Local Government TV

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Brown Blasts Council Over Hospital Bond

Brown calls Council craven and irresponsible
Yesterday afternoon, I received an apologetic call from Kim Sahl, Northampton County Executive John Brown's public relations consultant, to inform me he was conducting a news conference that very afternoon, at 4 pm, concerning his health cuts. Figuring that Brown had finally come to his senses and was beginning to listen to the workforce, I told Kim I'd be there. I was hoping I'd have some good news for you. But I don't. I attended a news conference behind a closed door guarded by three armed deputy sheriffs.  It had nothing to do with health cuts. He instead accused members of County Council, Lamont McClure in particular, of extortion over their rejection last week of a loan arrangement for St. Luke's Hospital. After he finished reading his prepared statement, he stormed out in dramatic fashion, apparently forgetting that he walked out of his own office. He refused to answer questions, and also refused to appear at the Budget Hearing that was being conducted right after his news conference.

Brown Posts Guards

When I reported to Brown's office for the news conference, I did notice three three deputies standing near his outer door. I thought they were looking for Eric Frein, but they were apparently there to prevent anyone from attending Brown's news conference that he didn't want there.

"Do you have a press pass?" asked one.

"Only forgeries," I answered.

That was good enough. I was in.

I thought maybe they were there to protect Brown from Morning Call columnist Bill White, who was rumored to be on his way. "Good idea!" I  thought. He does look a lot like Eric Frein.

But I learned that, in addition to the armed guards in front of his outer office, Brown posted Deputy Sheriffs (either one or two) outside the door that separates his office from Council chambers. That area is open only to members of Council. So he was actually posting guards to protect him from elected representatives of the people.

Brown Blasts Last Week's St. Luke's Vote

Last week, by a 6-2 vote (Seth Vaughn was absent), Northampton County Council rejected a pass thru bond issue for St. Luke's Hospital after Lamont McClure had argued that Council should stop doing all but absolutely essential business until Brown agrees to negotiate on his health care cuts. The two Yes votes were Peg Ferraro and Hayden Phillips. Peg was incredulous because Council was cutting off its nose to spite its face. In addition to depriving St. Luke's of needed revenue, the County would lose out on hefty administration fees.

Brown waited until today to call an "urgent" news conference, and it was about St. Luke's. He explained the obvious value of the project:
"St. Luke's is creating a uniform system for sharing accurate health information across a broad network of providers. This project will ensure that a person's vital health records are up-to-date and instantly available to every doctor nurse or first responder that has to provide care to the patient.

"Not only is this critical to managing its 194,000 emergency room visits every year, it will help first responders and primary care physicians better protect the public when facing a public health crisis. For example, the Enterovirus that's sickening our youth; or the potential of an Ebola outbreak. It means that anybody who needs accurate information can get it immediately."
Brown is right. In fact, later that day, Council reversed course at a budget Meeting and authorized the funding with Lamont McClure being the sole No vote. (Vaughn recused himself and Ken Kraft was stuck in an elevator).

Brown then went on to blast Council and McClure.
"[T]hey took this action to extort the Executive's office. After the meeting, Council members and their mouthpieces sent messages to me with an offer: If I were to acquiesce to their demands on an entirely unrelated matter [employee health care]; they would hold an emergency session in order to approve the bond. in other words, they are holding the County government, the county's healthcare providers, and our citizens hostage in order to win a political fight. That's not only craven and irresponsible ... it is wrong."
He went on to accuse McClure and other Council members of "political gamesmanship and pandering to further their own personal interests and open the door to a real health crisis."
"If my words seem angry, it's because I'm more than a little outraged with people who are willing to shirk their duty. I urge citizens to contact every member of council and tell them that this is wrong! Tell them to stop!"
He goes on to claim that he won't allow council members "to use our community's security as a bargaining chip in their effort to grab cheap political wins."

Who Wrote Brown's Speech?

Brown then got up and walked out of his own office, refusing to answer questions. Judging from the horrified look on Kim Pyler's face, I know it wasn't her. Because it was written in English as opposed to business babble, it wasn't Brown, either. Instead of saying, "Tell them to stop", he would have said, "Communicate parameters on future dialogue with the leadership core."

My guess is that Brown used his political consultant, Matt Deibert, to write that screed. He was reportedly seen slinking about the courthouse.

By the way, who the Hell uses the word "craven"?  The only time I hear it is when someone is being sentenced.

