Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Abe Kassis, the Tea Party's Candidate for Judge?

Tea Party rally last summer
Easton Attorney Sam Murray has won the signature battle in the three-way race for Northampton County Judge. He has filed 1527 signatures (about 1,000 Dems and 500 Republicans) in support of his nomination. Assistant DA Abe Kassis  followed with 1,127 signatures, and former Northampton County Solicitor Vic Scomilio filed 1075. All three candidates are challenge proof and will appear on both the Democratic and Republican ballot. But this is actually a three-party race. With some notable exceptions, the tea party appears to be backing Abe Kassis.

On February 18, Easton Area Democrats hosted a candidates' night. Sam Murray spoke, and Abe Kassis arrived just as the meeting was ending. He did say that he was late because he was at another meeting. What he failed to say is that the other meeting that night was with the tea party.

Abe spoke there as well, and managed to get signatures from tea party hard-liners that include its Chairman, Ronnie Del Bacco. Last Summer, DelBacco staged a protest at KidsPeace, aimed at undocumented and unaccompanied children who, through no fault of their own, ended up in this country. At one point, he decided to lead everyone in prayer. He forgot that Someone once said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me."

Kassis also received the endorsement of Tom Campione, who is currently threatening to sue municipalities who don't allow gun nuts to prance through parks with a six-pack in one hand, and a six-shooter in the other.

Tea party hardliners like Bethlehem Tp Comm'r Pat Breslin, who voted against a no-tax hike budget because it included a slight increase in wages for non-union employees, flocked to the Kassis banner.

Saucon Valley School Director Bryan Eichfeld, who recently advocated replacing what he calls propaganda about global warming with "true science," is on the Kassis bandwagon. Eichfeld also objected to the formation of a UNICEF club at the Saucon Valley School district.

The tea party likes Abe so much that Tom Carroll, one of its leaders, began circulating for Abe himself. Carroll is a former judicial candidate himself, but was crushed by Jennifer Sletvold. I believe Carroll and other tea party hardliners blame Scomilio for this defeat.

When you solicit the support of extremists, I have to wonder about your own views, particularly when you're running for judge.


  1. Anyone who rubs shoulders with Del Whacko is to be avoided. He is toxic.

  2. Ronnie is an Alpha male, Bernice on the other hand is a beta borderline eunuch with an infinitely expanding list of people to target for bashing.

    Abe now has my vote.

  3. Mezzacappa, you are again in violation of the no-contact provisions of your bail conditions.

  4. Abe is a great guy. he is going for support from all quarters. Stop hating on the guy.

    You libtards are just mean people.

  5. Kassis is a Democrat and is supported by the right wing of the NORCO Republican Committee aka RATs. Amazing how the Republicans will actively campaign for a Dem??

  6. Sam Murray still the best choice.

  7. Amazing how the Republicans will actively campaign for a Dem??

    Some of us are not thrilled with the Republican establishment choice of Vic Scomillio for many of the reasons mentioned previously on this blog.

  8. Yeah, because it's so much better that Sam's picture is plastered all over Abe Atieyehs billboard. His support is so much more acceptable. Let's see if Abe Atiyeh can buy Sam a seat.

  9. I guess we know who the REAL Republicans are now and it's not the RAT bunch.

  10. Bernie,

    You do a great job documenting people YOU deem to be less than desirable that support Abe. All by name. Transparent. Can the same be said for your preferred candidate?

    Are you prepared to justify each person that is supporting your candidate? Really? Even the backroom ones?

    Not taking anything away from the other candidates, but even you agree that Abe is a stand up guy. I'm sure your surmised that after having dealt with him. Do you really want to diminish him because of who is supporting him? In the real world, there are several people that we have strong opinions about. Is it really a judgment of the candidates character, seeking as many votes as possible? If that were the case, wouldn't EVERYONE be disqualified.

  11. Hey 8:09
    If you didn't like the choice of Scomillio you should have worked to find another Republican to run against him.
    But publicly supporting a Democrat is really bad form.

