Local Government TV

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Brown Vetoes Ordinance Limiting His Spending Power

NorCo Exec John Brown has vetoed an Ordinance adopted by a bi-partisan Council last week that limits his ability to issue no-bid contracts. Under the new County law, Council must approve all contracts that exceed $25,000. The previous limit was $100,000.

This move by Council follows several controversial no-did contracts that Brown issued in 2014 for consultant services, including a public relations consultant as well as a cost control consultant.

In his veto message, Brown insists that the Ordinance is not "in the best interests of the County." He argues it will "restrict the ability of the current and future administrations of Northampton County in a timely and cost effective way."

Lamont McClure had proposed an ordinance limiting the Executive's power in 2014, but it failed. This Ordinance was sponsored by Hayden Phillips, a Republican, and Scott Parsons, a Democrat.

This Ordinance appears to be veto proof. Only Glenn Geissinger and Mat Benol voted No. The remaining seven members supported the measure. Under County law, six votes are needed to override a veto.


  1. this guy simply can't accept any thing he disagrees with ...that because he thinks he's he sharpest tool in the shed ...he refers to council members as nothing more than a BUNCH OF CLOWNS ! to bad he doesn't like it ...there is plenty we don't like and can't do a thing about it ..he can just get over it and eat a cupcake !

  2. Brown doesn't understand that he brought this on himself. Had he not foolishly done the Sahl contract, this would never have happened. Brown is a one termer and he needs to be micromanaged to limit the damage he can do over the next 34 months.

  3. Brown doesn't get it. Hopefully Council members will stand up to this clueless bully and not change their votes.

  4. Bizarre. Empty gesture to salvage Brown's power to abuse the system. Council got it right and should unanimously override his veto to send a clear message that they control the purse strings, not him. He would like a slush fund in the hundreds of thousands to rewards his friends. This is not a private business, but he thinks he is a CEO with no obligations to his Board of Directors, or "shareholders" who in reality are the taxpayers of the county. They have been sickened by his wasteful contracts to cronies from his business world. They would oust him if they could. But unlike business there are no opportunities for a vote of confidence by a Board or shareholders. Disgusted taxpayers have to wait until 2017 to kick this bum out.

  5. eliminate the HRC and go back to 3rd Class County Code with three FT Commissioners.

  6. John Brownpants=worst mayor ever & worst county executive ever. I can't think of ONE positve thing he has done?

    At least he is consistent.

  7. anon 2:57, based on the size of the government and need for transparency you should go to at least five commissioners. Three commissioner systems only need two people to conspire to do things. If you think that doesn't happen in commissioner style governments, you live in Oz.

  8. Bernie, I hope your right about Geissinger. I hope he has some common sense because Matt is totally worthless!

  9. To modify comments I made on LVL when the vote was had, I was glad to see Council asserting checks on the Executive. It is Council who controls the purse, and will ultimately take the heat for any shortfalls--as Brown clearly demonstrated by throwing his own party under the bus re the necessary tax increase by blaming them. He presented Council with an initial budget calling for paying the bills with a $20 million dollar line of credit (AKA borrowed money), and then had the nerve to put the full blame on Council for the tax increase. His initial budget proposal was reckless, and likely illegal. It is fair for him to point to the past several years of Council as partially (and only partially) contributing to getting this point, but quite honestly, his budget proposals and government by consultant are all the more reasons to tighten Council's control of the purse. Your case in point, how has hiring a PR firm saved the County any money? It hasn’t, and quite honestly considering the negative opinion people have of Brown (including people I’ve talked to who don’t even follow politics but read/watch the local news enough), Sahl can be considered a complete waste of tax payer money. I was all the more impressed that this was a bipartisan effort.

    My only concern is that the recent news story about the County ending 2014 with approx. $7 million more than expected doesn’t give the veto-proof 7-2 bi-partisan majority weak knees. Some had argued that 2 mills would have been wiser. All that the final reserve balance proves is that 1 mill was sufficient for the time being—but still needed. Do what you know is the right thing to do.

    Brown claimed (vaguely) to have “corporate” experience and touted bringing that business sense to government. While that perspective is often valuable (if actually real), businessmen and some military folks don’t always make the best political leaders. There is a huge difference between those who are used to simply dictating their way to their (viewed) “subordinates”, and having the political skills to effectively deal with the human elements of opinions, constituencies, personalities, and egos to actually be a LEADER. History is full of business and military leaders with great political skills, but it is also full of those who have zilch.

    This is of Brown’s own making, and Council needs to stand up for itself and the taxpayers who expect responsible stewardship and leadership. Keep the partisanship out of it (Benol and McClure) and do what is best for the County. And Republicans, remember in his interview with the Express, Brown threw you under the bus in the same breath as he did the Democrats. D and R, be the adults in the chambers.

  10. Agree Lighthouse but that is the current political climate in Norco. Today it is all about Party. In fairness it always has been to a point. If the Democrats felt that way, Ferraro would never get elected.

    As has been pointed out, if one says Brown is a disaster many Republicans say a Democrat would have been worse. If you question conservative Republicans about the Republican county council wanting a big tax increase, they claim the Democrats would have been worse.

    I believe that Brown is the reason why people should think twice about the "I am a private sector guy" refrain or,"I have a business background", even "I am a real world guy". He is incompetent.

    Also I am concerned about some of the Republicans on county council. Benol and Vaughn are just not with it. Geissinger is as ambitious as they come and so far appears to be into politically expedient moves that help his political future. I don't think he has a real core.

    As of today, I wish Callahan would have won and at least one of the Democrats for county council. I believe Ron Heckman came in number six. I would have preferred him over Benol and even if Brown had won, the extra experience and knowledge on county council would have been helpful.

  11. Stop it! The people wanted Brown and great new guys like Benol. No one wanted Johnny Callahan. Old man Heckman is too old to serve on county council.
    We need new, fresh and young thinkers tackling county issues. What does he know about that.

  12. Brown needs to be "micromanaged". Him wanting to give a consulting job for $715,000 to someone he knows, Sahl Communications is a joke too. Local high schoolers can do better web pages and have better journalism skills than what can be found in Sahl's Northampton County News. I wouldn't put it past Brown to just give more jobs to friends for $99,999.99 just to not have to get councils approval. Then he would do another $99,999.99 contract again and so on. Isn't Brown's degree in engineering? Did he minor in finance? He needs guidance from experienced council members. Don't be puppets council.

  13. So wait let me get this straight, Brown uses his veto when council wants to limit HIS spending power but he sits on the veto when council wants to raise my taxes??? This is one republican who wont be voting for Brown if he decides to run again.

  14. Dems did field two lousy Council candidates. But three were beyond reproach. And either Ron Heckman or Jerry would have given us experience and a willingness to look at things in a bipartisan fashion. The people who vote disagree, and we all respect that decision. I believe that, of the five Rs elected to Council, only two stand out. Peg is one of them.The other is newcomer Hayden Phillips, which blows my mind. After one year, it is still too early to judge the other GOP Council members.

  15. I think Geissinger is shift. Very ambitious and keeps one finger in the wind and another up Brown's ass.

  16. Prediction: Peg and Seth flip-flop, and the veto prevails.

  17. That's possible.I have heard from several sources that Peg is caving, and Vaughn is not someone I'd want in a foxhole with me.

  18. They should that is an overreaction. Terrible legislation by a micro-managing county council. Brown is right on this one.

    The Philosopher King!

  19. Cathy Allen micromanages the prison, but Brown doesn't want to be micro managed... interesting.


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