Local Government TV

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Matos Stepping Down As Corrections Director

Arnie Matos
Arnie Matos, who started his career with Northampton County as a corrections officer, was named Director of Corrections in 2012. But he confirmed at last night's Budget Hearing that he'll be stepping down at the end of the year. Warden Todd Buskirk confirmed anonymous reports on this blog that he intends to retire as well, though he's waiting until some time next year.

Matos and Buskirk, like former Executive John Stoffa, are both firm believer in rehabilitation. A prison population that was supposed to be over 1,200 in 2012, was just 725 yesterday.

Matos was repeatedly questioned by Glenn Geissinger yesterday, in an effort to get Matos to say there's no shortage of corrections officers. Corrections Officers' union President Tom Davis has complained, at two previous Council meetings, that Executive John Brown refuses to fill vacancies. This results in overtime, state Davis, who adds it forces tired officers to continue working. "Somebody is going to get hurt," he has warned.

"We're 17 officers short,' responded Matos, who added there should be 206 corrections officers. This corroborates what Davis has said.

Council members suggested closing off portions of the jail and doing what he can to eliminate the need for extra officers.

"I have closed off sections," answered Matos, who insists there should be 206 officers. "We're in conversations with [brown] about addressing staffing needs at the jail" Matos remarked.

"I'm not going to get the answer I want," complained Geissinger at one point.

I would hope that Geissinger would want to hear the truth.


  1. Goodbye Matos. Never understood that Stoffa appointment to begin with. Mainly just another ryes man for Stoffa.

  2. yeah 2:11 am you bungling idiot. Arnie is one of the hardest working dedicated professionals I know...but what would you know?

  3. Oh poor baby. An other whiney government employee.

  4. and the world in Norco will go on when matos leaves. another stretch by bo so he can take a hit at G

    sad little man

  5. I've known Arnie since the 70s, personally and professionally.

    A good man.

  6. Arnie Matos is a true caring employee. The County is really losing a great employee that cares about what he does and helping the prisoners rehabilitate.

    So sad that Brown is forcing all the good employees out. Soon it will be a ghost town.

    Maybe Brown should go down any try to do these jobs. Oh that's right he doesn't have the knowledge to them either.

  7. Perhaps Geissinger could go run the department. That would be fun.

  8. @8:36 completely agree!

  9. geissinger doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground! he doesn't understand English either!

  10. A true professional being forced out early because of the policies of the Clown Administration......oops i mean the Brown Administration. Mr. Matos is dedicated to service, his religion, and giving back to the community from which he came, he will be sorely missed. And just a side note Geissinger has the worst haircut in the history of mankind, dont be afraid to spend $20 bucks on a professional haircut!

  11. Arnie is a good man. A big loss for the county.

  12. The Clown Administration... perfect!

  13. @0836 and @0922 hrs: I agree completely. I've known Arnie since January 2009 and he is a good man, hard worker and caring director. He will not only be missed, but his shoes will be hard to fill. Those with nasty comments need to save it. We are in a sinking ship and it's scary to think who may come... everything could be and probably WILL be worse very soon...
    Arnie and Todd will be missed, as well as many others who are also leaving.
    Mr. Brown has no idea what he's doing to every section of Northampton County and the people who work for the people.
    I applaud Mr. Matos for standing firm WITH THE TRUTH against Mr. Geissinger. You won't get the answer you want Mr. Geissinger because you want the truth covered up and sugar coated. Good luck with that!

  14. You don't need a director of corrections..it was a made up position. All you need is a Warden. Arnie fell into a nice cushy job and now it's over. Stop crying about him and get on with the redo. Out with the old..

  15. Best of luck in future endeavors Arnie. It was a pleasure working with you. You are a good man and a huge supporter of all programs that serve the taxpayers of Northampton County.

  16. Jim Gregory's latest letter to TM is really wild. He definitely takes a shot at you Bernie. he holds you responsible for helping to frame him. It is a long letter and he paints an interesting picture.
    You should check it out.

  17. In response to 3:03......you can argue whether or not you need a Director of Corrections but what you can't argue is Mr. Matos' professionalism, hard work and devotion to the residents of NCP. What NCP doesn't need is an overload of young over zealous lieutenants who take the term "yes men" to a new level. Since we are 16 officers short maybe Mr. Brown can give a couple of these so called lieutenants their gray shirts back because we have way too many white shirts! Sorry I can't identify myself, I don't want to end up working the gallery on my next shift.

