Local Government TV

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Lehigh County Jim Martin Sues Over On-Air Defamation at WAEB

For years, Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin has been besieged by taunts,name-calling and damaging lies by a man who has a sick vendetta. I call him the Blog Mentor. He has marginalized himself inmost media outlets, But WAEB's Bobby Gunther Walsh embraced him, coached him and hosted him eleven times as a guest over the past years, allowing him to try to ruin Martin's reputation.

I saw Martin at a police function right after one of these shows, where this very proactive prosecutor was handing out awards to officers all over the Lehigh Valley. A big and sometimes gruff man, Martin tried to blow it off. But I could see that the years-long campaign of lies were taking their toll on him.

The Morning Call is now reporting that Martin has finally reached the breaking pint and has taken action against Walsh and the Blog Mentor. Legal pundits never subjected to this kind of torture called the lawsuit "rare." I'd call it self-defense. They talk about free speech, but the Pennsylvania constitution gives everyone, even Jim Martin, the right to protect his reputation.

I wrote about this matter in June, laying out what I thought and still think was a concerted campaign to damage Martin. Here's what I said then.

Bobby Gunther Walsh, the Lehigh Valley's aging poster boy for crackpot AM radio, is a combination huckster and conspiracy theorist. Between an endless series of commercials and promotions, he parades a series of goofy guests to tell us the sky is falling. Lately, he's been conducting a witch hunt against Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin.

It started in February and will continue today. Walsh uses a guest (I won't name him) who has a vendetta against Martin. "I have multiple pages of documentation that [my guest] provides to back up what he is asserting," Walsh deceptively assures listeners.

He accuses Martin of creating "a culture of corruption and incompetence." He implies falsely that Martin goes easy on drunk drivers because he's a drunk himself. Walsh's guest states, "Maybe there are people in high places in Lehigh County, maybe in the District Attorney's office, who have experience driving drunk and don't think it's that big of a deal." Walsh and his guest even accuse the DA of case-fixing. He encourages listeners to mob courtrooms in an obvious attempt to resurrect lynch mob justice. While passing out pitchforks and torches, they defame a man who has dedicated much of his professional career to criminal justice.

Last Wednesday, police officers from all over the Lehigh Valley were recognized for their efforts in deterring both aggressive and drunk driving. Jim Martin was the person who made these presentations, and then stuck around to hear their concerns. That's pretty strange behavior for someone who goes easy on drunk drivers.

Walsh has never acknowledged the visionary role Martin plays in law enforcement.This includes the creation of a regional crime center that uses the latest information technology advances. This center has solved several homicides and other major crime sprees. Instead of focusing on reality, Walsh defames Martin as a corrupt, crooked, incompetent, case-fixing drunk who goes easy on and cuddles with criminal defendants, especially if they are "young and shapely" blondes. Walsh and his guest have told outright lies, not verifiable facts, about three cases. Let me set the record straight. .

James W. Lauer 

What initially attracted Walsh's guest to this defendant is his last name - Lauer. Walsh's guest think there must be a connection to Phil Lauer, a prominent defense attorney.

Gunther's guest repeatedly asks, "Who does he know?"

There is no relation.

James Lauer has been charged four times with drunk driving. In the most recent episode, he ran a stop sign, T-boned a car, and injured four people, including a pregnant woman. He left the scene, but was apprehended right away, and has been in jail since that day. In addition to driving drunk, Lauer committed an interlock violation, somehow evading a system that authorities installed to keep him from driving drunk.

He is obviously going to get hammered.

But Gunther's guest incredibly warns, "I smell a case fix here."

I smell something, too. Bullshit. The guy has been in the can since the day of the accident, and had no lawyer at his most recent court appearance, months after languishing in jail. Not even a Public Defender. He has been jailed repeatedly for his drinking. If anything, Lauer's record demonstrates a no-nonsense approach to drinking and driving in Lehigh County.

But Walsh's guest claims he has proof that Lauer gets special treatment.

"In 2010, when Mr. Lauer was doing time for his third DUI in Lehigh County prison, they gave him an afternoon furlough to attend a wedding," he charges. "Would they do that for you or me? Who is this guy? Who does he know? You're in prison for your third DUI. They let you out to go to a wedding?"

