Local Government TV

Friday, May 23, 2014

Superior Court Quashes Mezzacappa Appeal

For the third time in two weeks, Tricia Mezzacappa has bombed out in Court. This all started last Tuesday. The Superior Court, speaking through Judge William Platt, rejected her attempt to play Super DA, and force a criminal prosecution against one of her enemies. The Court spanked Mezzacappa for her "insulting" language and failure to cite any authority in support of her numerous wild arguments. Ironically, the decisions came the very day that Bill White inducted her into his Hall of Fame.

She was a loser in Northampton County Court last week, too. She had sued me for defamation and fraud. But that wasn't enough. She also wanted taxpayers to subsidize her private vendetta. During a hearing, Mezzacappa was forced to admit that her poverty petition was mostly fabricated. She tried waterworks, but Judge McFadden said she had to pay if she wanted to sue me. Now the rules makes very clear that, once a poverty petition is denied, the party has ten days to pay up. Naturally, Mezzacappa refused, and wanted a fifty gazillion year payment plan. The case was dismissed. She petitioned to reopen the case, but Judge F.P. Kimberly McFadden denied it last Thursday, without a hearing, in a one-sentence order.

Game over.

Her latest setback came yesterday, again from the Superior Court.  She appealed my $67,140 libel verdict against her, which is now worth $67,658.06. Why she appealed the matter before final judgment is anybody's guess. Maybe she thought it would slow things down. All it succeeded in doing is pissing off the wrong people. She never bothered to serve me or my attorney, but filed a fraudulent affidavit of service. Her appeal was quashed by per curiam order yesterday. My attorney filed no Brief or Motion. Other than writing a letter, I wasted no time. But she managed to waste the time of both Superior Court Judges as well as Judge Michael Koury, who was forced to write an Opinion in response to her dilatory appeal.

Game over. Again.

Her post verdict motions in my libel case, in which she raises goofy things like the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, is scheduled for Tuesday. Things don't look so good for her.

She has reacted to these adverse rulings by spamming this blog with repetitive comments. That went on most of last week. She also sued me again, filing a Complaint identical to the one that was dismissed. She has also lashed out with abusive blogs, in which she repeats some of the lies that resulted in the defamation verdict.

But the walls are beginning to close in on her. Once Judge Koury decides the post trial motions, we start execution.


  1. why dont you try getting your facts straight for once in your life.?

    5/16/14 correspondance from Apellant agreed with Koury and didnt oppose the quash


    its not dismissed, jerk

  2. Um, what I have written is that your appeal was quashed. Let's all get this straight. You paid to file an appeal. And then sent a letter (nowhere reflected on the docket sheets) agreeing to have it quashed? That's just brilliant. I'm sure the Superior Court is real thrilled to have you wasting their time with nonsense. I'm sure Judge Koury did not mind one bit that you forced him to write an unnecessary opinion. You've been blown out of court three times in two weeks. Calling me an asshole doesn't change that.

  3. You really are a freighted little child. You will not let this woman alone. you also want to censor anyone who even remotely defends her as someone being continually harassed by you.

    What is your major malfunction? What do you fear? You are obsessed with this woman and she has every right to be afraid of you.

    You really have a problem you need to address.

  4. Pray the Devil back to Jersey.

  5. LOL. Mezzakooky chose the wrong persona when replying to one if her own anon comments on her blog. As "Doug Camaro" she mentions her personal info being given out.
    What a maroon.

  6. I'm bringing popcorn to the sheriff's sale. Please post the date with lots of notice.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Maybe Gregory can help with paying the judgment. Doesn't he earn 38 cents an hour washing Bubba's underwear in the prison laundry?

  9. "Mezzakooky chose the wrong persona when replying to one if her own anon comments on her blog. As "Doug Camaro" she mentions her personal info being given out.
    What a maroon."

