Local Government TV

Friday, March 20, 2015

Bottom-Feeding Blogger Gets Keystone Press Award

As most of you know, I'm a bottom-feeding blogger. Disbarred. A low-life alkie. Perpetually broke. Despised by polite society. Fat. A worse dresser than Ron Angle. But the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association has just handed me a major award. As hard as this may be to believe, it's for journalism.

I took first place in the "General News" category in the annual Keystone Press awards for my stories about the Green Pond Marsh, which is slated for development. I also shared in a second place award in the "Ongoing News" category" for my contribution to the coverage of former Bethlehem City Council member Karen Dolan, who resigned in disgrace.

The Bethlehem Press, the weekly for which I write, is in the smallest Division. But it had the most awards in its group. The Morning Call, which is in the largest division, captured three awards. The Express Times, in the second largest division, won three awards.

This will be the third year in a row that I've won an award for journalism.

Something is seriously wrong.

First place winners like me get a concubine for a year.


  1. Congratulations, Bernie! And that's KDeirdre Dolan to you.

  2. Couldnt happen to a nicer guy!

    Every morning I read your blog, Molovinsky's, and for amusement, Lehigh Valley Live.

  3. "As most of you know, I'm a bottom-feeding blogger. Disbarred. A low-life alkie. Perpetually broke. Despised by polite society. Fat. A worse dresser than Ron Angle."

    you forgot flatulent.

  4. Congratulations!! Read your blog every day. The awards are well deserved!!

  5. Well deserved! You point out the flaws we overlook and keep us informed on the backdoor antics of this county. KUDOS!

  6. Jacqueline R. SuarezMarch 20, 2015 at 8:30 AM

    Congratulations Mr. O'Hare. I read your column every day and thoroughly enjoy it! Well deserved!

  7. Congrats Bernie......LVR required reading Monday thru Friday.....

  8. Yes, congratulations BO! Your blog is opinionated, provocative, but also very revealing. You are a daily watchdog over the frailties and excesses of local government. Don't be surprised if John Brown invites you to a special reception in his office. Complete with armed deputies and Kim from Sahl popping out of a cake.

  9. Bernie, this award is well-deserved, and you've earned even more recognition for being one of the only people in the Lehigh Valley area to hold our public official accountable.
    You are doing the job the local papers should be doing, but either simply don't care to, or are more interested in pleasing their corporate overlords.
    I especially appreciate the work you've done on this Green Pond issue. I believe it has been instrumental in getting more people involved in stopping this horrendous over-development, in an area that is already horrendously over-developed.
    Congratulations on this well-earned honor.

  10. Critics can say what they want and disparage the award but in reality, you are doing what the ET and MC should do, but do not do very well. Your coverage of local meetings and your occasional criticisms are a necessary part of a free society. I say thank god for bloggers.


  11. Well deserved, Bernie.
    Though I think you an asshole on occasion, 99% of the time you have it right.

  12. Bernie, congratulations, well earned and deserved! Very glad you're watching over these shennanigans.

    The Banker

  13. Bernie,

    Congrats. You do a hell of a job covering local news (most times better then the local media outlets). I don't always agree with you, but those opposing view points always make me think. Keep up the good work!


  14. although i'm a fan of this blog, some back to earth rain must be poured on this parade. bernie received an award for his articles in the bethlehem press, in the division for that size publication. nobody gives such award or recognition to blogs per se, on the contrary. although the msm harvests ideas from blogs, attribution is seldom given.

  15. What, no money? What kind of award is that?

  16. The concubine would just spend it.

  17. " nobody gives such award or recognition to blogs per se,"

    ... as well they shouldn't. You know what kind of people pen blogs.


  18. You left out this noun/adjective in your self description.



    1. an insignificant or contemptible person or thing.


    2. worthless; contemptible.

  19. If you are obsessed with someone you call insignificant, then what does that say about you?

  20. Congratulations!

    Your prize is a free Rita's Italian Ice, but you must claim it today.

  21. congrats Bernie,

    I can recall the days when municipal meetings regularly had a reporter from the Call, Express, and the then new Bethlehem Press, and even the online Patch..... now, sadly (but commendably!!) you are the only consistent one shining the light. And, as we've seen on a few stories, the "larger" press picked up on stories you first broke.

    The importance of the "freedom of the press" to democracy is only as valuable as it is exercised. In the small fishbowl of Northampton County and municipal governments, you are a great service! Again, thanks!

  22. You only won because the WEFP has been down for a while, your blog is a waste of space.

  23. You're a good writer and reporter. Nice work, Bernie.

  24. I thank you and so does my concubine.

    1. You are great Bernie, but what the hell is a concubiine¿ Is that a SHIM undercover, cause in the valley there are not many with there sack intact¿

  25. Bernie, congratulations. You are a throwback to a time when writers weren't married to advertisers and were free to practice something called investigative journalism. Thought provoking, reactions good and bad, the true goal of any worthy newsman. You can take a punch, get off the canvass, and keep punching. Let me fill you in on something...I am a Journalism major circa Temple 1988. Keep punching my friend...Tom Davis

  26. Tom, I knew it! I suspected you were a writer and now we know. Thanks very much for the kind words.

  27. Kudos to you. We don't always see eye to eye, but you can always be counted on to find the story and break it. Congrats on the well-earned award.

  28. Congrats, BO!

    - Alfonso Todd

  29. Your coverage of the Dolan saga was outstanding, you had the balls to report what I feel the ET and MCall were hesitant to do. Thanks for the strong role you played in exposing her and running that clown out of town!

  30. Kudos Bernie! So much is invested here by you for everyone's benefit. There's only one thing more that you could do to perfect this blog...ADD THE DAMN DATE STAMP - not just the time - to each post like MM does. That way, everyone can observe how some people stew-in-their-juices in some of your long-running threads.

  31. I have to figure out how to do that.


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