Local Government TV

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Judge's Arrest Should Be a Wake Up Call to Karen Dolan

A former Philadelphia judge was arrested and charged today with both theft and conflict of interest for his use of a judicial secretary to manage his rental properties. This should serve as a wake-up call to Bethlehem City Council member Karen Dolan. Contrary to what she might think, the conflict of interest provision in the Ethics Act has served as the basis for criminal prosecutions.

Here's what we know:

* Dolan voted for last year's City Budget, which included $5,000 in free heating oil at her non-profit.
* Dolan voted for the 2013 City Budget, which included $6,000 in free heating oil at her non-profit.
* Since August of 2011, Dolan has wanted to be a paid Executive Director at her non-profit.
* Sometime in 2011, the City stopped charging for utilities at her nonprofit.
* Sometime in 2012, City officials wrote off $128,000 in debt owed to the City.
* Dolan was a paid Executive Director this year, and may have been paid a small sum last year.
* Dolan, as Parks Chair, proposed easing park alcohol rules, which would make it easier for her to conduct wedding receptions at her nonprofit.
* Dolan threatened to use her powers on Council to prevent a new lease, and that required utility payments, from being considered by Council.

Section 1103(a) of the Ethics Act states, "No public official or public employee shall engage in conduct that constitutes a conflict of interest." The Act defines "conflict of interest" as the "[u]se by a public official or public employee of the authority of his office or employment or any confidential information received through his holding public office or employment for the private pecuniary benefit of himself, a member of his immediate family or a business with which he or a member of his immediate family is associated."

It's pretty clear, just from what I know, that Dolan engaged in repeated conflicts of interest. I'll concede that she did great work in getting the Mill up and running, and that it does good work for children. But that is no justification for breaking the law.

She needs to resign from Council.


  1. Just an observation about different priorities. Donchez and Reynolds had a brutal primary fight in the election last year, but here they are working together on issues like the CRIZ to keep Bethlehem moving. In Contrast, Dolan has concentrated on protecting her own interests, and playing mean spirited games, such as the Morganelli appointment, and getting a reporter to act as her agent in revealing who sent emails to you.
    Is Dolan serving the public or herself. In the Dem primary next year, if she is up for reelection, there's a lot for her to answer for.

  2. except karen dolan is not a judge, does not have a secretary on the public dole and does run run a business of rental properties for profit. as usual, you are a flamethrower in and empty theater

    your personal vendettas and contant aggression towards women are sickening

  3. She was just re-elected. Shows how much you pay attention Chris. Do you even vote? Or do you just run your mouth?

  4. 2:29 and 2:30, go back to rolling around on the floor and foaming at the mouth. What a mean spirited little man you have turned out to be. Pretty soon you are going to be picking on priests. Oops. There is no help for you. Tsk. Tsk.

  5. 2;30 Anon- I don't follow Bethlehem politics all that closely, but I know unethical political maneuvers when I see them. I don't just run my mouth like some anon troll. I posted a comment that actually had a point to it, and it was no attack.
    Yes I voted Tuesday in my little township. So I think I have the right to point out bad behavior when I see it. The point remains, when and if Dolan runs for reelection, or any other position, in 2017 or any other time, she will face blistering criticism. And it will be justified.

  6. She will be in Jail with Jim Gregory before she is up for re-election

  7. Chris,

    Dont tell me that you are one of those duped dunces that takes as gospel all of O'Hares sadistic troll attacks on people with a good mission, are you?

    In fact, I think Karen has done a fine job, and has been completely transparent with the media about what hapenned with the non-profit.

    The only person who should face blistering critisicm is O'Hare himself and all the feeble minded readers that actually fall for the shit attacks he publishes daily.

  8. These anonymous attacks go a long way to making her look worse.

  9. And they don't come from her. The Blog Mentor hates Casey, and will advocate positions about which he knows nothing, not care, in an effort to embarrass someone he despises. But he just made Karen a Dolan look even more nutty.

  10. I think she has done a fine job!


  11. These ethics violations are happening all over the valley in local government. Just dig a bit under the surface and I bet you will find all kinds of elected people voting on budgets financially supporting their little interests. BTW., if they don't vote, they surely are talking and cheerleading in the background making sure that their item is funded or else!


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