Local Government TV

Thursday, May 07, 2015

NorCo Council to Discuss Payhikes

When Northampton County Council meets this evening, they are going to bring up three subjects. First, they will certainly discuss Solicitor Phil Lauer's ruling about payraises given to top officials without their approval. Second, they still have questions about Deputy Director of Administration Cathy Allen's contention that the County budgeted for the payraises to clerical staff. That was news to most members of Council. Finally, they want answers about what progress has been made in the state's bridge-budling program. Council member Bob Werner wanted to discuss this two weeks ago.  Cathy Allen told Werner that Public Works staff were unable to appear. The truth is they were never notified. When Werner wanted to question Allen about this, she clammed up and refused to answer him.


  1. If Allen had half a brain she would have a convenient illness and miss tonight's meeting. This could get ugly.

  2. Mr. Werner wants an answer and I am sure Ms. Allen will have one. She will probably point out the personnel policy of 2008. She may no doubt cite precedent, probably regarding what wage she started at and what she is paid now. She will compare that percentage increase to the precedent of what Mr. Conklin started at and what he made one and a half years latter. The issue you are avoiding and hiding. If the percentages are about the same, then all of this becomes a political witch hunt orchestrated by you and some zealots who are out to get Brown but ignored it in the past, right?

    Let us see how this all goes. Some surprises may be in store?

  3. She will take the Fifth as she has no clue what she is doing and is in way over her head at county. She will be advised to not appear. No reason to now come clean or explain yourself. Brown will not speak unless forced to do so by legal means. The guy and his gal are not comfortable under these conditions. Caught with their pants down..

  4. Allen and Brown need to resign. Maybe county council can change the HRC to include a special election to remove rogue county executives after election. This needs to be done. Let's get this on the ballot for November!

  5. Allen + Brown + Ceraul + Scomillio + Hunter + Campos = 6 corrupt stooges !

  6. Despite the obvious fact that this is just yet another attempt to distract Mr. Brown and create controversy out of nothing, why not just approve a comprehensive list of salaries in January of each year, for all employees, and have council approve it? A list of salaries for every single employee regardless if union or non union....

    Then any increases from that approval would also have to be approved if they change?

    Sounds like a solution, but thats just me. Perhaps council will take this up in the future.

  7. Anon 3:36 besides not having a life continues to regurgitate the same disingenuous argument. Bernie, you should pre-empt this weak attempt to justify Allen's obscene pay raise during courtesy of the floor tonight. If Stoffa shows up he can address the Conklin raises as well. Bottom line is that HS grad Allen was illegally rewarded for performing work she was not qualified to do, like acting HR Director. No way council would have approved that, or the raises she got just for doing her job. And, if she WAS involved in union contract negotiations so what? Does that justify a hefty pay raise? If so, take the money from Campos' salary since that was HIS job.

  8. 3:36 am's lies have alresadybeen debunked by thuis blog several times, and based on reports from Barron, no friend to Stoffa.

  9. 9:13, Payhikes for all county employees are approved by Council at every budget, so you are suggesting they do what they already do. I am distracting brown from breaking the law, something he has done with utter disregard since being elected.

  10. OK. Let's review the corrupt Cathy Allen situation. Her appointment to become county administrator was rejected by council since she was unqualified for that position. She was pissed, and Brown did whatever he could to mollify her. Allen cheated on her travel expense accounts by claiming mileage reimbursement she was not entitled to. Brown conveniently ignored this blatant violation of county policy and IRS rules. When caught, neither Allen or Brown apologized for their deception. She was forced to pay back the money. Instead of being disciplined for this transgression, Allen received illegal pay raises, a county car, and private parking space at the courthouse. Then, to top it off, the violator of county policy was assigned the job of interim HR Director! The department responsible for enforcing county policy!! It was a position Allen was totally unqualified to perform even on an interim basis, and what message does that give other employees? Violate a county policy and you too can be promoted or receive a 19% raise?? Unbelievable. Brown's judgement is beyond repair. He blindly rewards a crony with moral turpitude. Council needs to stop this nonsense, and represent the taxpayers who voted for them by admonishing Brown and reversing illegal pay raises to his favorite cronies.

  11. Does council have the guts to take Brown on? Unfortunately that is the only way to stop the nonsense. He is a blockhead and only backs off..when he is pushed back! Take off the kid gloves and take action on behalf of the taxpaying public. Stop playing games with the guy and exert some real power.

  12. 9:57 AM

    What is missing, is that John Brown had Cathy Allen temporarily the HR head. That is still an exempt position, temporary or not, and had to be voted on by County Council. That was never done. County Council is slipping and John Brown/Cathy Allen is getting away with it!

  13. Oh, but that position was soooo critical that Brownie took months to fill it even with advanced notice by Siemiontkowski. This gave him the opportunity to reward Allen with months of pay out of class. And she was DEFINITELY qualified for the top job in HR with her extensive background in HR and higher education. What a superb pick by Brown to fill this position. Gee, Lorraine Schintz, deputy director couldn't be expected to fill in temporarily. She has no idea what she is doing. And others like Linda Markwith are incapable of running that department. They really needed an exceptional talent like Allen to take over until pokey Brown finally found someone to fill the position. Makes perfect sense! In a CLOWN WORLD.

  14. anon 3:01 both the women you reference were themselves, "picked" for their jobs with no real experience. Replacing a new crony with an old crony is not an improvement.
    The entire department is filled with this nonsense.


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