Walsh starts laughing, creating the impression that authorities let a drunk out of jail to get blasted at a wedding reception.

Here's why this furlough was granted. Lauer's son was getting married. It was just three days prior to parole. He was released for three hours to attend the ceremony itself, not the reception. Moreover, Lauer was drug and alcohol tested when he returned to jail. The courts would do this for any inmate who had a good record in jail. You don't treat people like animals and then expect them to act like humans.

Walsh and his guest know these verifiable facts. They would rather lie so you believe that Lauer is connected..

Update: Lauer was sentenced to 2 1/2 to 7 3/4 years in prison. 

Amber Washko

Another false claim made by Walsh and his guest is that Martin gives preferential treatment to "young attractive drunk driving women". He cites the pending Washko case as an example. Last May, at what Gunther's guest himself admits is a "tricky intersection" at American Parkway and Dauphin Street, Washko ran into a vehicle being driven by Joseph Hennessey and killed him. Nearly eight months later, she was charged with drunk driving, but not homicide by vehicle.

An incredulous Walsh asks, "She wasn't even charged with vehicular homicide? ... You're kidding me."

Walsh's guest responds, incorrectly, that this woman was driving too fast, "obviously ran a solid red light," and killed Hennessey as he inched his way into the intersection. He calls the matter a "case-fix in progress", and thinks vehicular homicide charges should have been filed. In a letter to Judge Ford, he complains, "I know a judge can't tell crooked, incompetent, and lazy DA Jim Martin what charges to file."

Police knew Washko was drunk and could have charged her with that right away. But if she pleaded to these charges, they would be unable to charge her with anything more serious even if they later determined that her intoxication was a factor in the crash. You can't try someone twice for the same or even a related crime. Police waited, appropriately, until their investigation was complete before deciding what to charge.

Here are the facts, based on what police found in their own accident reconstruction. Hennessey was ahead of the white stop line that appears on American Parkway at that light. His vehicle was going 15 mph through the red light, and Washko came along at 43 mph. She had the light. Hennessey's vehicle was blocked by an embankment, and when it finally came into view, Washko only had 1.0 seconds to react and attempt to avoid a collision. According to police, it would take a sober person 1.6 seconds to react. That is why Washko was spared vehicular homicide charges. Though she was impaired, it played no role in Hennessey's death.
"Is this another example of a shapely (and drunk driving) young female being left off the hook by an enchanted DA Jim Martin?" asks Walsh's guest on his blog, to which Walsh refers listeners repeatedly.

No. You don't automatically charge someone, even a drunk person, with vehicular homicide. There must be evidence that the intoxication played a role in what happened.

Update: Washko was sentenced to three to six months in jail.

Jennifer Gehringer 

In another effort to falsely portray Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin as a prosecutor who looks the other way for "young, shapely blondes," Walsh and his guest point to Jennifer Gehringer. She struck and killed Parkland gym teacher John Toggas in 2008 as he crossed the street near Dorney Park. Though she was intoxicated, she was never charged with vehicular homicide. Just drunk driving.

Outrageous, exclaim Walsh and guest.

Here are the facts they fail to tell listeners. It was around 2 am, dark and Toggas was wearing a black T-shirt and dark shoes. He was drunk himself, and had been arrested earlier that night for drunk driving. He had argued with his wife, and decided to walk 13 miles home, loaded.

Gehringer, driving at or under the speed limit, never saw him. Nor would a sober person.

Walsh and his guest have been feeding a string of lies and distortions to radio listeners. They want to see courtrooms packed with 50-100 people to pressure judges into imposing harsh sentences instead of following the law. Ironically, they may have tainted Washko and Lauer so badly that it will be impossible to try these presumed innocent defendants in Lehigh County. Ex parte contacts have already resulted in the recusal of several judges.

I'd like to see the courtroom packed, too, when Walsh, his guest and Clear Channel are sued for libel. They have no interest in justice, but do have axes to grind.


  1. First, you encouraged Walsh to flood the Northampton County Courthouse when you sued Reibman over the courthouse bond issue. A wild animal is a wild animal regardless of who lets him loose.

    Second, I agree on the other points. Walsh is a washed up old disc jockey who tries to impress women half his age. He lives off the kindness of this sponsors who shower him with perks and sponsor his losing racing career. He is well know as a person user who will sponge off others.

