Local Government TV

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Recchiuti to Seek Second Term on Bethlehem City Council

FROM MICHAEL RECCHIUTI: - Democratic City Councilman, Bethlehem small-business owner, and adjunct professor, Mike Recchiuti, 38, announces his candidacy for a second term on Bethlehem City Council.

Recchiuti cites his achievements during his first term on City Council and his desire to continue to make Bethlehem a better place to live, work, and raise a family as his motivation to seek a second term.

“I was raised in a middle-class family right here in Bethlehem. This is where I live, work, and am now raising my own middle-class family. In my first term on Council, I have been a tireless advocate for fiscal responsibility, job-creating economic development, transparency in government, and public safety. But my work is not done—putting Bethlehem first by making it a better place is what drives me”, Recchiuti says.

Recchiuti points out his successes in bringing about a number of new initiatives, or “firsts”, that he helped bring to Bethlehem:

  • Mike wrote the law that makes City contracts subject to approval by Council, shedding light on the way the city does business and spends tax dollars for the first time.
  • Mike supported and worked to pass a comprehensive overhaul of the City's zoning law—the first in more than 30 years, which will help protect Bethlehem’s unique neighborhoods.
  • In the face of a 6-million dollar budget deficit, Mike, as Chairman of the Finance Committee, worked with the City Administration and his colleagues on Council to close the deficit by refinancing and restructuring debt, by reducing city spending, and by instituting a Council mandated city-wide hiring freeze for the first time-- avoiding the need for a drastic property tax increase.
  • Mike strongly supported the City's application for the CRIZ designation, and creation of the first Bethlehem Revitalization and Improvement Zone Authority, which will continue to help the City build on the over $2 billion dollars of economic development already invested in our city in the last several years.
  • Mike voted for the resolution to support the region’s first Rail Transit Authority.
  • Mike fought successfully to strengthen the City’s first Campaign Finance Reporting Law—ensuring additional transparency by the City’s elected officials.
  • Mike also voted in support of the Landmarks and Historic Resources Ordinance—preserving the history and traditions of some of Bethlehem’s unique character and architecture for the first time outside of the City’s historic districts.

“I am proud of what I have been able to accomplish on Bethlehem City Council in only 3 years. In every area—from economic redevelopment, to city finances, to public safety, I have written or supported laws and initiatives that have made Bethlehem a better place”, Recchiuti notes.

Recchiuti is a 1995 graduate of Freedom High School. He holds a B.A. in Telecommunications from Penn State University (1999), and a Juris Doctor from Western New England College School of Law in Springfield, MA (2003). Mike is a small-business owner, running his own law practice on Center Street, where he focuses on Family and Elder Law, Estate Planning, as well as providing legal help to families experiencing financial difficulties. He is also an adjunct professor at Northampton Community College.

Recchiuti, who resides in North Bethlehem with his wife, Tina, and 18 month-old daughter, Sophia, serves as Chairman of the City’s Finance Committee, is a member of both the Public Safety and Parks and Public Property Committees, and also serves as City Council’s liaison to the Bethlehem Authority. He also participates actively in his neighborhood Block Watch.“I love Bethlehem. I grew up here, I started my business here and I am raising my family here. I am running for a second term because I feel passionately about my hometown. We need leaders that put Bethlehem First. It is what I did in my first term and what I will do in my next term.”

For more information on Recchiuti’s campaign please visit his website at www.mikeforcouncil.com.


  1. another of the jc clan. wake up bethlum and rid yourself of these people

  2. One of the biggest waste of time on city council. He won't even wipe unless Willie says its OK.

  3. An effective councilman in his 1st term. He deserves another. Good luck Mike!

  4. He will Be tough to beat as a big time incumbent

  5. He is an attorney with a social conscience. I know him professionally as one of his clients. We need young, committed professionals such as Mike to make change happen here in the valley. The anonymous haters dont bother him.

  6. Keep defending your self Mike. Just be sure to get your script preapproved by Reynolds.

  7. The guy is lazy. Just another attorney looking for some extra cash. Big zero on council.

  8. Anonymous@528 pm

    LOL You guys amuse me. Im a client of Mike's.

  9. I never get all the hate directed at Team Donchez and Team Reynolds. Those two guys get along, folks. The race is over. They have lunch and everything. They are trying to make Bethlehem better, and are all on the same team.

  10. Their own team. Carving up Bethlehem perks and jobs. There is more than enough or everybody if you know the right people.

    Probably the most incestuous and corrupt government in the Valley. The glossy exterior hides the rot.

  11. Why is it that you think no one is smart enough to make their own decisions in City Council. Mike is a good guy and has the best interest of Bethlehem. If you think you can do a better job then why don't you come out of hiding and run instead of just writing shit about the council members. For many years those on council have been friends before they ran for council. Look at Delgrosso, Marcincin, Calvo, they all taught school together and were friends. Just because a new young group of men and women are running now you act like it is a crime. Those teachers were in their late 30's and 40's when they ran. So 11:41AM 4:21 PM 5:28PM and 12:12 AM know what your talking about and back it up. He is a good man and I hope he continues to fight for what he believe in and that is Bethlehem.

  12. "Look at Delgrosso, Marcincin, Calvo,"

    Please do not compare the current bunch of pretenders to these great public officials. Men of accomplishment, not using public office for perks.

  13. The American political system is broken for two basic reasons. Either Americans are totally irresponsible and do not vote. Or they continue to vote for incumbents year after year. Stop complaining about what is wrong with elected politicians if your the problem. Our form of governance is based in electing individuals who desire to serve their country, state and community. Not individuals who seek a career in politics. Today voting for candidates could never be easier! Vote for the one who is not currently in office! U say no because the incumbent has been doing a good job and they deserve to be reelected?!. If that's your opinion then you do not understand this article is not about individuals. It's about making your Vote truly count in a most positive way.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.