Local Government TV

Friday, March 28, 2014

Brown Defends PR Contract in News Conference

Brown tours Beth. Steel Machine Shop No. 2
In his second news conference as County Executive, attended by Channel 69's Will Lewis and yours truly, John Brown defended his $84,000 contract with public relations firm Sahl Communications, operated by Kim Plyler. He brushed off hints of a looming lawsuit as well. "I'm not concerned about it," he shrugged. "I think it's been put to rest."

He explained that Kim Plyler will be "telling the story of the county," calling our local government a "$1 billion machine driving the local economy." He dismissed concerns that an outside firm would be less effective than an insider with a more detailed knowledge; the danger that it could be perverted into a publicly-financed propaganda machine for him; or worse, that Plyler ould use insider knowledge to open doors for other possible vendors like Donna Taggart.

Interestingly, Taggart just happens to be a County vendor, and one who shares office space with Plyler.

At one point, Plyler jumped into the conversation to state she no longer wants to read press comments, indicating that efforts to reach Brown or her were unsuccessful.

"I have five people in my office," she said, but was told that efforts to reach her and the five people in her office have been unsuccessful.

Brown insisted that he could not hire a press spokesperson because the "position does not exist internally", although Executives have used their Directors of Administration to handle press relations for at least the past sixteen years. In fact, yesterday, I received two news releases concerning the County, from county workers. One announces a new Citizen's Academy. The other highlights the official dedication of the new Human Services building.

Neither of these announcements came from Plyler or anyone in her 5-person office.

I asked Brown about a Sahl photographer in Bethlehem last week for the Governor's visit. I asked specifically whether we might see those pictures again in an election contest. Brown stated they were for a newsletter to County employees. He indicated that his intention is ultimately to have some sort of newsletter to the public, paid for by the public. "When we're ready to share more of the plan, we'll do it.At this point, we're not ready to share that part of the plan."

Though Brown's relations with the press appear to be strained, the Executive appears to be making inroads with County staff. He's already attended several union meetings, which is almost unheard of in a County Executive. He spoke hopefully about a brown-bag lunch he's palling with Gracedale nurses, and stated he has an "open door" policy.

"Any employee can stop by," he stated.


  1. "$1 billion machine driving the local economy."

    Are you fucking kidding me? The goverment drives the economy?

    This is the guy whom "he who cries bagger from mommy's basement" believes a tea party favorite?

    We are doomed. Dumbasses to the left of me, dumbasses to the right of me...


  2. Mr. Brown is doing his best to correct all the mistakes of the past eight years. God Bless his efforts.

  3. Here we go...press for doing his job. Since when is it appropriate for the press to entertain a topic that includes what is expected. I like it better when the Exec and employees put their heads down and do the job they were hired to do. Crazy.

  4. Hiring an independent public relations agent is wrong unless Brown pays for it himself or Kim volunteers. Brown can defend his actions all he wants.

  5. He'll lose my vote if he spends one county dime mailing me junk with his picture on it.

  6. Remember this is $84,000 a year when it is renewed it will be a $168,000 contract for public relations. No worth to the taxpayer at all, public relations is for one guy, Brown, and it is a huge waste of our money.

  7. 2:43 am
    Brown "correct all the mistakes of the past", And others are left to clean up the mistakes Brown made for 4 years in Bangor.

  8. Bernie would it be better for Brown to hire a public employee to do this job and if so why?

    What would this person cost us every year in pay and bennies????

    You all need to stop micro managing the exe. With all of the money that has been a total waste, he has a very long way to go and I do not believe he will spend money to waste it.

    He will be judged by where we are at the end of his term and I think by then he will have proven himself.

    For the haters who wanted Callahan, do you really believe he would not spend money others disapproved of???? Don't think he would have already tried to get same sex benefits? That's just for starters.

    Brown needs to do a newsletter by way of a website and forget the mailings.

  9. This position needs to be performed y a public employee. First, Plyer doesn't have a frickin' clue what is going on in the county and thus is completely ineffective. Second, it can be done and has been done as part of the Administration Department. It has been considered part of someone's duties. If the Exec wants it to be more involved, that is his prerogative. Third, a private employee is not bound by the Admin Code and can use the information politically. It is arguable that Plyler will use this information, which is propaganda, to promote Brown politically. Fourt, Plyler can take what she learns from Brown and give an edge to certain vendors she wants to have that edge, like county vendor Donna Taggart, who is in her office. This is a bad deal for the taxpayer.

  10. This whole thing is corporatespeak. The county is not a corporation but JB thinks it is and that is where the rub exists. His vision is a business model but it does not translate very well into the provider of services county model. Oil and water. Square peg being pounded into round hole.

  11. JB needs a handler who understands politics. He needs a chief of staff who has a clue.

    JB needs help!

  12. As a member of the press I have two things to add: first I think every reporter in the Valley has the cell phone number of Panto in Easton. He gives it openly to all members of the media and we have reached him evenings and weekends with no problem. Second, the LVEDC has been doing an excellent job of promoting the valley and Northampton County, especially the Council, needs to look past the mistakes of the past and endorse this group's regional focus to bring jobs to the valley. I wonder how many
    Norco residents work in Lehigh County???

  13. Panto? LVEDC? Try to stay on topic and stop the promotions for Lehigh county. Is this JB Reilly?

  14. No its Cunningham and Panto

  15. So much for fiscal conservativism, just sayin.

  16. Brown should join the Village People's next revival tour. Just trade in the suit for a construction vest.

  17. He is sort of hot. Probably the best looking county executive we have ever had.

  18. And that is not saying much. Most of the former execs look like they were beaten with an ugly stick as children,

  19. Would you say this if you had to sign your name?

  20. Seyfried looked like Uncle Fester, Stoffa looked like Lerch and Reibman looked like Father Time.

    Brown is a very attractive man.

  21. Brown is an empty suit bringing in consultants to do his job for him. Sad for the county!


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