Local Government TV

Friday, December 12, 2014

NorCo Exec Brown "Will Accept the Budget as Adopted"

During their final meeting of the year last night Northampton County Executive John Brown stated he "will accept the budget as adopted", meaning that he has no intention of vetoing the one-mill tax hike. He is pleased that this year's budget is $17.3 million less than last year, calling it a "quite an achievement." He did call on Council to establish a "true stabilization fund," i.e. rainy day fund.

He said that "we put together our strategic plan" and that "our intention is to look at contracts, look at business processes and pull out as much of the excesses that we can within the system." Though I am far from proficient in corporate babble, it appears that Brown intends to continue cutting, even though it has already compromised both services and safety.

"Expect more of the same," he warned.

If his second year is anything like his first, I can guarantee there will be no fifth year.

"I have met with the team," he states, but it's unclear just who that team is.


  1. "The Team", Wow!!

    From his hacking and slashing to the T-party Republicans elected to county council raising taxers their first year in office, this is probably one of the most bizarre upside down years in Northampton County history.

    You have the straight Republican Party line hiring a guy for six figures right out of the box. After a two day vetting process! Welcome to the Republican Corporate world of do as I say and not as I do.

    These guys wave the "fiscal" flag all day long. Even now I have heard some Republicans go on about how much "worse" it would be if the Democrats were in county office.

    How does one debate that logic? Maybe it is time we all glue teabags to our hats and run around like angry old white guys.

    I have to give the corporate babble, uber patriotic, flag wearing fiscal conservative shtick party credit. They condemn one party for doing stuff they do even more once elected, then tell people how fortunate they are that you voted for them.

    Maybe it is better to join the lunacy than fight it.

    Teabaggers forever!!!!!

  2. His "team" may be ghostly images rattling around in his mind.

  3. anon 1:43, from your keys to God's ear!

  4. Anon 1:43, Couldn't have said it better myself!

  5. There is a method to his madness. All will be revealed soon. T naysayers will become ardent followers.1

  6. .Why is Bangor 100,00.00 in the red this year?

  7. What a jack ass. One year down, mass retirerments. I expect the same by the end of next year. If thats the plan its working!

  8. His "team" rivals the Sixers' incompetence. One-term blunders.

  9. Any word on when that cheat Allen and Brownie will be paying back their illegal travel expenses?

  10. Arrogant and ignorant- Brown; Ignorant and servile- Scomillio and the rest of this top notch crew.

  11. "Any word on when that cheat Allen and Brownie will be paying back their illegal travel expenses? "

    Brown has ignored Barron's memo, so my guess is it will take a surcharge. In the meantime, it appears that benol is habving lauerdo improper research on libel. That has nothing to do with county government and lauer should have refused that request.

  12. What's clear is how mismanaged the county was under Stoffa, with lots of help from McClure, while Barron was busy not doing his job. Brown ain't great. But he inherited an absolute dumpster fire from the previous administration.

  13. What's clear is how much you hate Stoffa.

  14. Benol is nutz. He is carrying water for Brown pants, creating a distraction and trying to discredit Barron who is rightfully investigating abuse of power by Brown and his minions.

  15. Where and when are the Controller and DA going to file civil and criminal charges?

    Waiting shows no backbone. It needed to be done at 4:01 the day it was due.


  16. "What's clear is how much you hate Stoffa."

    On the contrary, I hate nobody and voted for Stoffa twice, as the lesser of two political evils. I also believe he's one of the most honorable guys to hold the office. His financial management was all over the place, however: cost cutting here and proposing debt spending there. He screwed up the Gracedale sale and should have handled it better. He's admitted this.

    Not all of your posters fall neatly into your assigned categories. There's a wide variety of views held by readers of your very interesting blog.

    The fact remains that Brown inherited an awful mess. To his credit, he's rarely blamed anyone for the mess he was left.

  17. You missed his blame game news conference then. Fired shots at Stoffa and past council decisions. Read the paper now and then. Blame is easy. Find solutions and stop the distractions.

  18. Governing by consultant is not leadership..it the complete opposite of leadership. It is the cheap way out. Brown no leader of men and it is plainly evident he is a coward and a bully at heart.

  19. What Mr. Brown doesn't realize is that these are peoples lives that he so carelessly is attempting to mess with. I don't know how he can live without caring for others. During this time of year I would say a good nickname for him would be "Scrooge". One day he will realize what he has done and that he has made no friends and has not improved the county one bit. All he cares about is himself and that in itself is a shame. Atleast Mr. Stoffa cared about the workers and their families.


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