Local Government TV

Monday, August 05, 2013

Suspended Gun Nut Cop Seeks Donations For Groceries

Suspended Gilberton Police Chief Mark Kessler, whose gun-totin', profanity-laced videos have gone viral on the Internet, has wasted no time holding his hand out for money. The $20,000 per year cop, at GoFundMe, is asking you to "help the Chief [it's a one-cop town, so he's Chief of himself] pay his bills - buy groceries to feed his kids - pay the mortgage etc. It's time to be counted Patriots - He stood up for you now it's time to pony up for him!"

In two days, he's managed to raise $1,970.

He's probably thinking he should get suspended more often.

Among his very first contributors, with $50, is West Easton's Tricia Mezzacappa. She has money for that, but still owes $256 for her disorderly conduct conviction last November.

Kessler last week was "calling on all true Americans , all militia members, all true oath keepers to assemble, be ready to march on a tyrannical county government right here in Schuylkill county Pennsylvania."

He hasn't said exactly when Pottsville goes under seige, but i understand they're all evacuating.


  1. His goal is $10,000! That's half his yearly salary.

    He was suspended for 1 month. How much does he need for a loss of one month of work?

    I'm surprised Mezzacappa didn't start a fund for Gregory on that site (see if that comment doesn't have one appearing). Makes me wonder how many idiots would donate to my cause... 'cause I want money from fools.

  2. He only makes $20000? Is that even minimum wage?

  3. He should apply for SNAP (food stamps). Wait - that's a liberal program!

  4. Do a little homework, and see what the cost of those three fully automatic weapons he donated to his municipality are.
    Follow the money. There's a piece missing here.

  5. The IRS needs to look at this nutters income.

  6. Im going to setup a legalize marijuana fund on the gofundme site....please donate.

    Thanks towelie


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