Local Government TV

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Tea Party Extremists Aid in Kassis Deception

Our local tea party fear-mongering
The Lehigh Valley Tea Party Facebook is apoplectic about a mailer that links judicial candidate Abe Kassis, a Democrat, to them at a tea party meeting on February 18. Chair Ronnie DelBacco denies there was a meeting that date or that Kassis "personally sought out the signatures of Tea Party leadership." He goes on to accuse judicial candidate Sam Murray, another Democrat, of "outright lies."

Here are the facts.

A faction of the Lehigh Valley Tea Party, calling itself the Republican Action Team (RAT), has been established. They call themselves the RATS, and include the local tea party leadership. Ronnie DelBacco (organized protest against foreign children at KidsPeace), Tom Campione (fighting for guns in parks), Tom Carroll (failed mayoral and judicial candidate) and Bryan Eichfeld (wants "true science" taught at Saucon Valley) are tea party leaders who are members of this faction. It's very difficult to maintain that there's any real difference between the tea party and the RATS.

The RATS had a petition-signing party on February 18 at Frank's Pizza in Bethlehem. "Please help us out and share this event with your friends and family who are registered Republicans!" is what their Facebook notice stated.

Kassis attended this meeting of the most extreme members of the tea party and personally circulated the petition obtaining their signatures. He then allowed tea party extremist Tom Carroll to circulate on his behalf and obtain signatures from even more tea party members.

He spent so much time with the tea party that he was late to a meeting with Easton Democrats that evening. He apologized that he had been at "another meeting," but failed to tell these Democrats where he was or what he had been doing.

This is something undecided Democrats need to know before they cast their vote.


  1. Kassis sent a mailer saying HE was the only Democratic candidate for Judge. WOW! he is Shameless!

  2. No one has picked up the Anthony Marraccii story in Easton. He never formed a committee. Collected $4,200 and didn't report it until voter reg fined him. All of which happened after the reporting period. Furthermore, he does not disclose who paid for mostly all of his campaign material and he even did so on an advertisement in his own magazine of which he did not disclose as an in-kind contribution. Yikes.

  3. There is no litmus test for signers on a nominating petition. The goal is simply to get on the ballot. Your spin on this is classic distortion of this simple fact.

  4. This is about deception, and it appears that there is deception, and that right now, tea party extremists like DelBacco are aiding in that deception.

  5. Mr. Kassis appears to want to represent all the people of the county. As a judge many different people could be at his mercy. he is open to all. I am sadden that Mr. Murray disparages certain people over politics. He is not showing the kind of mature level headed and fair character necessary to be a judge.

    Now I, as a Democrat, will vote for Mr. Kassis.

    The campaign of hate by Mr. O'Hare and Murray is disgusting.

  6. In addition to campaign deception by Kassis, his supporters practice it, too. Not just the RATs, but the commenter at 4:04 who refuses to identify herself. This is a judicial office, and honesty should be of paramount concern. It's just not there.

  7. Sam spent 12k of his hard earned money on Mike Fleck. It's funny how you disparage Pawlowski in one article for using this guy and then it comes out that Sam has given him 12,000 DOLLARS! Where is the consistency in your message?

  8. I do not oppose candidates for using Mike Fleck bc he has a great ground game. I oppose his use when Pawlowski is the puppet master, pulling the strings, as is the case in Whitehall.

  9. When you were bullet pointing the candidates support from Pawlowski, you used Fleck to further your point. You obviously see him as one of Pawlowski's cronies to do this. The same thing you did when Abe Atiyehs name came up. Another name you used to further your anti-Pawlowski point. When it was brought up here, you defended Atiyeh. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.

  10. Question for you, Bernie, if these RAT's are so horrible, and it is important for you to so advise voters, why have you refused in numerous postings regarding this topic to tell your readers that Vic Scomillio was also at the Feb. 18 petition signing event? Additionally, why do you refuse to inform your readers that Vic Scomillio is the only judicial candidate in Northampton County to appear at a Tea Party meeting as he did in March? This should be especially important for voters to know because as you state, it is vital that they understand that Tea Party members are extremists and anyone associated with them is not worthy of being elected.

  11. You are in no position to tell me what I can and cannot have. I tend to oppose candidates supported and funded by Pawlowski and his own consultant. II have no quarrel with Abe or the Fleckster supporting others. But when Pawlowski is puppet master, I have a problem.

  12. The reason I won't say that is that I understand he was told to leave. Yes, my information is that the rats kicked him out. Trying to confirm.

  13. Tom is not the only RAT that cirelated for Dishonest Abe several did including Eichfeld.

  14. lets get this straight...Murray who used FLECK is O"HAREs top boy...O"HARE hates fleck because Pawlowski uses FLeck, but no worries if MUrray uses FLEck...O'Hare is a big time drain on taxpayers (see 1999 bond lawsuit, 2011, Gracedale lawsuit) , is disbarred, has no family and no wife, hates ABE because Abe posed with pics from his family and had a few Rs sign his petitions

    Murray is a drain on taxpayers, sued the county after his firing, and uses Joe Welch, who wants to import every single illegal alien, no questions asked

    oky dokey then, Kassis has my vote

    Sorry Sam, you must be brain dead to use this POS to promote yourself...lay with dogs....

  15. You don't have anything straight and are just twisting and engaging in precisely the kind of deceptive tactic I find so wanting in Abe and the RATs. Your comment only tells me that you detest me and have a personal agenda. Go write one of your David Jones emails.

  16. interesting on David Jones, how come he is the only Lehigh County Commissioner without a profile write up?



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