Local Government TV

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Jim Gregory: He's Ba-a-a-a-a-ck

You can't keep a good Mensa down. On Friday morning, Judge Leonard Zito released disgraced former Bethlehem City Council member and politico Jim Gregory from jail, subject to the development of a parole plan calling for "intense supervision." Probation officers put one together, and the Karaoke King was released late Friday.

He was spotted by a reader at Musikfest last night.

Then this morning, I got this comment:
"Trish was his only friend in jail. All his political friends like heckman, Sletvold, Seyfried, and Kassis who were at his event and saw that [Miss Ex] had no marks on her, ran for cover and left gregory in the dust. They are cowrds. However, this saga isn't over yet. What happened to the sex tape allegations that [Miss ex] made. Nothing has because gregory had a witness showing she lied. The DA knows now that she's a liar and so do the cops. It won't take Zito long to figure out that6 she lied to him also. Then worse is her pal [Miss Ex' friend], that ugly witch who lied to Zito and said that Gregory told her to pass his facebook posts to [Miss Ex]. After she gave them to [Miss Ex] , she got scared and filed another complaint. When this all comes out and it's shown that [Miss Ex' friend] lied, she should be tossed ijn jail. However, she was cursed with absolute ugliness already , sio God did her in before she testified."
He's ba-a-a-a-ack.

At around 8 AM, on his Facebook page, there's this:
"Hello everyone..Good to be back. Taking things slow. However, expect an announcement soon on the write in candidacy for mayor and my other plans for Unity PAC. Since the Northampton County Dems desperately need a race in bethlehem for mayor, I'm sure they'll be donating to my PAC to make that happen. Since John Brown needs a candidate in bethlehem to eviscerate Callahan's record, I'm certain the Republican's wiill donate to the PAC also.
It's great to be unaffiliated. Tired of extremes on both sides. Oh yeah, thanks to my political "friends" for all their letter writing and other support on my behalf while I was in NorCo. Can't wait to read all the cards and letters of support. Didn't see any at prison, guess they were printed in the paper, lol..All the support I have given to you over the years and many of you were at the event and saw {Miss Ex] had no marks or injuries, but you remained silent. That's just sad. Also, anyone supported by that criminal OHare will be written off by me and my PAC..And you can be certain that Unity Pac will be primed and armed for the General campaign."
If the Sands wants to recoup some of the money lost during Gregory's incarceration, it can do an over/under on Gregory's return to the hoosegow. $5 on 11 days is already taken.

Updated 1:02 PM to include a Facebook comment caught b a reader.


  1. Da tripod was looking fab at da fest last nite, so much so that I wanted to feast on his flesh

  2. "Hello everyone..Good to be back. Taking things slow. However, expect an announcement soon on the write in candidacy for mayor and my other plans for Unity PAC. Since the Northampton County Dems desperately need a race in bethlehem for mayor, I'm sure they'll be donating to my PAC to make that happen. Since John Brown needs a candidate in bethlehem to eviscerate Callahan's record, I'm certain the Republican's wiill donate to the PAC also.
    It's great to be unaffiliated. Tired of extremes on both sides. Oh yeah, thanks to my political "friends" for all their letter writing and other support on my behalf while I was in NorCo. Can't wait to read all the cards and letters of support. Didn't see any at prison, guess they were printed in the paper, lol..All the support I have given to you over the years and many of you were at the event and saw Lina had no marks or injuries, but you remained silent. That's just sad. Also, anyone supported by that criminal OHare will be written off by me and my PAC..And you can be certain that Unity Pac will be primed and armed for the General campaign."
    ....and that was his FB post just 4 hours ago...he is a very nice man,can't say he ever did anything "bad"to me-but he is truly sick,and he will be back in jail by weeks end if this is any sign:( I just hope he doesn't hurt anyone or himself .

  3. Dont know any of these folks but it is incredible that with social media now, people can not stop talking when the best thing said is nothing.

  4. What pac? I checked the state website and couldn't find anything.

  5. Hey Jim, how did you get your house?

  6. He never formed the PAC, and has failed to account properly for the money he received at the "event" for its formation. That was in May. There is no local PAC either.

  7. He must need some cash for the sands.

  8. Hey Jim, who was the woman who gifted you her house? Anybody know?

  9. Bernie, isn't this a least a bit serious? I mean his veiled threats to more people. He sounds as crazy as when he went on.

    If he continues on this path is it possible the judge could lift his release and throw his ass back in jail.

    I am sure the families of Sletvoild, Heckman and Seyfried as well as Abe Kassis are going to be concerned.

    Also probation does not prohibit drinking and gambling?

  10. He needs a trip to state prison

  11. So far there are no threats. I believe his parole plan should include a requirement that he stay off the Internet, although he will doubtless claim that I or someone else is doing it.

  12. "He needs a trip to state prison"

    Give him time.