    That's one of the problems a liar has. I learned this as a drinker who really had that problem. When you lie, you better have a very good memory to keep all the stories straight. If you're just honest, it's easier in the ling run. You're right. She has basically identified herself now as Doug Camaro. She tried for a time to deny she was the author of that blog, claiming it was someone else.But she always trips herself up. She is a lousy liar. She probably used to be able to get away with it, but now that her looks are fading away and she is beginning to look rougher by the day, people notice her dishonesty more. She told some very serious and very damaging lies about me. She is being held accountable, whether she likes it or not.

  10. Is Mezzolunatic a drinker? She seems like she could have a problem judging by her behavior.

  11. I have no idea what her personal habits are. I do know she is irrational and does cRaZy things like this premature appeal, which was quashed.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. good luck collecting...LMAO

  14. Rose colored? I would have thought an Italian like her would prefer red wine with her crow.

  15. 12:14, let's not sink to her level.

  16. 12:33, yeah, that fraudulent conveyance to her mommy, post verdict, is really gonna' be a tough hurdle. What I don't collect here I'll collect from her mother on Jersey, now that she made her a part of this.

  17. It should be criminal when somebody knowingly tries to transfer assets after a judgment is awarded.

  18. Lol you and Lil Ricky are too funny, Mezz has the two of you grasping at straws and looking foolish. Maybe it's time to issue an apology and retraction for your libelous blogs leading up to the Election of 2011.

  19. Mezzalooneytunes will be able to file an appeal once the post-trial motions are considered and a final order is entered, correct?

    It's hard to believe she wastes time and carries on in the court of public opinion (where she gets her ass kicked) when she should be working overtime to see she doesn't get her ass kicked in court.

    She has some nerve talking about censoring. She doesn't let anything on her useless blog, which serves as nothing but a hissy fit against a single man. Well, she allows herself to post anonymous replies. Contrast this to you, who lets all kinds of crap through like my posts.

    I hope Mezzilostmymindinwesteaston is doing some spring cleaning over on Ridge Street, and maintaining your property in good repair. Everything else she is doing is falling apart.

  20. YEAH, having a $67.6 verdict that we will soon be able to collect is really grasping for straws.

  21. "She has some nerve talking about censoring. She doesn't let anything on her useless blog, which serves as nothing but a hissy fit against a single man."

    I have never tried to comment there but know that it was moderated for z long time, which made her the publisher of the defamation there. Very brilliant on her part.

  22. Comments are moderated, and the ones she doesn't like because they are counter to her very warped view of the world and/or the truth never see the light of day. Whereas your posts get 20, 30, 40+ comments, hers get 0, 1, 2. Of course, you post well-researched news and she posts merely hate speech and bull crap on one or two topics. Mostly one - the new owner of her mother's house.

    You didn't respond - she can file an appeal once she gets her ass kicked with a final order, correct? That should be more fun.

    I wish I had seen McFadden handling your case. I watched her do a case last week argued by Prendergast and Merlino, and that judge doesn't put up with any crap.

  23. Sorry I did not answer. Mezzacappa can appeal after the post-trial motions are decided, but we will be able to execute anyway unless she posts a bond for 120% of the judgment .

    Judge McFadden is a tough, no nonsense judge and has had little patience for Mezzacappa's histrionics. McFadden tripped her up pretty badly on the IFP deal until Mezzacappa started to pretend cry. As a former PJ, I think Judge McFadden is aware what a drain Mezzacappa imposes. Though court access is important, it should never be used as a tool to pursue vendettas.

  24. If your lawsuit against Gregory pans out will you go after his ruby red Camaro?

  25. The other lawsuit is against Not-So-Jolly Joe and WGPA.

  26. Ah ha. This (may be) be the kind of situation where a bond comes into play. Got it. Is your hearing in the morning or afternoon?

  27. It is argument court, and is one of numerous cases scheduled for that morning.

  28. Mezz will never surrender the castle on Ridge St, best to just walk away.

  29. I am sure the sheriffs will take all steps to protect their own personal safety as well as that of the public. I will make sure to forward your comment to them. It is a borderline threat. No question you are nuts and dangerous. But that is not going to stop me from forcing you to face the consequences for your own bad behavior.