Ferraro Blasts Brown

Peg Ferraro, President of Northampton County Council, supported the St. Luke's vote from the onset. She was one of the two Yes votes last week. Last night, she managed to resurrect the matter during a Budget Meeting, thanks to a determination by Solicitor Phil Lauer that any County business could be conducted. She had representatives from St. Luke's present to explain the loan. She agreed with many of the observations in Brown's statement. But the Doyenne of Northampton County was visibly perturbed by Brown's heavy handed approach to a news conference.
"I have been around here for a long, long time. And everybody knows I've been around for a long, long time (laughing). This is the first time I have come to know the difference between a 'media event' and a 'press conference'. It's a little bit like Willie Shakespeare. 'What's in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.'

"Today I got a copy of the media event, and I have to say it is well written and I agree with much of it. But today, I experienced something that I have never experienced in my years here in Northampton County government. Two Sheriff Deputies were pulled from their duties to guard the doors. I can understand ... maybe ... the public entrance. But to have the Sheriff's Deputies stand - armed Sheriff's Deputies - standing guard at the door between a Council Chamber and the County Executive Chamber, to me, is absolutely appalling and sends completely the wrong message to the elected officials that sit up here on this dais with me. I just had to get this off my chest. I've never seen anything like it."


  1. Julius is afraid of Brutus? Or what?

  2. amateur hour and an embarrassment

  3. Brown and McClure should both resign and do the entire county a favor.

  4. "Communicate parameters on future dialogue with the leadership core."



  5. Brown was right about all his points. the Democrats are just playing to the choir. Browns way of presenting it was flawed. However, given the hate that has been generated against him he is being careful. Can anyone blame him? Look at the vitriolic hate generated during the Gracedale debate. You helped degenerate that hate Bernie.

    He is still the county's best hope to reign in the runaway costs of county government. Peg and the majority of council agrees.
    That is what the voters wanted. Not only John Brown but a conservative Republican county council to help him. I don't even think any of the Democrats were even close. The voters had more confidence in the Republican team.

    Elections have consequences.

  6. Arrogance is too mild a word. Add clueless and outrageous to describe Brown's incredibly maniacal actions. He should direct the energy of his rant towards himself in the forlorn hope that he will see the error and folly of his ways. Destroy the workforce and then the inevitable modest tax increase next year.

  7. John Brown is fulfilling his campaign promo9ses. he is an honest politician. That is s something Northampton county hasn't seen in some years.

    You go JB. God Bless John Brown.

  8. Did they also vote for the change in the DHS position? If they did, shame on them. I can see the St Lukes issue but that could have waited. So much for concern for the workers. Thank you Mr. McClure for your support.

  9. You accused John Brown of the premeditated killing of a county employee. His and his family's lives are likely in danger. Thanks Bernie. First, do no harm? You're going to get the Brown's hurt or worse.

  10. New meaning to the word Brownshirts. Is Eric Roehm a paid consultant?

  11. So John Brown does not present Executive reports at County Council meetings anymore and now he does not show up for the Budget Hearings? He presented the budget right? Isn't it an expectation that he is at the hearings to answer questions?
    Everyone should demand Brown gives his paycheck back every pay day, because he is certainly not doing his job as the Executive.

  12. If there is a fire in council chambers we will have a prime suspect. History repeating itself.

  13. someone should investigate Deibert

  14. Its a first that I can ever remember. Having armed Deputies guard the Executive's chambers from "the people" during a news conference is practically akin to a dictatorship. For a $70,000 a year job, this guy thinks he is some sort of CEO of something that really matters. Hell... all is doing is running a local yokal government buisness that is done everyday in the Valley and he is the one with all this dubious fanfare. Adding the deputies is icing on the cake and if Council ever needed to start having hearings and making law changes, now is the time. Talk about abuse of power, you all just witnessed it. Next thing you know he will have a deputy guard detail following him around the government center, home, on vacation or to Starbucks. Geesh.

  15. "Matt Deibert"

    isn't this guy also hidden away on a county contract somewhere?

  16. this is why county executive should never be anyone's first real job

  17. "If my words seem angry, it's because I'm more than a little outraged with people who are willing to shirk their duty. I urge citizens to contact every member of council and tell them that this is wrong! Tell them to stop!"

    Brown should take his own advice here.

    This is why the HRC needs to be changed. The public will vote this clown out in a heartbeat.

  18. Brown's healthcare proposal is not unreasonable. It's a common benefit package in the private and non-profit sector. Unfortunately we have members of Council (McClure and Ferraro) whose family members are also county employees opposing common sense reforms.

