Local Government TV

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Three Civil Division Deputy Row Officers To Retire

In Northampton County's Civil Division, the Prothonotary is assisted by four Deputies, who oversee the workload. Three of them are retiring, which will leave that busy office with eight vacancies. Director of Administration Luis Campos never bothered telling Council last night about these retirements, likely because he never bothered to check. He instead claimed they will be creating all kinds of efficiencies next year with new software. Since they apparently are not discussing this with the people who actually use it, this has all the earmarks of a disaster in progress. 

The people who know how that office runs, and who have decades of institutional knowledge, are leaving. This means that the services this office delivers to the public are going to suffer even more. In the meantime, those who are left are actually running to the counters to keep up with filings and passports. This is unfair to them and is making their low-paying jobs more stressful. 


  1. Mr. Campos is just another Brown lacky. I don't think any of them could direct their way out of a bag. I hope I can make it 3 years without having to deal with any of them. Can't wait to send them all to the unemployment line.

  2. Breaking news: people retire. Everybody can blame the budget boat anchor known as Gracedale.

  3. Unfortunately, people leave their jobs. If they are not happy, who can blame them. As far as institutional knowledge, oh well. The jobs will get done somehow. This is the waive of government at all levels. If you don't like it quit. I can not tell you how many times I have heard public employees tell me that is what they hear from not their managers but those elected. So, good for those employees and too bad for the public. As a poster named Lighthouse on this board always says... you get the government you deserve.

  4. The world survived when the pending rtirees were wet behind the ears, learning the job, and making far less than they are now. Nobody lives or works forever.

  5. bo stretches again - yo ho your hate is showing

  6. This is exactly the loss of talent that will soon impact every division of NorCo.

    And I got bad news for you!

    It will get worse. Because the already low paid worker will be doing more adding with the fact of no raise, med benefit cost increasing 2000%, and shrinking fringe benefits will also leave for greener pastures.

    The County is not the only employer in town!

  7. F teabagger tyrants who think "they should just be lucky to have a job"

    People make their own luck!

  8. Congratulations and good luck in their retirement. Some training and coaching then it's next man or woman up to fill the position.

  9. how unfortunate people are being forced out . I am convinced john brown doesn't have any idea what he's doing . the guy is unfit for the job!

  10. You're right. More people will come up to fill the jobs being vacated. They will have less talent than those they replace. They will not be as smart because no intelligent person would work in a place where you get paid minimum wage and hardly any benefits. Yes you are right. Time will tell.

  11. Are the negative comments coming from NC employees or people who have no idea what's really going on? Those deputies have worked here a long time and deserve the benefits they were promised when they were first employed. Why should they stay and lose what they worked for? These deputies, and all the others who are retiring, are not leaving just to retire, but because of the arrogance of the present Executive and his none caring attitude for the people who really run the County.

  12. You're right Bernie - this has disaster written all over it. Campos looks like a bean counter who appears to have no grasp of the realities of how things actually get done.

  13. terrible news and sad to hear. this administration is clueless there is a lot of knowledge walking out the door and not just there ,sad days ahead for Northampton county ...lets see how much this will cost the county in lost revenue!

  14. what john brown forgets is that all the people leaving are his support system and keep the county working ...

  15. "Mr. Campos is just another Brown lacky. I don't think any of them could direct their way out of a bag. I hope I can make it 3 years without having to deal with any of them. Can't wait to send them all to the unemployment line."

    From what I can see, he is going to ruin that office and then will try to blame someone else. He has no idea what he is doing. The only time I see him near a rown office is when he's on his way to pick up his lunch, which he is too important to eat with the unwashed masses.

  16. lehighvalleylive.com


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    Easton council votes to introduce commuter tax plan
    Bernie, what are your thoughts?

  17. I did not have time to read or write about this last night as I went right from Council to the Bethlehem ZHB. But i am relatively certain that the commuter tax is illegal. My concern is that the county did not sue over this in 2012, when the tax was originally imposed. Thanks to Mayor Panto, the County now has a reason to sue and i believe it will win. The law does not apply equally to residents and nonresidents, despite panto's assertion to the contrary. I have read it, and so have several attorneys whose opinion I respect. This flawed tax should be challenged, and my guess (it is just a guess) is that a challenge will be filed. If Brown fails to do that, especially after an unanimous Council resolution urging this action, it will be the ultimate insult to the workforce.

