Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Ukraine: Time Correspondent Pisses Off More People Than Me!

Time Correspondent Michael Crowley tweeted the above pic with this comment: "not a character judgment, but this does kind of capture the moment". He's on his way to Kiev right now with Secretary of State John Kerry.

He's received responses like these:

"I keep telling y'all White folks are all fucked up in the head because there's a Black man in the WH taking care of business."

"Dear @assholeofday: I have a nominee for you."

"Congrats, @TIME. Your Moron of the Day"

"@CrowleyTIME You're trying my patience.Putin is a power hungry bigot and he can't touch our President's shine.You value the wrong shit."

"Big ass, pasty, balding white man with boobs and a beer gut, riding an old ass horse gives dudebros like @CrowleyTIME a hard dick. Lmao"

Incidentally, Russia and China are in complete agreement about Ukraine. So there you have it.


  1. The better Obama photo is of him wearing mom jeans and throwing a baseball like a girl. He makes Jimmy Carter look masculine.

  2. Well, I don't want to take this too far. I believe I have made my point. He invites the very aggression we've seen.

  3. "I keep telling y'all White folks are all fucked up in the head because there's a Black man in the WH taking care of business."

    This sums up all the opposition to the Obama Presidency. A sad commentary on the state of the Republican party in 21st century America.

  4. Agree with 1:12. Sad that you are really running with the extremist crowd Bernie. I guess the next step is a Rebel yell and the Confederacy.

  5. God Bless you Mr. President given the intolerance and blind hatred directed your way.

  6. Apparently that Ted Cruz blowup doll has been getting a big workout lately. Did you invite Ted Nugent over for tea recently ?

  7. Bernie, the right said you were a race hustler when you attacked Ott. Now the left says you're a racist for criticizing Obama. You really are offensive - and quite versatile. Nicely done.

  8. Well Bernie you are in the best company from what I see and read.
    This president has made many wish Bush was still in. And we were ready for him to go.
    This is one thin skinned president. And no gentleman.
    When you are weak you invite the bullies. That's what he has done. In the Middle East he helped the Muslim brotherhood and didn't help who he should have. Even if only with support.
    Where was he when the youth in Iran could have used some support?
    He allowed an ambassador and others to die for a gun running cause. Much like Fast and Furious. They get the guns our guys get the coffins.
    Hearings are going on about the 37 or so seals whose helicopter was shot our of the air and all were killed. Funny though at the last minute a few Afghanies were told not to go along. He only has a big mouth when he is taking credit and he the seals and the doctor who is still in prison. Think they weren't cheering when they took down that helicopter. They did get even.
    Our left is so blind to him for their own purposes. Against the death penalty but no problem cutting off the heads of new borns. Mostly black I might add. Makes one think they do want to exterminate the black race. I'll save some for later. Obama does look like a dufis and Putin needs to lose a few pounds. Can can the shape a lot easier then the character....

  9. Former KGB Operative vs Former Community Organizer...LOL

  10. So now we are borrowing 1 bil dollars to give to Uk. Our young children will have that bill. Where does it end. Oh I know. Get it from the military. Unfortunately our military has become a joke as of lately with our new policies they have to deal with.
    And there Hillary in a photo op when she had Kerry's job. Bragging about the new friendship. With what is going this will not help her in 2016 She did a so so job. Her judgement here on Benghanzi and so on will haunt her. She is no better then what we have just that she is a woman. Big deal.....

    We are weak so the bullies are coming after us....starting with our allies. No missile shield for them. Let them get taken over who cares.

  11. So are you going to promote ridiculous macho, jingoistic bullshit when Hillary Clinton is President? You keep sinking to new lows. Stick to your courthouse gossip column.

  12. O'Hare is a radical right wing extremist?

    Or has Obama's America swung THAT far to the left?

    Or is America just so obviously Racist (because of White Folk, of course) that is just does not matter any more???

  13. "You really are offensive - and quite versatile. Nicely done."

    Why, thank you.

  14. "You keep sinking to new lows."

    I can go much lower than this.

  15. It finally hit me. It is clear from his posts (see the previous one), that Bernie is obsessed with shit.

    How natural that he is attracted to and cannot avoid spreading shitty opinions as well.

  16. Oh yeah, America has swung to the left.

    Take a look at conservatives in the 1980s and then look at them now.

    And of course racism is a white issue. Look at history for a moment before spouting nonsense.

  17. Hmmmm, I seem to recall that when Russia invaded Georgia when Bush was in office, he looked the other way and went fishing. Maybe Obama should give that a try.

  18. Bush was weakened by domestic politics and a hateful press. Obama is just weak for making empty threats of red lines, and then promising to shrink the military while the world gets more dangerous.

  19. So, you're saying that between inauguration day and September 11, 2001 Bush was "weakened by domestic policies and a hateful press" and couldn't respond to thousands of intel alerts,? You're a real special kind of stupid, aren't you?

  20. "Racism is a white issue"


    Okay, whatever you say, Anonymous 2:01.

