Local Government TV

Thursday, May 22, 2014

BASD Never Promised You a Rose Garden

As hinted by Mayor Bob Donchez last night, the BASD has dropped plans to use a portion of Bethlehem's Rose Garden as a temporary parking lot for teachers during a two-year construction of a new Nitchmann Middle School. The schooldistrict is doing so, according to a Morning Call news account, in response to the public outcry from neighbors.

It is unclear what plans, if any, will be made for teacher-parking during construction. Neighbors may not want to see a portion of the Rose Garden temporarily converted, but they might be bothered to see teachers parking on front to their houses every day.

One City resident, Chuck Nyul, told City Council the new school could be completely housed at The Martin Tower, located less than a mile away, without inconveniencing anyone. But he also told them to knock down the steel stacks.


  1. It's interesting how all these people think they have the authority to use Martin Towers when it isn't owned by the School District and the City. I've been told Martin Towers isn't an option due to the fact the developers recently obtained a tax incentive to develop it.

  2. This situation was concerning to me. I no longer live in that neighborhood, but spent years there, attended Nitschmann (when it was much newer) and still travel & walk it.

    Anyone can talk a Google Map 'walk around' those streets and see that 100 cars can easily be absorbed, with maybe as little as 3-5 cars per street.

    The idea of a Martin Tower remote lot would not have worked. Contrary to popular belief, teachers arrive/depart at various times over a 90 minute period before and after school. Sorry, they don't 'punch a clock.' They would choose to use existing curbs anyway rather than wait for some kind of shuttle.

    Besides, some might even help keep the kids in line as they walk past homes nearby!

    Fred Windish

    This is VERY good news!

  3. This is indeed very good news, but, I think the parking at Martin Tower idea might have come from my blog.


    Its good to see people fighting against car's destruction of public space. But, it is a shame that it takes something as blatent as the destruction of a rose garden to cue people into the fact that cars destroy urban spaces.

  4. @Fred Windish. It is going to take a few years for any sort of construction to start at Martin Tower, I'm sure whoever owns it wouldn't mind getting some parking lot lease revenue. And who said teacher need to take a shuttle. It is close enough to walk. Most of the kids walk further than that just to get to school. Here is my blog post on it. http://livinghereinallentown2012.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/transportation-tuesday-nitschmann.html

  5. Publius, The parking lot and shuttle at Martin Tower idea antedated your blog post. That possibility was mentioned from the onset, but the school district thought it unworkable, probably for the reasons mentioned by Fred. Also, the idea of relocating Nitschmann to Martin Tower is at least two years old. Of course, it would involve a purchase and all sorts of problems.

  6. Question: Did someone really say knock down the Steel Stacks?

    That would go over well, said no one.

  7. You know, Bernie. I drove around that area today at 2PM (school hours). There were about 30 open spaces just on Tenth Avenue where the curbs TOUCHES the park. Another dozen on the Buelevard between 10th & 11th. Then at least 100 open spaces on the first blocks east of 8th Avenue, between 8th and 6th. All of them just one third the distance between the school and Martin Tower.

    This really was a non-issue in the first place, unless there's something more to the story being held back. To spend ANY amount of money finding 120 spaces, ripping up the park, etc. would be absurd.

    Fred Windish

  8. Fred, I think the school district's only motive here was to keep neighbors happy during construction. I guess they now know that neighbors won't be bothered by the cars.

  9. The residents acted as if BASD was requesting this as some sort of entitlement. Now what they get are teachers and construction workers parking all over the streets around the school. I'm sure the teachers don't care but those residents better have their sidewalks shoveled all winter.

  10. This really was a non-issue in the first place

    Of course it was a non-issue. It was a simple request to make the construction project (which is to sure to cause disruption in the neighborhood) a bit more tolerable for all involved. Judging by the districts quick withdrawal, they didn't really care that much about it. The residents spoke up and now they 100 cars and lots of people walking their sidewalks. Better make sure you wake up bright and early to shovel snow, people.

  11. Did anyone ask if St. Simon's School lot could be used on a temporary basis? It is 1- 2 blocks east and could accommodate a few dozen cars.



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