  18. the word around the courthouse is that Campos previous job was as a stunt double for Big Bird in the latest sesame street movie. you could wrap a cheap suit around a dildo and it would have more of a personality than these stiffs!

  19. The last County Executive to visit a row office in the last thirty years was gerry seyfried. He would come in and talk to the employees. He was the same way when he worked for the courts. why are people afraid of us. We don't bite. We want only to help and be paid a decent wage.

  20. no challenge will be filed to the Easton commuter tax, and that is a fact

  21. that is NOT a fact. It is a prediction, more likely a guess. My prediction is there will be a challenge. Vic Scomillio would not have been at Easton's meeting yesterday if his research told him this is legal.

  22. I believe you are the racist. I never thought about his heritage for a second when someone called him a Brown lackey (not a brown lackey). I did not use that term but accept it. I also point out that he is a snob who thinks he is too good for the unwashed masses. I stand by both statements. The fact that you are bringing up his ethnic background reveals that it is you who is the bigot.

  23. Did someone interrupt your hungry man TV dinner?

  24. What rock are these people living under? Most county workers are gravely underpaid. We stayed for the benefits! As in every business the people at the top are paid better. But your high school graduates aren't! And thats who does most of the work with the knowledge and experience helping you taxpayers! And if they all leave at once? God help the citizens.

  25. "Your comments regarding Campos are unacceptable and racist in nature. Calling an Hispanic man a "brown lackey" and using the term "unwashed masses" is a low blow even for you."

    Does your frightfully small brain ever flop around and bang into your skull? That is an anonymous comment, and besides it in not a "brown lackey". Also, Bernie would never stoop to an insult such as that - you are the one who owes an apology.

  26. And I agree with you. He is a Brown lackey.

  27. Why can't people post their names if the issues are important.Their first amendment rights are protected. Veterans from the Services have kept it that way here. Atty's help enforce it in the courts. If I had a beef, I would tell them and we would of to the races . Now for example ,I have asked if anyone can put me in the issue of Easton City commuter taxes. Please post here as my union president has recently been awakened,I mean a couple of days ago to this blog of county issues.This being- that county employees are now possibly subject to commuter tax issue. My union Pres . is not not a bad guy, he thinks I that I am. Eventually he will read this , but I don't hide in CORNERS . GET IT> The county Union Rep should know my rep. He would learn from him. He does not ever mis-represent anything, he knows the rules and does not jump up and down. He represents us well.

    1. I wish I could post my name. I have a few years to retire and I have been around too long and have seen too much. Yes if only I could go. I am a coward.

  28. No ,this does not mean you are a coward. You are a subject of an employment situation, like some of My FRIENDS that work for our county. See, I don't give a rats ass if some one gets on my case because I'm old now and I know John R. Vivian well and he would put a turd in the punch bowl in a heart beat. . So-- You work and want to be and are a good employee . You are not a coward. Me- come get it ,if you can, I tell the truth and I pay my taxes and I save my money , I think I'm not too impeachable. I wish well of you county employees.

  29. Campos is clueless about his job and has demonstrated that at several meetings where he does not seem to know anything about the divisions he supervises. Erroneously stated open space limitations. Had no idea why the archives budget for 2015 was $200 K less than this year. Failed to inform council about 3 deputies in the civil division retiring and the impact of that on operations. He is a figurehead only. Like his boss, he is "not ready for prime time."

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. I do not like and will delete comments that just cut and paste segments of news stories. First, you owe it to whomever write the story to givee that person credit. Second, you should provide a link. Thirdexplain whatever point you are trying to make.

  32. To the three Deputy Prothonotaries: It has been a privilege to have worked along side you. When I first arrived at the County, you welcomed me with open arms and hearts. Your hard work, your humor and your team spirit has lifted me many times during my transitions through the County. Your professionalism was/is unparalleled. I wish you well in your retirement. Thank you.

    Bill Hillanbrand

  33. Bill is a former Director of Court Services, and his comment is high praise from a class act.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Attention people who have no idea what they are talking about! These people are retiring because of the changes that John Brown is making! They DO NOT want to retire because they love their jobs!! Also, the positions will NOT be filled because Mr. Brown will not allow the positions to be filled!!! Before you criticize the county employees, EDUCATE yourself!


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