  19. I wonder where you go when you storm out of your own office.

    What a mess.

  20. there isn't anything reasonable about this healthcare package , it's impossible to afford based on these wages. browns cabinet are the only ones making the big bucks and seriously lack the education or knowledge to do these jobs,they are sinking fast! i'm going to sit back and watch the ship sink !

  21. what a chump move on browns part anybody can blast people when he doesn't have to face them if he had any balls at all he would've stood up at the council and spoke his mind with everyone present cowardly move.

  22. he ran home to mommy

  23. total embarrassment!

  24. “With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it nothing can succeed.”
    ― Doris Kearns Goodwin

  25. When there is another demonstration Brown could be represented by a giant pussy.

  26. This guy is a total disaster. Unfortunately we are stuck with him, unless someone can find a way to stop the insanity.

  27. Brown has lost his mind. It was highly irresponsible for him to use armed deputies in that fashion. Is he afraid of Barron and council members storming his office during a press conference? Does he think they are terrorists? Brown is suffering from delusional paranoia. He should apologize for wasting county resources and time on his infantile, hissy-fit press event.

  28. The "press conference" made no sense. If Brown was so offended by the actions of McClure and the D's on council at the meeting Thursday A WEEK AGO, why didn't he blast them the next day, or Monday at the latest? Why did it take him an entire week to come up with such an unnecessary diatribe? Council was prepared to vote on the St. Luke's proposal yesterday afternoon. His powder was already wet. No need for his embarrassing hissy-fit. Just shows that Sahl must be the WORST PR firm in the valley if they did not dissuade him from this train wreck.

    1. #sahlpublicrelationsthe worstprinPA

  29. Brown may soon be escorted out of his office by deputies taking him away in a rubber truck.

  30. the ineptitude of this administration is frightening!

  31. Brown is concerned about the delivery of health care to the "citizens" and is blaming council and county employees for endangering the citizens. At the same time he wants to strip county employees of affordable health care. I guess county employees have been stripped of their citizenship by Czar Brown.

  32. "New meaning to the word Brownshirts. Is Eric Roehm a paid consultant?"

    Be careful of the Nazi comparisons. Remember Godwin's law.

  33. Lucy Lennon wrote Browns speech...she has been his Bethlehem mouth piece all along

  34. "Did they also vote for the change in the DHS position? If they did, shame on them."

    They did, and if i were a better reporter, I would have told you that without you having to ask.

    1. No Bernie the County should hire you as a communication officer since the admin. thinks we are not worthy of the information.

  35. Brown being protected by the same employees he's screwing. Just remember Mr. Brown those sheriffs protecting you in the hall are the same sheriffs you are screwing with increased medical costs, coinsurance, less sick time, less vacation time and a deplorable work environment.

    1. Karma? You get what you pay for? If I were a sheriff deputy I'd turn the other way! Theres no way I'd try to protect his ignorant self-righteous ass.

  36. Those deputies are professionals and would give their life to protect this guy, despite what he is doing or their personal opinions.

  37. "Lucy Lennon wrote Browns speech...she has been his Bethlehem mouth piece all along"

    From what I have been able to determine, Lucy Lennon had nothing to do with it. I believe it is deibert, who was seen slinking around there yesterday.

  38. Bernie, those deputies would give their lives for ANY person threatened in the courthouse. They are there to protect the courts, judges, officials, employees and citizens visiting the courthouse or any other building they are stationed in. Brown does not have exclusive rights to their protection. And in this case he was hardly threatened, except in his own delusional mind.

  39. so brown calls a press conference and then he calls the sheriffs to protect him from what ? his own temper tantrum ?

  40. Brown should have a padlock installed on the door between his office and council chambers. And maybe a pit bull on guard in case Frank Flisser breaks in. Third line of defense are armed deputies ready to taser any intruder from council. And finally Brown should line his office with cinder blocks, bunker-style. Or maybe lead in case Superman tries to bust in during a press conference. He is just too important to let any uninvited mortal to gain access to his lair.

  41. "Gentlemen, Welcome to my underground lair."

    He should also have a moat surrounding his office, infested by sharks with laser beams attached to their heads. I'm pretty sure he already has a trap door.

  42. And, a "mini-me" with suspenders!

  43. Right Wingers are always preaching hatred. Non Christians, gays, public employees, people with disabilities, union members, Europeans, racial minorities, most national the list is endless.

    When some one stands up to them they panic and claim they are being threatened. They are always the victims. Why is that? Why are they such Chicken Shits?

  44. 11:42 take your meds.