  12. Last time I checked, these "whackos" vote too. The position these candidates are running for support all constituents, not just the ones you agree with, Bernie. Let's see who is supporting the other candidates.

  13. We know you have trouble writing, but thought you could add. The numbers you reported do not match what is on the PA Department of State which is considered the official filing. Of course you circulated for Sam, so you reported the numbers differently than what they are. This blog is becoming such propaganda when the contents of the articles have the facts wrong quite often for who you are supporting.

  14. This really makes one question Abe Kassis. He had to know these people were not who he wanted to be on his campaign. Now he is stuck with them and they will take him down. I mean stuck with them these RATS take over and control their candidates. They are the real RINOs in name only.

  15. Funny about that whole RINO thing since Gloria Lee Snover Vice Chair of the Norco Repubs was more than happy to have signed Bill Blake's (D) petition, then you have Dottie Niklos who is actively supporting a D for district judge, and of course Peg Ferraro who is not only a state committeewoman but the President of County Council who is actively supporting Patricia Broscius (D).

    Judges cross file, it's what they do it's a non political position and you're trying to make it partisan. Shame on you!

  16. I don't believe there is a Republican running in the examples you cited. Unlike what the RATs are doing which is actively working against a Republican candidate.

  17. Several posters are missing the point - It's not just that Tea Party officials and members are supporting Kassis - it's that he actively courted their support, and snubbed the Easton Democrats in the process.

    And, by the way 8:55, there is no "official" count of signatures by the Department of State. All they do is verify that the minimum number of apparent signatures are on a petition. Hope the weather is nice on whatever planet you're on. It a beautiful day here in Northampton County!

  18. "Not taking anything away from the other candidates, but even you agree that Abe is a stand up guy. I'm sure your surmised that after having dealt with him. Do you really want to diminish him because of who is supporting him?"

    Abe is a stand up guy, which is why this move surprises me. I realize the pressure to get on the ballot is immense, but I would think that he would think twice before getting signatures from the tea party people I describe above. He spoke to them before they signed his petition, so he said something they liked. In the instance of Campione, eho signed, that person has threatened several municipalities with lawsuits, and Abe could be assigned to that case. How could he be trusted to be fair?

    This was an example of poor judgment, probably brought about by the pressure to get signatures before filing. Also, when he goes to the Dems right after meeting with the tea party, why did he not just tell them he had just left the tea party? And when he left the tea party to visit Dems, did he tell them where he was going?

    It is true I support Sam. I made that clear when he announced. I supported Sam the last time he ran, too. I did circulate for him, and got signatures from courthouse workers and numerous community leaders and municipal officials.

  19. wow I would like to see that democrat petition with snovers name on it; please lets see that. I don't believe that one; she may be cordial to dems but don't think she would ever sign a petition for one. wow we could get her removed from the committee can someone get a copy of that.

  20. How dare you use your forum to try to discredit a wonderful candidate such as Abe Kassis. The fact that you openly support Sam Murray is even more reason why your ridiculous, bias comments should be ignored. It's painfully obvious what you are trying to do and I think it is despicable. Sam is running scared because he knows he is not nearly as honorable, experienced or well liked as Abe Kassis so you're trying to question Abe's integrity. At the end of the day, this is a race. Every candidate needs as many supporters as possible from every organization. Getting the support of a variety of voters in no way determines the kind of judge you will be or whether or not you are trustworthy, especially when someone is running for judge. Judges are required to be neutral and cannot make decisions based on political parties or any other affiliations. Just because a candidate seeks votes from one particular group or gets the support of various individuals does not mean he supports their views or would ever carry that over onto the bench. If that's the case Sam should be blasted for having Atiyeh support him. Talk about a person with a less than desirable support system!! Go ahead Bernie, I dare you to point out Sam's real supporters. They are certainly not a good, honorable bunch......

  21. I understand your anger at me. You are correct to note that I support one of the horses in this race, and have all along. And Abe is a wonderful guy. They all are.