    It is sad that WAEB has become an even lamer version of right wing whacko am radio but that is Walsh.

    The guy isn't exactly a paragon of self-control himself.

    Having said that it may be tough for Martin a public figure to get anywhere with this suit.

  2. Umm,that bond was a disaster and most acknowledge that now. It led to the swaption and was extremely wasteful.

  3. blog mentor took down M.M and alfundo's shameful political campaigns with his verifiable facts and fact bombs, two of your most loyal sycophants it must hurt to know who the real "king" of allentown is....Heir to the throne of Eddie P, a silver fox who knows how to make a guitar wail. does it hurt to know he took mezz under his wing, after you got dumped?

  4. Good for Martin. I don't know if he can get far. Public figures put themselves out there. However, Walsh is a scumbag and his hateful radio shows area disgrace.

  5. "Umm,that bond was a disaster and most acknowledge that now."

    Umm, no we don't.

    Don't make me hurt you.

  6. I wonder if the BM will represent himself? I've been waiting for this for a long time - I wish Martin well in this long deserved suit.

  7. I am celebrating. I hope that this can put an end to his reign of terror.

  8. Bernie - I don't listen to "talk radio" and now I see one of the reasons. Two actually. I watched 1-1/2 of the segments with Villa, and the host absolutely facilitated the libel. These jackasses need something to fill airtime, so they come up with witch hunts.

    Mr. Villa experienced a true tragedy - undeniable. But the person who caused his daughter's death served what is described as twice the sentence the average person does. There was an award of $3m +/- in damages against that person. Villa differs with what the charge should have been - hey, people have differences of opinion. He's turned that difference into a destructive obsession.

    If for no other reason than to set Mr. Villa straight (if that is possible - look at the other dangerously obsessed person here in the Lehigh Valley whose illness has led to the loss of her car and maybe her house - there is no indication she has learned her lesson), I hope Martin wins this lawsuit and permits Villa to go do something useful with his life. Waking each day to continue a war of words has no real purpose.

    Also, Walsh needs to clean up his act, and not goad people into libelous claims and conjecture that they try to twist into truths.

  9. @2:18 No Tricia, you are wrong and you're just trying to resharpen your axe on Stoffa's back, like usual.

    Stoffa was wise enough to cut our losses and see that getting out of it before it cost us even more was the right course.

    The 2007 crash of the economy is the reason the bond was a disaster. You can't blame your favorite target Stoffa for that.

  10. "blog mentor took down M.M and alfundo's shameful political campaigns with his verifiable facts and fact bombs, two of your most loyal sycophants ... "

    Actually, he is a narcissist who appears to have taken himself down. MM's recent race forthe state house earned him accolades everywhere, while Todd's business is doing better than ever. Now you can go back to rolling on the floor and foaming at themouth,

  11. I deleted a few of the trollish comments in which the Blog mentor specializes. It's nice to see Martin go after him in court. Attorney Sprague no doubt used Att'y Orloski's complaint against Mezzacappa as a template.

  12. " look at the other dangerously obsessed person here in the Lehigh Valley whose illness has led to the loss of her car and maybe her house - there is no indication she has learned her lesson)"

    Mezzacappa and the Blog Mentor work together.

  13. Blog Mentor is a scumbag.

  14. It seems like this might be a tough one for Martin to win, being a public figure. But, I hope he totally destroys BM in court. Because, if he doesn't it's only going to inspire even more batshit crazy antics from BM and his merry band of mental patients.

    It's one thing to be a bereaved father, it's another to stalk and harass everyone in a 30 mile radius for almost a decade because they won't let him air his libelous (unfounded and personal) grievances on TV and radio.

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  17. Defamation cases are difficult but not impossible to win, as Att'y Orloski proved. The Sprague law firm has a great deal of experience in defamation cases and has a nice record of success.

    A District Attorney down around Philly won a defamation suit after being called a racist in a LTE. Martin was slammed much harder, and for a much longer period of time, with lies from the blog Mentor. Even now,he is trying to repeat those lies on this blog with anonymous comments aimed at damaging Martin's reputation.

    Martin's lawsuit is actually apublic service.

  18. I'm assuming those deleted comments are BM. His ego can't handle even the slightest criticism. I've never seen someone so delusional about their righteousness.