  18. @3:03 by referendum on the ballots several years ago that instituted a Department of Corrections a Director is basically mandated. What isn't needed is an obsolete prison board, or as they call them now an advisory board, (that shouldn't be involved with any personnel actions).
    @8:39 you are right with the "yes men", but you have to think who they are saying yes too. It would be nice to still have a couple of the recent retired Lt's back. At least they had your back. In my opinion they would probably make a good Director and Warden also. I also agree on Mr. Matos professionalism and his devotion. See you on the Gallery soon.

  19. 8:35pm and 9:56pm...I am sure if you were to end up on the Gallery you would whine and cry as to why you're not on "your post." Instead of just doing your job.

  20. Yeah ok 10:30 like none of the current Lt's ever whined about their post, Werley was the king of the whiners. Hell Lamont would have whined but he was to busy napping on his post. Maybe a couple of you will actually come to a council meeting instead of locking yourselves in your office sucking your thumbs because you are afraid to take a stand!

  21. 1118, I will not speak for every Lt, but, like I tell everyone you have no idea what Lts do. Once you step in their shoes, do not speak of what you do not know. They are unhappy just like you are. They get stuck doing Union work that is out of the scope of their position. (Why the union does not fight that I do not know) They constantly have to fight and constantly loose what little they have. With good intentions to keep the jail harmonious and being the liaisons for Correction Officers, they try to address your concerns because they are ours also. We get shot down. They work with you, you call us when you need help on your block or to address a concern. Remember you are not the only employee. Your world at work is your post Theirs is the three buildings we house inmates in. Now, I'm not going to throw stones because I have windows in my house to. Stop attacking other employees who you work with. We all have one nemesis focus on him. Unity, because where we work, we all have each other's backs no matter what our differences are. Everyone needs to attend these meetings and for career service employee show up we will be the first to suffer. See you at the next counsel meeting my friend.😉

  22. @8:08 the majority of the Officers thanks you for your comments 112. From yours truly, The VP

  23. Arnie Matos announced that he was leaving. He was not fired by John Brown. It is not uncommon for people to leave when there is a change of administration. He did not complain about leaving.

    Geissinger asked a quation, a legitimate question. He wanted to know where and when the estmate of needed offices was made before or after the closing of a wing in the prison. He wants to know to decide how many to either hire or furlough to balance the budget. It was not an attack. Mr Matos did not have the answer. It was not a political move, nor an attack on anyone. I watched that session and nowhere did I see animosity, I saw someone trying to get the job done right

    If the game of political whack a mole doesn't stop, no one will be able to get anything done for the residents and tax payers. The CC needs to get the work done right now and they are trying to get the numbers they need to proceed.

  24. Matos is leaving bc of Brown. So is Buskirk and one other administrator. Sop are four deputies in the Civil Division. So are 92 employees. This is uncommon.

    Geissinger was asking a question and wanted a certain answeer. He wanted Santos to say they could get by with less and was not getting the answer he wanted and said so. He does not want the truth, but what he wants to hear. It was an attack.

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. I am sorry, but this is a personal attack against someone who is not really in the public eye. You have to ID yourself to make that attack.

  27. Deleted my comment? What is the purpose of your blog? Aren't people allowed to express their opinions? Or they only allowed to express the opinions similar to Bernie O'Hares? This isn't freedom of journalism...freedom of speech? You can attack anybody you please, but when someone sticks up for them you delete their comments. That is nothing but ignorance. Last time I heard Arnie Matos was in the public eye. If he is featured in your column, Express Times, Morning Call, and other forms of media, doesn't that make him "in the public eye?" Shame on you Bernie.

  28. The government is barred from suppressing free speech, but I am not the government. I cound decide that I will allow no comments containing the word "orange" if I want. Your comment, which was an ANONYMOUS personal attack at a man who is leaving government service, violates my comments policy. So do comments that whine about my policy. I would allow your attack, but you would have to take responsibility for your words and ID yourself. You are too much of a coward to do that, and seem to think you can dictate my comment policy. You can't. Additional whining from you will be deleted without comment. Show some class, if you can.

  29. I didn't realize this was part of your policy. I have seen many "Anonymous comments" regarding John Brown, Tricia Mezzacappa,and Jim Gregory. Yet, they are in the public eye. Mr. O'Hare, I am not here to argue with you. I am asking a sincere question. I consider myself a professional and someone with a lot of class. As, I am also seen by many others in the world of Corrections. If you could please answer me this question? Why can anonymous statements be allowed against the above mentioned people, but I can't speak my mind about Arnie Matos? Just curious...... Thank you for your time.

  30. You answered your own question. And if you hide behind a veil of anonymity to attack someone on his way out, you're no professional, but a coward who posts on blogs at 1am on a Sunday.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.