Local Government TV

Friday, April 10, 2015

Luis' Little Lies

I have listened to Director of Administration Luis Campos address Northampton County Council a few times now. During budget season, he made statements that later turned out to be inaccurate. That can happen to anyone. But when he addressed council recently about staffing shortages, his nose began to grow. He first told Council that they are doing everything they can to fill the vacancies in Civil, adding that two deputies had been hired that very day. But just a few minutes after that, he stated they are still deciding whether to fill these vacancies. Then he joked about how deputies just waste hours every week, rolling quarters. That's a complete fabrication. He mentioned that new software was being implemented in Civil, but that it was in-house and therefore cost neutral. After he said that, his nose grew yet another inch.

It's true that the Civil Division is currently testing an online view of dockets with a few lawyers. That was prepared in house. The title searchers and others who actually use these systems have been ignored, which guarantees that whatever is rolled out will be a disaster. I know this because I have experienced it several times.

But what Campos failed to tell Council is that the Administration has every intention of buying new software, too. According to Controller Steve Barron, the company being used in Propertyinfo.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court already plans to impose its own software on the counties in an effort to achieve uniformity. From one of the judges, I understand that this state-imposed solution is just one or two years away in the Orphans Court. So it makes no fiscal sense to update software that will be replaced soon by the state.

A state solution in the Civil Division might be a few more years off,  but Brown plans to replace the software there, too. Naturally, this is being considered without consulting the end users. And it is just as foolish.


  1. Are you aware that Al Jordan who is the paid consultant for computer services is the guy pulling the strings for the administration? He has been given his own office on the third floor (Al Fowlers old office) and is now calling all the shots for the communications and is even a chief advisor for the administration. He is paid millions to provide computer services to the county and has weaseled his way into advising the county on other matters that benefits him and his company financially. Al Jordan is a person who is not to be trusted for obvious reasons. He is a paid vendor that has a conflict of interests serving in his present role. He should be investigated by council and dismissed because he no longer has the county's best interest upper most in his mind and is making and building himself a very profitable venture at the taxpayers expense. Look into this bernie before it is too late. He has established an office on the fourth floor for himself like he is some kind of a god. He is eveil and the county must get rid of him.

  2. I don't know if it is the third floor or the fourth floor but it is the same floor as the County Executive.

  3. There is no 4th floor. If he was interested in steering biz to his own company. Why would he be pushing another company's software? What you say makes no sense to me right now. I'm going to need a lot more.

  4. Here's another problem. These are very serious accusations, but how do I know they are not coming from a competitor?

  5. "There is no 4th floor"

    In fairness to the poster, there actually always was a fourth floor in the government Center. It was always called the fourth floor until John Stoffa decided it was the third floor.

    So in all fairness the poster was correct before Mr. Stoffa changed the numbers..

  6. He sounds like just about every other Dir. of Admisntration.

  7. Al Jordan is just doing his job. He gets his direction from the administration. The Xerox contracts directs what responsibilities are handled by his department but admin. tells him what projects to work on. So dont blame him. Blame those who are directing what they want him to do!

  8. I thought this post was about Campos lying and being Brown's mouthpiece?

  9. Bernie,
    Permission to post:

    If only you would agree to
    Open Mike Fridays...It would be a huge success. Folks could post possible jobs for those out of work; special weekend fundraisers, high school theatre productions, and you would still be able to delete and censor anything you did not approve.
    Please consider it.

  10. if this excellent move eliminates union positions then go for it.

  11. @8:16 Fuck you and your anti-union comments! You can thank unions for the paid sick and vacation days you get in the private sector........if you have a job!

  12. "fuck you"

    how civil!

  13. @9:11 No need to be civil when someone is calling for the elimination of another persons livelihood.

  14. @9:06
    You forgot to mention a 40 hour work week, overtime pay for beyond 40 hours, child labor laws, a labor board, OSHA, and so much more that people think began due to the goodness of corporations or government. Just about everything the indignant non-union workers have, began through pressure applied by Unions.
    The smart ones who don't have protection and benefits, organize. Or they are part of management, most of whom aren't subject to time clocks and are paid significantly more for risking paper cuts pushing out memos.

  15. Power to the People..right on!

  16. Workers of the World..UNITE!

  17. 9:06,

    my, my - how you do show your intelligence - laughing at you and your fellow union pukes. Did you learn to say fuck you before or after you paid your union dues?

