Local Government TV

Friday, August 02, 2013

Zito Approves Gregory Parole Request

Following a brief hearing this morning, Judge Leonard Zito approved defense lawyer Gary Asteak's request to release two-time PFA offender Jim Gregory on parole. This ruling follows the completion of a psychological evaluation, which Judge Zito sealed from public scrutiny at the request of Asteak. The normally loquacious Gregory said nothing today. Neither his victim nor her mother appeared in Court to voice any objection.

Asteak did the talking, claiming that Gregory has been "humbled by his experience" in jail. "He's lost a lot," added the flamboyant Easton attorney. 

Judge Zito was concerned that a parole plan be established before Gregory's release. Chief probation officer Dan Tone told the Court he would have to review the evaluation before devising a plan for Gregory. That could come as early as this afternoon or Monday. 

Asteak stated Gregory will agree to psychotherapy for "personality issues" revealed by the evaluation, but stressed that Gregory "poses neither a threat to himself or others." 

Tone, who sat through Gregory's contempt hearings on the PFA, stated that any parole plan devised would require "intensive supervision," at least in the initial stages. Judge Zito even suggested some form of electronic monitoring.

Gregory did much better in Court with Gary Asteak at his side than when relying upon the advice of West Easton gun nut Tricia Mezzacappa, who posted their jailhouse conversations and caricatured Judge Zito on a clown wig and as himself the victim of an assault. 

Mezzacappa was not in Court today.

Gregory was himself a human services caseworker who dealt with the mentally ill. A former police officer, he served as President of Bethlehem City Council several years ago and was a public sector union activist. In June, he announced an independent campaign for Bethlehem mayor. When he learned that state election laws made an independent run impossible for him, he decided to mount a write-in campaign instead.


  1. ... and the insanity from Mezzacappa starts in 3,2,1 ... Gregory had better stay away from that loon, for his own good and for the good of the community.

  2. I can't say that I agree with Zito's decision. I think 1 more month, considering his jailhouse conversations with Mezzacappa, would have been justified - just to give him some more time to reflect.

    I truly hope I'm wrong in my belief that Gregory has gamed the court. Hopefully, Gregory has learned from the experience and realizes that he needs to distance himself from Mezzacappa permanently.

  3. Jim has been given 5 month's to demonstrate his humility. I think his Ego & Pride will prevent that.

  4. He owes a lot of apologies to people.

  5. we've come a long way from baked ziti. humbling, indeed.

  6. Yes but can he still run the John Bryon and Peg Ferraro campaigns like he promised them?

  7. If he has to stay away from his ex and his sister in order to stay out of jail, it will not last long.

  8. He has to stay away from his sister, his ex, and may have to stay away from his mother, too. She was part of a temporary PFA, but I do not recall whether she was included in the final PFA.

  9. "Yes but can he still run the John Bryon and Peg Ferraro campaigns like he promised them?"

    I don't think any campaign will want him anywhere near them.

  10. 1. Will Gregory go forward with his campaign, or will the medication let him see how crazy of an idea it is?

    2. I really miss the blog by the crazy lady from West Easton. It is an unintentional comedy gold mine.

  11. I hope if he attempts to contact or have a third party contact his ex or his sister he is put right back into prison. He probably should have done at least thirty days. I also agree that electronic monitoring is a good idea. Time will tell if he has learned anything from his behavior. I would be surprised if he has.

    1. He made attempts while in jail.

  12. Once jim is done showering in just for Mensas he'll contact his ex


  13. Kevin, For laughs, you can look at the Fake Rev's Saving private Gracedale blog. he wants me to fight him again. He called me a bigot because in a sentence about him and Lamont McClure, I said, "these people." I guess i should have written, "these morons." Donald del maso, a fauz liberal who thinks he's a musician, wants the fake Rev to knock me dead.

    There is no shortage of cRaZy people, and i have a gift for attracting them.

  14. Towelie, Unless he accidentally went into the "just for mersa" stall.

  15. Uh-oh Bernie! Looks like the Fake Rev. is going to love you to death? HA!!!

  16. I didn't know they made the just for men Manslab mensa edition. It colors your hair and seeps into your brain making you smarter than everyone

  17. Who the hell is this "John Bryon", and what office is he running for?

  18. I took the writer to mean John Brown.

  19. del Maso on probation = masobation. No truth to the rumor he plays skin flute. You should fight him for being one of those douchebags with three names.

    Lovely blog, though. Warmest regards,

    Dal Maxvill
    Career: 6 HR, .217 BA, 252 RBI,

  20. What kills me, if i can say that, is that all these loonies team up. That's the one bad thing about the Internet. These kindred spirits seek each other out.

