Local Government TV

Friday, December 12, 2014

Brown, Allen Reimburse NorCo Travel Expenses

From NorCo Controller Steve Barron:

Dear Members of the Media,


This e-mail is to inform you all that Ms. Allen and Mr. Brown have paid back the money that they owe the county for mileage.


Mr. Brown has paid back $220.53

Ms. Allen has paid back $1,248.33


While these amount were not the original amounts proposed by my office I am sure they went back over their records and am satisfied with these repayments and as far as I am concerned the matter is resolved.


I would like to commend them for doing the right thing and following IRS and County Policy. I will continue to pursue county tax dollars that are not spent properly. No matter how large or how small.





Stephen J. Barron, Jr.

Northampton County Controller

Office 610-559-3185


  1. I'm glad they paid back what they owe. But did they offer an explanation/apology? Perhaps I'm asking too much, but didn't the PR consultant find it pertinent to assure the citizens that they didn't purposefully and knowingly misuse funds to benefit themselves?

  2. Somewhere in Bangor, a village is missing its idiots.

  3. They got their tiny hands caught in the cookie jar. They are not that stupid. Allen cheated and got caught. It won't be her first time. Steve, thanks for your perserverence despite the Boobsy Twins on council trying to discredit you. But please look into ANY contract negotiated by this administration. The Aegis gap insurance policy in particular. Who is the broker and what is the commission? Follow the money!

  4. Bernie broke this story.

  5. It's still BS!!! Now Mrs. Kathy Allen gets Gracedale's newest all wheel drive Ford Taurus to drive as she pleases! Who's paying for her to be on the county insurance to drive it? Whered the gas card for this car go, in her purse I'm sure! So the county tax payers & county employees will still be paying for these crooked people anyway!!! It's a Lose Lose Situation for THE LITTLE PEOPLE!!!! Makes me disgusted anymore!!!

  6. Bernie brook this story, the Berks county insurable bail bond scheem will be surfacing locally too? There are to many of these types of fraud not to be brought to light of day and on every form of media outlet? This would not include the outlet for the local democatic advertinsement agency?

    This puts the public at risk, criminals on the lose and responsible is in the justice system, like most other institutions that makes up the collapsing American system? With people like this in public seats of appointment?

    patent pending

  7. Yes Bernie, you or Barron MUST confirm that Allen is not using the Taurus to commute to work. Can anyone confirm that the Taurus is parked in her precious private space overnight and on weekends? That should not be hard to do. What happened to investigative journalism? The ET won't do anything. The citizens have to rely on a blogger (no offence, BO) and an elected official to break these stories.

  8. I can tell you that no county vehicle was parked at the residence of either John Brown or Cathy Allen over last weekend. I did not check this personally, but someone I know did. I don't believe the car is being used for personal matters or commuting. I know some people are watching from a respectful distance. Remember, they are entitled to privacy in their personal lives. If personal use happens, you'll be the second to know. I'll be the first.

    I'm more into digging through garbage cans and dumpsters.

    Reporters do a good job, and to be honest, the Morning Call had this story out before i did. I happen to be the person who developed the story and who asked the Controller to look into it. But the Morning Call was tipped off before I could break it.

    I believe I started the ball rolling, but The Morning Call published their story before me.

    I was at a basketball game, and I wouldn't miss a second of it.

  9. A very easy thing to do would be to drive through the parking garage over the weekend to see if the Taurus is there. It still is nutz for her to have a county car, regardless of how she uses it. If she uses it to drive to Gracedale and back she had better not claim mileage on her expense account. The vehicles are filled using a gas card. And all other expenses including insurance and maintenance are the county's responsibility. She doe NOT need a county car. If it has no use by any other legitimate entity within county government, i.e. transporting DHS clients, visiting farmland preservation sites, etc. it should be sold. It should not be the private perk of a DEPUTY DIRECTOR!

  10. Our county assessors, c&y caseworkers, probation officers, etc have to use their own cars and adhere to the rules & regs, but this clown can get caught stealing red-handed, but she paid it back so now we're all good? That's crazy. I should hope that any and all Northampton County employees caught abusing the public's trust and wasting needed resources is swiftly fired and prosecuted. Can somebody do something here?

  11. staking out people's homes to spy on them is a crime. Its called stalking. Hope whomever is doing gets caught.. prosecuted and thrown in jail. Maybe they can share a cell with Clinton Oxford.


