Local Government TV

Friday, May 15, 2015

Abe Kassis and His False Advertising

Sam Murray with his real daughter
Abe Kassis is one of three candidates running to be Northampton County's next common pleas judge. He wants it badly, and is outspending everyone two to one. But there's a danger in wanting something too badly. It makes you do stupid things. In Abe's case, he's trying to be all things to all people Along the way, he has been deceptive.

At the onset of the campaign, Kassis actively sought out support from the most vitriolic extremists within the tea party. People like Ronnie DelBacco and Tom Campione, who give ordinary Republicans the willies. He has another one of these extremists circulate in his behalf. At the same time, Kassis was telling Easton Democrats that he's one of theirs.

Then the campaign ads started, one of which includes a picture of a group of cute kids sitting on Abe's lap The rent-a-kids picture was used to counter the reality that both of Abe's opponents - Sam Murray and Vic Scomillio - are family men. Abe is not.

Then came the preprimary report, revealing that Abe had paid political consultant Tom Severson $37,600. For those of you who don't know who Severson is, he was convicted of filing deceptive campaign expense reports in 2010. That explains the rent-a-kids deception.

The dishonesty continues. A recent campaign mailer starts like this:,

the Only Democrat for Judge:

If you go beyond the colon, you see the qualifiers. But if you don't, and just glance at the ad like 90% of us do, you might start thinking Abe Kassis is the only Democrat in the race. He's not. He's the only Democrat who sought out support from the right wing fringe. But there's another Democrat running.

Sam Murray.

Son of a steelworker and seamstress, Murray does not have the money to outspend his opponents two to one. He has to put his children through school, and is unable to kick $25,000 of his own money into his campaign because he wants to do right by his children. But to his credit, Sam has made no false claims about who he is or what he brings to the bench.

He prefers to tell you the truth.

That's the kind of judge we need.


  1. Abe Kassis is a hot piece of beef, glad he's single this cougar can get a slice of his tube steak

  2. Fuckin lawyers, they're all the same: SCUMBAGS...

  3. At the rate O'Hare is going, it looks like another full bench recusal for all of his serial lawsuits, thus allowing only Judge Braxton. Remember to bring Angle along for moral support...doubt da judge would remember him, but ya never know. Have fun.

  4. mezzacappa, when the bench seeks guidance, i'msure you'll be the first one they ask.

  5. Jim Gregory is Abe's catcher so back off 8:59

  6. Maybe "Poor" Sam Murray should use some of the money he got from the Northampton County taxpayers when he sued the county and the public defender's office after they fired him for being incompetent. It is my understanding that Mr. Kassis is divorced. Not uncommon today, yet you bash him for not having children. Did you ever consider that some people CAN'T have children. I'm not saying that is the case with him, I don't know, but to bash someone because they don't have children is despicable. I'm sure his parents, siblings, nieces and nephews consider him a family man. The way I see it, not having a wife and children allows him more time to spend on his job as judge. Lastly, talk about false advertising, Sam Murray portrays himself as the candidate with "judicial experience." Being a hearing officer does NOT mean you are a judge. It's who people go to because the courts are too busy to hear their case. If he respected the County that he now wants to preside over, he should have taken his firing like a big boy instead of filing a lawsuit against the county, whining like a baby, and costing the taxpayers money. I think your attacks are cruel, factually inaccurate and down right mean. You are scum. Plain and simple.

  7. Hey O'Hare... I'm actually very happy to give establishment R's the willies. I also scare the crap out of progressive D's. But you're lying about me being vitriolic. No one who has every spoken with me has every called me anything but polite and professional in my assertions. Know that I will pray for your angry, hateful, delusional soul. May Jesus have pity on you. May you one day walk in the light.

  8. The anonymous comment at 10:45 is a lie and is known to be a lie vby the person uttering it. Sam is one of a group of public defenders who were fired when Rs seized power in the county. They sued for political retaliation and were awarded settlements. The attempt to distort what happened is just another demonstration of deception. It is not uncommon for people these days to be divorced and I am not going to invade into Abe's privacy, but that is my point. If there is no shame in being single and having no children, then why the need to pretend? Finally, being a juvenile hearing officer and a master is judicial experience, as the people who work in juvenile justice will readily attest.

