Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Cusick: Police Presence at All Local Meetings Might Be Impossible

I have asked local and some state government officials for their reaction to the tragedy in Ross Township. Until I hear from everyone, you might want to know that CCAP, the state association of counties, is discussing this matter during their annual convention this week. Northampton County Council president John Cusick, from Erie, tells me that practical considerations might make it impossible to provide police coverage at every local meeting. "I do not think it would be possible for every local municipality in the Commonwealth to maintain a police presence at all public meetings, " he stated. Williams Township, where he served as a Supervisor, relies on state police. "While I do not think that changing our gun laws can always prevent a highly motivated crazed individual from doing great harm, I believe in and did support the proposed Toomey-Manchin legislation that would have improved background checks to prevent the mentally ill from purchasing and possessing firearms."



  2. Bernie, Bernie, Bernie, OOOOHHHH!!!

    Sorry OT.OT. Just read the Express on line. It was a story about the one Independent candidate running for Mayor of Bethlehem, pulling out of the race. The sane and real Independent, Due to health issues.

    However, in the same article it states than the reporter contacted Jim Gregory and he is still planning on running and will have a "major announcement" soon.

    Please, please, please tell me you will cover this "major announcement".

    This is like Christmas, I can't sleep now.

    Your most obedient servant.

  3. I wonder if he'll schedule this one outside the office of an attorney who knows nothing about it. Maybe it will be at the Sands.

  4. The Job Gregory campaign is a steamroller that will crush the opposition.

    Gregory is what Bedlam is all about.

  5. The Ross Township shooting was done from outside the building. A cop, posted inside a meeting would likely have been shot before realizing what was transpiring outside. This post makes no sense.

  6. Banning guns from public meetings is very dangerous for public officials, who, with very, very, very rare exception have been remarkably safe. Gun free zones are killing zones and public officials should not ducks for those who won't obey whatever law you decide to pass. I don't own a gun. But I read the paper and watch TV and see where almost all mass killings have taken place: in gun free zones, the most dangerous places in America.

  7. 12:36,
    Shouting (all caps) with a dozen exclamation points only makes you look like more of an idiot for being "taught" anything by the foul mouthed nut, Kessler.
    FYI: It appears that he may not have the support of the Mayor and Council that he boasted. At least one council member is soliciting signatures of support among residents to have him fired and there is talk that may happen at the end of his 30 day suspension.

  8. 6:37, I do not like guns at meetings. There is no reason for them and they are an intimidation tool. Instead of being nRAutty about this, let's exercise commoin sense and ban then=m, and pay to have a cop there. Maybe work something out and have a Deputy Sheriff instead of a cop so as to avoid the danger that some local official will misuse a police officer.

  9. "The Ross Township shooting was done from outside the building. A cop, posted inside a meeting would likely have been shot before realizing what was transpiring outside. This post makes no sense."

    The fellow started outside and worked his way in. The certain knowledge that a police officer was inside the building may very well have deterred this lunatic. But you might as well admit you'd rather see cRaZy people running around shooting people than have any restriction at all pout on your right to wear guns everywhere, even on the shitter. Grunt away.

  10. So Kessler says all Libtards cant fend for themselves always looking for handouts. So what does he do when he gets a one month suspension,He cries victim and seeks handouts from his political athletic supporters.What a dick.

  11. so sad that it comes to this. Since 9/11, we've worried almost exclusively about foreign terrorists. nowadays, we're discussing having armed guards in just about every public domain in order to prevent the domestic terrorists from attacking and killing.

  12. On separate occasions in Lynn Township we had threatening individuals each calling to appear at Township meetings, not all of them being constituents of the Township but each on record stating an intent to cause harm. The supervisors then would not authorize the presence of an armed constable. I paid for his presence personally.

    Though I am no longer a Supervisor, today Lynn Township held a moment of silence for the victims of Ross Township. More sad than ironic.

    Most folks do not know what it is to be an elected official. Many do not even care to vote. -nlv


  13. Constables are elected in almost every municipality in the state. That is their job to be there if requested. Simple solution to this really.

  14. Dave Houser Bangor Borough councilpersonAugust 9, 2013 at 9:37 AM

    Mr. Cusick is probably right but never say never. Bangor borough will have an armed,on duty police officer at our upcoming monthly council meeting and hopefully at every meeting thereafter with consent of all of council. Public safety is paramount and our number one concern.

  15. I like the constable idea. I imagine police would like that, too, so they do not have to baby sit.

  16. I will offer the constable option to council next Monday night in addition to possibly using our own police force for a few hours extra each month.


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