Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hershman Sole R Running in Allentown

Lou Hershman, a conservative Democrat who turned Republican several years ago,. will be the only Republican on the Allentown City Council ballot. That's a nightlight for democracy, which I believe is dead in the Lehigh Valley's largest city. It is morphed into an oligarchy ruled by the likes of J.B. Reilly and Joe Topper, who fund political action committees to support their choices. Turnout hovers around 10-15% because too many of its poorer residents are more concerned about putting food on the table than in voting.

Here;s how Allentown blogger Michael Molovinsky puts it. "Pawlowski has created a PAC to finance and publicize his intended yes men. To their dishonor, this PAC is also endorsed by state representatives Mike Schlossberg and Pete Schweyer. The yes people include Candida Afif, who sits on many of Pawlowski's appointed boards. See someone on many boards, and you're looking at a yes person."


  1. Didn't Pawlowski win his last election with like 462% of the vote? Is Democracy dead in Bethlehem and Easton, as well? I'd like to see a list of elected Rs in those cities. It's the same for Ds in a few townships. Bushkill just celebrated its 200th birthday. Has a D ever been elected in those 200 years? I don't know. But I don't think so. You can only stand and fight for so long. Then, if you have the means, you move to where your views are better represented. It's as American as apple pie and chimichangas.

  2. 62% of a 10% turn out is not democracy.It is a joke.

  3. Is that 10-15% in a presidential year, non-presidential year, or about constant regardless?

    That's pathetic either way.

  4. What were Bethlehem and Easton turnout rates? I wonder if they were any better. Is this strictly an Allentown disgrace?

  5. It's not really good anywhere during municipal races but Allentown is particularly bad

  6. Why doesn't that Molovinski guy run for council if he loves Allentown so much?

  7. Blog Mentor, shouldn't you be rolling around on the floor, foaming at the mouth?

  8. Yesterday 12:03 pm,
    That was only because of his imports with three and four different last names? Than there was the issue of the thugs posted stratigicly at the various ballot stations throughout the city?

    You draw your own conclusion to that one, and tha at the end of your statement it is baseball, hotdogs and applepie? That said even his voters with three and for last names have distanced themselfs as we see the musical chairs in counsil chambers of late?

    patent pending

  9. The best part of the internet is that once it is on the internet it is there for ever.

    From MM blog: "Bernie O'Hare said...
    The problem Herschman has is that he's developed the reputation of being a wing nut. He's the dude who proposed a flouridation stuify commission 40 years after the evidence was pretty clear that flouride helps prevent tooth decay. He has opposed legislation that would protect employees regardless of sexual orientation. He has inserted himself into the very divisive debate over illegal immigration, alienating many Hispanic voters. Hoffman is a former bank officer and a small business consultant, and believes Lou made some strategic ewrrors that cost the city money, including inflated police pensions. Like my pal Ron Angle, Lou likes to hound people. Unlike Ron, Lou lacks the brains to make any real points. I think people wanted to try something new.

    JUNE 16, 2007 AT 12:09 AM"

  10. That was written before I got to know him and when I was relying on misinformation from anonymous cowards like you.

  11. So you were against him before you were for him? HYPOCRITE!


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