    I believe it was a mistake to seek out and address the tea party, on the very night he was addressing Easton Dems, and get signatures from these extremists. If it makes you feel better, I doubt that many will be swayed by these observations. Most of the people reading this blog have already made up their minds.

  22. Speaks volumes about the LVTP supporting Abe. Maybe there is more to it than you realize, because you only report based upon your own emotional and extreme beliefs.

    Scomillio is toast and doesnt deserve the support of Rs. Scomillio wont win because he cannot be trusted.
    Scomillio, just like yourself, sold his client downstream in favor of a 5 minute ARD hearing, when the matter should have gone to trial.

    Sources tell me that the victim in the LTCF scandal offerred to testify on behalf of the Sheriff charged with a crime, to spare him his job, and vindicate him of wrong doing.

    Not many defense lawyers get the victim to testify on behalf of the defense. In fact, it is a RARE gift. Instead of doing the work for his client, he sold him out

    How can anyone vote for a lawyer like scomillio if he cant even protect his clients? And he is supposed to be fair to the people?

    Scomillio should withdraw...hes a disgrace to the Bar.

  23. Mezzacappa, your comments here violate the no-contact provisions of your bail.

  24. Mr. O’Hare - In my working days, I frequently had lunch with a Jewish friend and I, as someone who holds nothing sacred and envies those who do, often asked him about his religion, the teachings, and what was behind many of his lunch choices. One day he ordered something that didn’t seem to conform to any of the things he had shared with me and, when I asked him if that particular choice had religious roots, he replied: “No, I also have taste.”
    The point here is that we sometimes err when we ascribe group motivation to individual actions. The TEA Party has endorsed no particular candidate and, in fact, at the meeting this month it was specifically stated that no endorsements would be made. As a TEA Party member myself, I support Vic. And, if you drive by Hayden’s house, you will see Scomillio signs in his front yard.
    The TEA Party is made up of individuals, each of whom has taste, and the choices they make are individual choices not dictated by their affiliation with this particular group.


  25. Ben, that is why I said that, with some "notable exceptions," the tea party is supporting Abe. I saw that Phillips in fact circulated for Vic. But for the most part, the tea party is going with Abe. You have DelBacco, Simao, Kerr, Breslin, Carroll, Campione, Eichfeld, etc.

  26. Bernie, in response to your 10:55 am comment, are you saying that anyone who signs a judicial candidate's petition cannot ever hear that person's case if he or she are elected? Does that mean that your candidate has been conflicted out on 1,527 potential lawsuits? And aren't you doing a disservice to Abe by stating that he can never be fair in a case involving a petition signer? That's a bold assertion to make about someone you admit is a "stand-up guy."
    As for attending the "Tea Party" event in secret, have you fact-checked this conclusion with the EADC? I know for a fact that Abe announced his candidacy at the EADC meeting prior to the one Mr. Murray attended, and he wasn't expected to attend that meeting to announce again because he was going to a Republican event. Your source, and we all know which camp it is, really needs to check their information before getting you to write these things.
    We need to play this fair. You never challenged Judge Sletvold for attending Democratic meetings and events in 2013 when she was fighting to win the Democratic ballot. Why? Because she had every right to be there. And I'm sure she didn't announce herself to everyone she talked to as the endorsed Republican candidate, because she shouldn't have to. She was trying to sell her experience and qualifications, not her beliefs. You don't know if Abe was endorsing Tea Party policies by talking to these people. Maybe they just liked the fact that he is the only prosecutor running? Maybe they just thought he was a nice person. How do you conclude that it was about him supporting any politics? Everything you are saying in defense of that is pure conjecture.
    This is a bipartisan election and you need to reach all voters eligible to vote in the primary. And if someone Republican or Democrat likes Abe because he comes across as the most sincere, qualified, or fairest candidate, why should you condemn that because you don't personally approve of the person who makes that decision? Rather than view it as a condemnation of Abe because of your dislike for Tea Party Republicans, perhaps you should see the glass as half-full because for once, opposite sides agree that he is a "stand-up guy."

