Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Forget Guns, Give Me Hornet Spray

Officer Barsnica assures me that is his smile
Most of the gun nuts out there can't shoot for shit. Sportsmen and cops will tell you that you need to practice regularly or having a gun won't help you one bit in the event of a crisis. It might even get a loved one killed. But a fellow title searcher told me that there's a solution for one and all. It requires no LTCF. You don't have to buy bullets or even practice. And it will fit right in your holster.

Hornet spray.

Hornet spray shoots about 20-30', more than enough for self defense. Also, it's a spread shot, so accuracy is not so important. And it's very "efficacious," my loquacious title searching amigo assures me. She said that a bad guy nailed with hornet spray has one hour to get to the hospital, or he'll go blind permanently.

The nuns told me something else would make me blind, and I think they're right. I can't see anything anymore.

I asked K-9 Officer Dan Barsnica about sprays last night, right before his partner Castro ate Paul Weiss. Barsnica acknowledged that people do need to train more with firearms than they do, but hornet spray is not the answer. What makes it kill hornets will also kill humans. It's a frickin' nerve agent. Spraying it indiscriminately could kill innocent people.

So what do you use?

Mace. Not pepper spray, but mace, which is legal.

Officer Barsnica does practice, and told me he brings his gun to church because that's just where some lunatic would be likely to strike next.

I agree and that's why I don't go to church.

Besides, I'm blind.

"I'll give you my hornet spray when you pry it from my cold, dead hands."


  1. That really is Barsnica's smile. His dog is so friendly it will eat off your hand.

  2. What's the sudden obsession with weapons? Yeah, life is scary, but you're still more likely to die in a household accident than getting randomly shot. Or even not randomly shot if you stay out of dark alleys and the like.

    Someone (like Mezzacappa) shows up at your house or even in public and it worries you (rightfully), call 911 and be done with it.

    Get a little self-defense training or take up a martial art if you're still nervous. You'll not only be more prepared, but it builds confidence and is great practice for staying calm in stressful situations.

    Life is for living, not for wasting on needless worrying. We all end up dead in the end anyway. Why spend so much time and effort on neurosis when you could be enjoying yourself?

  3. This post is called humor, 8:58, something that appears to be lacking in you. I have no obsession with weapons and don't own even one can of hornet spray.

  4. I find that my offensive body odor after two good work outs and a sweaty round of splitting wood keeps me pretty safe. Hell, even the dog won't get near me.


  5. That's it 942 you got it,ya gotta be creative. For the cheapskates it saves ya money on bullets too. I protect my property by placing an 8x10 glossy of Pawloski in a jock strap on my fence. Hell even the deer wont eat my old ladys petunias.

  6. Barsinica looks like the rent-a-cop in the movie Grosse Pointe Blank. Bet he gets that all the time -- right before he turns his dog loose on whoever says it :-)

  7. He's a good police officer and a good person. For example, he was at last night's Night Out as a volunteer. He donates a lot of his time to the Township. He even purchased Castro with his own funds. If you want to know why your taxes don't go up in BT, look to guys like Officer Barsnica and his colleagues on the force.

  8. What exactly is your definition of a "gun nut"? I have noticed that you are very quick to use this description and after following your Blog for a couple of years I'm sure you mean this in a condescending way. I am supporter of the right to keep and bear arms and an opponent of gun control. I own a large collection of firearms. Does this make me a "gun nut"? I am reasonably sure that I have more training and more practical experience with firearms than 90% of the police in the Lehigh Valley and I can tell you that many of them are not properly prepared to handle firearms, especially shotguns and semi automatic rifles. Yes, practice helps but I have also seen men with hundreds of hours of range time crack when it counted. By the way, I do know this officer and he is a fine officer and person. 10:47 - it doesn't really matter what he looks like. It has very little bearing on how he can perform his job.

  9. A gun nut is a moron who thinks the second amendment gives him the right to unfettered use of his firearm, regardless of Supreme court rulings to the contrary. If you think you can walk around with a bazooka, you are a gun nut. If not, you're not. We might disagree on several points, but that does not make you a nut. If you think like Mark kessler, the Gilberton Pa police chief, you are a gun nut. If you prance around with your gun in a holster for no good reason, at fundraisers that include the Lt Governor, you are a gun nut. If you refuse to go to Blue Grillhouse bc they don't want guns inside, you are a gun nut. Otherwise, you are not. I do not consider people who disagree with an "assault weapon" ban as gun nuts. In fact, you may very well be right. If you think I am wrong about an armed police officer at meetings or a gun ban at meetings, that does not make you a nut.

  10. ... and yes, when I call someone a gun nut, it is meant in a condescending way.

  11. Well, after reading those examples it seems I agree with you. Condescend away LOL!

  12. footprint is up and running the embarassing truth about rick orloski

  13. She's embarrassing and that's the truth.

  14. One only needs to look at our own Sheriff's Department to uphold your statement about most people do not know how to shoot guns accurately. Far too many fail their qualifications several times and need remedial training year after year to barely pass. A right to know request for these records would shock those working in the Courthouse. Some deputies are exceptionally in the use of their firearm and should be commended, but they are in the minority.

  15. I don't think proficiency a=on the range is something I would get with a RTK. It is an interesting observation.


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