  21. The "special kind of stupid" are the ones who defend President Obama no mater what the Liar-In-Chief says.

    "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor - period."

    Tell me more about special kinds of stupid, pretty please.

  22. "Racism is a white issue"

    Well, now that we Whites now know for sure how everybody else feels about us deep down inside ...

    ... I, for one, am definitely not going to be patronizing a minority-owned business when I go out to dinner tonight.

    If I get a minority server, I will not be tipping them. When they offer any sort of objection, I will refer them to comments posted here. And I will not care if my minority server hates me.

    Apparently, they already do anyway so, to quote Hillary Clinton, "what difference does it make?".

  23. Anyone who thinks Obama has taken more vacation than Bush did isn't smart enough to be around eating utensils. If you're bothered by Benghazi but were silent when 59 Americans were killed in 12 similar attacks under Bush, you're a hypocrite of epic proportions.

  24. 3:46, Don't be do hard on yourself. Cleary, you are quite stupid.

  25. Interesting that any critism of the most inept president in history generates cries of racism. This moron would never have been elected if he weren't black.

  26. 3000 plus died on 911.bush was left with that mess. Can't compare to 54.
    Vacations at your own home is much cheaper and many days he worked. In between he was not on the golf course. This guy vacations half the year and the other half he does little except bully among other things and make weak statements on foreign policy.
    Benghanzi was a le just like, you can keep your doctor ....and your healthcare.... These peope are the kings and queen of lying and bulling.
    The voters will take that into the voting both. We are awake and now know how they play their games. And they have no ones back. None ours, not the seals and other military only their few big donors but they'll send them to their deaths....unfortunately for us Putin is the man....I don't know what Obama is. No one does...where's our Reagan? Even Kennedy?

  27. Bush was left with the mess of 9/11? incredible......

  28. Gee, I hope no subversive group gets in and kidnaps John Kerry! .With all the confusion in all it is possible !Anon 8;33 on point- Alexander is testing the Chicago political waters. Ha!The boat don't float ! State Department has light weights can't pull it off. We will look like pikers after the smoke clears.

  29. UBL hit New York in the early 90's and yes Clinton had him with a drone and pass him up. I'd say he left the problem for the next president. And a new president...so save your sarcasm for someone who cares.

    These 2 men are as different as black and white. It's an expression of comparison so get over it. It fits.

    People know what happened and when. The senate is ours for the taking......next we will see....

  30. Peter, Kerry is picking up the slack on Obama's initial mishandling of this matter. There is no doubt in my mind that Putin would have him assassinated if he could get away with it. I hope he returns safe.

  31. I TOLD YOU SO! The Consulates compound in Benghazi was hit because this administration was doing business with groups that were know to have killed our troops in the past. I had posted this on the blog shortly after it happened.Remember this was just before the election and on Sept 11,2012.They wanted to buy weapons back.

  32. I disagree with you Bernie, Alexander would not 'take out Mr Kerry' He wants him there, to broadcast the next move on the behalf in this administration.We will know I correct shortly.

  33. Dear Anon 4:20,

    "Don't be do hard on yourself."

    And YOU want to tell other people that they are clearly stupid?


    You also forgot to tell Anon 3:46 that they are undoubtedly racist.

    I'm sure your superiors are disappointed with your performance here.

    Better luck next time.

  34. And them we have Lindsey Graham amd other members talking down about the US despite they suggest we do noting different.

    Let's not forget Putin invaded Georgia under Bush and Ws invasion of Iraq and no WMD is referenced by Putin.

    As I see it, the Germans have to buy in to sanctions in order to force a quicker diplomatic solution.

    I think the GOP squeak box weakens our options and broadcasting what level of force we would or would not use limits leverage.

  35. Well, Bernie, since you don't read the Daily Dish, I thought I would share with your readers a paragraph from it today (by Andrew Sullivan):

    "Today, I kept being gobsmacked – smack, smack, smack, smack, smacked in the gob. By which I mean Rumsfeld – yes Rumsfeld! – and Cheney and Butters – yes, Butters! – are actually out there in public condemning president Obama for “weakness”. In an inspired moment of total lunacy, Butters even blamed Putin’s Crimea bullying on Benghazi! I know we all have to pretend that they have every right to speak their minds (and, of course, they do) – but really. The men responsible for the collapse of America’s military deterrent by losing two strategically catastrophic wars of choice actually have the gall to get up there and accuse Obama of weakness! The men who let Osama bin Laden get away; the men whose Putinesque derangement led to the total disintegration of Iraq; the men who presided over Iran’s achievement of nuclear infrastructure; the men who made a laughing stock out of US intelligence; the men who lost Afghanistan; the men who bankrupted the country by war and spending … these men now claim strategic prescience, manly foresight and a record of a “strong” America? There are times when the gob smacks itself."

  36. Oh, stop it. Obama can't Cheney's jock and the world knows it. That's why we're where we are today. Gone are the days of Scoop Jackson and Sam Nunn. The world knows Democrats are spineless and there's not a Democrat with a spine left.

