Local Government TV

Thursday, May 22, 2014

City Council Has Sudden Change of Heart About Morganelli

Diana Morganelli (center) has female crowd on her side
Five weeks ago, Mayor Bob Donchez' appointment of Diana Morganelli to the Bethlehem Parking Authority was rejected by all three members of its Waterboarding Committee after 50 minutes on the rack. A magna cum laude accounting graduate of Moravian College, who had spent years at Air Products, was told that stay-at-home moms need not apply. But after weeks of public condemnation, the entire city Council reversed course at their meeting last night. They unanimously approved her. "There's a very common word for this practice," noted watchdog Stephen Antalics. "It starts with an H. It's called hypocrisy.

Five weeks ago, Cathy Reuscher told Morganelli she had been out of the "financial arena" for too long to be of much value. Adam Waldon referred to the Parking Authority as a "hornet's nest," and said it might be too much for her. Karen Dolan lectured that accounting principles have changed a lot in the past thirty years. What all three of them were saying is that stay-at-home moms need not apply. They did not use those precise words, but that's certainly what they meant.

They also were looking for a way to stick it to Mayor Donchez. His best friend happens to be DA John Morganelli, whose wife Diana is the nominee. What better way to send a message than by rejecting her appointment to an unpaid, voluntary position?

In the weeks that followed, public condemnation of this poor decision was swift and harsh. The common reaction is exemplified by Anne Evans, who told Council that the actions of this three-person junta were "demeaning and sexist, not just to [Diana], but to all the women of Bethlehem."

So after the drums began a-beatin', the Morganelli phone began a-ringin'.

Bryan Callahan told everyone he called her on Mother's Day weekend. He had her on the phone, I'm told, for fifty minutes. This is on top of the fifty minutes she had already been grilled. Then came a call from Adam Waldron. He called after learning that there were now four votes for Morganelli, and he was suddenly in the minority. He droned on for another forty minutes. Finally came a call from Cathy Reuscher. I have no idea whether Morganelli took my advice and pretended to be a tree. I do know that she spent over four hours, both in a committee and on the phone, answering their questions.

I'd rather go through root canal.

Before the unanimous vote in favor of Morganelli last night, Karen Dolan's passive aggressive behavior was on full display. In an appointment to another Board, Dolan made a point of noting she supported it even though the nominee had been a stay-at-home mom. She later complained that their decision had been "mischaracterized," and that the phrase "stay-at-home" mom had never been used. Then, beating back crocodile tears, Dolan told Morganelli, "I never wanted to do anything that would hurt you." Dolan called the whole thing an "incredible learning process for me."

If I were Morganelli, I'd buy a flak jacket. When Dolan turns on the water works, she's on the attack. It's clear to me that she feels she was right to reject Morganelli and that the decision was misrepresented because it wasn't reported the way she wanted it reported. She went so far as to suggest that, perhaps, they should have tabled the appointment.

Adam Waldron, who insulted not just Morganelli but the entire Parking Authority, discussed the numerous emails he received, one of which was from me. He promised to do a "better job", but I doubt it. He never responded to my email, indicating to me that he changed course simply because he realizes his poor judgment in this matter might cost him his seat.

Reuscher, who also ignored an email from me, said next to nothing, other than that Morganelli will be a "great asset to the City."  She did as she was told. Again.

The truth is that City Council would have happily rejected Morganelli if there had not been such a public outcry. The proof of this is Bryan Callahan, who whined at the end of the meeting.

"It's not a healthy thing," he complained to the Mayor, repeating that phrase nine times in the course of a rambling speech. He complained that just because they rejected Morganelli, there were accusations of "over reaching" and "power grabbing." He also pointed out that Donchez himself turned down a Mayoral appointment.

Mayor Donchez agreed, pointing out that he did vote against a nomination once in 18 years on Council. He added that he has reached out repeatedly to members of Council, having breakfast with three of them in the last week alone. "I don't know what more I could do," he added.

He defied Callahan to come up with one instance in which he accused them of "over-reaching" or "power-grabbing." "I think you're totally inaccurate," he added.

Neither Callahan nor Dolan really understand that you simply don't have the right to abuse a volunteer for an appointed, unpaid post. Whether she's the DA's wife or not. That's not over-reaching, it's just disrespectful. For a Council that prides itself on its faux civility, the way it handled this matter was pure politics. But they chose to dance with the wrong person.

District Attorney John Morganelli did not attend the meeting. He was getting ready for today's Investigating Grand Jury.


  1. Jesus H. Christ, it sounds like they handled this the same degrading way they handled the city council appointment. I understand they had really qualified and experienced people there as well and subjected them to a form of water torture interrogation for hours.

    Sounds like this city council has a higher opinion of themselves then warranted by reality.

    Do you see a trend and connection between the tow incidents

  2. Bernie,

    I am glad to see Mrs. Morganelli was confirmed earlier tonight. As I've said here before she is clearly qualified in my opinion.

    This is the right decision and would have happened two weeks ago had the administration not pulled and then reinstated her nomination.

    I think youve more than made your point about the commentary weeks ago at her hearing and all this other procedural nonsense. I think its time to let that go. I mean, hasn't Steve Barron done anything lately you want to pick on him for?