  21. Okay the writer meant John Brown. Who the hell is "John Brown"?

  22. Well played Bernie!

  23. "There is no shortage of cRaZy people, and i have a gift for attracting them"

    Just look at how you, Angle and Stoffa attracted each other.

  24. I am proud of my friendship with Ron Angle and John Stoffa. They are both good men who do not wish for other people's death, who do not post ridiculous claims about Jesus sending hurricanes to kill children, who do not collect PFAs and thumb their noses at them, do not threaten to kill public officials and do not roll around on the floor and foam at the mouth like you do.

  25. Try again. Ron Angle is not the person who is quoted in a police report as referring to African Americans as "niggers." That is Tricia Mezzacappa. She also e=insults libnerals as "libtards," casting aspersions on people who are mentally challenged. Mario Martinez has suggested, on his blog, that the news media is controlled by Jews and has embraced the Fabian Socialist accusation hurled at Obama ad others, an accusation embraced by anti-Semites.

    Angle has been portrayed as a racist and anti-Semite by people who actually are, because it is convenient to do so.

  26. Still not sold on an early release for dingbat. Read some of his past posts here, or just the crazy phone calls from prison. Did he learn something or did he have a "come to Jesus" moment with Gary Asteak. I think the latter because we all know that Atty. Asteak is incredibly talented, respected and does not put up with bullshit. I can see Gregory cutting ties with Mezzadildo and the meeting to pick up his car should be filmed, unless it's been repossessed. Letting him go this early shows a very bad sign for other people experiencing domestic abuse. God help Judge Zito if Gregory snaps and shatters the PFA. It is Musikfest week and there will be a ton of people all over Bethlehem and Gregory will know some of them. I think it is safe to say that not all are Gregory fans and when you add alcohol into the mix, there could be issues that Gregory is even suckered into. I can see him bragging about how he beat prison and it was no big deal. I hope they do keep track of him electronically. He is not safe to be off of a leash.

  27. So does this mean there will be Greggyplatz?

  28. "There aint no sunshine when he's gone...."

  29. Thank God, and very good news for Mr. Gregory. Hopefully now he can put his life back together after this traumatic experience is behind him.
    He needs to be left alone and allowed to heal.

  30. I will be drinking with Jimbo Gregory at musikfest, he never misses it. Then off to the Sands for the slots and some poker.

    The good old days are back.

    The Mediterranean party animal is back in circulation. Maybe Tricia will be handling his security.

  31. In reference to 11:22 p.m. I hope this is an attempt at humor because if there is one thing he is not, it is the victim. He is the one with the PFA's, the contempt of court charges, the possible illegal videotaping, the missing PAC money, the questions surrounding the use of his client's cards at the casino, etc. Unfortunately, I think he will be right back to his same behavior once he is released. I hope his parole officer keeps a close watch on him and if he does one thing he is not supposed to; back to prison he should go. No more excuses.

  32. Commenting on the 8:53 p.m. posting, I would hope that he would not even think about attending Musikfest. You are correct, he will not be greeted by people who support him; he will be surrounded by drunk people wanting to fight him. Unfortunately, I believe he thinks everyone supports him and thinks he is innocent of all charges. He certainly is delusional if he thinks that!

  33. While I was in Judge Zito's courtroom yesterday, waiting for his case to be called, there was another matter on the list involving Ron Angle. Gary represents someone who had a business deal with Ron that went sour, and it looks like Ron just might win on that one. After Ron's case was over, he was walking down the hallway just as deputies were bringing Gregory in.

    "Jim Gregory, how're you doing?" asked Ron, who is still friendly with people after they stick knives in him like Gregory has.

    "I've been better," answered Gregory.

    I don't think Jim has been having a very good time in jail and believe it has been a humbling experience. Just the walk down the hallway is humiliating. You are shackled, hand and foot. The shackles around the feet mean you can only walk in a slow shuffle. You are usually wearing an orange jumpsuit, which singles you out as one of the bad guys. A leather belt is placed around your waist with a big loop so deputies can lead you without having to touch you. They wear rubber gloves so they don't get cooties from your dirty body.

    I understand all these security precautions are very necessary and probably save lives. But it's a sad thing to see.

    Fortunately, the deputies seem to be very decent to the prisoners as they are escorted in and out. Northampton County has always been good that way. But you lose some humanity in that walk down the hall.

    If I wanted to be a real jerk, I could position myself somewhere and start snapping pictures of him as they escort him. But as low as I am, and I am, I would not do that to him. Or anyone. In addition to being illegal, it really is a sad sight to see.

    For someone who is as narcissistic as Gregory, he will think long and hard before he does something that will make him undergo that kind of humiliation again.

    He did look as though he has lost weight and looked very much his age yesterday.

    I'm not into being vindictive with people. More importantly, neither is the Judge. He said when he sentenced him originally that he would consider parole once Gregory is evaluated and on some kind of treatment plan.