  30. Argument court - hadn't heard that term, not being a lawyer. Your adversary would be wise to find a decent lawyer, based on her pitiful performances so far. Good luck.

  31. The very first time she was contacted by Attorney Orloski, she was advised to get a lawyer. But she's smarter than everyone.

  32. It's a shame that one would cling to the principles of being an ignorant bitch, rather than pulling on her Depends and going out and finding a real job with her $200,000 credentials, so she could hire real representation to fight her self created battles. She won't even have a place to bury the next dead pig at the pace she is going.

  33. The fat lady will be singing in West Easton.

  34. Apparently, Jolly Joe's sidekick is no longer employed at Sunny 1100, but is off into the big world, dispatching trucks instead of insults over the air.

  35. Kegger at Bernie's West Easton compound when all this is over!

  36. Mezz will never surrender the castle on Ridge St, best to just walk away.

    Oh please you insufferable loon. You will shit your pants as soon as law enforcement rolls up to perp you out of your own house. Sorry, Bernie's house. Karma, babe.

  37. This loon claims she has great legal help to represent her, then she shows up in court pro se, and makes a fool out of herself. This isn't jousting with Peter Layman and a RTK request in the WE sandbox - you've been found to have committed libel by posting malicious lies about someone. Hiding in your hovel and hoping the mail person will take the certified mail away is not a legal defense.

    Wait until the judge starts considering the transfer of the house to someone else's name. Surely you'll have an 'splanation ready for that.

  38. "now that her looks are fading away and she is beginning to look rougher by the day"

    Her looks took a powder and are long gone. It's a bad scene. This picture is completely misleading - like when someone says they are 24 in an online ad, and they are actually 53.

  39. 7:13, she finally has a lawyer representing her in my case against her. Larry Otter, believe it or not.

  40. I thought Otter represented her before, but realized she was too cRaZy a client. Or was it that he wouldn't accept massages instead of cash payments?

  41. So she finally figured out she needs a lawyer. How is she paying him? We know it can't be sexual favors - that ship has sailed. She allegedly has like $169 to her name, which she needs to pay for the RTK requests she is slamming West Easton with, and to pay for filings in her various lawsuits. Maybe she is more solvent than she professes.

  42. All I know is that her brief is due Tuesday.

  43. Based on the argument list, this brief is regarding post-trial motions. That filing alleged that the judge "erred" or made an "error" in not applying 231 Rule 403. That rule is for "original process", which would be the original notice - not in the middle of a case. The judge appears to be giving her leeway to come up with a rationale that he made a mistake or missed something. Maybe Otter can help her craft a dam for a defense. Wait, that is a beaver... It should be interesting.

    In the event the judge agrees that an error was made after reading briefs, would he retract his order in which you prevailed, and then hear more evidence? If he doesn't agree, will that be the end in front of him?

  44. Mezzacappa never filed a brief to support her post trial motion. We had one, but were waiting for her to go. Orloski made two arguments: 1) She waived everything; ad 2) the post trial motion should be dismissed bc she failed to file a brief or order a transcript. She argued she was entitled to new trial bc she was never served with notice of the jury trial during a horrendous winter.

    The judge said that is really the only issue. If she did not receive proper notice, then that explains her failure to appear at trial. Her brief is due Tuesday.

    If the judge agrees with her, she will get a new trial, limited to damages. If he does not, she won't.

    I am very comfortable with where we are in this matter, both on the law and on the facts. But in a courtroom or horse race or election, you never know what is going to happen.

  45. So the damages matter was its own phase, and that is all that would be reversed. Guess she better brush up on her own case she believes she has against you. She is salivating on her blog how you were served notice in the court house. Seems like the celebrating is when you win something, not when you allege it. At least you were there to be served, not MIA.

    She did file something, alleging that the judge erred in not applying 403. Maybe that was the request for post trial motions. Or maybe I'm crazy and making stuff up that didn't happen in my mind. I've heard of that happening.


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