Local Government TV

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Campaign Signs on Gov't Property Illegal

Not all that long ago, in what we refer to as the Bonusgate prosecution, a lot of people went to jail for using public resources to engage in partisan political activity. A Supreme Court Justice was forced to resign in disgrace and send letters of apology to every sitting judge.Though everyone should know by now that you can't use public resources for political activity, that's exactly what Executive John Brown did within weeks of being sworn into office. He huddled with his publicly paid PR consultant, in an office furnished and paid for by taxpayers, to discuss political fundraising. Now, it's being done blatantly by the Chairman of Upper Mount Bethel's Board of Supervisors, Dennis Jones.

Within a stone's throw of the municipal building, and on property owned by the Township, Jones has planted one of his campaign signs. Why not just start plastering them on the highway trucks, too?

County Council candidate Matthew Dietz has a sign there, too. In effect, they are both using public resources to fund their campaigns in clear violation of the state Ethics Act. Both candidates should be requested to remove these signs.


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  3. Well What do you expect from Dennis aka "THE CREEPER" Jones, our very own UMBT Supervisor Chairman.... Since even a SKUNK marks its territory right? even a RAT pisses and defecates in its own bedding and here he is with this....polluting of public property.
    Instead of slithering or sitting around at the local eatery preying on the young wait staff he is now polluting our township property with his own "vote for me" propaganda to elect himself. What a pompous ass! Bad enough he wears his crown so proudly as the "Creeper" but here he is now a flagrant King polluter of the law on the grounds of the taxpayer so he wants two crowns now? Take your signs Mr. Jones where they belong-Into the dumpster at the Township building and not posted at the entrance to OUR government center. Your most recent escapade of knowledge of the PA Landlord Tenant Law to that innocent young waitress has proven to us voters of your competence, worldly knowledge and intelligence of that of a fruit fly or of a dirty old man "Creeper" as the waitress's call you.
    Stop embarrassing us residents of UMBT and resign! Our salvation will be on election day with you on the bottom of the voter count for you to go back into your hole and place your head within your anal crevice where your brain seems to me at and thrives! Stop EMBARRASSING US!

    Signed- The Guardian

  4. Someone told me OVR office in Lehigh County also has signs in windows. Idk how people get away with this!?!

  5. I called Bob Cartright last week and asked him to have the signs taken down. A couple of days later he texted me back and said,'the signs stay.' Jones called Emmericks office,and was told it was ok to keep them. Jones also added, ' tell Thatcher to call Bernie so he write more shit about me'! Bernie would like to write soom good about Jones. There just isn't anything good about him to tell. What a clown.

  6. It appears that Mr. Jones has become a new target for Bernie. Why the sudden interest in UMBT politics? Draw your own conclusions readers of this blog.

  7. I have been interested in UMBT for some time bc it is great theatre.

  8. "Someone told me OVR office in Lehigh County also has signs in windows. Idk how people get away with this!?!"

    If that is true, it is completely illegal. Can you get me a picture?

  9. I just called OVr and the receptionist there denied there are signs inthe windows supporting any political campaign. If anyone sees that, snap a pic and send to meat bohare5948@aol.com

  10. Well, Mark, it seems that Jones just got his wish. This is completely illegal. Emrick should know better than most since so many of his colleagues went to jail.

  11. It appears that Mr. Jones has become a new target for Bernie. Why the sudden interest in UMBT politics? Draw your own conclusions readers of this blog.

    It appears you are a moron. Bernie has regularly been interested in UMBT - as you would know if you have been reading this blog for 2 or 3 years. This is like saying Bernie "suddenly" became overweight. Bernie always points out something politics related that is against rules or the law. That's one of the purposes of this blog. He's a reporter. Dream up your own "conclusions" if that is what floats your boat.

  12. anon 2:52, Thanks Ronnie. Your buddy is till schilling for you, pal.

  13. The corner of Oakland rd & hecktown rd and its southeast corner is Bethlehem Twp property so are those signs illegal?

  14. Begs the question, why does the Twp own that piece of land?

  15. Most pols do it and get away with it- just as annoying is "the littering' of our state/twsp. roads where many signs are placed at every intersection/ along shoulders. THE WORST OFFENDER OF THIS WAS "1 VOTE" JOE CAPOZZOLO, when he ran for state rep. and senate- and got his ass wiped in both contests. I do put more credence in the # of signs placed at personal residences.

  16. 9:51, I have no idea, except maybe to give drivers a clear sight.

  17. The Dietz sign was placed by a well intentioned volunteer who saw other signs there and assumed it was allowed. The sign was immediately removed once this was brought to our attention.

    Thank you, Mr. O'Hare.


  18. Bangor School board candidate..Mark Mastrogiovanni..has a sign on boro property in Bangor. It needs to be removed before more signs appear.

  19. Ben, I commend Mr. Dietz for following the law. Jonesie will find out the hard way.

  20. Sign in Bangor is being removed by the candidate after being informed of the law prohibiting it being there. Thank you.

  21. I commend the candidate for doing the right thing.

  22. The laws and rules aren't for Jones. He calls a tax payer an asshole at a meeting. Larry Hallett, one of the supervisors tries to talk and Jones keeps rolling his eyes and cutting him off. The solicitor actually tells him several times at every meeting that these people can talk. Tells me Bernie doesn't know what he's talking about, and just google about the laws. He had one of his clapping seals to indorse his argument. The honorable Toni Lynch. 212


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