Local Government TV

Friday, October 04, 2013

Where, Oh Where is Our Full-Time Controller?

Controller Steve Barron's office at 9 AM, 10 AM, 11 AM, noon, 1 PM, 2 PM, 3 PM, 4 PM, etc.
I'll tell you Monday. Barron von Footinmouth Strikes Again!


  1. Bernie ,This is not fair to show an obscure office ,God know's where it was taken and to say Von Footenmouth is not in .Come on! This picture may have been taken by the custodian at 10,PM

  2. Peter. This is Barron's Office. I was there. I took the picture. I confirmed he was not in today. I have learned what our supposed "full time" controller is really doing. Wait 'till Monday. This is just the teaser, dude, while I catch up on my beauty sleep.

  3. A Super Slooth Reporter, like yourself, really missed the true story here. Why was the recyclable bin overflowing?

    How about the human interest story, like was the penguin in the in-coming or out-going box?

    You missed the journalistic boat a long time ago, why not giving up blogging any try to become a decent human-being and rejoin society?

  4. Beauty sleep? Need a coma ,4 days.Ha! Like me.

  5. Guessing game weekend!! Love it you Big Tease you!!

    My guess is he is still steam cleaning his kilty dress after the Celtic Fest weekend!!

  6. Bernie for the non believers you should take the picture holding a newspaper with today's date

  7. 5:26 Thank god that you confirmed this as a fact. Your confirmation makes it concrete and 100% undeniable. I say this because you have never ever been known to misrepresent the facts in any way shape or form. From 1986 on your name has been synonymous with the truth and integrity and I dare anybody to refute this.

  8. Did some disgraced former hothead bethlehem city employee who fancies himself as some sort of poor mans Woodward and Bernstein /softball legend feed you this drivel?

  9. Bernie is helping set up Barron for Ron Angle's run for the spot in two years.

    Angle can't win squat but keep trying Bernie.

  10. Little Stevie Blunder was cheating on his job again. Was he out trying to close down other Norco businesses?

  11. The Teletubby strikes again! Can't wait to see what new mischief he is up to. Don't keep us hangin'!

  12. My guess he is playing the knackwurst at Oktoberfest.

  13. Bernie you hack, Barron was in the field gathering data for the people that elected him. Keep trying to attack his character most people take your dull barbs as a badge of honor.

  14. Baron von FootinmouthOctober 5, 2013 at 7:04 AM

    You've gone too far this time, Mr. O'Hare. I believe I'm being libeled and you'll hear from my full time lawyer, shortly. He and I are kindred spirits, as he has no legal experience or qualifications. I am prepared to produce telephonic and other evidence that proves I was fully engaged in the public's business at the time of your poorly composed photos, threatening a local business, endangering more local jobs and stomping on their mums and other fall plantings. I was wearing my kilt and several upskirt photos are already circulating online, exposing this post as fiction. Get ready to pay, Mr. O'Hare.


  15. 8:38,

    you left out "crazed"

    A.J. Urbana

  16. Is that an Obama bobble-head on his desk? That says it all.


  17. I knew we couldn't go too long without having some fuckwit bring Obama into this .

  18. He was spotted earlier today at "fat camp", with pal Eric Cartman

  19. Even Dems are sick of this buffoon. Heard on good authority that some Dems are recruiting someone to run against him next time.

  20. Do any of you have any idea what a day in the life of the county controller is like? Are you sure it's 8-5? I doubt it. Are you sure it is all done in his office? Again, doubtful. Is he allowed any days off? Absolutely. He has kept every promise, saved the county money, fought for others in his community who were wronged and robbed. You think you can bring him down? He has more integrity in his pinky than you people have in your whole bodies-especially a disbarred drunk whose children can not stand him from what I understand. Make fat jokes-it doesn't reflect on his character, it reflects on yours. Since when is wearing clothing reflecting one's heritage bad? This is America people, get a little cultural sensitivity folks. I was at Celtic fest and I'm guessing you wouldn't make kilt jokes to some of those highland games athletes, right? Manly enough for you? Go do something for others instead of trying to knock them down.

  21. The Obama observation is germane. Baron is enamored with the most powerful lazy failure in the free world. Baron wears a dress and has a pronounced lisp. Obama wears mom jeans, throws like a girl, and spends an inordinate amount of time with Reggie Love.

  22. Barron wears kilts when he thinks it might get him a few votes. But he has no Irish, Scottish or English ethnicity. I have nothing against people wearing kilts, and have done so myself. But a guy who does so can expect some good-natured ribbing, even at Celtic Classic.

    Barron is a bum who has betrayed the public trust. You can try to defend him on Monday.

  23. "Heard on good authority that some Dems are recruiting someone to run against him next time."

    I have heard that, too. He is a self-serving snake who stabbed both Reibman and Callahan bc he thought he'd do bertter with MvcClure. Reibman and Callahan both had encouraged him and gave him financial support, and he just abandoned them.

    Then the day after the primary, he tried to pretend he had been neutral.

  24. "
    Anonymous Y said...

    I knew we couldn't go too long without having some fuckwit bring Obama into this ."

    Keepin it classy there Y. Your mother must be proud.

    1. Class and this blog should never be mentioned in the same sentence. Have you just started reading this blog? Your mother must be very disappointed that you are a slow learner. It's funny that you have no problems with comments poking fun at a persons weight but calling a fuckwit a fuckwit gets you all riled up. Your comment is a failure and so is your mother.

  25. B, I feel as though your next major exposé should be a DNA swab of all the kilt wearers at Celtic classic to ensure they are of proper heritage. Your comments are really a stretch.

  26. Excuse me? A person claimed Barron wears a kilt to promote his ethnic heritage. My point , quite simply. Is that he is not Irish, Scottish or English. He is not celebrating his heritage. He simply wants votes.

  27. Either that or he is dying to wear a dress in public.

  28. Perhaps the tone of my comment unintentionally sounded disrespectful, hence your 'excuse me'; however my point was more that not being or 'Celtic origin' myself, I would still attend the event in a kilt as I think we can all agree it is part of our city's shared heritage at this point and no one person lays claim to the kilt.

    1. That's kind of thin. Best to keep the commenting to the pros

  29. 6:31, someone claimed Barron wears a kilt to reflect his heritage. My point is that is untrue. But I have no problem with what anyone wants to wear or not wear.

  30. My guess is,

    He is investigating a fraud with Tom O'Donnell. They are undercover as a South Beach couple.

  31. This was not a ploy to get votes. It's not an election year for him. He does in fact have family who is of Celtic descent via his wife, therefore, his children are of Celtic descent. Celebrating their heritage with them is not wrong-it's what families do. But then again, celebrating and supporting family is not something you understand when you are miserable and lonely. And as the previous comments state, a lot of people wear kilts at Celtic Fest. Have you not ever heard the phrase "everyone is irish on St Patrick's day"?
    I am quite certain that my opinion of Mr Barron will not change, even after tomorrow. Your patented half-truth, sore loser, Bernie special spin crap is growing tiresome. Get over Gracedale and T-mobile. Green is not a flattering color on you.

  32. I am sure your opinions will be the same bc you are not motivated by truth, but by hate.

  33. It really is pathetic how the office of controller is handled in LC and in NC. In NC the controller is out on a second job and in LC the controller has zero qualifications for the job.


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