  37. "Obama can't Cheney's jock"

    Whatever language that is, I am sure Obama can Cheney's jock. After all, Cheney's jock has the same five draft deferments the rest of Cheney had so he could pursue his career of a chicken hawk, sending me and my cousins off to wars he never had to fight.

    Ass clown coward!

  38. Peter J.Cockburn said...

    I know this is all crap because I know. we can't know all I know because that is what I know. Alexander the Great and Putin, not the Obama thing really.

  39. I really miss a STRONG America that was respected. Respected not just in fear of its military might, but because of its experienced leadership. A leadership with resolve and the trust of its citizens and allies.

    Fred Windish

  40. Andrew Sullivan is not a person I would look to for advice on being strong. Being catty, yes.

    That's the problem. Obama is weak. I would expect a weak guy to defend him in a catty way, the way Sullivan did.

    The President's reaction Friday drove me up a wall. I thank God that Kerry has been a bit more passionate.

  41. Aw, 3:20 is cute with his sudden realization that whites have a centuries old tradition of terrible racism in this country. It's cute when pinheads finally are enlightened.

    As far as vacations this guy is the king of them. When he isn't away from work he is away golfing.

    Another pinhead pops up. As of last summer, President Obama had used 92 days of vacation while President G. W. Bush had used 367 days at the same time in his Presidency. Yes - 367.

    Now, please call Glen Beck and correct him on THIS one too. You tools are so full of right-wing misinformation, it's embarrassing.

  42. So be it. I'll take "catty" over "shitty".

    By the way, Bernie, 10 years ago, Andrew Sullivan was as gung ho for the Iraq war as you were. The difference is, he was able to grow to see, and admit, the error of his ways.

  43. BOH, are you insinuating Sullivan can't be "strong" because he's gay? Talk about catty? Your knee-jerk response characterizing Obama's deliberations as weakness is catty. You think Kerry is speaking for himself? No, he speaks for the President. Anyone who doesn't believe Obama is in complete control of this crisis is the worst kind of partisan. A partisan who demeans his President and country.

    He is a conservative and a respected voice in that crowd. Or was before the right wing went bats hit insane.

  44. Anyone fortunate enough to be watching the Senate IRS hearing right now has GOT to admit America HAS changed.

    Fred Windish

  45. I apologize for writing the hearing as being held by the Senate. It was the House.

    Either way, I am troubled to think investigations can be halted simply by claiming the Fifth Amendment. There has got to still be a way to get around this practice by a key witness and come to a thorough examination that gets to the truth. An issue like this should not be dropped because people dismiss it and refuse explain their behavior.

    Fred Windish

  46. 8:29, Sullivan's sexual orientation is irrelevant. I criticize him bc he is too catty to recognize strong leadership. I read him, and appreciate much of what he say, but I would not rely on him for an assessment of strength.

  47. So you dispose of this point simply because you disagree with the tone? No wonder you never seem to absorb other points of view.

  48. I dispose of the point bc the person making it has no credibility with me on subjects of strength. And as an anon, you have no credibility with me at all.

  49. Anon 01;45 Using the terminal at work again I see.You are a disgruntled bum and do not see the issues.You know nothing about why Putin is doing what he is , your pathetic.You have lack of intellect and are probably like down at the prison ,locked in TOO, right?

  50. Bush had working vacations at his home in Texas. He didn't waste tac dollars on real vacations the the Obamas do .they cost us a small fortune. And again Obama knows how to vacation. Bush quietly went home and worked from there. No comparison.

    Obama doesn't work when he's in the whitehouse. He dose party ther and spend a fortune entertaining.

    So how many days does he really work????

  51. 707 ahhha. Ws the guy who had a special flight to tx to vote. Are you referring to Ws vacation where he was warned of OB determination to attack inside US weeks before 9-11?

  52. Or maybe the vacation were W. could not be disturbed about Katrina and didn't know about it until he flew over New Orleans and watched the instructional DVD they made for him..

    Great job Brownie!

  53. It's amazing how Obama can do no wrong with the hard left. Guess you are okay with people who look you in the eye and convincingly lie over and over. Then they deceive , spin and lie again. As does those he puts around him. This will cost your side and it should.
    You relate to the above all to well so you can't be trusted either.
    Obama is sinking. New poll has at at 33% on foreign policy. That means 2 out of 3 people are awake and do not trust him. Kerry is a joke but this too is what O puts out there. Think other countries don't see us as a joke thanks to our so called leaders. We are a laughing stock but 2/3s of us are not laughing....yet. But we will again.

  54. 8:47 -

    I think this specie is called "sheeple."

    Fred Windish

  55. DICK Cheney is loved by the teabaggers.
    The Iraq war will pay for itself.

    We will be greeted as liberators.

    There are weapons of mass destruction.

    And people still listen to this clown.

  56. Yes just like the Afghan war that according to this president was the right place robe.

    What was that catastrophe that Obama was too busy to give a crap about. Spilled oil? Or maybe the photo op in Jersey.
    Obama is a party boy. Social ,justice is all he thinks he knows. All else does not concern him....


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