Scott Ott and Hayden Phillips |
Lehigh County Executive candidate Scott Ott would allow 85 year-old women to starve rather than borrow money for their meals from the Commies. His fans don't like it when I point this out, but that's pretty much
exactly what he said when he voted to refuse CDBG funding that would feed our seniors. I gave him an opportunity to explain himself, but he has yet to respond to my request.
Northampton County Council candidate Hayden Phillips was at Scott Ott's fundraiser over the weekend. Given his Agenda 21 views and outright opposition to regionalism, I am concerned that Phillips and Ott might very well be two peas in a pod.
One of the questions I've posed to Council candidates asks whether they would reject CDBG funding.
Get use to him he will be elected to county council.
He has a good shot, I agree.
Scott is a great American. One who can plainly see thru the bs hype of so called old people and the non existent poor.
It's their fault they are old and it's their fault if they are poor so we need not solve their problem for them.
Let them waste away and thus solve their own problems.
The more you rail, Bernie, the more I like him. You endorsed the ilk of John Edwards, Joe the Bethlehem Wife Strangler, and Himmler wannabe Ron Angle. Your reverse endorsements are quite instructive. Many thanks.
Everyone knows this blog is nothing more than a gossip monger's paradise. Bernie is paid to put up a false story and the classless slobs race to see who can post the most vile comment (anonymously of course).
As far as predictions go... ...even a broken clock is right twice a day!
If I am paid to put up false stories I won't collect a nickel for this. Everything I've written is true. Hayden Phillips appears to be a Scott Ott Republican. It is important that voters know that so that their choices are informed.
I would suggest that the murderer of the old will be found in our White House
What is he doing in Lehigh County? I thought he was running in Northampton County.
Agenda 21 conspiracy theorist whack jobs are extremely dangerous. The fact that so many tea partiers endorse these whacky conspiracies takes credit away from an otherwise useful movement.
Bernie, your blog is really on the edge of gratuitous dead horse beatdown and an endless drone of hit pieces. It loses its interest and value after a while.
We know you don't like Scott Ott and various other people. It only takes one blog post to understand it because you write well. We get it.
I'd offer that your readers are looking for some new content instead of yet another TM post, or yet another Gregory post.
6000 hits on a Gregory post tells me you're wrong.
It's all about the ratings, isn't it?
No it is not about The ratings. But you are the person who tried to claim there is no public interest and you happen to be wrong.
Hayden Phillips is a Republican breath of fresh air. he is upfront and honest about where he stands on things. You know what you are getting with him and he should be congratulated for that. The other tea partiers Benol, Gessinger and Vaughn are now "reformed" tea partiers. So don't worry they won't hold fast to all the things they have been assaying before they started to run for office.
Four years ago none of the current Republican council members stated they were going to join with the secret Stoffa/Angle plan to sell off Gracedale.
After they were elected and new to county office within a month they were all on board. They then lied and said they claimed it during their campaigns. I guess whispering something in an empty room should mean something.
This new crop are either rejecting the tea party principles or hiding what they really are. Which is it? Rhino or dishonest??
Hayden Phillips the only real Republican in the race. Send a message to the others.
9 - 12
Sorry but at least Hayden has his honesty as for the rest, we won't be fooled again.
Ott will never win in Lehigh County too many Republicans against him mark my word.
Hayden is the most honest Republican running!
"Ott will never win in Lehigh County too many Republicans against him mark my word."
He'll have the tea party, the churches and some establishment Rs. I can't think of a single Dem who would be willing to vote for him. But Lehigh is far more conservative than Northampton.
"I can't think of a single Dem who would be willing to vote for him"
You never been in Lynn Township!
That's true. Is there a Democrat in Lynn Township?
Hayden is still the only Republican I will vote for in Northampton County race.
"Is there a Democrat in Lynn Township?"
The union guy that showed up at the Allentown City Council meeting?
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