    It's ironic he can't take it, because he sure dishes it out in heaps. I guess hiding behind alliterative, repetitive insults helps shelter a delicate ego.

  19. Blog Mentor is a vicious, bitter little man. Walsh should have known better. Mezzacappa is worse than both. And you are in the same sordid company for calling John Brown a premeditated killer of a Northampton County employee. What's different about your accusations directed at a public official and theirs? Am I missing something?

  20. BO,

    So, alot of people have been asking my thoughts about this situation and honestly, I have none. He just chose the wrong person to harass and vilify. I knew awhile ago, in order to give him power you had to feed the flame so I stopped giving him "shine" and he just kind of faded. If I get called to testify in the lawsuit, will I? Sure.
    It really is not about him winning or losing, in my opinion, it's about him being exposed and his ruthless escapades being revealed. He blackmailed, threatened, and stressed me out for YEARS, but in the end I handled the situation. I knew something was up when he actually contacted me through a pseudonym FB account 2 -3 months ago asking to get on my station, PROLIFICK RADIO / www.prolifick.com in order to give "his side of the story" because he was being attacked and WAEB had denounced him. It took me less than a nano - second to delete / block. Again, I harbor no ill will towards him. I STILL feel sorry for him and this situation. Because I KNOW how it feels to be placed in the spotlight with the press and social media watching / waiting. I know how it feels to see my story being told by people who have no idea about the "real" situation. I know about the slant, the spin, the set-up, and side conversations. I know because it is what he caused to happen to me....

    - Alfonso Todd

  21. The deleted comments are from the Blog Mentor, Mezzacappa and Henry Schaadt. they look out for each other, and then will claim that i post the comments so I can blame them. They accuse me of doing what they do. Typical dishonesty.

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  26. Mr. Windish:

    You think that Mr. Villa's case of free speech will succeed?

    Perhaps, because Mr. Martin is a public figure. However, if anyone looks at the BM's (no pun intended) website, you will see a very sick person who has attacked infinitely better people than he throughout the Lehigh Valley.

    It is sad, and the fact that no one stops him is equally sad.

    He has attacked families, threatened jobs, file suits only because someone has not supported his idiotic claims and sordid beliefs.

    I, for one, hopes he loses and finally becomes the disgrace that he is. Yes, it is sad, but many people have been scared for their safety because of his clear insanity.

    For you to say that he has an attractive persona, when compared with the people who have been attacked, is maddening.

    I appreciate your viewpoint, but I wish for you to realize just how many people he has hurt.

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  28. 12:27 -

    I am not aware of ALL of Mr. Villa's actions, just a few.

    At NO time have I, nor could I, endorse his full 'body of work.' That's not possible for me to do.

    Like him, or not, he has the RIGHT stage presence. That's undeniable for me. I know nothing about the public appearance of those he might have hurt, how many that's been, nor their own ability to 'make a case' under pressure.

    Today's media doesn't really hold much in the way a acceptable standards for conduct and appearance, does it? Mr. Villa will be welcome in MANY places to tell his story. Unfortunately, some outlets today seek out the most outrageous guests possible. Unfortunately, their ratings can be high.

    America has lost its moral compass, I think. THIS matter fits perfectly.

    I honestly don't know if Mr. Villa will be held harmless. I feel sure, however, either way, he's not finished.

    Fred Windish

  29. just a bystander mentioning something Mezz just posted at Mcall...

    I'm no expert, but the PA Supreme Court relies in the SIngle Publication rule, which bars relitigation of the same complained of defamatory remarks.

    Seemingly, this rule trumps the common law republication rule, so as not to stress the courts with multiple actions for the same source of libel.

    It would seem then that Mezz has an excellent chance to sever herself from the new action you filed.

  30. Mr. Windish:

    You can talk to the many people he has hurt or attacked by looking at his website.

    If you have any knowledge of the tragedy of mental health, you will be equally concerned.

    For you to even begin to defend his rights without knowing the true (really true) back story seems inappropriate. The nation has an understanding of what speech might go too far, and the supreme court has confirmed that.

    The members of Villa's targets will cheer loudly when this man is stopped.

  31. I'm fairly certain Windish was impersonated. That is one of theBlob Mentor's many tricks and is why I deleted the comment.