  9. Campione, Anyone who has read your comments hee knows just how vitriolic you are. Now go back to reading Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

  10. Progressive D's? Sounds like a Kassis statement to you tonight.Your conversation went full circle right Matt?

  11. 10:45 PM Get it right! Eight political firings because of Dems supporting Jerry Seyfried by Brackbill. If there was any question of competence why would the Court appoint Sam as Senior council in his third Capitol Murder case two years after the so called firings? How many Capitol or Non Capitol murder cases has Kassis handled? Look it up in your archives Severson!

  12. STILL WAITING!!!!!!!! The answer is 00000000000000000000000000000

  13. !0:45 Kassis would NEVER have been fired. First you have to be a real Democrat and not sneak around with the RATS!( YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE)

  14. Did Sam Murray, the current judicial candidate, SUE the county? YES. Did suing the county cost the taxpayers money? YES. Enough said.

  15. You have to be a real loser to get fired from the public defender's office!

  16. Its clear to me by the comments of 10:45, 11:33 & 11:34 that the Brownstains have Hijacked the thread.

    Kassis and Murray would make great judges but Murray cleary beats Scomilio in the general. Whereas Kassis versus Scomilio would be much closer.

    These people are clearly stirring shit to help Scomilio.

  17. Scomillio thought his brief stint with Brown Stain as the executive's solicitor would vault him into the judge position. Bad career move, as it turns out.

  18. "I think your attacks are cruel, factually inaccurate and down right mean. You are scum. Plain and simple."

    And you're a prince, calling people "scum". Not. You are the one making a factually inaccurate attack on Sam Murray. You know what a hypocrite is, right?

    An example of someone who needlessly wastes town and county resources is Mezzacappa. Not someone who fights a wrongful termination. Fool.

  19. i dont even Support Kassis but your attacks on him for insignificant matters show what a biased distortion monger you truly are. The scumbag in the group scomillio but you exhibit an anglesque obtuseness to his incompetence so ably demonstrated as solicitor. Who cares who signed Abe's nominating petitions.

  20. This is the kind of low blow, scum sucking attack we all expect from O'Hare. For those of us in the fence, we are now sure which way to go. These over the top attacks on Abe Kassis are really pathetic.

    Sam Murray once the front runner. Good old shit slinging O'Hare has blown that. The O'Hare touch of shit has pulled him down. This hate blog is well known for its poison posse and vile innuendo and rumors.

    Sam you really should have picked your supporters more wisely. You have lost a lot of support due to this crazy person.

  21. Absolutely correct. What O'Hare is doing to Mr. Kassis is a sin. Murray should be ashamed of himself.

  22. If Sam Murray never acted in a judicial role, I must have been faking it as his court reporter for years, where I reported thousands of juvenile court cases that he presided over, and handed him his dictated Court Order to sign for final disposition of the case. His Orders were then final-signed by a Common Pleas Court Judge, thus solidifying Sam's ruling.
    The Bench entrusted Sam to hear these crucial cases. Juvenile Court is the first (and hopefully last) opportunity to get a child's life back on the right track. The cases I took involved kids who were neglected and/or abused. Sam worked hard and had much respect for the Children and Youth caseworkers and all the service providers. He personally carried my steno machine for me when we'd all pack up and walk down the hill in Easton to a family's home so he could personally make sure the child was returning to a safe place.

  23. Someone does'nt want the truth out there. Tea Party Kassis candidate sought out the Rats. Scissorhands ran a sleezy untruthful smear campaign and Kassis is desperate and and smiles for the camera thinking the ladies of Northampton County are stupid and vote for looks.

  24. I was undecided until I read this hateful whorehouse of a blog, and saw who Sam Murray chose to do his dirty work. Sam cant win with a serial nutbag like O'Hare in his den.....just like the 2013 election where all of his picks lost.