  45. 11:48 is that an auto response?

  46. Yes, to a bitter left wing kook.

  47. Bernie isn`t there a button/panic/alarm system in those offices now ?

  48. 11:42 AM to 12:45PM You didn't answer the question, but you proved my statement.

  49. While I do not agree with Brown's means of delivery, it is apparent his actions influenced council to make the right decision last night. Peg brings up a valid point as a matter of her tenure. However, during her impeccable record of service to the County there has always been strong leadership at the dais. She is not capable of making the difficult and necessary decisions that are required of president of a Council. Brown did her a favor last night to deliver what she could not achieve last week.

    Judging by the amount of responses today, the overworked county employees have ample time to provide their commentary.

  50. that was a done deal way before the press conference ,lauer already researched the answer to the questions that may of been asked ..I've never him more prepared than last night!

  51. we do get a lunch break

  52. FYI they still unchain us from our desks for breaks and lunch. You may want to lobby Mr. Brown to stop the employees from leaking the taxpayer dollars for that benefit.

    1. Shhhh. He'll take away lunch too!!!! Don't give him any ideas!!!

  53. The only reason Brown won the election was that the majority of voters and employees who are also county residents were not in favor of Callahan!!

  54. Wow what a show. Does anyone think this wasn't planned out with Ferraro and company? She did a little fit over the sheriffs because she may not of been told of that.

    He got together with them told them about the press conference and then the plan to have them vote to approve the St. Luke's deal. Old Werner got caught in the headlights. Since he is one of many that wants Brown's job he didn't know what to do, so he voted for St. Luke's to look reasonable.

    People forget that old Ferraro is a die hard Republican. She has been part of the Sate Party hierarchy for years. She likes to play the innocent sweet lady but she is as hardcore partisan as they come.

    Nice end run by Brown and Ferraro, give credit were credit is due.

    If anyone ever wondered about the self-serving Geissinger, they should no longer wonder.

  55. anon 4:03, Is that also why all the Republican county council candidates won? You get what you vote for. Congratulations, you got that in spades.

  56. no reason for Sheriifs to guard Mr. Brown. All he needs to do is pass an executive order allowing guns inside the courthouse, and he can protect himself.

    This gun free zone probelm causes more work and hassel than it prevents!

  57. I think Brownie Pants was Bullied in school and now he feels he can be the Bully and it makes him feel big. but down deep he by far in only ten months time the worst County Exec. ever!

  58. 4:44, he can't do that. He is pre-empted by state law. You gun nuts raise that about everything else so now you are stuck with it.

  59. I find it pretty funny that some people are given JB credit for making County Council cave to his wishes on the St. Luke's item. It appears JB didn't do HIS job and go over the Budget meeting agenda before his hissy fit press conference. I believe the meeting agendas were distributed long before 4:00 and if he had read his he would have seen that it was already set to be discussed at the budget meeting. It was basically a done deal and JB used the press conference and timing of it to just berate Council. Whoever set that up that press conference did JB great injustice because it made him look like a fool.

  60. So can we sue now under the soon to be signed into law HB80 concerning firearms and smaller municipalities?

  61. I think Peg had matters in hand and Brown nearly blew things by calling a news conference right before they were set to vote on it, engaging in personal attacks and abusing his office with armed deputies. I wanted to give brown two years, but I think I've now seen enough.

  62. Matt, the right to sue does not apply in the county center, where guns are banned by state law. It's when Mezzacrazy and del Wacko want to shoot up county parks that they can now sue. And I hope they do. When people see how looney theses extremists are, and how far they are willing to go, they will elect more responsible state reps/

  63. Its time to start the process of getting John Brown out of office! It is time now , we need him out! Time for a new executive, what ever it takes!

  64. "This gun free zone probelm causes more work and hassel than it prevents!"

    This sounds like MezzaWhacky. She's the one who feels the need to carry her guns to the courthouse and have them hold them. She is the one who can't spell "hassle".

  65. Bernie,
    when I understood the word craven I thought of you and MM as what comes out of political hacks mouths about bloggers? After reading what people are saying about this Brown guyhe seems like a spinless jellyfish?