  32. 12:48 -

    I am in no position to determine if anyone is mentally ill. I DO believe Mr. Villa is emotionally troubled and is lashing out.

    I do know a little more than some. Not only was I also a minor victim, but have communicated with he and his family. I enjoyed a friendship with a Villa family member, actually.

    If Mr. Villa is determined to be liable for harming Mr. Martin, then I think Mr. Villa deserves whatever penalty he receives.

    My bigger point is, Mr. Villa is an essential and capable part of any Free Speech discussion.

    That's all.

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  34. Bernie, I made a comment in the wrong account, can you delete please? will repost

  35. I am not nearly as forgiving as Alfonso.

    I am sympathetic to his loss. His loss does not in any way whatsoever give him the right to terrorize and harass people. ANY people and especially people who have nothing to do with the case he pretends is the most important thing to him. The reality is the most important thing to him is making other people as miserable as he is. He has suffered a deep loss, probably needs a mental health evaluation but at the end of the day he needs to be stopped. I applaud Martin for doing this and if at all possible I will be sitting in the courtroom watching this play out.

  36. I think everyone on his side bar list should join together and sue him for defamation. I hope more of them get the courage and have the time and resources to sue his a$$! He has spewed some really outrageous venom regarding those poor people on his "black" list.

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  38. "It would seem then that Mezz has an excellent chance to sever herself from the new action you filed."

    Who cares? Timmer brought her in as a Defendant, not Bernie.

    She'll still be severed fromher car and the remainder of the $70K which she owes and says she can pay. Just pay it and get it over with, and stop putting your victim through even more pain.

  39. BJW is the salt of the earth. You are the scourge of the earth, BO.

  40. I understand why Martin did this. It needed to be done. But I can't help but think that this is a case where no one is going to truly win. I believe Martin's legal team will at the very least reach a financial settlement emptying the Blog Mentor's bank account, as well as giving that hate radio team a bit of a hit, reminding them of their responsibility as broadcasters to at least make an attempt to monitor the veracity of their content.

  41. "the PA Supreme Court relies in the SIngle Publication rule, which bars relitigation "

    Mezzacappa is an idiot. Her claims, along with those of Gregory, are the basis of a cause of action aginst Timmer. I did not sue her again. Timmer sued her so he can force her to contribute to some ofthe money he is going to have to pay.

  42. Tricia is really shooting off her mouth over at the Morning Call site:


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  44. "Tricia is really shooting off her mouth over at the Morning Call site:"

    All she is doing is digging a deeper and wider hole she's already fallen into. Carry on, sweetie. The writing is on the wall (and in print, and on audio).

  45. BM has lied about so many people, one can only bet that he also is lying about Martin.

  46. Bloggers who defame others, like the "Mentor" and TM, are a scourge on society. The few targets they incessantly pursue have a tough road to relief, as O'Hare as experienced. Look at the similarities in these two. For years, they have been obsessed with pursuing their targets, and have both gone on "talk radio" and been given a platform to spread their bile across the Lehigh Valley.

    Kudos to BOH and O'Hare for standing up to these bullies. BOH's case was straightforward, but the fact Martin is the DA is going to make is tough IMO.

  47. Just look at the two photos used in the MCall puff piece, a bloated crimson ogre juxtaposed with a dashing silver fox stylishly coifed and gazing passionately into the camera. No jury of 12 people can resist the charisma of your blog mentor he is a smooth operator.

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  49. Bernie,

    How does this post not violate the court ordered agreement between you and the Blog Mentor? I thought you couldn't mention him? I must be misinformed. I am just worried that he will seek retribution against you because you might have broken the agreement.

  50. Actually, he broke the agreement numerous times and at numerous places. His.sidebar was changed many times, with new references to me. Given his repeated violations, he's in no position to argue contempt.

  51. "I am just worried that he will seek retribution against you because you might have broken the agreement."

    I doubt that you are worried. In fact I think it would make you happy.

    But don't fear. Bernie didn't mention his name or show his picture. Compare this to the Lehigh Valley Nobody site, where the BM uses Bernie's name and picture every day.

