Local Government TV

Thursday, March 19, 2015

NorCo Public Works Richard Young to Resign

I may be the kind of person who complains about everything but you've never heard a word for me criticizing Richard Young. With him as director of public works the trains ran on time. Yeah after less than a year on the job he is stepping down. 


  1. Scomillio scurried out the door after leaving his mark. $$$$ BILL to County Taxpayers. He was followed by another crack member of his office dream team for reasons unknown (perhaps I never was told how much time had to be devoted to the job).
    Young probably couldnt take the incompetence of Brown any more.

    and Scomillio wants to be a judge!! God save us all.

  2. Terrible news for the Brown Gang. Guess Allen trying to control everything backfired again.

  3. Not only are Norco workers jumping ship. Those he brought in can't take it.

  4. Wow.. this guy was the real deal out of Allentown. Lots of education and experience and local. Wondering what happened? Presuming he is moving on to bigger and better things. NORCO lost out on this one!

  5. Jim Gregory will save this sinking ship soon enough and restore the luster that those who voted for him had in their mind's eye on election day.

  6. Jim Gregory will save this sinking ship soon enough and restore the luster that those who voted for him had in their mind's eye on election day.

  7. Adios! Who cares.

  8. wow what the heck is going on down there? john brown must be impossible to work for , Richard young was one of his better hire's such a shame!

  9. Rich seemed like a very pleasant and knowledgeable man. Not a good fit with the slimy Browpants administration.

  10. I don't know why Mr. Young is leaving, but wish him the best. I do hope his departure is for his own benefit, and not because of something going on in the Brown administration.

  11. Bernie,

    Lets just say Mr. Young is leaving for "personal reasons". For thiose who know him, you know of some of the issues and his employement with the couty is costing him dearly. Let's just say Mr. Brown screwed the pooch on changing things come 2015 and it has now affected his caibinent personnel as well.This explains why he is now hiruing people from outside the Lehigh Valley and lack experience. I'm sure Mr. Young won't be the last to leave .Sure it's just the start of his appointments leaving for "greener" pastures.

  12. My main concern is for Mr. Young's health. If he is sick of Brown or just sick of work, that's one thing. But I hope he is leaving for a better opportunity or to enjoy his life, and is not retiring for health reasons.

  13. brown hurt plenty of people ,guys like rich young don't come along often common sense tells me he is leaving for greener pastures I don't think when he took the job he planned on leaving in less than a year...

  14. Morning Call reported that Rich is leaving for a private sector engineering position with T&M of Bethlehem. It looks like Rich is returning to his roots. He did work in the consulting field years ago. Too bad NORCO could not capitalize on his years of consulting engineering and City government experience to the benefit of its taxpayers. Another example of Brownie running out very experienced local talent. I bet if someone digs... Rich's as well as other high level management staff have had their benefits radically slashed to the point where it makes no sense to work for NORCO. That is actually the word on the street. No wonder nobody in the Valley wants to work in management roles there. No wonder little experienced inside and outside the area are being courted. The NORCO Republicans have a mess on their hands. Their tea party RAT influenced politics will bite them in the next election and the County will return to its blue blood Democratic roots. IMHO

  15. Who the hell will run for the Dems in 2017? They need a strong candidate who will take the campaign seriously, unlike Callahan who completely blew the last election. Maybe Donnie Boy?

  16. Mickey Mouse could do better than Bozo Brown and his Stooges. Vote for anyone but those in office under this clown.

  17. Anonymous 7:51am hit the nail on the head. The health issues is a large part of why he is leaving and the changes Asshole Brown bestowed upon the staff is killing him financially. Can't blame him for leaving for a better health care package and better pay. No one in there right mind would apply to work at Norco any longer . You lose at this dead end place both ways now.

  18. 10:35. Can you say Lamont. He was the best choice last election and will be the best choice again.

    Think people for the County Executive.

  19. Richard Grucela for County Exec 2017 - He would be a great choice if interested.


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