    Sam, I'd have more respect for you if your mailer showed you in the bathroom with a jar of vaseline, than seeing this putrid scumbag "schilling" for you. Have you lost your mind?

  25. Mezzacappa, no one cares what you think. Instead of responding to factual observations, you resort to ad hominems like the troll you are. Here are the facts:

    FACT: Abe Kassis hired and paid $37,600 to a political consultant convicted of filing deceptive reports in 2010.

    FACT: Abe Kassis personally circulated petitions signed by the most extreme elements within the local tea party.

    FACT: Abe Kassis allowed tea party member Tom Carroll to circulate on his behalf.

    FACT: Abe Kassis appeared on tea party radio with a host being sued for defamation by the lehigh County DA.

    FACT: Kassis sent out a flier posing with rent-a-kids to create the false impression that he is a family man.

    FACT: Kassis has mailed another flyer deceptively claiming, "ABE Kassis is the only Democrat:"

  26. Not Mezzacappa, so turn it off, or whack it off TROLL

    FACT: OHare, disbarred and unemployed , is schilling for a judge

    FACT: O'Hare has cases in the court

    FACT: O'Hare has judgements against him

    FACT: O'Hare/ team Angle are the most despised losers in the area

    FACT: O'Hare circulated a petition for Murray

    FACT: O'Hare is divorced and has no contact with his 'family"

    FACT: O'Hare cant box his way out of a paper bag without running to the courts like a whiney little girl

  27. Mezzacappa, Instead of responding to my criticism of Abe, you make an ad hominem, the last refuge of the scoundrel. In case you didn't notice, I have a First Amendment right to advocate for or against anyone.

  28. go back to school and learn the difference between First Amendment and slander, TOOL

    NOT Mezzacapa

  29. Hey Campione: the sad truth is most progressive Ds dont even know you. You scare no one

  30. FACT 8:28 is illiterate Mezzacappa, posting here against court order, and totally off topic.

    ~Never learned to spell "judgment" even though one is levied against her at least once a year on average.
    ~Can't use apostrophes to save her life. "Cant" spell her way out of a box.
    ~"schilling" is not a noun, not a verb.

    Chug a Bloody Mary and go back to your stupor, sweetie. You need your energy to walk, because you have to keep your car hidden from the law.

  31. "is" a noun, that is.

  32. Unfortunately Me Murray has no control over the fact that Bernie supports him. I'm certain he did not ask Bernie to say anything about Mr Kassis. I think there is mutual respect between the two. Ignore Bernie. Vote for your choice for who would do the job best.

  33. hey TOOL at 9:41, if you think I am Mezzacapa then go get a bail revocation....should be easy to see who posts here and who doesnt, right? or No?

    I think not because the lunatic who runs this whorehouse of hate falsely represents everything to everyone based on nothing but anger, jealousy and revenge.
    O'hare is a scum sucking sociopath who lives in a 10 x 10 and cant register a car in his own name.

  34. Hands down, Sam Murray is the best person running.

  35. @9:52 I don't think you are Mezzacappa, I know you are. any regular reader of this site can recognize your MO.

    Anger, jealousy and rage are emotions you know well - this is just one of the tip-offs. There are several others in your post: 10 x 10, lunatic, sociopath, whorehouse, car registration. All cheap shots, which is all you have in your arsenal. It's the weekend, put a slab of bacon on the stove and let your hair down. It wouldn't be too heavy to carry back from the store. It may rain - take an umbrella :-)

  36. parking tickets are a terrible fiasco. cops run the plate ...remember? Courts see the tickets, remember? Do you think that NO ONE gets what a crazy psycho you are? Oh, thats right, O'Hare only has ONE enemy....just one, only one....everyone else lapdogs and loves O'Hare...he's such a sterling specimen of fine journalism, and a totally upstanding, productive member of the community....yes, everyone fawns all over O'Hare , except the woman who filed PFAs because she saw what a crazed and sick whacko you really are. That means every single comment you hate is automatically Mezzacappa. Sam Murray will lose , handily...its inevitable