  52. "Just look at the two photos used in the MCall puff piece, a bloated crimson ogre juxtaposed with a dashing silver fox stylishly coifed and gazing passionately into the camera. No jury of 12 people can resist the charisma of your blog mentor he is a smooth operator"

    What do looks have to do with anything? The guy's daughter is DEAD. Does a fancy hair-doo or charisma change that? And people who defame others are UGLY. Grow the hell up.

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  54. Blog Mentor is going to be exposed for the absolute disgrace of a human being he is.

    Yes, absolute disgrace.

    That sidebar at his blog is all the proof I need to back that statement up.

    I'd love to be able to show the multitude of freaky, sexually perverted Facebook messages I have received from Blog Mentor to a judge in a court of law.

  55. Lol the mentor is lobbying Craig Stevens from WAEB for a "final appearance" on air, no word back as of yet!

  56. I'm sure Stevens will get right back to him.

  57. Blog Mentor is a disgrace of a human being? Excuse me????

    He has been defaming and torturing college students, politicians, priests, bloggers, attorneys, newspaper reporters, journalists, editors, television personalities, television producers, radio hosts, mothers, fathers, families with deceased children, retired civilians, the voices in his head, and the list goes on and on. He has marginalized himself years ago on his WIFE'S blog.

    And what is interesting, he claims to have a hand in everything. He worked here and there, studied here and went there. Knows this person and is buddy buddy with that one. I even think at one time he even said he was a student priest, an editor, a big wig at some firm in NY, a founder of some big time rock and roll band, a famous song writer, a world class guitarist, a founding member of some art saving gallery, smarter than any judge or attorney when it comes to legal issues, and on and on ? Are u kidding me???

    This person needs a rubber room with a restraining jacket. The voices in his head have issues.

    What message does this give to the next generation that he is raising?

    And if you read his blog, he poofs messages and "updates" his posts each day. Well great! That means that any statute of limitations is never going to run out. He is so stupid and so fake.

  58. @7:57pm

    Maybe the cries of those affected will finally reach understanding ears.

    Your briefing of reality to readers is excellent.

    Thank you.

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  60. Would Attorney Orloski be willing to represent the mentor if asked?

  61. One nut at a time. I believe it would be a conflict.

  62. What do you think the reason is that no one can comment on the Blog Mentor's wife's blog?

    Also, I noticed that the people that do comment on that blog seem to be only himself and his wife. That blog touts facts, but I don't see any facts, just his made up opinions. He seems to have an unusual sense of reality and what is realistic.

  63. Over at the Mornig Call's site, poor, young, and pretty Mezzacappa is getting her stories confused. She lied so many times, she can't get them straight. It is hilarious and quite scary at the same time. She truly believes her lies that they became melded together in her wacky mind. If feel bad for anyone that has to deal with her wrath. In the near future, we won't have to deal with either of them, Mezza and the Mentor. They will both be reduced to being marginalized and the sidelines. And they won't have anyone to blame except themselves. Although they will definitely try to blame everyone. Such a sad site.

  64. One of the more annoying things about the Mezz and Blog Mentor is their idiotic, juvenile obsession with looks. BM is always taking photos of his harassment victims and mocking their weight, height or whatever. The Mezz seems to think she's about 30 years younger than she actually is. Regardless, it's childish schoolyard nonsense that shows their lack of class and intellect.

    And to stoop to their level, they both just look like bitter, senior citizens to me,

  65. One of the more annoying things about the Mezz and Blog Mentor is their idiotic, juvenile obsession with looks. BM is always taking photos of his harassment victims and mocking their weight, height or whatever. The Mezz seems to think she's about 30 years younger than she actually is. Regardless, it's childish schoolyard nonsense that shows their lack of class and intellect.

    And to stoop to their level, they both just look like bitter, senior citizens to me,

    Exactly. Why in the world she can't see the embarrassing and ugly quality in herself of marginalizing others based on looks is a mystery.

    Her face literally looks like she a senior citizen, which I wouldn't bring up if she wasn't incessantly referring to herself as "hot" and suggesting someone or anyone would find her physically attractive. Yet she wishes people to believe someone would carry a torch for her for years. Give me 2 seconds, and I'm moving on at a full run.

  66. Why can't she use her own blog to tell her "story", instead of a newspaper website?

    Oh, that's right, she's locked her site down so nobody can see the "truth". The truth never had it so bad.

