Local Government TV

Friday, March 28, 2014

Centralized Human Services Building to Be Dedicated Next Week

One of several child visitation rooms
Northampton County will dedicate its new Human Services Building, 2801 Emrick Blvd., Bethlehem Township, Pa. on Friday, April 4, 2014. Executive John Brown, County Council President Peg Ferraro, and many others involved with this major building project, will offer remarks. The Northampton County Department of Corrections Honor Guard will also be participating.

Huge training room could host Council meetings


  1. Lets all celebrate a huge waste of tax money. What a crock of nonsense.

    Employees already complaining about the cubicles and some smells coming off the carpets.

  2. That's right, employees complaining about new carpet smell. Maybe they should get a job in the private sector if this new space is so horrible.

  3. @ 3:08

    We know you work for the county and it won't be hard to figure out who you are by your constant complaining about everything all the time. And when we find out for sure who you are you can complain in the unemployment line because that is where you belong.

  4. Once again we see that you can't give something and expect it to be appreciated.

    I realize their tax money goes towards this but it reality it is little. And if they get a check back from Uncle Sam/ us, they didn't even put their few dollars in.

    These complainers were given a new building, but if they paid for it they might, I say might at least act like they deserved it.

    Ever see what happens when things are free?

    Public housing destroyed.....

    Give a car or a puppy for free. To the right person it may be appreciated and therefore taken care of. Unfortunately there are too many of the wrong ones who would not or could not do either.

  5. "This building is not needed. It is a waste of money!" - Jim Gregory

    How was it living off the teat of the public?

  6. Work in mold-infested building..complain. Get a new building with everything brand new..complain.

    What exactly do these complainers want?

  7. they want a FREE ride. didn't you get the memo from Browns Public Relations Firm?


  8. "when we find out"

    The thug mentality of an unchecked Admisntration. Vl;ad Putin could use your help.

  9. Some areas of the carpet has an acrid smell according to a few people. Maybe it is the newness. Could be a sensitivity problem.

  10. Will former executive and Human Service Directors be invited. that would be a gracious gesture.

  11. J believe John Stoffa has been invited. Not sure about Ross Marcus.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Pure ego, Stoffa asked that no one from the past be invited. This is all about him.

    Check it out.


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