  12. When a lowlife blowhard lisping time thief like Barron calls you out, that's bad. Between shifty Brown and dishonest Barron, is it any wonder why politicians are held in lower regard than gonorrhea and anal fissures?

  13. "I'm more into digging through garbage cans and dumpsters."

    well, you gotta get your clothes somewhere...

  14. Not good enough. They must resubmit and show why they did not pay the full amount. The IRS would not let you to send in less than asked for unless you send information supporting your position.

  15. Please look up the definition of stalking before you open ur uneducated mouth.

    Maybe Allen can car pool with Brown to and from work to as she obviously cannot make it on her over inflated 95000 salary!

  16. Allen's actions were hardly innocent. She violated the county's policy and should receive a written reprimand. It was a theft of public funds, pure and simple.

  17. "staking out people's homes to spy on them is a crime. Its called stalking. Hope whomever is doing gets caught.."

    Your understanding of the law is far from accurate. Let's say someone is hiding her assets to prevent execution. It is entirely appropriate to have someone spy on her. And public officials should be scrutinized, too. There is absolutely nothing unlawful about walking by their homes 1,000 times per day to see if something is untoward, so long as their is no trespassing and no inappropriate contact. But I would recommend that people NOT do this and give public officials their privacy. As for the judgment deadbeats, there are people who specialize in watching them.

  18. Drive by Cathy Allens' home and you will see a public nuisance. Upkeep isn't her specialty (illgotten gains are). Her front porch roof fell off last winter, and still hasn't been repaired. What a disgrace these theives are!!

  19. I would not judge someone by his or her home. I see many beautiful homes occupied by morally bankrupt people. Speaking of moral bankruptcy, what right to you have to judge someone anonymously based on his or her home? I think comments like this are actually more disgusting than the mileage abuse. If you want to attack someone and cannot ID yourself, you are a coward.

  20. When will John brownpants pay back the $,$$$.00 he stole from Bangor for "leadership training"? An all expenses paid weekend get-away to his alma mater (notre dame), and WHAT did the boro get for that? Did he report that 7 grand on his tax return?


  21. John Brown has my vote again. Its the rare and exceptional person who can hold his own while being constantly harassed, badgered, defamed and stalked...and who chooses not to react to the toxic assholes who are lighting the torches.

    Way to go Brown, I applaud you.

  22. Applause? Really? What movie are you watching?

  23. What happened to the 10 %budget reductions for each department ?

  24. What happened to fiscal conservative non-tax raising Republicans

  25. isn't campos allen's boss? why wasn't this caught sooner by him? This shows he is a puppet and who has the real say at Norco.

  26. This is not just a question of money but more so about good judgement, wisdom ,and selfishness. Shame on both of you.

  27. Anon 2:20 - fabulous tribute Cathy. How's that free Taurus working for you?

  28. The comment at 2:20 is likely from mezzacappa, given the references to being defamed and stalked. She won't be applauding Brown much longer. Brown , in one of the few things he is doing right, is fighting Mezzacappa on her LTCF denial. Trial starts Monday.

    She got pissed at the Prince law firm, fired them, and now is bringing the otter in to represent her tomorrow. She wants her money back from Prince. Just months before she was filing IFP petitions claiming all kinds of poverty. The Court denied two civil IFPs, but i believe she was dishonest with the judges and misrepresented her access to money.

  29. When will the trials and tribulations of Tricia going to come to their eventual conclusion? I know I am sick of her misuse of the judicial system and her avoidance of justice. Just pay Bernie and leave the county..forever!

  30. She never was part of JB's clan. She was tolerated at best and basically ignored whenever she did show up at his fund raisers. She arrived and left..alone.

  31. I believe you and will not saddle Brown with her support. He must cringe whenever she supports him.

  32. One would think that high profile people would not do anything that had the propensity for impropriety. Now this makes them suspect forever because they compromised their integrity early.Now they need to resume -and not have any issues. They have demonstrated early in this and stretched the perimeters of WHAT IS RIGHT from wrong.

  33. Mr. Brown should watch Christmas vacation and take note of the Boss that takes away all of the bonuses. Mr Brown... "A good bottom line isn't worth it if it hurts the real workers" Oh that's right he doesn't have a heart??

  34. Is it possible for County residents to ask for a refund of their vote for Mr. Brown?


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