    Or actually maybe you want to jump in to an important substantive issue like the effort to stop the construction repairs at Nitschman from tearing up the Rose Garden. I made a comment off the cuff earlier today on Lynn Olanoff's facebook page which the more I think about it might actually work. Why cant the teacher's park at Martin Tower like out of towners do for Musikfest and then just take a few cars across 378. Or maybe there could even be a van. I mean whatever works theres got to be a better solution--thats a great park and I walk down there all the time and I actually think even more could be done to activate it and use it more fully like Bryant Park in NYC or Clark Park in West Philly--although obviously at a smaller scale.

  3. in the future council meetings shall be referred to as the gong show.

  4. In one of the pictures on mcall.com, you can see Callahan has his cell phone on and right side up on the table.

    I guess he's waiting for a text message from someone telling him what to do & say...

  5. "Do you see a trend and connection between the tow incidents

    Absolutely. They will be just as arrogant as ever.

  6. "This is the right decision and would have happened two weeks ago had the administration not pulled and then reinstated her nomination."

    Mr. "I'm not critical of the administration" Blankstein just took another shot at the administration he does not criticize. Funny thing. last night, Waldron was saying how glad he was that they had five weeks bc it gave him time to reflect on it.

    Personally, I think they should have voted two weeks ago and would have had Willie decided NOT to take it off the agenda, where it was.

  7. "I think youve more than made your point about the commentary weeks ago at her hearing and all this other procedural nonsense. I think its time to let that go. I mean, hasn't Steve Barron done anything lately you want to pick on him for?"

    After listening to Dolan and Callahan, it is clear to me they just don't get it. Nor do you.

  8. "Or actually maybe you want to jump in to an important substantive issue like the effort to stop the construction repairs at Nitschman from tearing up the Rose Garden. I made a comment off the cuff earlier today on Lynn Olanoff's facebook page which the more I think about it might actually work. Why cant the teacher's park at Martin Tower like out of towners do for Musikfest and then just take a few cars across 378. Or maybe there could even be a van. I mean whatever works theres got to be a better solution--thats a great park and I walk down there all the time and I actually think even more could be done to activate it and use it more fully like Bryant Park in NYC or Clark Park in West Philly--although obviously at a smaller scal"

    Attempted deflection.

  9. "In one of the pictures on mcall.com, you can see Callahan has his cell phone on and right side up on the table."

    Form where i was seated, I had no good view. It was also blocked by a Morning Call photographer, who was taking lots of pics with a very good camera that I later stole.

  10. Its hard to believe that there was not someone more qualified than Mrs. Morganelli for this job. This is cronyism pure and simple.

  11. You tell 'em. How dare Bob Donchez ask his best friend's wife to donate her time and energy with no compensation. Cronyism, I say! A Mayor should only appoint people he does not know at all, I say!

    Of course, that's all nonsense.

  12. I have lived in Bethlehem all of my 46 years. I am very disappointed in our current City Council’s child like behavior.
    The concern should be for the city and the residence!
    Let’s get back to what City Council is supposed to do! Take care of this city & the residence!
    Come next election cycle I hope the Bethlehem residents remember the shenanigans the current counsel has been pulling!
    Tracy from Bethlehem

  13. Tracy, I believe Eric Evans has often been a voice in the wilderness. Next to him, the Council member who seems to be be most willing to work with the Mayor is, ironically, Willie. Dolan seems intent on ruining any attempt to do anything, now that she has been exposed for her conflicts. Recchiuti in my view is trying to prevent the City from moving forward under Donchez, although I'll concede I could be reading him wrong. Bryan Callahan is a nice person, returns every call and has great personal integrity. But he says the dumbest things and for too long. Last night was an example. Waldron has impressed some, but I am leery of him. So far he looks pathetic. Reuscher is there for only one thing - walkability. Aside from that issue, she goes with the flow.

  14. Not destroying the rose garden is a serious issue, I would have gone to the meeting last night to speak about it at courtesy of the floor but could not get out of work commitments.

  15. The rose garden is a serious issue, but your attempt to discuss it here is deflection.

  16. Ok. Do a post on the Rose Garden and I'll discuss it in the comments there.

  17. Rose Garden Plan Scrapped by BASD.

  18. Bernie, Instead of making rude comments about Recchutti, why don't you get to know him and you will see that he does have the City of Bethlehem in his best interest. Have you ever had a conversation with him? I believe you are reading him wrong as you stated.

  19. I normally don't obey these commands, but did so for you, John Blankstein. Feel free to weigh in there.

  20. "Bernie, Instead of making rude comments about Recchutti,"

    There is absolutely nothing rude in my criticism. It is a criticism. It is not personal. You folks seem to equate criticism of a Council member's positions with some sort of personal attack. It's not.

    As I indicated, I could have the guy all wrong. But from what I have seen, he is driven by political considerations, not the City's best interests. The hiring freeze alone, which is both unenforceable and meaningless, tells me he is all about politics and not about the City. Also, if he is so concerned about saving money,it is time for him to propose ending the medical benefits paid to people like him and other council members. It is a PT job. There should be no medical benefits paid to any PT workers, especially in a City that is running $4 million or more in the red.

  21. You're right Bernie... I should have said "please." My Mom will be horrified if she sees this.

  22. John, you are a classless moron. Purposefully encouraging Bernie to give Steve Barron a hard time when he is supposed to be your friend?! What the hell is wrong with you?! You know the crap he put Steve and his family through. You are exactly what is wrong with politics.

  23. It was an inside joke between myself and Steve. Dont anonymously worry about any further.

  24. Why would somebody want to donate their time to the parking authority? Somethings really fishy about this story

  25. Maybe she's going undercover

  26. It's called community service, something that trolls know nothing about.


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