Local Government TV

Thursday, July 10, 2014

What Is My Daily Readership?

Drudge and HuffPo measure their readership in the millions. This blog is nothing like that, nor should it be, since it is devoted mostly to local issues. I have about 5,000 average weekday readers, though it drops off markedly on the weekend.

When I write about someone, a jealous blogger often sends that person an email with "the ugly truth" about me, also claiming that I only have 600 daily readers and post most of the comments here myself. He's sent hundreds of these emails, and then copies me. If the readership is so small, why does this fellow feel so compelled to send so many emails?

This dude just sent one of those emails to the entirety of Nazareth Borough Council.

Thanks for the publicity.

Tricia Mezzacappa today claimed that I only have about 145 daily readers. If that's so, then why does it matter what I say? Nobody is reading it.

They're both lying, know they are lying, and the purpose of their false claims is to discourage readership.

I have actually managed 100,000 readers in one day, on the few occasions that I've written about a national news issue, and the matter got picked up. That has only happened twice. One was a story about Hillary Clinto that everyone seemed to hate. The other was my story about a Washington Township man cited for flying his flag upside down.

Last year, my high was a tad over 7,000 readers. That was during the height of the Jim Gregory adventures.

This year, it's the Tales of Trachta. I hit 8,000 readers earlier in the week.

I don't write to draw readers. I write to make a difference. You can't do that unless you are honest.


  1. "That was during the height of the Jim Gregory adventures."

    Don't forget it is Jim's birthday. If you see Jim wish him a Happy Birthday.

  2. Many musikfest goers have lamented the forecasted loss of Greggy-platz at this years fest, in an attempt to recapture last summers magic Arts-quest has secured the services of world renowned comedian Jim Gregory to fill in for our own Mediterranean manslab who is predicted to be incarcerated for several more months.

    Please take the time and effort to put some money on Jim's books as he hit a major downswing in the SCI Camp Hill poker game and is down 459 packs of ramen noodles for the month. Inmate number : #450275


  4. I agree with your mostly left-leaning opinions about 10% of the time. I always enjoy your Dat posts, though. I'm hooked and read every day because you give all sides a fair shot. This is the best local blog around and your numbers illustrate that. Your wide open format creates the most unwieldy entertaining and informative public square available in these parts. Thanks for that. Well done. Keep doing what you're doing.

  5. Frankly, I have no idea whether my opinions are left or right leaning. I do know both parties hate me. I have a soft spot for Ron Angle (hard core concervative) and Alan Jennings (hard core liberal). But I don't think ideologies work anymore. Thanks for the nice words. They are much appreciated.

  6. Your sarcasms, wit, humor and opinions are truly unique and I consider you to be tilted. Left or right, simply depending on the stupid shit people do or say each and every day.

  7. Bernie,
    You got readers because you got a set. Exposing the CoP in the town you live, going toe to toe with a sociopath who carries a gun, and calling out politicians when necessary takes some brass cajones.

    You write shit that we won't find in the local rags. Sometimes I'd like to punch you in the face, but most of the time you are equally abrasive to everyone.

    Also, you delete a lot less than you could rightfully do so. Your adversaries post on your blog because they know that it will probably remain and they don't get visitors to their own blog.

    That speaks volumes about the type of people they are and the fact they don't get real comments on their own blog tells them what they already know.

    People rarely visit their blogs, but for amusement value and certainly don't believe what they write. They are quickly recognized as cRaZy!

  8. This is your blog, but ever think about getting a couple guest correspondents to help you out?

  9. C'mon Bernie, it looks like you're slacking today! haha, keep up the good work.

  10. Who the fu*k cares what Mezzacappa has to say about anything? Yeah, I have her one hundred and twenty number in my head from weeks ago, but I didn't believe it.

    You can't believe anything she says. For example, "Judge, I didn't receive mail for a week, or any slips saying a certified letter delivery was attempted.

  11. Good work Bernie

  12. Mezzayipyap posts more comments on your blog than her own! She might account for 10% of your traffic all by herself.

  13. Free Greggy! He is at least good for readership and some colorful stories and dialogue. Tomorrow he will rock the Orange and show why it is the new Black!

  14. Can we see some stats to prove these numbers you're spewing?

  15. Blog reports from google dont lie....mezz posted hers, yours, ET, nytimes, norco

    seems about right

  16. Mezzacrazy, stop commenting here and then claiming that you "fear" me and I stalk you. Post your comments on your own bloig, and under your name. Everyone is sick of you.

  17. no one is asking for your password, just post your statcounter.....afraid?

  18. Google analytics does not include an embed feature. It is for me, not you.

  19. but statcounter sends the weekly reports documenting readership. You can copy paste..

  20. I don't use that. I use google analytics. Now take a hike, Mezzacappa or Blog Mentor. Your jealousy is notedm, and you can bray all about it to your readers.

  21. yes you do, you copied and pasted it into your comments to track eric scwab

  22. No, I don't. That is not sitemeter. It is far superior, gives the full IP, and the source of each comment made. I am not sharing any of that with Mezzacrrazy.

  23. just post your stats if you have nothing to hide. Mezz posted them all from google analytics...thats where the stats come from

    it doesnt matter wether or not its sitemeter or statcounter, the stats are the stats and they dont lie

    but you lie, and thats why you wont post them

  24. I did post my stats above. That is all you will see. No go take your drug cocktail or practice shooting hoolow point bullets or whatever you do.

  25. Why don't you post that same graph with it's title in place instead of cropping that out? Are those unique visitors? total visitors? hits? page views?

    There are major differences between all of those.

  26. Men lie, women lie, numbers don't. - Jay Z

    Don't turn into those people...please don't.

  27. The above two comments come from The Blog Mentor. He, along with Mezzacappa, can't understand why people read this blog but ignore theirs. There are lots of reasons. But the chief is that I am sane and they are not. They wan;'t me to post the embed of statmeter on my site, but if I do that, they'll claim I rig it.

    Ironically, those two, in all their efforts to destroy this blog, have very likely strengthened it.

  28. Hi Bernie,

    Why do you keep erasing my comment about posting a better screenshot of your "stats"?

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