  27. Mr. O'Hare - The TEA Party is NOT supporting Abe or anyone else. This is a group attribution error whereby you are assuming that the actions of a few individual group members, be they in leadership positions or otherwise, are reflective of the entire group or, in this case, the parent organization. While individual members may support a variety of candidates, the TEA Party itself, as an organization, has not endorsed any candidate.


  28. Who would you rather support - someone who works with DA John Morganelli or someone who works with Abe Atiyeh? Hmm......

  29. Ben, This reminds me of the arguments among medieval priests about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. The fact of the matter is that Abe appeared at a tea partry meeting on 2/18, and at that meeting, got signatures endorsing his candidacy signed by nearly everyone in leadership. So in effect, the tea party is backing him. And it is the most extreme of them who signed the petition. Tom Carroll circulated 2 to 3 petitions himself. As I indicated in my story, therer are some notable exc eptions, primarily Hayden Phillips.

  30. 11:25 am - Your logic is flawed. Abe Kassis seeks out the Tea Party, goes to their meeting and kisses the ring of the leaders and you somehow make that a reflection on Sam Murray? Nice attempt at diversion.

    As for experience, you really don't want to go there, given that Sam is the only candidate with experience presiding in a courtroom as a hearing officer - 10 years of it, along with over 30 years of in-depth experience practicing law in most areas of law which come before the county court.

    Please do go look at Sam's petitions on line you will see that he has a broad base of support throughout Northampton County.

  31. 2:29, Given that Campione has very publicly threatened to sue several municipalities, and Abe alloed him to sign anyway and actively sought his support, I would say he is conflicted. Just as Sam would be conflicted in any case involving me.

    Abe is a stand up guy and would make a great judge. They all would. But I think he used poor judgment in going to a tea party meeting on 2/18, soliciting support from extremists like DelBacco, and then returning to the Easton Dems and not bothering to tell them where he was. Also, as an assistasnt DA, I think he used very poor judgment in allowing Tom Carroll to circulate from him. Tom Carroll was forced to resign his position in that office under circumstances that are, shall we say, questionable, Abe knows the details, and I am surprised that he would allow Carroll to be so actively involved in getting him signatures.

  32. DelBacco is no extremist. Campione is no extremist. The LVTP are not extremists. They rarely if ever have endorsed anyone. They are a group who stands up for liberty and the US Constititution, and are organized to take action when voices must be heard. They have principles that they support, and ones they dont. Their platform is smaller and more efficent government, less regulation and more personal freedom

    Unlike you, they are not all over the board, slinging shit at people for personal reasons, and demoralizing anyone who they dont like personally. You were tossed from that group because you stand for nothing except personal degredation

    And unlike you, they work for what they believe, and are not a keyboard tiger without teeth

    Grow up and get a life.

  33. I'm confused with DemocRats who initially denied the existence of any "Tea Party" and said it was just a ginned up myth financed by the Koch Brothers. Any so-called Tea Party has been largely co-opted by wiley Dems to force primaries on incumbent Rs. Hayden Whatisname claims to be a Tea Partier and raised taxes unnecessarily without making any attempt at budget cutting or waste elimination. That's what Democrats do. I long for the days of the Jim Gregory Democrat Party. He was a hero and is sitting in prison, where most Democrat political types eventually call home. How about Kathy Kane calling Seth Williams a racist? Their circular firing squad is a thing of beauty. Happy days are here again.

  34. You call them DemoRats, but are mixed up. The group proudly calling themselves Rats are the Tom Carrolls and Bob Kerr on the so-called Republican Action Team. Take a look at the xenophobic picture of one of them at the rally this Summer.. They do not stand for Liberty or the Constitution. They stand for intolerance and racism. Abe actively sought them out, and circulated the petition their leaders signed himself. He allowed a former assistant DA and current tea party member, who resigned under a cloud, to circulate for him. In my view this is a lapse in judgment.

  35. 3:07, in answer to your question, the DA Is neutral in this race. But Abe Atiyeh, whom you deride, works closely with Morganelli.

