or NJ. The whole thing is just strange!

  78. Bernie we all know it's TM and I would take that a threat to your life. Be careful we all know what a whacked job she is!!! So glad I don't live in this small borough, I feel sorry for the residence that live there!!!

  79. What type of idiot is Bernie? He is trashing a woman on the net with a Glock 19 on her hip...LOL!

  80. to the poison posse without any other life or goal except to undermine the person in this blog post, you may want to entertain the obvious....

    heating up a skillet to 400 degrees is a great way to fry anything from potatoes to fish. Its a 5 minute job, anyway you choose to do it.

    leave the same fryer, same food on the same stove for 3 years straight, and nobody really gives a shit whats left anymore, because the overfry has left nothing but putrid fumes in the glass houses of the fryers.

    Al Davis was a terrific victim, until Al Davis became one.

  81. ...and the many members of the poison posse.
    Congrats, Bernie! Mezzacappa has gone from claiming you only have a couple of people in your poison posse to, "many". She is probably including residents of West Easton in her math.

  82. Tricia is a good person...

    You have a warped idea of what "good person" means.

    A good person doesn't publicly fantasize about inflicting violence on others, including town officials. Dandee can vouch for this. A good person doesn't commit slander and libel on others. A good person pays their debts and doesn't drag their 72 year old mother into their legal problems. A good person does not lie to law enforcement.

  83. @7:21 Are you going to unleash your new blog AFTER your criminal trial, or BEFORE? AFTER resolution of your mother's trial on a fraudulent transfer of assets that you inserted her into, or BEFORE?

    Will you be featuring your relationship with convict Jim Gregory on the new blog? That should be fun.

    I thought that you shut your blog down because of incessant browsing by one of Jimbo's victims. Now it is because of the "poison posse". Do you just make up whatever sounds good at the time?

  84. @8:49
    If you believe that she is a threat to O'Hare, then you believe she should not be allowed to own that Glock. Welcome to reality.

  85. just listened to a voice message TM left asking for your vote, what a bunch o lies, all bull shit, she wasted more money for the borough and like she cares for West Easton LOL

  86. She is actually making calls to prospective voters? That's a laugh. I costed our town tens of thousands of dollars conducting my little witch hunts and to feed my own ego - I intimidated a good employee who quit and went elsewhere. I advocated the drowning of the council president, and make childish fun of our solicitors because I know more than they do. I don't think I've missed anything - I'll put your interests before mine - honest I will. Vote for me tomorrow!

  87. I found an interesting post on this blog, from September 1, 2011:

    This is from a time when Bernie and Mezzacappa were still communicating, but one wheel was loose and about to fall right off - within a few days. It is quite revealing, to me. What I read is that Mezzacappa lost it over a random shift in the political winds, and instantly targeted Bernie and stepped up her attack on the Grosses. Bernie describes his relationship with Kelly Gross and Mezzacappa. It is worth a read, and also the comments below that Mezzacappa signed. She was already filing numerous RTK requests. The seeds of the immature sexual references were already visible, and ridiculous allegations Bernie had something extracurricular in mind. People were telling her she was a whackjob and to move on 4 years ago - when will she get the hint, shut down her obsession and do it?

    Bernie identified her strengths and weaknesses in this post and his comments beneath it. Unfortunately, she went with her weaknesses and today you can't even see her strengths. Sad.

  88. Grossville has been in need of a revolution for over a decade, the seeds planted by Mezzacappa have survived a long cold winter and are rising up out of the nutrient starved, rocky and bone dry soil.
    She is no longer the sole caretaker of this sturdy plant, the roots have spread to Iron St, 2nd, Front, and Freemansburg Ave. Ever hear of Kudzu? When JG is set free and calls 187 Ridge his mailing address our community will have it's modern day Spartius God has spoken to him in a recent dream and has delivered the instructions for a masterful bloodless coup.

  89. @6:03 That's all fine and dandy, and the dysfunctional government of WE does need an overhaul - but YOU won't be on council. The only seeds you sow are evil. You could have been on council, but there is no chance at all after the way you have acted the last four years.

    This post is about your candidacy, not the future of a convict when he gets out in 2016. You never did understand the concept of relevance. Pity. It's a cool evening - put some yummy cocoa on the stove.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.