Local Government TV

Friday, April 10, 2015

AFSCME to Host Registration Rally at Gracedale Tomorrow

Before the primary, I circulated for one of the candidates. I was shocked by the number of Northampton County employees who simply don't vote. I managed to register a few, but many more are out there who need to register, and get their families registered as well.

On Saturday, at 10 am, there will be a rally to stimulate voter registration for county workers and residents. Begins at 10:00 AM. I believe all members of Northampton County Council, along with the Executive and Controller, have been invited.

If you want to vote in this year's primary, the last day to register is April 20.

You can pick up a registration form at your local elections office.


  1. I really hate to say this but it is a waste of time. These guy stalk and talk but don't vote. I know of a couple of candidates who campaigned at Gracedale the Saturday and Sunday before the election in 2013 for county council.

    On election day the Republicans swept because once again the Gracedale employees and other county folks stayed home. The closet Democrat for council was around two hundred votes short. If you didn't support him, you got what you deserved.

    So despite all the complaints, big talk and blogging, they will again sit on their asses in November.

    You got the executive and council you didn't vote for, so congratulations.

  2. Gracedale's open. They still have jobs. The county is bleeding $10 million per year to keep Gracedale open so that residents who were never going to be thrown to the street are not thrown to the street. All departments are sacrificing for Gracedale. They've achieved each and every one of their goals. Are they looking for human sacrifice?

  3. union pukes talk the talk (as dictated by their so called leaders), but they never walk the walk. then they have the balls to cry like the little babies they are when they don't get their way. laughable!!!!!

  4. 6:29, not a bad idea

  5. Gracedale is not a leech pond for taxpayers money. The voters of Northampton county who are also taxpayers, voted overwhelmingly to keep Gracedale in Public hands. They don't mind having their tax dollars going to the facility which houses and cares for the County's elderly. Get over it already.
    Employers aren't generous because they want to be. Take a look at what Brown did to the county employees. Look at what Panto did to County employees. Unfortunately employers are made to pay higher wages because Unions make them pay decent wages. I am retired and don't belong to a union but I thank unions for making America a better place to live and work.

  6. That referendum wasn't forever and didn't give a blank check or any dollar figure. AFSCME needs to walk the talk and step up with significant concessions when the referendum expires. There won't be any tax increases anytime soon.

  7. 9:18 Wont be any tax increase soon? If i recall my taxes were raised 3 months ago by a republican council and a republican executive. I'm a fiscal conservative and wont forget what the members of council did when i head to the ballot box.

  8. Unions are not perfect but they are the workers only safeguard against tyranny and exploitation in the work place.

  9. The people spoke. Gracedale stays in county hands. There's no end in sight to the losses, despite the place operating better than it ever has. It will require more budget tightening and more tax increases to sustain. Gracedale is the canvas upon which all other county fiscal issues are painted. Gracedale is why we can't have nice things. Elections have consequences. The people spoke.

  10. Anonymous 9:18,AFSCME 1435 did in fact walked the walk, they gave back 3+ million dollars in their last contract, so if you don't know the facts, shut your trap! If there was a time a union is needed it is NOW with Mr. Brown as the executive!

  11. "That referendum wasn't forever and didn't give a blank check or any dollar figure."

    Yet you don't ID yourself when you call for the sale of Gracedale. That is because you know and even I now know that the people in NC do not want to sell. I believe in democracy. If you want it sold, organize a movement for the sale and circulate a petition. To do that, you'll have to ID yourself. You won't do that. Nor will a single Council candidate advocate Gracedale's sale. When it starts costing about 2 mills of tax per year, that might change. But no one is ready to do it. The argument right now needs to be with the state, and over reimbursemnets.

  12. AFSCME, to its credit, did agree to givebacks. That, along with savings in workman's comp, does tally to $3 million per year. The union made some big concessions.

  13. I heard only a select few of County Council members were invited.....

  14. I would hope that all Council members were invited and all should come regardless.

  15. Bernie, I know for a fact that at least two council members were not invited. However, a late invitation was extended to one (and maybe the other) this afternoon at 4:12 PM.

  16. McClure making his points already as to why he should be the next county executive..today..at the Gracedale rally. Register to vote please and vote for me in two years time.

  17. He will never get my vote come hell or high water.

  18. Agree, I will vote for Brown again before I would ever vote for McClure. God is he the only Democrat that is running?


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