    Has she used the word "pedophile" yet on the mcall website? She wouldn't want to leave an important detail like that out when proclaiming her innocence of defamation.

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  68. Can't wait to see Blog Mentor's sidebar go down in flames. Mostly because I am on it.

    Hard to believe Blog Mentor's wife is a public school teacher. I wouldn't let my kid within a thousand miles of her classroom.

  69. She shoukd not be allowed to teach, given her own statements.

  70. Hard to believe Blog Mentor's wife is a public school teacher. I wouldn't let my kid within a thousand miles of her classroom.

    Good morning class. My husband has been sued for defamation of the county district attorney. Now, let's turn to page 10.

    Mrs. Blog Mentor, what does defamation mean?

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  73. NBo comments from the Blog Mentor or his various pseudonyums will be allowed here. He established himself ass a liar to me long before he was sued for it.

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  76. Mr. O'Hare I believe you have violated the court agreement.

  77. I feel for the blogger, knowing myself how it feels to lose a child and knowing how horrible it is to deal with Allentown police, etc. That said, it has long been my opinion that he is unreasonable and somewhat off the deep end. His time would have been better spent focusing inward.

    Martin's department was a good buffer in my dealings with the city, which is far more corrupt if accusations and comparisons are being made. It is nice to know they can and will over ride the madness of the city's policies from time to time. This case is scary because of the free speech issue. While sympathetic to Martin, and think little of Walsh and the blogger, the first amendment is probably more of what is on trial here.

  78. Glad to see Blog Mentor is good and pissed off.

    Now he knows how the people on his Sidebar Of Hate feel.

    Equality is a wonderful thing, is it not?

  79. "Somewhat off the deep end"

    The Sidebar Of Hate that Blog Mentor so proudly displays is a little more than somewhat off the deep end.

    I wonder what the crazy doctors would say about that sidebar - perhaps Blog Mentor needs a thorough examination.

  80. "Mr. O'Hare I believe you have violated the court agreement."

    If you think that is the case, take your complaint to the complaint department. It's that stinky tiny shack out back with the toilet paper holder.

    Was that agreement a one-way street? Bernie's picture and name are featured on the BM's site, unlike the effort BOH goes through to not mention his or display his sweetpee mug.

  81. "I feel for the blogger, knowing myself how it feels to lose a child and knowing how horrible it is to deal with Allentown police, etc"

    I have no sympathy at all for that disgusting piece of shit, who delights in hurting others. He is free to take me to court, and I can issue this statement:" "Mr. Blog Mentor, with his latest nonsense/vendetta litigation, is attempting to silence my free speech -- free speech that involves verifiable facts and my opinions. If the first judge who sees this malicious and vexatious farce of a case doesn't toss it, I intend to pulverize Mr. Blog Mentor in court."

    As I indicated, he has violated that agreement so many times on his sidebar and elsewhere to make that agreement a mockery. Funny how he's all for free speech, so long as it is his free speech. Phony.

  82. Wish it could be a class action.

  83. Word on the street is:

    A bunch of those people on the sidebar of hate are going to bombard Mr. Mentor with similar lawsuits. Going to see how Sharpe of an attorney he is when he will have to deal with multiple lawsuits. Payback is bitch named Sasha.

  84. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  85. I would strongly recommend the people on Blog Mentor's hate list to contact the Sprague firm. Many of you have been defamed, and in very ugly ways, and it's been a continuing defamation. Father Alex, Michael Donovan, Alfonso Todd and others all have causes of action, and it might be possibly to assert liability against both the Blog Mentor and his wife, since it is her blog and she supports and participates in trashing others.

    The Sprague firm is probably the best in the state when it comes to libel law. Also, they've already started.

  86. Defamation/libel suits are a money pit, just ask Orloski...

  87. No, they're not, but it's a money pit for you, criminal Defendant Mezzacappa. And at the rate you're going, you'll be in jail soon.

  88. "Defamation/libel suits are a money pit, just ask Orloski..."

    The River Rat in Doylestown has done quite well at your expense, if you've paid him. Rumor is no lawyer will work for you. And all the court and transcript fees you've spent on all your witch hunts add up to a lot of pocket change for someone with no car to get to the job that they don't have.

    Does mommy ACH money to you so you can pay your bills?