  18. It's an insurance policy against bias and unfair labor practices. Money well spent.

  19. "I AM A MAN"...so treat me as such!

  20. I'm proud to work where people are free to organize. But unions strength waxes and wanes depending upon the economy. The basic successes of unions are now guaranteed by law. Thanks. But does that mean we have to thank you with unsustainable compensation when you get to elect the guys on the other side of the table at contract time. With respect, that's ridiculous. FDR warned that public unions are bad. There's a HUGE difference between public and private (where they don't get to elect their bosses).

    BTW, great story on holding Campos to account for his lies. He's either really stupid or really dishonest- or perhaps a bit of both.

  21. Campos is a joke. He's been caught several times twisting his words in a circle, in an attempt to cover incompetence and/or lack of sufficient knowledge of a subject. Little lies is a perfect description. Too few citizens show up for council meetings to get a glimpse of the travesty that the Brown administration is. If we didn't have BOH, the veil would be that much thicker.

  22. @10:43 Campos is both.

  23. 7:16, How about Open Like Saturdays?

  24. 10:43 if you look at any union county worker you would realize that none of them recieve "unsustainable compensation" or benefits. The majority of county union workers make between $11/hour and $16/hour and ask for nothing more than an honest days pay for an honest days work.

  25. Looks like allentowns former mulunburg multilingle master mouthpiece, Arcley¿
    I haven't seen this pinnocco in any articles lately¿

    patent pending

  26. Campos is an empty suit and Brown's sock puppet.

  27. I like the concept of Open Mike Saturdays, but I don't trust the trolls to behave.

  28. Hooray for Unions....Yea lets think about that for a moment...They are responsible for all tax increases, NO Jobs worth working, the sands casino(unions fucked the beth steel right down thw tubes)...oh lets not forget to thank the unions foe westrn electric relocating...yup we should be real thankful to the selfish self center pigs who sat on there dead asses and collected bigs checks to do nothing and now look where we are........thank You Union fer all i do not have!!!!

    A Trus Union Member

  29. "but I don't trust the trolls to behave.

    Then don't post Deesgross

  30. Mezzacappa, the terms of your bail prohibit all contact, direct or indirect. You have insulted enough people. Stay off this blog or you will not like what happens.

  31. Her mother won't like it either. Mother's Day is May 10 - hey mom, look what I gave you - a lawsuit.

  32. Please do some better fact checking Bernie. The software the Controller references (PropertyInfo) has nothing to do with Civil and is actually for another part of Court Administration.

  33. @1:38 YOu forgot that unions are responsible for the Chicago fire of 1871, the sinking of the Titanic, Roswell, bigfoot, the bermuda triangle and the cancellation of the underrated tv series Honey Boo Boo....Just remember those union memebers have jobs and contribute to the tax base unlike you sweetie:)

  34. 1:38 at least union members are providing a service unlike you who sits on your ass in front of a computer trolling people all day waiting for a government or mommy's check to arrive.

  35. That is what I said. Campos misrepresented to Council that everything is in house. In reality, Campos has already decided on an outside software program for The Orphans Court and is examining a proposal for the Civil Division. That one is likely the same company although I don't know that for a fact. What I do know for a fact is. That outside software programs are being sought for both Civil and Orphans Court. What I also know for a fact is that Campis misrepresented these as in-house programs. What I know for a fact is that the end users of these programs have been ignored. What I know for a fact is that Campos's description of Civil Division employees wasting their time to roll quarters is a gross distortion and insult to the hard workers and management of that office.what I also know is that the citizens of Northampton County are standing in long lines for passports because Luis tells little lies and screws both worker and citizen.

    Thanks for playing.

  36. Sounds like Campos is the Court Services Director rather than Administration.

  37. Campos is as clueless as his deputy, who is in reality running the department. Brown's "high performance team" are a bunch of misfits who have joined him on the bridge of the Titanic. And the iceberg is Northampton County voters who will sink this ship of fools in 2017.

  38. My comment above is directed at 3:13.

  39. Get your passport at AAA, Post office why wait?

  40. This is stupid. Things change everyday. Why would anyone lie about these little things. Do you think it is to for the purpose to just lie? I am sure information is just misinterpreted.