  13. I guess John Brown and Peg Ferraro will get that help he promised!

  14. Wonder if he is eating his veggies at musikfest?

  15. I guess he is gay:

    Who we are…
    American Unity PAC is the voice of Republican voters who are committed to equal rights and full relationship recognition for gay and lesbian Americans. We are committed to the values of freedom – limited government, free enterprise, individual liberty, personal responsibility, a strong national defense and the importance of family. In the spirit of these values, we believe the promise of America should be extended to all, regardless of their orientation. Our mission is to engage in federal elections to protect and promote inclusive Republicans.

  16. Well, this didn't take long. I wonder if Gregory hooked up with a 15 year old carnie? Gregory touts the power of the UNITY PAC and in prior posts, he disassociated himself of this scam. He said Lina was in charge of the PAC. He said there was no PAC, he said there never was a PAC. He said he gave all the money back....NOT. I said it before, Zito made a colossal mistake and this will come back to bite him in the ass. It was a decision, i'm sure based on some sincere mercy for this twit. I guess we all know how much compassion buys with Gregory. Does he have his wheels? Bernie, the way you described him from the hearing, I almost believed that he grew up. It is very apparent that he has not and that he played the County. Go figure. The County and the courts need to fix this before this travesty continues any further.

    1. At the hearing, he was chastened, quiet, and looking quite embarrassed. I am shocked at what has happened so quickly. He has to understand that his probation officer can and will pull the plug if he reverts.

    2. Don't know if he's tooling around in his Camaro.

  17. You can't cure a sociopath

  18. Hey Bernie, are you worried about the pfa hearing tomorrow?

  19. I'll have a post about her attempt to bring me to justice at the witching hour. Then I will run silent and deep until the hearing is over. You never know what is going to happen in a horse race or court room.

    1. The horse face goes to.....never mind

  20. I never go before a judge without a lawyer...good luck

  21. I agree, but would not wish her on anyone.

  22. Gregory probably sees the PO as a buddy and p[al. I hope that isn't the case.

    Whomever he or she is, I hope he is a "hardass" that tells Gregory that with one word he can have his ass back in jail.

    Also does Gregory realize if he goes after anyone and they complain it isn't his word against another. It is a person's word against an ex-con. The guy has no word anymore. He is a number. He blew that along with his cellmate.

    This guy is trouble and I'm shocked that the people he has attacked have all expressed the hope he gets his life back on track. he deserves mezzacappa, they are a matched set.

    Gregory you are a never was asshole. Grow the Hell up and go away. The Democrats are thrilled you are endorsing the Republican ticket.

  23. He should concentrate on getting his head on right and sit this one out. Really, he owes that to himself.

  24. Late night tweakerAugust 4, 2013 at 8:48 PM

    The Dennis Lieb wrongful termination lawsuit is a hot story, enough of the Greggy Mezz saga for now, Lieb is gonna take down the poverty pimp!

  25. I saw that and need to read the complaint. I am not sure what is going on, but have never heard a bad word about Sharbel Koorie. I intend to get both sides of this story before writing about it.

  26. It seems pretty apparent that he learned nothing from his short prison stay. I hope that his parole officer is keeping a close eye on him. If he was smart he would stay totally away from social media and not say one word about his ex. I doubt he will stay out of trouble and I would not be surprised if he gets another contempt of court charge and is put back into prison within a short period of time.

  27. The judge should read past blogs and posts before the PFA hearing tomorrow. If that happens then both Tricia and Bernie will have PFAs against each other. It will help these two grow up and hopefully let things be. It will also set the stage to see who will violate it first. But hopefully both will just move on from one another.

    1. This comment, likely posted by Mezzacappa or her Blog Mentor, is exactly what Mrzzacappa tried when Jill Garcia's harassment case against her was heard. Mezzacappa claimed, in court and on her blog, that both of them had acted childishly. The judge reached a different conclusion. Now, she has abused the system, has subpoenaed the DA, has falsely cried rape and has made numerous other false accusations, and thinks we can all peacefully walk away. I intend to see her PFA brought to conclusion tomorrow. It should be dismissed. I also intend to ask the court to sanction her, both for her repeated frivolous motions and for abusing process in filing an action she has no legal right to bring. I intend to ask that she be charged for false reports. Finally, Ron Angle and I both intend to sue for malicious prosecution.

  28. Good luck at the PFA hearing, Mr. O'Hare. Clearly, Ms. Mezzacappa has no credibility. She was only able to get this case on the court docket by knowingly making a false statement. It was a huge blunder on her part for which she should be made to pay.

  29. Bernie, what time is the hearing scheduled for I would like to attend so I can the Mezz in action!

  30. 11 am, courtroom 4. It could be a very quick hearing.

  31. Good luck tomorrow. If it weren't for a previous commitment I would attend to show my support.

  32. "Good luck tomorrow. If it weren't for a previous commitment I would attend to show my support."

    Too bad Mr. Gregory did not have that kind of support. The unions and his friends abandoned him. He was left at the mercy of the court and those who wanted to bring him down. He knows many secrets the powers do not want known.
    Yet you get support.