  36. Petition signatures are not blood oaths to support a candidate. They allow candidates on the ballot. It is sad to me that you cannot just support your chosen candidate, you must tear down all others. It doesn't say much about your faith in your candidate. Just write glowing articles about your guy.

  37. Tom Campione is trying to make sure dumb politics don 't violate constitutional rules. Remember the legal citizen with a firearm is the first line of defense for your loved ones at a Wall Mart parking lot when a thug beats her up for the car and the kids are in the back seat already. I have carried for 40 years and have not ever had an issue. This is a mater of TRUST do you trust me around your child and wife? Do you TRUST ME to save you kid in the pool ect. .

  38. They may not be blood oaths, but once you sign for one candidate, you can't sign for another. It is an indication of support. Abe Kassis, not me, was late to a meeting of the Easton Dems bc he was before the tea party. I doubt he told either the Dems or the tea party where else he had been or was going. In a petition he circulated himself, he accepted signatures from the most extreme members of the tea party. Abe is a good guy and my guess is he just was not thinking. Then Tom Carroll to circulate? Is it that important to get on the ballot?

  39. Bernie ,nomination petitions The first signature counts the second one 1 hr later can be struck-does not count.WE are referring to an individual signature - If Elmer B. Fudd signs on 10 mar 14 at wawa at 06=30 hrs and then for an opposing candidate 10 mar 14 in the after noon ,that signature will not count if contested and thus some people may have ended up with not enough signatures.

  40. Judicial and school board CROSS FILE HERE in Pa.

  41. You are correct Peter.If there are duplicate signatures, the first one still counts.

  42. I think the poster called the DemocRats; not DemoRats. They stand for tolerance.

    Robert Byrd.

  43. Abe Kassis isn't backed by Atiyeh though. It's Sam's face that is plastered on Atiyehs billboard. I'd say that's pretty big backing. Backing thst any reasonable person would not want to touch.

  44. Why not? He is a businessman. He is controversial and flamboyant, but has neveronce been involed in anything coming close to a scandal. His wife is the owner of several successful nursing homes. He supports his community. His kids are involved in sports. But he's not a frickin' blue blood, I'll give you that. Not your typical condescending rich prick. John Morganelli has received considerable sums of money from Abe Atiyeh over the years, including last year. It's funny how you praise Morganelli but condemn Sam for receiving support from the same person who supports Morganelli. And with nothing to back it up. Nothing but hatred for a guy who says what he thinks. I'll take one Abe Atiyeh over 1,000 Lee Butzes any day of the week.

  45. I wouldn't read so much about who AA puts on his billboards. Its business and sport. He had McClure for Executive on his billboards, yet can still be seen schmoozing with both Callahans (goes both ways, they schmooze him too). Its nothing personal, just politics and business and all seem to understand it.

    He is a businessman who I think has always genuinely reveled, even in his frustrations, in his battles with local gov'ts across the valley over the years. But he is evolving and possibly maturing in the political arena. Heck, I don't think Bill White has even had reason to write about him in quite some time. This doesn't mean I haven't disdained some early political hypocrisies (fliers bemoaning traffic congestion while simultaneously proposing development comes to mind), nor some other tactics best left unmentioned. Yet, I've agreed with him on occasion in some of his points...best to judge issue by issue with him, rather than have some holistic opinion of him. However, if he truly wants to be the political player I think he wants to be I'd say, 1.) don't plan any development in your own backyard (will no doubt always piss somebody off, no matter if a good idea or not) to keep battles a little further from home, and 2.) find some consistency instead of supporting folks all over the map from tea nuts to mainstream. Stand for something, or have a genuine (not specious) vision beyond the checkbook, and back it in candidates. Instead of simple crude politics of attempted blunt manipulations, greater influence can come with more sophistication. Blunt manipulations may win some short term battles, and may even bring the satisfaction of the adrenaline rush, but leave one surrounded by enemies at the end of a long war. I have another analogy in mind, but not the most PC, so will leave it at that.

    Anyway, best of luck to all candidates, at all levels.


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