  89. The reality is whether she is right or wrong, she still lives in her house and still has her car. A lot of angry noise but isn't possession 9/10 of the law?

  90. Little Troll FontelroyFebruary 15, 2015 at 10:39 AM

    The council of trolls has fractured, River, Celtic Warrior, and Ron Shmegma have formed a splinter branch that is hell bent on pursuing the "cho-mo" angle. The Ridge St Stunner, B.M, and Greggy are looking to keep it classy and batter him with the truth.

  91. The 'rock star' Blog Mentor needs to get in tune with the truth that he is a putz.

    And a failed blog bully.

    The Sidebar Of Hate confirms as much.

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  93. Blog Mentor, you are such a weak little man. You've become a joke amongst everyone who has had any kind of dealings with you, an annoying little gnat with a chip on his shoulder.

    It's incredible to me that someone can be so deluded and self absorbed. All of your "support" comments are just you posting under aliases. If you weren't such an abusive bully, you'd just be comically pathetic. As it is, you are going to get your day in court, and almost certainly get pulverized by all of the "pusillanimous putzes" and "duped dunces" that you've been harassing for too long.

    I hope whatever monetary damages Jim Martin gets from your crazy ass are enough to shut you down. Maybe you'll have to sell your computer to afford groceries when Big Jim is done bleeding you dry financially.

  94. "The reality is whether she is right or wrong, she still lives in her house and still has her car."

    The reality is that you don't live in your house or have your car. You fraudulently conveyed your house, and don't answer when Sheriffs come a-knockin' You have hidden your car and get ride. You have now been charged with a crime, not a summary offense,. but a second degree misdemeanor. You are looking at jail time. I expect that cooperation with the sheriffs will be a condition of your bail, when it is set at the Preliminary HeAring. That day, if you do not open your door so that sheriffs can seize (and impound) your personal property (we will be taking it this time and storing it bc you can't be trusted), I expect you to be jailed.

    The Blog Mentor is the very first person you ran to when you decided to go after me. Hope you thanked him for all his great advice.

  95. The reality is whether she is right or wrong, she still lives in her house and still has her car. A lot of angry noise but isn't possession 9/10 of the law?

    The reality is you have broken the law. That's the reality. If you are proud of that, hey, we can't control your illness. You just were fingerprinted under a criminal charge of defrauding a secured creditor. You're ass will soon be in jail if you don't fork it over, and you won't even have a trial. Possession isn't 9/10 of the law when you are in possession of stolen goods.

    Keep hallucinating. The good pubic servants at the county have 1000 times more knowledge of the law as you do. Word on the street is you aren't even living at your (mother's) house. There are several people watching your movements - you've become quite the public menace.

    Stop calling it your car. It isn't. Molon Labe is going to land you in prison.

  96. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  97. Hi I'm TM and I'm running for Council. I have a criminal charge against me currently, and recently I've been found guilty of harassing a town employee, defaming a reporter, and civil disorder.

    I've also suggested drowning a current council member, and the thought of a hollow point bullet going through the skull of another object of my hatred pleases me.

    I've cost you and our fellow town residents tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees in just the last few years.

    I'm sure you will agree I'm the perfect choice to represent the interests of town residents, and I appreciate your vote!

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  99. Bernie,
    in other parts of the state we have DA's putting criminals away yet in lehighcounty instead of using public money as well as resorces's? This money goes to chasing people that are in todays standirts are standing up against tironey locally also having a stathold in pa's house now? This should be for new meat yet the same old benafactors are the reciepiants double dipping just like the pension problem created within the county seat?

    No problem here just many indigent people and children witch is for them to feed off of?

    patent pending

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  101. Better sell as many as you can bc you're going to be spending a lot of money.

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  103. What you're "pretty" sure of and reality are two different things.

  104. i can't wait for the discovery. You dug yourself a nice hole, and it couldn't happen to s nicer person.

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  106. Blog Mentor, you won't be trying your case anonymously here in the blogosphere, where you can take cheap shots. You'll be trying it in a courtroom. You and Gunther are both in a heap of trouble. My hope is that numerous of the people listed on the sidebar decide to hold you and your wife accountable as well. Discovery in this case should prove quite interesting.

  107. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  108. Don't sleep much lately, do you, Blog Mentor? Worried?

  109. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  110. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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