  41. 4:27, the reason for the prevarication is to give the false impression of a budget-conscious administration that is creating its own software programs to save taxpayer dollars, and to excuse tge vacancies bc staff in that office just waste their time rolling quarters.it is not for the purpose of just lying, but to misrepresent things to council. Campis is a professional bullshitter who also pulls statistics out of thin air. He told Council that online dockets would reduce calls by 30% and walking by 10%. There are no studies to back that up. It is just pure horseshit.

  42. 4:14, to get a passport at AAA, you need to belong. Not all post offices do passports. The county could scratch them. I thought government existed to provide service to every day people. Brown is making that service more spotty.

  43. unions and the lowlifes that work for are nothing but parasites on society

  44. the real parasites to the county are john brown and his cronies. counting the days until their asses are thrown out.

  45. broken record on the unions sweetie. go drink some vegan vodka...

  46. 9;20, I would rather be a union worker anyday compared to your pathetic existence.

  47. don't worry 9;54, she will be locked up soon, courtesy of Northampton county tax payers!

  48. To clear up an error, Stoffa had nothing to do or say about 3rd floor vs 4th floor. This decision was made by the courts and Onembo when the new court house was supposedly finished.

  49. @9:20 You have no respect for the law or your fellow taxpayers. Your misuse of the court system is disgusting. Your little rein of terror will soon cost you. Have a slab of bacon and some yummy vegan cocoa to sooth yourself - it's all you have left.

  50. Hey, Mezzacappa, you may take solace that when you are arrested on the bench warrant, the officers applying the handcuffs are all union workers. And when you are crying your little eyes out in a jail cell, along with your mother, that you dragged into this mess, you may take solace again, that all of the prison guards are union workers as well. Union workers will be taking care of you. Now, isn't that special!

  51. anon 11:00,

    Bullshit, Stoffa renamed the floors. It was his major achievement. Stop re-writing history.

  52. Bottom line here is Campos took over for Scomillio's job as the new BULLSHITTER so he could put up his red campaign signs! GooooooooooVic! Campos will have the new system in place for your return as a Judge! Now thank Uncle Brownstain.

  53. Until the most incompetent, ingnorant Administration in the 2 county history of Home Rule, vacates office, I will post--this would not be happening (cuz Campos is utterly unqualified) if John Callahan had won the election.

    Thank your Mr. O'Hare for continuing to provide examples of the audaciously absurd Administration of Mr. Brown.

    Just a question--has Mr. Campos even read the Home Rule Charter?

  54. Anon 5:30 who the hell cares who renumbered the courthouse floors? This post is about Campos' incompetence .

  55. %;30 tries to divert attentionfrom the shortcomings of Brown by smearing Stoffa about everything. I usually delete him bc his comments, like the one above, are outright lies. I let this one stand and am happy to see other readers call this joker out.

  56. Anon 5:30 who the hell cares who renumbered the courthouse floors? This post is about Campos' incompetence

    lol. Maybe the poster concedes your point, and prefers to be hung up in the past, like a grown up still fascinated with Bozo the Clown. Campos would actually do a good job of playing that character.

  57. Well, it is the Clown administration, after all.

  58. Mr. Campos', Ms. Allen and Mr. Brown's credibility is so low at this point, they are so ineffective and overwhelmed, that are not trusted by anyone that they come in contact with, I just can't see how much more damage they can do to the County infrastructure, that they already haven't done. But then again, just like a toilet and their lies, this just swirls deeper and deeper.

  59. "Anon 5:30 who the hell cares who renumbered the courthouse floors? This post is about Campos' incompetence"

    Apparently you do John or you would not comment on something you think is unimportant.

  60. Clever comeback. Bernie can you toss this nitwits comments? He is like Rain Man regurgitating his petty beefs from the past. This post is about Campos' ignorance, not 2:53's ignorance.

  61. Now you know the crap I delete. It is usually nonsense posted by bitter people who are like broken records.

  62. Yet here is 3:39 continually complaining about something he claims is unimportant.

  63. I think he was complaining about you. If you consider yourself unimportant we agree.

  64. lol - Good one, Bernie. Good to see you can have some fun once in awhile.

  65. Yes I was complaining about tedious bores like 6:43 who try to hijack a blog topic for their own ancient beefs. Let's get back to Campos' cockeyed explanations about software in court services.


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