    If his ex or sister were concerned that he would return to his formerly destructive behavior, they would have been there. His ex's mother told me that she does not want to pile on.

    1. There is a difference between feeling humiliated and being invested in not lying and falsely accusing. The violence commited against his ex occurred May 20. She filed the moment they successfully completed their event. sometime mid to late June. He knew when he hit her last and hoped to get people to jump on his bandwagon and make her out to be a liar in everyone's eyes. A liar, cheat, and thief is what he hoped people would believe of her - just to save his own image.

  34. He failed. Let's assume he is still a jerk. He remains a narcissist and I believe his time behind bars will make him think twice about doing anything that will send him back there.

  35. Hopefully he will learn more than just avoiding jail....

  36. Hopefully, but that is a start. I am not optimistic about much else.

  37. Ron Angle always the sarcastic ass. Given his history maybe one day he will be wearing the orange jumpsuit and we can say,

    Ron Angle, how are you doing?

  38. There was nothing sarcastic or malicious about what Ron said. That's what assholes like you will never get. He actually passed up an opportunity to taunt someone who has repeatedly smeared him. He is a better person than a coward like you,

  39. Bullshit! History says otherwise.

  40. I would not expect an asshole like you to think any other way.

  41. I swear Jim Gregory is randy marsh

  42. Ron Angle, the Norco Bulldog. If you happen to read this let me tell you how sexually fired up you get me. The sassy attitude, firemans mustache, massive bank account, 12 inch johnson. If I ever see you at Deitzis again and I'm not too sauced it will be the night of your life. You can have me any way you like Ronny, you're wife doesn't need to know!

  43. Norco Twink, Ron doesn't swing that way and doesn't use computers. But I'll be sure to pass your message along. I'll be seeing him next week. Maybe he'll make an exception for someone as talented as you. Can you sing? Do you have any gerbils?

  44. M5r. Gregory has paid the proice. Now I hope people help him readapt to society. He had only Trisha stand with him during these difficult times as his "real" friends deserted him. He should never been sent to prison and I am glad the judge finally saw reason and will release him. Hopefully Mr. Astek can help him get his record expunged so this doesn't always haunt him.

  45. The above comment is obviously posted by Mezzacappa.

    His "real" friends did not desert him. They instead refused to enable his erratic behavior. Mezzacappa did enable him and her conduct contributed in large part to the jail sentence he ultimately received.

    The Judge had not choice but to send him to jail as he and Mezzacappa systematically taunted his ex, the judge himself, and even his sister. It is Gregory who saw reason and who cut Mezzacappa off.

    Finally, Gregory will never be able to get his record expunged.
    You ended up contributing to financial ruin, disgrace and jail time. What a pathetic person you are.

  46. Mr. Gregory needed friends and Trisha was the only one there for him.

    You people can sit and judge but all we have is a young woman's word against his. We may never know what really happened.

    At least he can try to put his life back together again after he was unmercifully attacked. I think Mr. Gregory knows who he can rely on.

  47. He can rely on you, Mezzacappa, to have him sent to jail for another six months. It was not his word against hers. There were two PFAs. Two women, one of them his own sister, claim they were abused. And you trashed her like the pathetic person you are. The evidence of his violation of the PFA is on his own Facebook page,. Isn't it interesting that the harassment and intimidation stopped the moment he was sent away. The only leftover crap was your own chronicles, in which you advocated for the child rapist. His real friends all told him to shut the hell up. You are not his or anyone's friend. You are an attention seeker who is now flocking to the banner of the gun nut police chief, giving him $50 while you can't pay your own fines.

  48. Trish was his only friend in jail. All his political friends like heckman, Sletvold, Seyfried, and Kassis who were at his event and saw that Lina had no marks on her, ran for cover and left gregory in the dust. They are cowrds. However, this saga isn't over yet. What happened to the sex tape allegations that ingrassia made. Nothing has because gregory had a witness showing she lied. The DA knows now that she's a liar and so do the cops. It won't take Zito long to figure out that6 she lied to him also. Then worse is her pal Ditalia, that ugly witch who lied to Zito and said that Gregory told her to pass his facebook posts to Ingrassia. After she gave them to Ingrassia , she got scared and filed another complaint. When this all comes out and it's shown that Ditalia lied, she should be tossed ijn jail. However, she was cursed with absolute ugliness already , sio God did her in before she testified.

  49. I see that Gregory is out of jail and back online. Mistake.

  50. If he is out, that comment is likely from him, and will mean he hasn't learned a damn thing.

  51. Bernie, My guess is that @9:09 AM is Tricia Mezzacappa. Insulting the physical appearance of the witness by calling her "ugly" and saying she "should be tossed in jail" is pure Trish.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.


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