    Not Mezzacappa

  37. Why is it that every time I make the mistake of looking on here to see who the next victim of slander may be (who gets my vote, by deafult BTW) I see nothing but Mezzacappa, Mezzacappa, Mezzacappa, Mezzacappa, Mezzacappa, Mezzacappa

    Is someone absurdly obsessed, or is this just my observation. Years back, no mention....now its either her, or Jim Gregory. Anyone who reads this sick garbage disguised as a political blog knows who the delusional psycho is. In fact, everytime you slander someone, their stock goes up....just keep it going, because Kassis votes are coming in, one after the next. Abe should thank you on Tuesday, with a personal handshake....hand sanitizer in tow.

  38. Mezzacappa, you come on this blog anonymously and under numerous assumed names bc you have an unhealthy obsession with me. In a few months, from the inside of a jail cell, you'll have more time to reflect.

  39. Can anyone confirm that H Street Consulting, a.k.a. Mike Fleck, a.k.a. the guy Bernie bashes like crazy, is contracted by Sam? Would be interesting, especially since he is also Pawlowski's boy. Just like Atiyeh, who is also supporting Sam. Don't worry, Bernie. You did a good job reporting this in the Whitehall article. Politics does create strange bedfelllows, doesn't it?

  40. Shame on you, Bernie. Losing respect for your insight. How do u let the post at 10:38 stand? Disgusting. Way to allow character assassination. Ur so quick to pull other defamatory comments.

  41. Listen to Bernie, then vote the opposite, you can't go wrong. I'm voting for Abe Kassis!

  42. " How do u let the post at 10:38 stand? Disgusting."

    I can't think of one person who would take that comment seriously,and that is why it stands.

  43. I think that is an outfit in DC. Let me check.

  44. Someone asked whethher Murray is using H Street. He was, and made these payments:

    1/26/2015 3500.00
    2/3/2015 200.00
    2/18/2015 2000.00
    3/6/2015 3500.00
    3/23/2015 4250.00

    I's not sure whether this continues. But there are very few local Democratic consultants.

  45. I have confirmed tgat Murray stopped using H Street in mid March and is using Joe Welsh.

  46. Murray is backed by the O'Hare/Angle team blog. That should be enough for Democrats to make an informed decision.

  47. Fleck/Welsh. Wow! They are interchangeable. Welsh has had how many problems? I see O'Hare has very specific uses for his morality.

  48. Kassis is backed by the TEA PARTY the same RATS that protested Kids Peace. Next it may the Children's Home! Oh that's right one of his Big name supporters works there. Well off you go RATS back to KIDS PEACE!

  49. Bernie, I sense shenanigans. U had posted a breakdown of Sam's payments to H street consultancy. Now gone. With some amended comment. Boy, I am sure "no one" leaned on you. You are something. Keeping posts that suit ur boy. I looked at the reports too. Its online. H street was paid by Sam. Google PA department of state election reports for urself. And see for urself. Stay tuned for the direct link.

  50. Learn to read. My post is still there. Nobody "leaned" on me. Sam was using H Street, but stopped in mid March. I already explained this.

  51. This is disgusti8ng. Sam should be ashamed of this character assassination. It may very well have cost him the race.

  52. Speaking of false advertising, I cant help but ask why Ron Angles county-wide mailer for write-in controller office has a photo of him, from at least 30 yrs ago, 20 pounds lighter..??

    Can you comment?

  53. Dishonest ABE ! Kassis should be sensored by the Democrats for soliciting the Tae Party Radicals.

  54. kassis picture of the kids too much for me. Only Democrat another lie. Tea party association, sleezy race.

  55. Bernie, shame on you for your comments about Abe Kassis. Shame on you!

  56. Abe should be ashamed for trying to be all things to all people.

  57. Actually, shame on Mr. Murray for not disavowing your hate filled campaign against his opponents. After he loses he can discuss your help with County Executive Callahan(not).

  58. This has now become the slimyest election for judge.
    Thanks Bernie, keep doing your thing to "help".

  59. I expose what really is going on.

  60. Yeah right. Keep telling yourself that.


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