  33. I don't personally know gregory, but I do know a few people who "have known him"- both good and bad and I've heard all sides of this. after bernie's latest blog (if true), my opinion is that he is fucked up. sorry friends who feel otherwise. I call 'em as I see 'em.

  34. Oh please... Certainly it could have nothing to do with his claiming being charged meant he was alreasy found guilty in our corrupt and unjust system. No no. And I am certain it had nothing to do with all the insults he hurled and claims he made to establish that people did in fact owe him - if not for his past good deeds then at least, at the very least, to prevent him from publicizing all their misdeeds.

  35. Does anyone understand the above comment?

  36. It was unresponsive to the post at 11,18 bemoaning jg lack of support.

  37. Mezzacappa will get justice tomorrow, O'Hare is right to let Orclownski sit this one out, she would treat him like a rented mule.

  38. It is my fervent desire that you do get justice tomorrow.

  39. Good Luck Jim. Everyone is praying for you. God knows the Truth.

  40. Yes he does. Maybe that's why his life is f***ed up.

  41. Gregory is a crook, plain and simple. He always talks about "no marks" on Lina. I kind of think she knew how to use make up and besides, Gregory was NOT in jail because he hit Lina. He was in the can for violating the PFA. A rational person who was innocent would have laid low and taken the attention off of themselves. Gregory chose to be the big man bragging and threatening and where did it get him? Right in the end! It is a mockery of justice that Gregory is outside enjoying this gorgeous day when he should be locked up like the vermin that he is. Won't be long now....Bernie put me in for fifty for five days and best of luck today!!

  42. Good to see the new season of the Jim Gregory show is starting up. I was getting sick of reruns.

  43. Gregory's violation of the PFA was pale in comparison to all the other contempts that come before Northampton County Court. Quite simply, if one has a lawyer friendly with a judge - case in point is Minnoti and the favorable treatment he gets from Zito for his clients - nothing is ever done. Zito incarcerated Gregory due to all the truth Gregory was making public about corruption in Northampton County. As a county employee, I witnessed first hand Judge Moron throw out a PFA against a nephew of Judge Roscioli when it undisputably should have been granted. Within two weeks, her nephew beat the shit out of this lady. No press about the dismissed PFA. Norco county judges believe they are above the law, and some of them will hopefully follow in Onembo's footsteps. McFattAss is the worst since she supported Onembo's behavior for all those years. Although Gregory may have gone about doing things the wrong way, he is not that far off base on the doings in Norco county.

  44. Can't wait for the workday to end!!! Singing my favorite tune tonight at Greggyplatz! The sun is shining and rumor has it the chicken lady will be making a special appearance.

  45. Anon 1:13, Alright, the Lubriderm Kid is baaaacl!!

  46. Post 1:13 is right on the money. Angle once said "that if the County was a corporation, it would be bankrupt". The County only keeps "YES" people and fails to support anyone who rightfully goes up against the powers to be. A LT. position in the Sheriff's office was done away with two years ago and the candidate laid off never should have been left ago according to the Home Rule Charter. Human Resources perjured itself at a hearing and it was ignored by the Stoffa appointed Appeals Board. Attorney Perucci would never render a proper finding because he would then be off the County payroll. The LT. who was unjustly kept is a "YES" person who is incompetent to do the job. Stoffa was informed that she emotionally breaks down and cries under pressure. She had another episode last week. Miller only keeps her because a female LT. looks good for his public image and she is his puppet, just like Miller is Stoffa's puppet. Miller has a SGT. in charge of courts who cannot do his job because he failed to kiss McFattAss' ass. Rather than support this SGT., Miller has him do nothing all day to keep the peace with the Courts. Miller investigates deputies for the LTC leak and ignores taped footage showing two other deputies handling the copied documents. Nothing is done to them since they are union reps who fail to support their members because they are on Miller's "perk" payroll. One of these deputies was rewarded with a cush assignment when he has trouble spelling his own name.

  47. YES!!

    You keep your MTV.

    I want my Gre-Gor-Y

  48. Where is the internal affairs SGT. for the Sheriff's Department when deputy Betty Crocker who was caught on video with the "stolen" LTC file in her hands is not disciplined for routinely calling off sick on Fridays to work at a downtown bakery. Maybe she is giving him free breath mints to combat his shit smelling bad breath. Obviously the detailer who gives him family discounts could find a solution to his problem.

  49. Oh, 11:37, about that rented mule....Perhaps it was a close relative Mezzacrappa???? What a joke!! Now what Calamity Jane?

  50. Whoever had 9 days for him to return wins the bet. Although he was just here to pick up some info on how to send commissary to some of his old "cellies"

  51. To the county employee 1:13 PM regarding Paula Roscioli and her "nephew". Do you know the meaning of the word nephew? If you are refering to the incident with Ryan Roscioli in 2009, guess what. Not a nephew, not even close. Try like 10th cousins thrice removed maybe. So seeing how you are wrong about that, what about her getting a PFA tossed for some distant relative. Maybe not huh?


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