  66. It appears that John Brown envisions himself a fit and trim version of New Jersey's Gov. Flanked by blue and gold, it's easy to imagine. But, all bets are on the Sheriff, former NJSP major, who's last gig was heading it's esteemed intel bureau, who certainly does not want to tarnish the equally esteemed triangle, sitting him down and explaining that he's not a 400 pound unindicted crook that is under serious investigation for closing the George Washington Bridge down for 5 days, or people in his office did, and it somehow escaped the NJSP's esteemed intelligence bureau's radar, and that Norco's sheriff's deputies are not going to be part of Brown's attempts to gather intel on Norco employees who appeared before council in disagreement to Brown's attempt to sell the County to the " Private Sector Base". The Sheriff is by all accounts, a decent and honorable man. He could turn this three year gig into a very valuable second career if he indeed has that conversation with Brown. Rumor has it,and rumor is always laced with at least two percent of truth, that Brown intends to make this a personal beef. Getting pulled out of a TT is one thing. Getting pulled under one by this guy is quite another.

  67. It is a shame that Jim Gregory was not here to help Mr. Browwn. Jim was to play a major role in his administration. Unfortunately without Mr.Gregory's insights and expertise, Brown is stumbling around.

  68. Jim Gregory is smarter (mensa), better looking (manslab), and has more commonsense (?) than John Brownpants! Go back to Bangor you bum!!

  69. I am a county employee for over 10 years. While I do not want to lose benefits and really need a raise, your tactics on this blog are not doing a service for anyone but yourself O'hare. And I'm not sure what that is, either. You seem to enjoy provocation and pure hate.

    For years you were able to use the courthouse as a gossip column because Mr. Stoffa permitted it. I have read this blog in the past and have been utterly surprised to see the non-public and confidential info that was released to you by several people who work or once worked here.

    That all changed as of January of this year. You have been throwing a hissy fit, based on pure raw emotion and anger that your candy store shut down in a matter of weeks.

    Though I do not agree with some things Mr. Brown is doing, this blog has been an overall disgrace and is no help to anyone or any employee who knows the facts.

    You have the mentality of a small child, and your bullshit really needs to end.

    1. Wow you must be the only lucky employee that knows the facts. Why don't you tell the rest of us so we all know?

  70. The Above comment is not from a 10-year county employee, but is Tricia Mezzacappa. She has at varying times pretended to be lots of things, and is now pretending to be a county employee to make the same points she makes under her own name. She is just a terrible liar.

    Incidentally, Tricia, this blog is busier than ever.

  71. No, I am not this woman who has been the object of your hatred for years. I am a county worker

    But every single comment you see that you dont like is automatically assigned to this person.

    By the looks of it, she'd have to be posting here most waking hours of the day and night, which I doubt.

    I think you're a trainwreck Mr. OHare with an outrageous ego that needs to be checked

    1. So tell those of us who don't know what the facts are. We have yet to hear them. All we hear are rumors.

  72. Tricia, you do post most hours of the dayu and night, and not just here. You do it on LVL as well. You're nutz, and you don't fool people anymore.

  73. Bernie's been spot on throughout this idiosity and many other county issues. He's getting it %100 right..
    Signed County employee abused by Brown.

  74. "By the looks of it, she'd have to be posting here most waking hours of the day and night, which I doubt. "

    Then you are sadly mistaken. The wee hours of the morning are your favorites for dropping your piles of doo-doo. Anyone who has been following you for any length of time recognizes your writing style instantly.

    A few trademarks are your horrendously poor use of apostrophes, illustrated here (you did get a couple right though - it's a 50% chance each time you guess), use of words such as "bullshit" (which you are increasingly using as your condition worsens), "needs to be checked", "object of your hatred", etc

    You make the distinct error of confusing reporting with "hatred". I don't believe Bernie hates anyone. He may even feel sorry for your pitiful existence.

  75. anon 10:28, you don't know what you are talking about. You betray your ignorance.

  76. I'm sure there is a good reason but why does the county need to loan money to a hospital system that by comparison to any public sector institution is paved in gold?

  77. He is still the county's best hope to reign in the runaway costs of county government.

    Oh enough of this bullshit. When was the last time there was a tax increase in Norco? You fucking idiots act like they are tacking on $500 to your tax bill year in and year out. The county is falling apart due to obsessed austerity proponents.

  78. The Above comment is not from a 10-year county employee, but is Tricia Mezzacappa.

    Any regular reader can spot her a mile away.

  79. "I'm sure there is a good reason but why does the county need to loan money to a hospital system that by comparison to any public sector institution is paved in gold? "

    The county is not lending any money and does not have that kind of money. It simply is acting as a pass thru agency for tax exempt bonds. The county cannot be held responsible if St. Luke's fails to pay. The County will garner hefty admin fees, close to $600,000. This is actually a good deal for the county.

  80. $60,000 not $600,000 fee.


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